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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: When someone uses information outside of their character’s knowledge to help their character. This is knowing about something that you know, but that your character should not be able to know in the roleplay. You have to act as if you don’t know to be fai
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Acting as if you are magical or have some other sort of control over other people. One example is doing something like “And then I killed him” because now the poor boy doesn’t have a choice whether to live or die.
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: The_Mule
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 25
Physical Description: Tall. Very tall and wide. Somewhat dark hair and a bit of a red burn from the heat. Large black scars on one side of his face that he was born with.
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Upon review, your application has been placed onto pending. You have up to 24 hours to make the necessary changes to this application before being denied. If you have any questions or help going forward, don’t be afraid to contact myself or another member of the Application Team. Below, you will find the necessary changes that must be made to this application in order to be accepted:

  • Your definition of metagaming is incorrect. Take another look at the rules and redefine it please.
  • Your backstory requires at least one reference to currently accepted lore on the server. On top of this, your character cannot lift 800-1,000 pounds from the get go. I understand it is physically possible for even normal humans, but we have races/magical creatures on this server that see this as a unique feature for them.

I recommend taking a look at the LotC New Player Discord as well. You can find a fair number of hardworking members of this community who can likely aid you in your application, if you don’t want to contact a member of the Application Team.


LotC New Player Discord


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Welcome to Lord of the Craft! On behalf of the Application Team and the server as a whole, let me be the first to welcome you! If you need anything in the future, don’t be afraid to contact a member of the Application Team! Have a wonderful day and happy roleplaying!

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