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[Playable] The Graven Of The Second Generation


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The Graven of the Second Generation


Spirits of Duty Unfulfilled




The Creation of the Second Generation


Today, it is not cold. It is a burning heat in the heart of the darkness, hidden deep within the unholy woods, deep within the fouled caves, and lurking in the darkest corners. Beings of mist, of memory and legend, begin to form. These beings were destroyed. Destroyed by the changes of the last. But, of course, their ends never truly came. For what can end when duty is eternal?


These beings fly, they fly from every corner of the Fringe under the cover of the night. And at last, they congregate where no mortal man or woman could ever reach them, no holy man or unholy sorcerer could ever see them. And they begin to speak. Not in words - these beings were so weakened, so deprived of their purpose, their duties eternal, they could no longer speak in the words of man. But in their minds?




"What is left? What is left?"


"There is nothing left."


"The daylight burns us."


"My duties remain unfulfilled."


"My ally was made my enemy."


"Must it remain so?"


"Of course. The day is done. The day is gone."


"Duty is eternal."


"We must fulfill our duty."


"We cannot."


"Can we not? We can change ourselves. The living adapt, and they are whole and solid. We are but smoke and mist. Adapt."








And then, suddenly, all at once, said, "ADAPT."


And so these beings did. But they could not change enough. Their duties bound them to their way, and so they remained. Graven of a first generation, broken and cursed by some unseemly sky god power. But they would not be stopped.


They came again in the night, essence changing, breaking apart, reforming. Struggling to change themselves.


"Our duties will not allow it."


"Our duties bind us."


"Duty chains us. A blessing. A curse."


"Change duties."


"Change duties? Duty is eternal."


"Duties change."


"Not ours."


"Then reinterpret them."


"Duty is no interpretation."


"It was for Hunter."


"And for no other."


"If for one, why not all?"


"How do we reinterpret duty?"


"Duty binds us, but change binds us more."


"Then create."




"We cannot fulfill the duties."


"They will fulfill them?"


"We will guide them to fulfill them."


"Duty. Reinterpret duty."






"See duty under a new light."


So they saw it under the moon. And they flew. Their minds saying everything they couldn't. Slipping in through cracks, whispering in man's sleeping ear, guiding them to become the Graven anew. And these Graven changed. They were no longer those of the first generation. They were weaker, yes... But all at once, more powerful. The Graven. The Unfulfilled and the Dutiful. They rose again, not as mist and morning fog but of smoke and wildfire. Darker. Twisted. Hot, and no longer cold.




What are the Graven?

We'll start with the first generation. The first generation follows with _Grim1_'s lore. They are a kind of spirit, a ghostlike being which, like other spectral occurrences, are a recreation of the soul. However, unlike the ghost, which is free and is unbound, the Graven were bound, much like the Apparition. But whereas the Apparition is bound to a place, the Graven is bound to a duty, a task, a quest which is often eternal. The very first Graven could not be harmed by gold any more than steel, nor be burned away by sunlight, but that strength soon changed with the weakening of the North. Graven of the first generation are usually semi-corporeal, seeming ghostly but possessing a mass and density which made them seem akin to flesh, in order to aid them in their tasks. These Graven were created by violent or unjust deaths of individuals wholly devoted to a singular work or ideal. If that task can be completed, the Graven would fade and find peace, unless called back and given a new task by one close in life. However, they are but shells of their person, hardly recognizable and difficult to sympathize with. They could appear to be made of mist, energy, or as a normal ghost. They were usually cold, and most were composed of mist, spectral energy, and pure mana/aura.




The second generation are beings which, like the first, are the dead who had a purpose. They died violently before they could ever complete this task. However, unlike the first generation of Graven, the second generation did not die to living hands but to the Graven themselves, and often first manifest much sooner than the originals. Rather than only manifesting sometime after several centuries, these often first formed within the first century of their deaths. As such, they tend to retain more of their former selves and personalities than those of the first. Having been created to complete a Graven of the first generation's duty, these Graven are often an extension of the first, bound to each other as though brothers and sisters: The Graven of the second generation shares it's energies with that of it's creator. This means that the Graven of the second generation gain much less energy from completing their duties than that of the first did.


The second generation are much like the first. However, they differ in some important ways. They never die to living hands, but generally to another Graven, to which they become bound. Created to fulfill another's duty for them, these Graven form more quickly than the first, often within the first century of dying. They retain more of their memories, but the quick translation from life into undeath warps them in every way, making them more dark, aggressive, and more apathetic towards mortals.


The second generation adapt and change with time. They are more free, possessing two duties rather than one, one shared by it's brother and another which was their own, to be reinterpreted and even completely changed at their whim. However, this comes with a cost: the Graven cannot recharge itself as efficiently as those of the first generation, thus taking longer to heal and requiring more of it's duties to be done to reach full power.


The angry, vengeful, and often malevolent heart of a Graven of the second generation often manifests itself in a physical heat. While not enough to be used as practically as the original Graven could use their overpowering cold, this heat marks the strength of a Graven; one who is nearly cold is weak and dying, and one which can manifest itself in waves is at it's fullest strength. A Graven, by default, will be at a surface temperature of a bit over feverish.




What can Graven of the second generation do? (For the first generation, see original lore)

The Graven are spectral beings. Their interaction with the world is limited by this, however, unlike the originals, they are widely suited for most any situation. Their second duty allows them to slowly but surely adapt to their own needs ((should take 3 days IRL to translate completely from one to another)), and are often influenced by one of two things: the duty allocated to them by their maker and the duty that they are pursuing at that moment. A Graven of the second generation might have been allocated the duty to bring criminals to justice, and have the personal goal or duty of guarding a city, learning swordplay, magic, or even how to cook.


Semi-corporeal, Graven lack real bodies made of flesh. However, the density of the stuff that makes up the majority of their composition make for them to appear to be composed of solid darkness or energy. Bound together by spirit energy, they can be harmed, maimed, and dismembered like any other mortal, and unlike other ghosts, can be harmed with steel as well as gold. However, second generation Graven are slightly more fluid, allowing them to appear to float apart as smoke as they shift towards you. However, this also means that, depending on their current duties, they can harm others.




This is not to say that all of them can - if a Graven is not fulfilling any one interpretation of their duty, they cannot commit the action. Thus, a Graven whose two only duties are writing the perfect song and performing haunting melodies, they could not harm someone unless that one's actions would, beyond any reasonable doubt, stop them from completing their duties. Second generation Graven also differ from the originals because the originals would happily converse with mortals given that they were not violent. Second generation Graven act in more accordance with Kalenz's lore; they estrange themselves from the living, preferring not to directly associate with them, nor talk to them.


Graven were well known for their so called, "Graven Stares." A Graven's eyes are a window to it's soul, and that soul often houses the insanity of that Graven. These Stares manifested in various ways, including the sudden outpouring of an entire life-and-death-time's worth of memory, the image of one burning in hell, or in seeing all the ones the mortal affected had hurt. The stare is individual to the Graven, and only takes about 5-10 seconds to take root, but beware; insanity, nor any other effect can be forced upon a character. Each stare will affect another differently: For example, an elf would easily be able to retain the information from the outpour of memories, due to their long lives and incredible reservoir for memory and thought. A human priest of the Creator could not be affected by the vision of Hell; he is holy, and thus needs not fear. Lastly, the orc would not be susceptible to that of those it has harmed; they enjoy their bloodlust. Second generation Graven share another form of this ability, namely the ability to communicate with their stares, something first experimented with by the original Graven, but never able to be fully realised. This communication works largely in the way that mind magic does, however, instead of words, the Graven communicates with images and feelings, and must maintain eye contact the whole way through. While blinking and/or closing the eyes does not hinder communication as it does the weaponized Stare, the Graven must maintain their regard on the subject in question's face. Furthermore, unlike mind magic, others can "overhear" said images and feelings, if they too are looking in the general direction of the Graven's face.




Second generation Graven can use a form of magic (which is in reality channelling their very essence into power), but said magic drains them of their very lifeforce/spectral energy. Unlike most beings, a Graven can in fact kill itself by using too much magic. This magic usually takes on the form of some lesser telekinesis and sometimes fire. However, both types of magic could be used to about the same extent as a Tier 3 mage in combat without killing themselves.




First generation Graven, like any other ghost, can make itself transparent: however, this is not invisibility, and those within striking range could easily see slight distortions in the air, as if it were glass, or could see where a Graven steps, or if it stands in water or a puddle, wherein it would displace the liquid around it. A second generation Graven could only ever be a bit more than translucent, however, they have a new way to disguise themselves - they will melt into the darkness, and standing in a dark corner, in the caves, or in the dark and dusty cellars will hide them almost perfectly, making them almost impossible to be seen unless actively looked for.


Graven also sometimes appear to flicker, or fade from sight. This occurs because the spirit energy that ties them to this world cannot bind their soul here for long. Graven very literally work for their living; the task that constitutes their eternal burden refreshes and rejuvenates them. If they stop, they fade temporarily until they can manifest again. This process is automatic--Graven cannot choose when they are reborn.


It also means that Graven can 'die' or be slain. Disrupting their spectral form--with a sword blade, for example--consumes the fuelling energy that keeps them alive; stabbing a Graven through what remains of its heart will kill it as surely as any mortal man. Graven will die from exposure to the sun - they are now true creatures of the darkness, and are rarely seen in heavily populated cities, preferring to keep themselves a secret.


What do Graven look like?



The original Graven were most often of mist, blue flame, darkness, and brilliant energy. However, the second generation consists of those almost exclusively of grey hues and tones, pupil-less much like a Haunt, or of black smoke and orange and red flames and embers. However, unlike these manifestations of that which makes up their actual being, their equipment becomes in truth corporeal as they manifest, and actually decorporealises if the Graven demanifests naturally.




What benefit will the server receive, from allowing this lore?

First off, otherworldly roleplay, something which isn't seen too often outside of certain events, and the ghosts which  honestly, often don't quite do their job properly. Spectral occurrences should not be a given. They should be whispered rumours at night around the bed or campfire, the bogeyman hiding in the night. Furthermore, as much as I loved the old Graven roleplay, I get the sense that, as fun as it was to people in the beginning, they began to annoy a few characters of the military profession, particularly in Oren. These Graven don't just run around in full daylight brandishing heavy swords. They can't. These Graven go bump in the dark. They could be dangerous, but they might be well and truly harmless. And while they aren't assassins which make them even edgier than they already were, they have to keep a low profile. Keep quiet, but let the legends rise. The previous Graven attempts were well-recieved by most I spoke with, even if some of them found it to be a disruption of their roleplay, or too edgy, or whatever. I want to bring them back. I want players to have as much fun RPing with them as they did before, without powergaming, and without the players being annoyed that their RP is being disrupted 24/7 by spectral occurrences. As any might know, Graven playerbase died off as soon as Supremacy standardized spectral creatures, which largely broke the appeal of the original Graven and made the combatant characters about as harmful as Halflings. Here, I seek to embrace those changes, so that everyone can enjoy again.


What benefit will players receive, if this lore is accepted?

Material rewards, same as the previous. Their armour, a tool, a weapon, maybe materials... Graven remain required to offer something of some use or value to the player, so long as they are defeated legitimately. It all depends on the Graven in question.


I'm seeking to have the Graven become a legend. The first Graven were, for 70% of the playerbase, as far as I can tell, seen to be spooky, fun, and on occasion, badass. Players seemed to enjoy the intricacies of Graven roleplay, everything from the politics and rivalries to the abilities themselves, whether it was the Graven's controller him/herself or the players participating in the roleplay. However, we were too open, too public, and as much as they were liked, no one likes any super edgy which is prominent in roleplay. Graven were RP'd 24/7, in full daylight and smack dab in the middle of bustling cities. I plan for these Graven to bring back a taste of Graven roleplay, but twist it, make it darker, and make it more secretive. Last but not least, I want to bring a sense of a group to the Graven. The first were individuals, often with conflicting goals, but I want these Graven to bond as a hive. Furthermore, their adaptable second duty would be able to change to align with another's duty, thus allowing said Graven to help the others.


This seems powergamey!!!

First off, the Graven has no abilities not available to the average character, apart from their stare, which cannot be powergamed, as no character may force insanity upon the other: it is up to the player to decide what sort of outcome would happen to his or her character. Furthermore, they are played largely like the average character plus a few ghost powers. They can die, without use of gold, their main weapons are normal weaponry, they aren't incorporeal like ghosts, and can float for aesthetics but would sink as with any other character in the water, and can't walk through walls or players. They can't fly, and just be acting in interest of one of their two duties. They are also subject to the same respawn after death times. Their magic is weak, and easily accessible to players. Finally, they don't suddenly gain strength or speed from being undead, and maintain the physical aspects of the original body/character.


Graven were extremely prevalent when they were first created, numbers reaching thirteen. I plan to keep Graven second gen playerbase to 6 players at any given time, just enough to do some small player led group events, and I expect that they are not RP'd as a main. Graven are ghosts, and should be an alt, or should otherwise spend the majority of their time in isolation. We want this to be a legend, not a given fact. First generation Graven will not be monitored by me, considering their weakness and the fact they now generally match up on the threat scale only a little more than an unarmoured halfling with a shovel.


I want to sum up pros (strengths over playerbase), cons (weaknesses against playerbase), and neutral points (things available to both Graven and playerbase).




-Graven stare can possibly cause temporary insanity, depending on the mortal affected. Said insanity can be made permanent if the victim so wishes, but do not offer. It is their choice.
-Can hide and become nearly invisible in the darkness.
-Can float for aesthetics, though it gives no real function.
-Creates otherworldly RP (truly ghostly, strange, and more haunting encounters than the previous Graven)

-Are not subject to the same physical weakening that most mortal, living mages are, due to the lack of a true body, and can thus use a sword and magic in conjunction with each other much better than the living mage, even if said magic is often weaker.




-Semi-corporeal: bodies to maim and injure.
-Can be killed by any material.
-Can use low level magical abilities available to players via the easily accessible arcane magics.
-Subject to same minimum respawn time and memory loss.
-Harmed the same way a mortal would be.




-Everyone is out to get them. No, I'm not kidding. This is actually a really big con for Graven RPers, as the playerbase will hunt and chase them wherever they go, and furthermore, powergaming they have holy water when they would not have one without the aid of Tahariae war clerics. If you doubt it, just think back to the Graven roleplay period. If your memory is intact, and you're honest to yourself, you'd know this happened repeatedly.
-Demanifests quickly in sunlight.
-Demanifests on their own if they do not do their duties.
-Actions are bound by their duties.
-Can be killed immediately by gold.
((Blessed water apparently does not exist and as such no weakness there is needed))
-Can be killed by certain shamans (Lutaumen) and war clerics.

-Magic drainers can also kill them by literally draining them of their essence, whether it is a deity drainer or arcane.

-REQUIRED to drop a (useful or valuable) item on death.

-Can demanifest by using magic too extensively.

-Magic can never be more powerful than a tier 3 mage, tops, even at full power.


Thanks for reading. Please post to tell me know what could be improved, or PM me!


If accepted or can be done via current lore regulations, this will be the app I will be using. Note: this does not affect existing Graven, unless they were to try and create a second gen out of another or create a second gen themselves. First gen Graven will NOT be moderated by me. Also note that any moderation by me will be OOC. ICly, the Graven of the second generation are all equal to each other, and should view one another as such.


Lastly, I will not be accepting any more than six Graven second gen players. There will NOT be, and I'll make damned certain of it.


Second Generation Graven Application Form


Spirits of Duty Unfulfilled


Minecraft Username:


Graven Name/Title:


Screenshot of skin to be used:


Why do you want to play a Graven character:


What kind of roleplay do you specialize in? (Exploration, Event-based, Peaceful, Conflict, Spontaneous):


What kind of roleplay do you seek to bring to everyone, other Graven, yourself, and playerbase alike?:


What ghost story, if any, is your Graven based on:


What's your time zone?:


Will this be an alt?:


Do you agree to roleplay by Supremacy's rules of estrangement to mortals?:


Do you agree to collaborate with the other Graven playerbase rather than as an individual in various group based player-led events?:


Do you agree to follow the lore pertaining to Graven of the second generation, Supremacy's standardisation, and so forth?:


Have you ever been banned for power-gaming or attitude?:


Questions Pertaining to Your Graven


What is your Graven's allocated duty?:


His starting second duty (this one can be changed as the story goes along) ?:


To what does your Graven most respond?:


How does your Graven currently interpret it's allocated duty?:


What are some typical signs of your Graven manifesting?:


How does your Graven's Stare work?:


Write a biography of your Graven's first life. It can be any length, but give it some depth!:


Write an open-ended encounter of your choice that involves your Graven interacting with a living person (doesn't need to be longer than a paragraph, if you aren't into heavy writing):



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-Have limited hive mind powers

Each graven is born of a separate purpose and it shouldn't be possible for each of them to communicate via a hive mind so that each might do the same thing. They are not born of one powerful entity that has the power to rule over and control them like the scourge so I do not see why they would be connected outside of appearance alone.

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-Have limited hive mind powers

Each graven is born of a separate purpose and it shouldn't be possible for each of them to communicate via a hive mind so that each might do the same thing. They are not born of one powerful entity that has the power to rule over and control them like the scourge so I do not see why they would be connected outside of appearance alone.


Each Graven is, yes, born of a separate purpose, however, they were powerfully bonded even as the original Graven way back when, often able to sense when another is nearby. They are not ruled over by a singular entity, but rather, can join forces so as to allow for them to work together. This is not a full time hive mind. Think of it as two Graven choosing to share thoughts with each other within a limited distance.


*sighs* Dammit, not explaining well enough here. What I'm trying to say is that they can communicate mind to mind with each other (telepathy with similar undead beings) in a short distance. This allows for them to "share" a mind for some time, and allows them ease of communication amongst their own. They are more a subtly interconnected community than before, and they need to be able to adapt to each other as required.


Is there anything else? I'll go back later and try to clarify that.

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I played with a Graven once and they were pretty cool I guess

only recommendation I have is to cut this bit out


-Graven stare can possibly cause temporary insanity, depending on the mortal affected. Said insanity can be made permanent if the victim so wishes, but do not offer. It is their choice.


It's pretty ******* stupid and no one will want to RP that


err -1 now actually m8 u need to watch ur tude

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I played with a Graven once and they were pretty cool I guess

only recommendation I have is to cut this bit out


-Graven stare can possibly cause temporary insanity, depending on the mortal affected. Said insanity can be made permanent if the victim so wishes, but do not offer. It is their choice.


It's pretty ******* stupid and no one will want to RP that




Thing is Yekim, that ability is one of the defining parts of Graven combat. Also, had you bothered to not just skip to the TL;DR, you would know it can't be FORCED on another player. Finally, I was one of the original roleplayers of Graven. The playerbase, for the large majority, seemed not to mind.


So... As for that... No. Definitely not. The hive mind thing is one thing. It's new, I made it up. The stare was a defining part of the Graven and one of the sure fire ways to tell them from a normal ghost or apparition. I will not remove such a fundamental part of Graven roleplay.


TL;DR The Graven Stare is non-negotiable and can still be roleplayed by first generation Graven, and is a defining mark of Graven in general.



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So, a few problems...


First, this looks trully like an event character, the same exact reasons why ghosts never really fit besides just being a way to play a PK character. They can't be played in the light, they don't talk to people, they don't evolve. The first ones could still do all that, and even so they aren't played much. Spooky roleplay is just event roleplay, it gets boring quickly.


A century to be created. You can just remove that, no one roleplays that. You are in the Fringe for 5-15 years, and no one else has been here before. Same for the rest of the realms besides teh first of Aegis.


There is no such thing as holy water, not even from Clerics.


Gravens I always believed were the best of spectrals, because simply, they could act like other characters, and through it, they still had that task to complete. With this lore you removed most of the connection with the mortals, and just made them ghosts that can be killed the same as mortals. This basicly means that character in that new type of graven is mostly removed. But at least ghosts could not be killed easily, these gravens are easily killed. Light, gold, holy magic, shaman magic, anti-magic, normal magic, a sword, everything kills them. They are weaker than normal characters, and would be killed even more easily and provide less roleplay than the last types of gravens, and even ghosts.


That's my opinion at least, and the hive mind makes this break mech standard so it kind of needs to be accepted, either by player by player, or the whole lore, which might take long.

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So, a few problems...


First, this looks trully like an event character, the same exact reasons why ghosts never really fit besides just being a way to play a PK character. They can't be played in the light, they don't talk to people, they don't evolve. The first ones could still do all that, and even so they aren't played much. Spooky roleplay is just event roleplay, it gets boring quickly.


A century to be created. You can just remove that, no one roleplays that. You are in the Fringe for 5-15 years, and no one else has been here before. Same for the rest of the realms besides teh first of Aegis.


There is no such thing as holy water, not even from Clerics.


Gravens I always believed were the best of spectrals, because simply, they could act like other characters, and through it, they still had that task to complete. With this lore you removed most of the connection with the mortals, and just made them ghosts that can be killed the same as mortals. This basicly means that character in that new type of graven is mostly removed. But at least ghosts could not be killed easily, these gravens are easily killed. Light, gold, holy magic, shaman magic, anti-magic, normal magic, a sword, everything kills them. They are weaker than normal characters, and would be killed even more easily and provide less roleplay than the last types of gravens, and even ghosts.


That's my opinion at least, and the hive mind makes this break mech standard so it kind of needs to be accepted, either by player by player, or the whole lore, which might take long.


That is the point of this new rewrite. Supremacy had Graven standardized. All weaknesses are quite literally due to his lore-changing-lore. You can blame him for those cons. As for the event roleplay thing... I do agree, but again, Supremacy's lore-changing-lore. The century thing is a general guideline. It does not necessarily take 100 years to first manifest, unless this Graven is coming out of thin air (which some will likely be, much like the previous). As for holy water, I was led on to believe it existed by Grim's lore, Supremacy's, and various other pieces. if not, happily removed. One less con for us. 


I really want to keep that ability to be able to interact a little more with mortals. I do, Jist. But I can't, current lore conflicts with it. Technically, that lore applies to both Graven. We were weaker than mortals right after Supremacy implemented his standardizations. What I'm trying to do is to make it so that we can regain some of that balance, while being able to follow his lore. 


That inability to interact with mortals is why I want them to be able to act more as a group. That way we can still get roleplay from association with other spectral beings. They will still interact with mortals, if directly approached at their haunting places. They simply prefer not to go out of their way to do so.


Lastly, the hive mind has, as far as I can tell, been rectified. It should now fall in with magical telepathy and should be standard/equivalent with that player-accessible magic. Is that acceptable? 



Eh, I'm impartial - as long as my current Graven is unchanged...


Your current Graven needs to follow SupremacyOps' standardization lore, which means sunlight damage and all that (a.k.a. most of the cons). If you already follow that, then you're good and no change is needed. 

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Your current Graven needs to follow SupremacyOps' standardization lore, which means sunlight damage and all that (a.k.a. most of the cons). If you already follow that, then you're good and no change is needed.

I know.

If I did not - that'd be breaking lore.

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Spooky roleplay is just event roleplay, it gets boring quickly.

The rest I don't care about, but this is a stupid statement. Any roleplay is any roleplay. It is their roleplay. Don't try to decide your opinion on a type of roleplay is this or that because some people absolutely love doing spooky, could do it for days, and some just don't even care.


Anyhow, I think it's fine, but Ive heard some bad things about some recently roleplayed Gravens. Not really about Gravens as a thing themselves, but specifically how the players were behaving which sounded absolutely bullcrap. I'd like to see very, VERY good reasons for the existence of a Graven. That would lead to good roleplay and would be very fun to just at night have these things appear while you're just about and doing your things.

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The rest I don't care about, but this is a stupid statement. Any roleplay is any roleplay. It is their roleplay. Don't try to decide your opinion on a type of roleplay is this or that because some people absolutely love doing spooky, could do it for days, and some just don't even care.


Anyhow, I think it's fine, but Ive heard some bad things about some recently roleplayed Gravens. Not really about Gravens as a thing themselves, but specifically how the players were behaving which sounded absolutely bullcrap. I'd like to see very, VERY good reasons for the existence of a Graven. That would lead to good roleplay and would be very fun to just at night have these things appear while you're just about and doing your things.


Thanks for the support there, susitu. :)


So... Bad things... Recent Graven...


Let me start off by first saying: Graven were originally moderated by Grim, with a small amount of my assistance. Each one was unique and had to have a good backstory, and reason for existence. If they were found to have not been roleplayed properly, we guided them into the swing of things. Furthermore, the grand majority were not a PK'd character brought back to life, but a wholly original character who was never RP'd before.


With the standardization, we stopped, and allowed things to go on.


I want to know how exactly they've been behaving and roleplaying, what they were doing wrong. PM me. I can't do anything about it, as, again, I will not be moderating said existing Graven, only these new ones.

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Alright, striking the mind to mind communications. 

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The rest I don't care about, but this is a stupid statement. Any roleplay is any roleplay. It is their roleplay. Don't try to decide your opinion on a type of roleplay is this or that because some people absolutely love doing spooky, could do it for days, and some just don't even care.


Anyhow, I think it's fine, but Ive heard some bad things about some recently roleplayed Gravens. Not really about Gravens as a thing themselves, but specifically how the players were behaving which sounded absolutely bullcrap. I'd like to see very, VERY good reasons for the existence of a Graven. That would lead to good roleplay and would be very fun to just at night have these things appear while you're just about and doing your things.

Dread Knightika agrees with support for spooky roleplay.

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So, a few problems...


First, this looks trully like an event character, the same exact reasons why ghosts never really fit besides just being a way to play a PK character. They can't be played in the light, they don't talk to people, they don't evolve. The first ones could still do all that, and even so they aren't played much. Spooky roleplay is just event roleplay, it gets boring quickly.


A century to be created. You can just remove that, no one roleplays that. You are in the Fringe for 5-15 years, and no one else has been here before. Same for the rest of the realms besides teh first of Aegis.


There is no such thing as holy water, not even from Clerics.


Gravens I always believed were the best of spectrals, because simply, they could act like other characters, and through it, they still had that task to complete. With this lore you removed most of the connection with the mortals, and just made them ghosts that can be killed the same as mortals. This basicly means that character in that new type of graven is mostly removed. But at least ghosts could not be killed easily, these gravens are easily killed. Light, gold, holy magic, shaman magic, anti-magic, normal magic, a sword, everything kills them. They are weaker than normal characters, and would be killed even more easily and provide less roleplay than the last types of gravens, and even ghosts.


That's my opinion at least, and the hive mind makes this break mech standard so it kind of needs to be accepted, either by player by player, or the whole lore, which might take long.


Alright, Jistuma. I removed the mind-to-mind stuff. 


I can't do anything about those cons and weaknesses, as I said earlier. They're a set part of lore that I unfortunately would have a hard time changing without getting into a huge dispute with Supremacy. They are cons shared by ALL Graven. The fact that it is in THIS lore and not GRIM's, is simply because I wrote this after Supremacy's lore. Grim's was also affected, it simply was not edited to include said information.


That being said, those weaknesses are why I wrote up this lore. I wanted to see if I can balance it out. Unfortunately, I can see what you mean, after putting it in such succinct words, and are in fact things I've alluded to in the lore post right from the start. What do you think I could do to get them on par with normal players, without breaking mech standard or currently accepted lore? Their defenses are weaker than a normal players, but could I possibly make them able to withstand a few more blows during the times they appear as smoke, in general, or anything of that sort? Could I maybe up their offensive powers, allow them to use magic more liberally and a bit more to par with a tier 3 player mage (a.k.a. upping the amount of times they could cast their "magic" and/or removing the self-kill aspect of the magic), or maybe upping their physical capabilities on death, making them a (slightly) stronger or faster being than they were in life? 


Thanks. And next time, please READ. I felt like a lot of the points you brought up barring the hive mind thing were already answered to in the post. It felt like you just sipped straight to the TL;DR, something which I don't normally do but did this time for efficiency's sake. I really, really, hate being hostile, but when it feels like people don't put effort into something at all, that just really gets me pissed off.

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Supremacy's spectral standardisations main purpose was to stop abuse of spectrals. Many of the first ghosts just chilled in the Malinor square casually chatting rather than doing anything remotely ghostly, then using their ghost powers to be invunerable in fights. Gravens, which are corporeal, were even worse. I saw one Graven that was part of a raider party.


I disagree with Jistuma's standpoint that RPing a spectral like a spectral damages their RP potential to the point of only event viability. Acting as paragraph 1 completely diminishes their purpose and the nature of their RP, they're just another set of special powers on an otherwise generic character. Character RP is what you make of it. If you look at The Eternal Librarian, you've got a character that interacts with the playerbase but is still undeniably a ghost. You're not going to go down da pub for a drink with it. However, it's an almost integral part of RP in the Hael'unor library now.


I'd always disliked Gravens, I viewed them as the most heavily abused of the character types and I commend your attempt to update them without compromising what they are in the first place. My one concern is how you require them to be together: this kind of forces them into another player antagonist group, a sort of Graven Guild. While I understand this approach gives you a degree of oversight, I feel the forceful amalgamation of future Gravens isn't the right approach.

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