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About FunOnTheBun

  • Birthday 02/20/2002

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    Soloman Jr.
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  1. Caught in 4K is the one, the only, THE Soloman Raven Jr. default dancing his heart out at this amazingly written note. "Wowsers, Elysium bad? Who knew!"
  2. Soloman looks the summons up and down, raising an eyebrow. "The hell, must not be me because I ain't done half of this at least." He crumbled up the piece of paper and tossed it behind him.
  3. MC Name: FunOnTheBun RP Name: Soloman Raven Nation: Fenn
  4. I think there is a reason why the player base hates most of the upper epsilon of this server. 🤔
  5. I think for massive wars and the such, if PVP is to occur the PVP rules are already implemented to stop people from joining into the conflict mid battle. Some of the rules for birds do need to be changed, like I think there should be another emote added for the opposing party to react to and that all bird emotes related to conflict should be within earshot of the opponents. With these rules I do not see how there can be any abuse of the power. As stated by other people, there are a lot of problems to occur with getting rid of birds. Common RP will become sluggish and actual, unavoidable (in the punishment ooc sense), and unstoppable (in the RP sense) metagaming will occur during conflict. If you kill the bird, the opposing party has no excuse to know your location and provides an interesting RP mechanic.
  6. What is the logic in being able to take a boat from Norland to Yong Ping in under five minutes? What about soul stoning, what about dinky tiny bells ringing whole guard forces? This is about "I don't want my enemy to get aid" because the birds being able to travel to their destination with their time is the suspension of disbelief that comes with all roleplay. If you don't want a goon squad to show up, kill the bird. Birds have brittle bones, slap it and it can't fly.
  7. The reason is so that someone can't call reinforcements. Getting rid of birds is removing a valuable asset that allows for people to communicate long distant without having to deal with some cruddy plugin. The best solution is to edit how people can use birds to allow for better counteraction or destruction of them. I feel like most people who hate the use of birds in CRP just dislike CRP and conflict in general. You need to learn how to counteract RP actions IRP, not through banning the RP actions from the server.
  8. It takes three emotes already to write a letter and send it off, if you see some guy writing a letter you should punch that bird in the head. I still do not see the issue, birds are a physical animal that exists in the roleplay. They can be killed or stopped. If you don't want a bunch of people rolling up, kill the damn bird. For PvP, I think that by the time PvP is starting it is already too late. There are rules against letting new people join in a pvp fight if it is beginning. If someone is sending a bird before a fight, then kill the bird right then and there. This isn't rocket science.
  9. The suspension of disbelief is and will always be a part of any RP. Why does it take literal IRP days for someone to finish one conversation? This shouldn't be a an argument against birds in the first place. I think people should start investing in ranged weapons that are easy to deploy to kill birds RPly, and each bird set up emote should allow for a reactionary emote along with one extra for the bird to actually fly away. I feel as if in most one on one conflicts that bird use is not a problem. In group fights you should be able to send a guy back to attack the bird if the other team had sent one of theirs.
  10. If you are so worried about someone meta rallying by sending one message to one person, then use the ample time of three emotes to kill the bird. A good solution is to allow for a bird killing emote to blast that sucker out of the air if you have a ranged weapon. By this logic, ban bells, they meta rally far more people than a single message.
  11. FunOnTheBun


    Soloman Raven was just a normal rich lad living it up in the Kingdom of Haense. After growing up to his later teens, he flipped off his parents and ran away from home to find fortune and fame as an adventurer. As it turns out, knowing some fancy fencing skills doesn't make you a master of survival. After a year, he finally found a hot little quest in a town. Some chica got lost in the woods and someone needed to go find her. Thinking that this was a perfect opportunity to get a chunk of gold while also getting laid, Soloman ventured out into the woods to save this maiden. Well, the lady was already pre-dead by some douchebag bandits which captured Soloman and burnt his little rich city boy ass ablaze for the heck of it. Soloman however was the douchiest of all the bandits, and used his self confidence to hang onto life after the flames died down. He crawled his burnt ass back to town and was mocked and stoned. Begging and wandering around, Soloman ended up in Sutica in his mid thirties. Here, after wrastling a dead rat from some crows, his long term rivalry with the black bird began. In retaliation those damned crows poked out his eyes, causing him to go blind. Being a blind person for another decade or so, Soloman can hear better than normal people, because this is how human biology works, which gives him a somewhat awareness of like wall and stuff in front of him. Now he is a wandering drunk ******* who begs for a living.
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