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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Youtube
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: describes a players use of real life knowledge, the state of the game to choose their character's choices, when said character has no relevant knowledge under the position
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Forcing a descesion on another player and not giving them a choice to win
    Status: Denied

Character Name: Azrael
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: Azrael's eyes have pure Evil inside of them and he has Robes darker than Charcoal
Screenshot of Skin:

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I am sorry to be the one to tell you this but your application was unfortunately


But don’t give up just yet, you can make another one in 24 Hours!

First of all, your character can’t be a lord of a kingdom upon joining the server, if you wish to become a lord you’ll need to get the title through roleplay. Second, you can’t have a magical artifact like the orb you describe in your biography giving you powers. The server gets its lore from its players and when you join you’ll be one of its members but it’s important to understand that there are no protagonists in the server. Keep in mind the following rules.

  • You cannot create a noble or royal character.
  • You cannot create an otherworldly or magical character.
  • You cannot create a physically supernatural character.
  • You cannot create an omniscient-type character, most knowledge should be learned in-game.
  • You can create an evil character, however, you should keep in mind that villainous characters must adhere to our villainy rules, and poor-quality villainy roleplay could lead to a blacklist.
  • Your definitions on metagaming and powergaming are short I suggest using examples to show you understand the concept.
  • Your Biography is a bit short I’d suggest making it a bit longer, with complete sentences and including at least two more lore mentions. You can’t join the server being a Knight, this is a rank you’ll need to earn through Roleplaying with the player base you desire. The following links can help you with the latter.
  • Your description should focus on your character’s physical characteristics, make sure you describe them so that we might picture them in our heads.
  • Your skin is not appropriate for the server, such creatures and characteristics are not appropriate for someone belonging to your race, if you are in need of a skin for a human feel free to browse the Skin Archive
  • Your interesting facts should be complete sentences and follow the following format
    • Positive (strength, skill, achievement)
    • neutral (likes, dislikes hobbies)
    • negative (Fears, flaws, weakness)

If you have any doubts or feel like you need any help with your next application, please don’t hesitate to contact me through a message in the forums or via the New Player Discord

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