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The Poor-Fellow Soldiers of Horen and the Cathedral of Saint Godfrey




The Army of Aesterwald, Soldiers of God

Faithful Servants of the One Above


Code and Tenants


Though the origins of the Rhodesian Cross are unknown, it is held as a special symbol of the Order. The arms of the cross represent the four virtues which the order upholds.


Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance.


On those four arms are eight points. The eight points of the cross represent the eight beatitudes which which thou must preserve.


• Spiritual Joy •

• To Weep Over Thy Sins •

• To Love Justice •

• To Be Sincere And Pure Of Heart •

• To Live Without Malice •

• To Humble Thyself To Those Who Injure Thee •

• To Be Merciful •

• To Suffer Persecution •


Originally named the Vandorian Order, the Order maintains a few examples of their past, such as their code of honor.


Why do Vanders fight?

† To fear the Creator and maintain His Church †

† To serve the liege lord in valour and faith †

† To refrain from the wanton giving of offence †

† To live by honour and for glory †

† To despise pecuniary reward †

† To obey those placed in authority †

† To guard the honour of fellow Vanders †

† To keep faith †

† To at all times to speak the truth †

† To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun †

† To never to refuse a challenge from an equal †

† To never to turn the back upon a foe †



The Primitive Rule of Saint Lucien


I. On The Speaking of Words

When in the presence of an ally, all Brothers and Initiates are to speak the truth and behave with kindness no matter the ill words spoken to them in accords to what the Patriarch’s code says “To refrain from the wanton giving of offence”, and “To at all times to speak the truth.”  Lucienists are not required to speak true on personal quarrels when asked upon. However, they may not speak falsely either but rather dismiss it.


II. On the Eating of Meals

Every Brother, Initiate, and Knight is expected to eat in a timely, respectable manner while within the dining hall. Food is to be shared with fellow Brothers, taking just enough to sate their current hunger. It is frowned upon and even punishable to take more food than it is needed to fill wanton desires. Holy Scripture is to be read before every meal within the Great Hall, and if a Holy Book is not present, then a recitement of a prayer may be done.


Brothers are to not get any stains or marks on their robes from food, drink, or any sauce. It is also expected to keep faces clean from all crumbs and food shards covering the chin, cheeks, and lower nose. Beards are to be cleaned after eating, to remove all potential waste that may inhabit the facial hair after a meal.


III. On Conditions of Living Quarters

It is well known that behind sealed doors the acts of sodomy and heresy are committed, therefore all Living Quarters where one rests at night after prayer are to remain unbarred, well lit but not so that it may disturb sleep, and shared with another Lucienist or Initiate. All individual rooms are to have a Rhodesian Cross hanging from the wall facing the entrance. All storage within the room are to be kept tidy and orderly, with all personal contents contained within said container unless granted permission by a superior.


Knight Quarters are to have unbarred quarters as well, however each room will only have one knight within. Knights may freely show their personal affections and objects about the room within reason. Knights may also wish to place additional furnishing within their confined space, such as desks, chairs, armor stands, and night tables.


IV. On the Dress of Brothers and Initiates

In order to provide a sense of pride and representation as persons of the Order all individuals serving the Order of Saint Lucien are expected to bear robes of linen or wool unless deemed otherwise by the acting Draper.


As a standard, those of the Order are to wear one color, whether it be brown, or white, or black is up to them. It is prefered that, in the summer months, white be worn. They are to be of simple fabric, not of sheep’s or lamb’s wool. Pointed shoes and shoelaces are never to be worn. They are an abomination to holy men and serve only pagan reinforcers.


A familiar issue to the Order is a sense of self identity amongst Brothers, Knights, and Initiates. Therefore the Order has deemed it fit to allow each person one accessory they may bear that does not possess any form of appearance which may warp the Order’s perception.


V.On Seniority of the Order

In the Order, a direct chain-of-command shall be established to prevent the usurpation of power from a more capable commander by a more popular commander. If a commander of higher standing appears, he is to take charge immediately. No orders are to be given by any other without the say of the senior. If it does happen that one takes command for himself, he and those that followed him shall be punished, either through lashings, demerit, blacklistment, or through the ancient rite of decimation.


The command shall go as follows:


A.) The Lord Constable

The Grandmaster has absolute command of the Order in all cases. His word is rule.

B.) The Senior Knights

The Senior Knights are the enactors of the Constable's Will and are second-in-line in seniority.

C.) The Knights

The Knights are the high officers of the Order and are naturally third-in-line in seniority.

D.) The Ensigns

The junior officers, Ensigns take fourth-in-seniority.        

E.) The Censor

The Censor, although honorary, would take fifth-in-line.

F.) The Standard-Bearer

G.) The Most Senior Brother-Sergeant


If no one else is present, the Brothers are to be commanded by the highest clerical or military presence present.


VI. On Blackmarking

Blackmarking is the old rite of stripping an oathed man of their rights and rank and putting them beneath those who have just taken oath into the order. Blackmarking is seen as a last attempt for a brother to save himself and his name before being excommunicated. The Blackmarked have no rights, no honor, and no name. They are to be referred to as Blackmarked. If needed to specify, they will be named by their appearance or race.


Knights, the officers and idols of the Order, are to remain in the bright light of the Creator. To fall far from grace will result in blackmarking without the ability to regain rank.


Blackmarking is to be seen as the greatest disgrace, to which only death in the Lord Creator’s Light can heal.


VII. On Saying Grace

Always after every meal and supper all the brothers should give thanks to the Creator in silence, if the church is near to the place where they eat, and if it is not nearby, in the place itself. With a humble heart they should give thanks to the Creator who is the Lord Provider. Let the remains of the broken bread be given to the poor and whole loaves be kept. Although the reward of the poor, which is the Seven Skies, should be given to the poor without hesitation, and the True Faith doubtless recognises you among them.


VIII. On Faults

Faults are simply actions that are committed by brothers that are in the wrong and are punishable, either through mental or physical labor. This can include anything from copying books to being whipped in public. Faults generally exist under the cardinal vices:


Gula (Gluttony)

Fornicatio (Fornication/Lust)

Avaritia (Avarice/Greed)

Superbia (Hubris, Pride)

Tristitia (Sorrow/Despair/Despondency)

Ira (Wrath)

Vanagloria (Vainglory)

Acedia (Sloth)


Faults can also be more specific. For example, harboring the condemned is a fault. If a great number of faults are committed, a brother will be sought out for blackmarking, or might be removed from the order entirely.


IX. On Reading of the Lesson

Always, at the Order's dinner and supper, let the Holy Scripture be read, if possible. If we love the Creator and all His holy words and His holy commandments, we should desire to listen attentively; the reader of the lesson will tell you to keep silent before he begins to read. This will also apply to all masses and even casual reading of the texts of the Exalted Horen, Owyn, Godfrey, and their Saints.


One must not act disrespectful during the reading of the Holy Scripture or else face the whip of the Master Disciplinarian or even the stain of the Blackmark.




-The High Authority-

The elders and veterans that figurehead the Order, the ones who have been elevated to the highest form of honour the Kingdom of Aesterwald can offer. Whether they be field commanders or stay within the confines of the Eagle’s Perch, the High Authority is the law and order of the Order.


Wachtmeister (Lord Constable)

Currently held by the elder Lord Rosencrantz Revandir, the Lord Constable is the Grandmaster Emeritus of the Order and ultimate figure of power of the Order besides the Konig himself. He is addressed as ‘Lord Constable’ or ‘Grandmaster’.


Ritter-älter (Senior Knight) of Aesterwald

The battle-hardened knights who have shown loyalty and competence to have entered the personal fold of the Constable’s High Authority. Senior Knights carry out the Constable’s will and command with the rest of the Order, being his eyes and ears when the Constable himself is unable to attend. There is usually only two Senior Knights, though exceptions can be made at times. Senior Knights are addressed as ‘Great Ser’.

-The Knights and Officers of Aesterwald-

Ritter (Knight) of Aesterwald

The officers and idols of the Order, Knights are the men who carry the Order upon their backs. As one time addressed by former Ser Rymeul, “A (Lucienist) Knight is truly a fearless knight, and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armor of faith, just as his body is protected by the armor of steel. He is thus doubly-armed, and need fear neither demons nor men.” Knights are to be addressed as 'Ser'.


Knappe (Squire)

The young lordings and nobles who train under the watchful eye of a Knight of Aesterwald. From polishing armor, practicing their arm in dueling, or writing prayers and stories, squires are under the complete guidance of his Knight. The typical age of a squire is between ten years to seventeen years, with few exceptions. Squires are to be addressed as 'Squire'.


Fähnrich (Ensign)

Grizzled from countless encounters, it is the Ensigns who lead the Order for their day-to-day activities and duties. Ensigns are also the most respected individuals in Order, even among their Knightly peers and hold some of the most crucial positions the Order has to offer. They are to be addressed as 'Brother' or 'Ensign'.


Feldwebel (Sergeant)

Those who have proven their blood and worth in the eyes of their Brothers and superiors shall enter the fold of the Sergeants, the still- youthful warriors who have shined brightly compared to their peers. Sergeant is also the first stepping stone in climbing the hierarchical ladder of the Order. They are to be addressed as 'Brother' or 'Sergeant'.


Halbbruder (Brother)

Oathed under the Rhodesian Cross, Brothers are the warriors of the Order who shall bleed and be victorious for their fatherland. Oathed Brothers are trusted enough to wear the White or Red cross upon their chest and bosom. They are to be addressed as 'Brother'.


Schwur-nicht (Unoathed)

The virgin-blooded, those who may become the next leaders of the Order first show themselves in the mass of the Unoathed. They are to be addressed as 'New-blood' or 'Initiate'.

-Special Roles-

Konservator (Conservator)

Blacksmithes and artisans, the Conservators are the master of supplies and materials that circulate the mass of the Order. Conservators create the mass intricate webs of supply lines and help keep the Order away from shortages of food, water, weapons, armor, and other assortment of materials. The rank is commonly held by Sergeants and above.

Standartenträger (Standard-Bearer)

The standard, be it the old Red Rhodesian cross or the Eagle of Waldenia, is one of the most cherished items in the Order. Being able to hold the honorable cloth into the thick of battle is seen as one of the greatest honors available. Naturally, the selected Standard-Bearer is seen as a leader of Brothers, to which he is seen almost as the field commander. The rank is commonly held by Ensign and above.

Zuchtmeister (Disciplinary)

Drilling the Initiates and Brothers is crucial in keeping the chains of the Order intact from gluttony and sloth, and it is the Disciplinaries who guarantee this. Disciplinaries carry the iconic whip, barred and bloodied from the countless Brothers brought into compliance. The ranks is commonly held by Sergeant and above.

Zensor (Censor)

Derived from the short-lived Inquisitor position, the Censor is the watchful eye of both Knights and Brothers. It is the Censor's job to guarantee the correct teaching of scripture, to ensure faithful compliance, and punish those Knights who do not follow the strict Vandorian Code. The rank is held by a knight or above.

Vorherig (Prior)

Brothers who have taken the mouth as a weapon instead of the blade, the Priors are the monk-brothers who teach Scripture and Faith to their fellow peers. The rank can be held by anyone who is a Brother or above.


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The Order realize the tactical and practical advantages of a wide arsenal of weapons, and take notes from many different cultures and societies. This makes them a dangerous force.


-Small Arms-

Adunian Claymore

The Adunian Claymore is a giant sword capable of destroying any foe. Used without a shield, the Claymore is used with two hands. If it does not cut through armour, the sheer trauma of being hit by it is enough to stagger a man.


Salvian Spatha

The Salvian Spatha, originally used by the Salvus Shields, is a short sword. Rather than being used for infantry, the Order uses it for cavalry. It is long enough for perfect reach from a mounted soldier to hit a ground target.


Kaedreni Longsword

The Kaedreni Longsword is the primary weapon of the Lucienists. Long, blunt, and nasty, this sword is mobile and bulky, causing nasty wounds to the receiver.


Kaedreni Arbalest

The Kaedreni Arbalest is easily the most feared weapon of the foes of the Order of Saint Lucien. Originally used by the Order of the White Rose, the Kaedreni Arbalest pierces through armour like butter. Slow to reload, it is used as a one-shot weapon before being discarded for a sword. It is infamous to Elves and is the chosen weapon against heretics and for checkpoints.


Waldenian Warhammer

The Waldenian Warhammer is a fairly bulky weapon of significant weight reserved for the slaying of undead or heavily armored opponents. With a blunt face on one half of the head and a piercing crow’s beak on the other, this weapon serves effectively in the hands of the Revandir family.  


-Siege Weapons-

The Order has an extensive history as masters of siege weaponry. Jack Rovin, a former member of the infamous White Rose, took his knowledge as an artilleryman in Squad Three and implemented it as soon as he could. In doing this, he continues an old tradition.


Hansetian Ballista

From the great white north, the Hansetian Ballista is used. Developed by the Teutonic siege engineers, it was widely used by their Hochmeister Mirtok DeNurem and made a great presence at the original Siege of the Dreadfort. It is designed for accurate, long-range fire at personnel, fortifications, and ships.



Kaedreni Onager

The Order of the White Rose developed this weapon early in their reign. It is effective as a small catapult and works slowly against weaker fortifications at short distances. It is capable of flinging hot pots of oil and basic explosives at enemy positions.



Waldenian Trebuchet

The Waldenian Trebuchet is an example of a tradition of artillery warfare. Large, intimidating, and powerful, the Lucienist Trebuchet is capable of great damage to all fortifications and at long distances.



Waldenian Catapult

The WaldenianCatapult is simply a more advanced version of the Kaedreni Onager, working at longer range distances and with more power.

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The Order has a long history, and during this time, has amassed a large number of artifacts and other assortments of goods.



The Holy Sword of the Exalted Godfrey, Triumph was the blade that Godfrey used when he carved the First Empire of Humanity. The Golden Age of Humanity has long since gone, but his grand sword remains, gifted to Jack Rovin for his service to the Church.


The Sword of the Exalted Owyn

Owyn I, successor of his father Horen and younger brother of Haren, is one of the most remarked individuals in history, uniting humanity from the wreck that his older brother had caused and led the first purist movement, strengthening the bonds of humanity to help subdue infighting. Exalted Owyn’s sword was granted to the Order by Lucien II, High Pontiff during the original founding of the Order.


The Skull of the Exalted Owyn

This holy bone has had over seventy confirmed and countless unconfirmed miracles, making the Skull of the Exalted Owyn one of the Order’s most prized possessions. Having survived centuries from Owyn’s original death, the skull if truly a sight to behold. The skull was granted to the Order by Lucien II.


The Hand of Godanistan

Claimed during the Lucirusko wars, this weapon, a blessed golden blade, served as the former symbol of the Creator’s chosen for those who followed the Ruskan Orthadox Sect. Since then the Hand of Godanistand has been sealed away as a trophy for the Lucien Victory over the Ruskan people.


Military History


The Adunian-Ruskan War


Siege of Shadow Castle, c. 1439 ((Saturday, November 13th, 2013))

Those that were to form the holy order were known as the Vandorian Order. This early band of mercenary soldiers fought freely and righteously to preserve what was left of the Human government. In record time, a defensive fortress with counter-siege equipment was formed on the flank of the castle of Schattenburg. This maneuver arguably saved the Ruskan and Stafyr defenders from being surrounded and annihilated.


Battle of the Nations' Crossing River

Shortly after being formed, the Order of Saint Lucien, with the permission of Lucien II, worked alongside the Orenian army at the 2nd Battle of Nations' Crossing. In the battle, the Order was responsible for building the entire siegeworks and most of the equipment behind the lines. A breach in the wall was also made, and the Lucienist forces effectively flanked and cut off the Dwarvern army from retreat.


Siege of Fort Indigo

The Orenian Army and Order of Saint Lucien followed up their victory at Nations' Crossing with a tactical stalemate at the Siege of Fort Indigo.


Battle of the Savoie Fields

After facing harassment from the Coal Miners' Union, the Order of Saint Lucien embarked on an investigation, finding evidence of a connection between the Coal Miners' Union and the 'Union', a group of Orenian separatists. Enraged over the findings, the Coal Miners' Union, People of Flotsam, and allies including a force of Orcs and Decterum deserters, formed and met a Lucienist force at the Savoie Fields. The Lucienists, now wielding a contingent of Elven and Kharajyr auxiliaries, decisively defeated the Union forces in a swift flanking maneuver, securing dominance over the region.


Standoff at the Old Cloud Temple

During the Church Reformation instigated by Wilfriche Buron, who threatened a schism, the Order of Saint Lucien guarded a meeting between Regulus and Wilfriche at the Old Cloud Temple. They were shortly besieged by a Ruskan-Orcish force. After sending out for help, Faiz Kharadeen spotted a friendly force of Kharajyr auxiliaries, and the joint force destroyed the entire Ruskan-Orcish insurrection.


Massacre of the Orcish Sands ((Saturday, April 5th, 2014))

After the Dwarves, Orcs, and Alrasians formed into a united union, known as the Krugdanistan Bloc, the Orenian Army and Order of Saint Lucien marched out for battle. While the Orenian force was dealing with confusion near the city of Vekaro, the Lucienist soldiers on the front were massacred relentlessly.


Reformation of the Holy Orenian Empire

Upon the death of King Heinrich, a successor was chosen from within the Carrion family: Franz-Joseph Carrion. As the Lucienist force was in court, Franz-Joseph attempt to crown himself king, using an impostor of High Pontiff Regulus. Noticing the action, the Order attempted to investigate. They were met with a sudden and violent Scourge attack, which they repelled. Afterwards, they were framed for attempting to assassinate the to-be King.

    On the resignation of Regulus, the Grand Prior of the Order of Saint Lucien, Michael d' Longueville, was elected as High Pontiff, taking the name Pius II. Under his direction, with the assistance of Archbishop John of Darfey, the Order managed to trick the Decterum, a Carrion military order, into thinking that their betrayal of Franz-Joseph would lead to the reign of Lord Ailred Rutheren. The joint force attacked the city of Vekaro, killing the Carrion loyalists. Afterwards, a council of regents was made, with Grandmaster Jack Rovin acting as Governor, Lord Ailred Rutheran as the Marshal, and Bishop Viros as the Church Liaison. After two years, Peter Chivay and his men returned from the Great Exodus, and he was crowned after a saint came down from the sky to support him.


Siege of Mount Augustus ((Sunday, April 13th, 2014))

Swiftly, Grandmaster Jack Rovin attempted to end all root of Carrion loyalty. In a day, he transformed Vekaro into a massive siegework, and negotiated a joint operation with Urugan. The joint force, as well as a group of former White Rose, attacked the fortified mountain, quickly discovering it was only a massive death trap. Magically, the tower resisted collapse, and the defenders held out.


Standoff at the Church of Saint Adeotatus


Siege of the City-State of Fenn


The Imperium Tertius - Krugdanistan Bloc War


The Formation of Aesterwald and the War of Humanity


Skirmish, The Embers of Embermoor ((Sunday, October 10th, 2014))

In the midst of night upon the 7th of Sun's Smile, 1476 the reformed Order of Saint Lucien lead by the Wachtmiester Rosencrantz van Aesterwald, Patriarch of House Revandir, lead the Lucien forces alongside the remaining coalition between Oren, the Rexdom, and The Grand Kingdom of Urguan against the Necromancers of the Embermoor. With the Aid of Iblees upon their side the Necromancers had depleted only less than a half of the Military force present. Upon the break of dawn the cursed magi of Embermoor were defeated as well as the supporting Iblees Cultist factions.

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How to Join


To join the reformed order, you must either contact the Order in its base in Aesterwald or submit an application to the Wachtmeister.

(( Please posts all applications on this thread. If you feel that you do not want your presence metagamed by the community, send it to this account through a private message. Please include your username in parenthesis after your character's name.))



Name: (What is your damn name?)

Age: (How old are you?)

Race: (Are you a Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, or Kharajyr?)

Origin: (Where are you from?)

What is your profession?: (What skill do you train?)

Do you have any fighting experience?:

What is your preferred weapon?:

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"It's Zensor." Novtorn adds. "Zensur means censorship, whilst Zensor means censor."

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Ser Paul Grrrs at the strange weapons and their descriptions 

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Name: Richard of Greymane

Age: 32

Race: Human

Origin: Greymarsh, former lands of House Greymane in Anthos.

What is your profession?: I prefer to be a swordsman.

Do you have any fighting experience?: Only from what my father, Ser Alphonz Greymane, has taught me.

What is your preferred weapon?: I prefer a longsword, m'lord.

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Name: Richard of Greymane

Age: 32

Race: Human

Origin: Greymarsh, former lands of House Greymane in Anthos.

What is your profession?: I prefer to be a swordsman.

Do you have any fighting experience?: Only from what my father, Ser Alphonz Greymane, has taught me.

What is your preferred weapon?: I prefer a longsword, m'lord.

*Ser Arhadir revives the application, after looking over it he sends a letter as reply*

"Dear Mr Richard, we have decided to accepted you application, please report to Vanderfell for your trials."

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Name: Aepholis Celadithel

Age: 40

Race: Sun Elf, part High Elven & Wood Elven

Origin: Fringe, Aephes

What is your profession?: Lumberjack

Do you have any fighting experience?: Personal blade use, no military experience

What is your preferred weapon?: Longsword


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Name: (What is your damn name?) William Rosland

Age: (How old are you?) Turning Seventeen 

Race: (Are you a Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, or Kharajyr?) Human

Origin: (Where are you from?) My family name originates from Abresi.

What is your profession?: (What skill do you train?) Untrained.

Do you have any fighting experience?: None.

What is your preferred weapon?: Whatever I am expected to use most often.

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Name: (What is your damn name?) William Rosland

Age: (How old are you?) Turning Seventeen 

Race: (Are you a Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, or Kharajyr?) Human

Origin: (Where are you from?) My family name originates from Abresi.

What is your profession?: (What skill do you train?) Untrained.

Do you have any fighting experience?: None.

What is your preferred weapon?: Whatever I am expected to use most often.




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The hand of Godanistan was stolen from the body of Ostromir Carrion by the the Grandmaster Rovin during the fringe

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The hand of Godanistan was stolen from the body of Ostromir Carrion by the the Grandmaster Rovin during the fringe


The hand of Godanistan was taken off the body of a Ruskan soldier during the Ruskan-Lucienist wars of late Anthos, not during the Fringe.

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Adunian Claymore

The Adunian Claymore is a giant sword capable of destroying any foe. Used without a shield, the Claymore is used with two hands. If it does not cut through armour, the sheer trauma of being hit by it is enough to stagger a man.


Atlas wonders why possibly the least used sword by Adunians is listed as an Adunian blade.

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