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[Creature Lore] Aterruce'waezit


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Aterruce'waezit - Scaled Creatures




The Lurking Shadow






An Aterruce'waezit evolved to live in thickly wooded areas. These sly beasts stalk their prey from the shadows with ferocious speed and dogged tenacity, and their massive tails are as dexterous as they are deadly.




It has black scales, black fur and nightmarish red eyes, giving it the look and style of a predatory black panther. Its dark, feral appearance suggests that it may mainly be a nocturnal predator. This creature has been sighted within the forest at both night and daytime, the jungles, and also the swamp. When it's in enraged state its eyes glow bright red and leave a trail of reddish lines when Shia moves. Also, its tail erects large spikes which can be flung and linked up with its attacks for devastating hits. Their vertebrae and tail muscles are extremely flexible, making the tail of Shia also prehensile. Its tail is also its most powerful weapon. The scales at the end of the tail can also be shaken to produce rattling sounds similar to that of a rattle snake.


Shia's face can be broken, as can its wings be cut. If Shia's tail has been damaged enough, it can be cut off.




Shia has the ability to attack with almost every part of its body, mainly its bladed wings and its spiked tail. Its head can be used for biting. Its bladed wings are used almost for the entire battle and deal high damage. Its tail tip, which can be cut with a very sharp blade. When in an angered state its tail spikes will protrude until it gets out of it (Although they will protrude when it uses tail slams and it shoots tail spikes). Shia also has really strong muscles that let it jump really long and high.



Shia is a careful and cautious monster. It is really easy for it to sneak up to a hunter. Shia lives in dark places that he has adapted to. Shia rest on high trees that are hard to reach, or maybe can't be reached, so hunters can't pick him by surprise for capturing it. Though Shia will wake up when hunters are right in front of the tree, due to its natural senses.


Shia is highly aggressive and bloodthirsty, they attack without reason as they enjoy fighting, and it will achieve whatever ends to get its prey. With hunters it tends to be more aggressive than with its prey. Not too much is known about young Shia, but they may even be aggressive at birth. It also will kill prey with its tail instead of claws, making a cleaner kill.



Shia is normally and mainly found in the forest, although there are quests where Shia can be found in the swamps and jungles.


Biological Adaptations


The Shia is well adapted to heavily forested areas. It can move easily through dense vines and branches thanks to its razor sharp wings. Also, due to the very small fangs of the Shia, the beast has developed a beak-like structure on its jaws. Another adaptation is its very flexible cartilage-like bone structure, which allows it to move fluently between the trees of the forests it inhabits. Whenever the Shia spins its tail, some hunters can hear it rattle almost like a rattlesnake; this is because the scales on its tail are attached loosely to make the tail very flexible. Its tail also seems to be quite stretchy, as shown when it does its tail slam, its tail doubles in length. One unique feature that most Aterruce'waezit don't have, is the fur that grows along the Shia's back. The Shia possesses a well developed brain, and is able to plan its attacks. This can be proven whenever the Shia is in the "prowler stance", but its concentration can be easily disturbed by a strong sound. Many blood vessels are located near its eyes and ears, allowing it to enhance its senses whenever in its enraged state, creating the glowing red eyes.

Habitat Range

The Shia is extremely adapted to life in heavily forested areas. Shia thrive in the forest, jungles, and swamps. Its relatively light body structure most likely keeps it from inhabiting regions with extreme temperature or heavy climate shifts. Shia, like other Aterruce'waezits, appears to be extremely adapted to life in a specific area. If it is to leave this area, it loses its niche and can quickly become out-competed by dominating local predators for food and, or territory.


Loots :

  • Shia Pelt

  • Shia Fang

  • Shia Spike

  • Shia Tail

  • Shia Scale





Lord of the Seas







Leviathans that exist at the top of the aquatic food chain. Feared by sailors as the "Lords of the Seas", Archontas store enough electricity in their spinal organs to make the oceans surge. Occasionally they can be found resting on land as well.




When a Archontas is fully sunbathed, it turns a dry grayish-blue color and its dermal spikes turn a pale red, such as in the picture above. When it returns to the water, Archontas regains a striking deep blue color and its spikes return to their original color of a very light beige.




The dermal spikes on its back glow white when it is using strong thunder attacks, and its mouth gargles with Thunder when it is enraged.


Biological Adaptations


Archontas is a large, blue aquatic leviathan, adapted to life in tropical waters. It also looks like a cobra. The large dorsal spikes on its back are used to release its electric attacks alongside a possible electro sac below each spike. The spikes glow white in rage mode or very pale red when out of the water long enough. Also, when performing its thunder attack, it will cease to move around and look like it is shriveled up and will be glowing bright aqua blue. It is unknown if charging up if it hurts the leviathan, as it always gives a scream when releasing energy, but it's most likely using up stamina. When it is low on stamina it will fail to charge.

Best known to live in the sea, as it is well adapted for living in it. With its whitish underside mimicking the reflection of light on water surface and its blue top which blends in with the water around it, the Archontas can hunt prey from both below or above without being seen.

While Archontas is very well adapted to the sea, it is also found in the murky river beds and steamy, wet jungles or the swamps. Archontas remains the top predator, and is able to remain so due to its sheer power and unique ability. Archontas, as an air breather, lives a perfect life in both fresh and salt water.

Unlike most other monsters (but like most other leviathans) the tail of a Archontas is not designed to be a weapon in any sense, but rather to be a tool to help propel the beast through the water. Although they tend to travel at a cruising pace, one lash of their flattened tails is capable of sending them forwards at a frightening speed, easily fast enough so that it can leap clear out of the water, either onto land or into the air, where it might be able to catch hold of a careless flying creature. This is not to say though that they are not capable of going on the offensive with their tails though. Indeed, they might use it in a similar manner to how crocodiles sometimes use their tails, which sometimes give struggling prey a whack with it to stun or even kill it. Given that a Archontas’ tail is very long, heavily muscled towards the base, flexible, & slender towards the end, they might be able to either give large prey or tormentors like a hammer blow with the trunk or a smack across the face with it, or, for smaller things, use it to send something tripping up or to stun them with a flick of it like a bullwhip.

The scales of this powerful leviathan are large, thick, interlocking, & yet quite flexible, giving this monster a terrific form of natural body armor. The real ace in the hole to this though, it the fact that the Archontas has a very low ground clearance. This is good because it makes the Sea creature tricky to flip over, but it doubles because, being low to the ground, other creatures will be forced to attack it from above, where its scutes, scales, spikes, & horny plates will protect it very well from attack, whilst, being relatively flat, will enable Archontas to attack its assailants, who will find their body armour redundant, as it will be on the top of their body whilst the Lord of the Seas attacks their (relatively) soft underbellies.

The Archontas' teeth are shaped much like that of a crocodile: large and thick, capable of inflicting puncture wounds which allow its powerful jaws to hold onto land dwelling monsters and the unfortunate hunter with the intention of dragging its prey into a watery grave. It has a very long body, which makes it more agile underwater than other Leviathans, and it can easily adjust its underwater trajectory.

Archontas appears to have a slow metabolism, as it rarely seems to become hungry when fighting hunters.




Archontas mainly prey on large Fish. They may wait by the shoreline for anything coming by for a drink then ambush its target, using their highly specialized tail to propel its bulk out of the water, clamping its jaws on the surprised victim, and pulling it into the water, much like a crocodile. Archontas will sometimes come up onto the land itself and stalk the jungle or valley in search of any unsuspecting prey. Whether on land or in water they are formidable fighters. They appear to be aggressive, but not territorial. It is also known to retreat to the water and eat an ever unfortunate fish to regain stamina when fatigued. When charging electricity, the water will boil as it does so. This is the Archontas actually splitting the water molecules around it. This process is called electrolysis and occurs when a direct current is added to in this case water to create steam. This aggressive Archontas is known to sunbathe and sleep as far inland as possible, as long as there remains an expansive stream or puddle of water.

They seem to be very aggressive towards humans. They are known to frequently attack boats, making them a feared and dreaded enemy of sailors. This human-aggressive attitude makes it dangerous to sail or even hunt in areas where Archontas have been spotted. There have even been cases where a rookie hunter for their guts encounters a Lagiacrus up close, leading to an attack. Veteran hunters should be careful of this Leviathan, and even the hunters just starting out must be wary of an encounter with the Lord of the Seas at the most unexpected times.



  • Archontas Pelt

  • Archontas Scale - A durable scale that turns myriad shades of blue in the light.

  • Archontas Fang -

  • Archontas Claw - A sharp claw that grows on the fin.

  • Archontas Hide - Not especially durable, but soft and workable.

  • Archontas Shell - This shell is actually used to release electricity, not generate it. Safe to handle.

  • Archontas Horn






The Underwater Terror





Tromos is a bipedal creature with a Aterruce'waezit body structure. It has webbed feet and a paddle-like tail, and is covered in shiny, fish-like scales. Its mouth is filled with shark-like teeth, and its eyes glow a bright yellow. Its head and back feature large fins which can fold in and out at will.




Tromos can fire highly pressurized jets of water at foes, and can use its massive size and weight to crush and batter attackers. It is a highly-adept swimmer and is both agile and deadly in the water.




Tromos is a predator, adapted to stalking prey from the water and attacking by surprise. Though rare, it can be seen on land occasionally.

Tromos will confront attackers from their aquatic home and will even come on land to fight hunters if they are angered enough. They dislike loud noises very much, and will flail about when audibly provoked, as their hearing is extremely sensitive. It seems as long as they are not attacked they are relatively unaggressive and quite curious, as they tend to take a while to notice hunters on land, and seem to take a while to actually recognize them as territorial trespassers. Tromos have been known to use their high-pressure water beams to strike prey high above their reach. If struck with a precise hit the prey will then fall into the water, fall unconscious or die from the impact, then they are they're easy prey for the large aquatic predator.




Tromos is commonly found in large bodies of water in a wide variety of environments


Habitat Range


The Tromos can only survive in large amounts of water. It can, however, live anywhere as long as there is a sufficient body of water. The Tromos is able to survive on land, but returns to the water very often. Tromos prefers to live in deep water areas, which it is well adapted to. Tromos can even withstand desert conditions, often living at an oasis or underground lake.


Biological Adaptations


The Tromos seems to possess strong neck or stomach muscles in order to release highly pressurized water. Tromos also possess a sac where it stores water, so it may use its water beam on land. Tromos have hard scales (which are blue in color, providing camouflage) on its back, that can repel most weapons. The Tromos will mostly stay in the water until it is disturbed by loud noises. The Tromos is extremely sensitive to sound, which it uses to sense prey either swimming in the water or moving on land. The Tromos is able to blast water at extremely high pressure, which is very effective on armors with low water resistance. Tromos have great taste for fish and frogs. There have been recent reports that older Tromos have developed the ability to salivate a potent, tranquilizing fluid from wings, which apparently are used to bring down larger, more aggressive prey injecting the fluid when it leaps out of the water and stab the victim. The victim immediately falls into a comatose-like sleep, where the Tromos can drag it back into the water and consume it at leisure. Tromos do not possess gills for breathing underwater, so they have to come up for air every so often to fill their lungs with air. In addition to having lungs these creatures can also breathe through their skin like an amphibian or sea snake.

Some rare individuals appear to have more muscle mass to the point where there legs are thick and have unique wing patterns, more vivid body color, are more aggressive to the point of using a sweeping beam on land and using new techniques to attack intruders, prey and predators including body-slams, jumping over and ahead of its target doing full U-turn mid air then slithering on the target, faking sleep, charging on foot in the same manner as it would to return to the water trampling and stabbing targets and using its sleep inducing liquid in bursts on land splashing it on predators and prey who approach.

Female members of this species are viviparous and like some sharks the first of the offspring to hatch will eat their either unborn or smaller siblings within the womb.



  • Tromos Fin

  • Tromos Scale

  • Tromos Bones




Hello fellow peoples and hunters of LOTC, yes I am aware these creatures are from something else just edited. But hey there’s many things in lore or such that are on the server from different places, so why not give it a shot.


Anyway to give a short idea for these creatures and maybe questions.

Are the creatures playable ?

Yes and no…  


I’d think it would be better if an ET actor would play the creatures, because there will not be a skin for the monsters. I find that rather hard to make and for others to make, with such limits. If the creatures are accepted I would like them to be built and copy and pasted to the areas with signs to connect whom to play them.


No, as players aside from ET members.


Whats the point of them being in Athera?


Well, unseen creatures in the world can be fun, either for hunting or researching. There are people the love the thrill of the hunt and things to kill for fun or as trophies.


How will the creatures be represented?


As I said before, they will be built with mc blocks. I do not see the point of using mc skin and players to do it.


Are they rideable ?


Eh.. I'm on the fence about that.. It's very possible if given the chance you can, but you would be hurt or killed. Since they are hostile and will not like that.


Can they be capture and trained?


Well.. IF there was a percentage chance of capturing, give it a shot I guess. It would be your choice to do what you want with the creatures but remember they are very heavy, so it would be best to have a few orcs to help you take it.


Tameable.? That is another tricky idea.. Due to them being very hostile and predators it is very unlikely to tame them as pets or friends. Leading to my Druids out there


Well these creature would be in the animal category so Druids would be able to talk to them, on the other had since they are hostile and want to eat,kill and fight with you. Druids would have a hard time calming the creatures if lucky they'd calm them


What do you get from killing the creatures?


Well the reward from actually hunting and staying alive from the hunt you would be rewarded with such loot. If hunters brought a skinning knife or a sword to skin the creatures for their pelt,hide and what not. Others would take the bones or teeth from them using for weapons or trophies. If hungry heck, use the meat as a meal for yourself and your fellow hunters.


Why are they so over powered ? Why can't I fight them one on one?!


These creatures and a lot tougher and stronger than even an Orc. Their skin and bodies are a lot thicker and resistant to just a flesh wound. It would take at least a good 5-8 man with armor and Mages to attack one head on. If you was to fight one head on there is a 100% you would not make it for more than an hour, you would be a toy for the creatures.


Do they have any weaknesses? How is the best way to take them down?


Well, I don't want to ruin the fun or spoil the ways to proper hunt the creatures. As hunters you must look around the surrounding you and the creatures would be around and let that speak more for you. I really don't want to tell the weakness because that would break the point of the RP fighting it and players should be surprised on these encounters.

Anyway all ideas and suggestions are looked at and taken. :) Just given this a try. So please keep it clean.

Edited by Zer0
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I really like all these creatures, I wish you well in getting them accepted so I can play something interesting!

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I really like all these creatures, I wish you well in getting them accepted so I can play something interesting!

Oh my ole trusted friend you, me too I'd love to see you play one. :)

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I like this and hope they are accepted. I'm currently working on a guild project and maybe these will come into play one day!

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I like this and hope they are accepted. I'm currently working on a guild project and maybe these will come into play one day!

If they are just contact me and such. :) These aren't just an easy kill. Some men will not make it alive.

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I'd be nice to have more creatures to hunt for trophy as a medium sized event, especially in my swamp but capturing and training one as a war beast or something of that sort? No. 


Ehhhhh, needs work but; +1


Good things!


-Sounds like good RP!


Bad Things!


-Long ass names


-People are going to get them as pets and PG!

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As you can tell the names have been change to be more Roleplaying Friendly :) Please enjoy the read and give feed back please. -Zer0

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I'm sorry to say that this lore has been denied.


The reasons have been told to the lore maker, but if more questions exist, please contact me about it.

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