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The Athera Herald


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*Posters can be found in the Cloud Temple and all major cities.*


The Athera Herald


The goal of the Athera Herald is to be the best source of news in the land of Athera. But it can not reach that goal without your help!


We are looking for writers reporters and artists to all contribute to the creation of the paper. Investigate the job descriptions to see if you are interested in any of the jobs!




You will be our on the field investigators finding information on the best stories in the land. From conducting interviews to analyzing scenes of major events, you will have your hands full with an exciting job!

OOC info: Following all the server rules (but maybe not nation rules ;) ) you will find out what you can. Please do your best to avoid pestering people ooc, but feel free to be assertive IG.




Writers are responsible for using information gathered from the reporters and turn it into an exciting read. You will write one or two stories for every issue and get your works read by many from all over Athera!

OOC info: Writers need to do a bit of OOC work, but not as much as it sounds. Just a short one paragraph story on most of the subjects. Do your best to RP it too, maybe stop by the HQ or just walk around with a piece of paper emoting.




You will use the descriptions from the reporters and create beautiful imagery of scenes to give the reader a good visual.

OOC info: You don't need to actually be good at drawing, just in RP. You will go to the locations told by the reporter and take a bunch of screenshots of the area. You might also help me in organizing the final draft of the paper.


Additional Information


The HQ of The Athera Herald can be found in Illicia. Housing can be found here, but if need be you can stay at the HQ for a time at a deduction to pay. All payments will be determined on a later date, but you will receive money for your work.


Attached is one of the papers from the old paper, as an example of what we will make.

(( http://imgur.com/a/84VxT#0 ))

((Sorry for the one incomplete page, couldn't find the finished one.))


Wooooo! We're back folks for Athera. I'm excited for this and hoping to keep it up for the most part of 4.0. If you have any questions feel free to contact me in RP or OOC on the forums or Skype (ebobren).



((Sorry I hate applications for everything as much as the next guy, but I need it for organizational purposes.))




Job Wanted:

Experience (One sentence is fine):



Skype Name (Feel free to PM me if you don't have one or don't want to use it):

You okay with having to do the small amount of OOC work?:

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Avgust wonders if he should publish his adventures here instead...



A letter is later sent in,



"Privej Athera Herald,


I am Avgust Steelwall, Blacksmith and Adventurer. Throughout my travels I have seen many interesting things that I believe would be of use to your newspaper. So I ask this, would you be interested in my writings on some places I have visited as a section for the herald?




Avgust Steelwall"

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Fair greetings,


I, Gustave Adrien Lorei, am interested in applying to the "Athera Herald". I wish to put my skills to work as an artist for thy establishment. I have been an artist much of my life and I am currently a commissioned painter. If ye beseech me for employment, do send a letter to me.


Thank ye,
   Gustave Adrien Lorei

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Herbwallow takes a stool and clambers up it, barely able to see the flyer while on his toes.


"Hmm... Soundsss... goods, maybe workin' for some big-uns may gets me some funs after all-" suddenly losing balance and falling face first on the gravely path.


"Ouch..." he says, scratching his head as he climbs back up and takes the flyer.


"Hmm, alrightsss thun, I guess it won't 'urt ta apply!" 


He takes out a quill and begins writing excitedly, making sure to sound at his best (or at least try):


"Dearest Athera Herald,


I, your humble and utmost servant would like to be a reporter on ta' field and a most artistic, well, artist! Ya' know they say a halflin' on the field is just as good as an elf on a tree! Of course I would need to be supplied with stools and the such, I mean, ya' know: I'm really not that tall as ya' Big-uns! Of course not bein' rude, just sayin'! So with that I would like to say my adieu!


Lovingly, your most Humble Halflin', 


Smeagol Herbwallow!





Name: Smeagol Herbwallow!

Job Wanted: Reporter/ Artist

Experience (One Sentence is Fine): I am an adventures fella' and I ain't afraid of no big-un! Course' I also have my fair share of painten' even painted me Ma and Pa also painted me a nice lake full o' em' fishes and what not!






Skype Name: bart.yap

You OK doing some OOC work: Sure.

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Myro smiles at the responses and begins to send letters to them of their acceptance into the company.

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If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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