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Blood And Needles: Our Roleplay Environment.


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Does the role play hinder your experiences on the server other than rustling your jimmies? 

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Does the role play hinder your experiences on the server other than rustling your jimmies? 


Would roleplaying a car?

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There is a difference between not sticking to realism much and not making any sense at all. Come on, guys. 

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It doesn't matter if utilizing modern-age medical knowledge doesn't directly affect someone else's roleplay - that is a cop-out. Would it effect public roleplay in, say, a town square if someone was cybering in a nearby inn? Not particularly, but it's stupid, and it's against the rules, and players should understand they can file a complaint against the folk involved in the event of deviancy instead of being put down that it doesn't bother them directly.

That is a rather distanced comparison, but the ideal still applies. People should not be creating modern day needles to the exact model that there is today. It breaks the immersion of others because needles of modern variety and blood transfusions make no sense.

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It doesn't matter if utilizing modern-age medical knowledge doesn't directly affect someone else's roleplay - that is a cop-out. Would it effect public roleplay in, say, a town square if someone was cybering in a nearby inn? Not particularly, but it's stupid, and it's against the rules, and players should understand they can file a complaint against the folk involved in the event of deviancy instead of being put down that it doesn't bother them directly.

That is a rather distanced comparison, but the ideal still applies. People should not be creating modern day needles to the exact model that there is today. It breaks the immersion of others because needles of modern variety and blood transfusions make no sense.


You are right, I don't want to hear pre-adolescent fake moans of someone's "mum" going on in an inn!

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Edit the first post, put up a poll (with the public set on). Seems to be mixed opinions here, interested to see how many players would want this kind of thing stated as too advanced and how many don't.

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I have actually made a very narrow, hollow, metal tube that could easily be used as a syringe in real life. It is tricky and time consuming, but for an RP master Blacksmith they could easily do it. As for keeping them hygienic, soak them in high proof alcohol.


Also, we do have glass, and glass blowers to make it, so RPly they could make the tubes and vials needed for syringes, and alchemists could make the potions for use.


However as for the blood transfusions, I agree, that would be impossible. However when someone loses a lot of blood, a high tier cleric could just regenerate that person's blood as I understand, along with closing the wound.


We have mastered Magic and traveled across different dimensions, slaying great monsters and fighting off plagues. We are not morons, but we don't have modern knowledge or technologies. So metal needles and glass tubes are not impossible, but to have them in RP would mean that the Doctor is very wealthy and intelligent, and that he has skilled workers who he buys his supplies from. Perhaps we could open up an RP market for such things, and make a fortune.



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Unfortunately this was never addressed when relevant, so for the time being it's going to denied. However if you still feel strongly, re-posting it will allow our new, speedy team to consider it!

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