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[Personal Weapon Lore] Gorechild


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IC Backstory:

Deep within the unholy bowels that is the Land of Dread, the Crimson Knight finally stirs. After years of stoic silence, Vuln, a Dread Knight created just shortly after Verin by their old dark master. Second of the fourth born, the once Dark Elf pledged himself willingly into the Dread Lord's service. Believing himself a priest, the Dread Knight began his dark crusade on the mortals who forsake him.


Many tried to duel the hulking suit of meteor-steel. His body forged by his once more agile self. But none could halt the red tide that the being left behind. His loyalty took him to many places and fought many battles, even losing some. His body was punctured, torn apart, and smashed beyond recognition, and yet... he fought on. As if an army of smiths were behind him, the being kept coming back for more. Returning from impossible damage. Yet he found his match in a foe he could not fight with might.


In the forested lands of Malinor, the giant was tricked. His beloved brother, Verin, was consumed by the power of the blood crystals and must be cleansed. The Dread Lord lead Vuln to the gates of Malinor where Verin stood, among the corrupted. A vicious battle was fought, one which lead to death and destruction of many. Yet the two dread knights managed to complete their goal and disassembled Verin. The Dread Lord left Verin's mangled parts with Vuln, and instructed the knight to deliver him to the stronghold. As Vuln turned his back to leave, a blood crystal was stabbed deep into his back. He was corrupted.


Many years went by, Vuln wandered the lands confused and in pain. His insanity reached a new level, as the crystal feed on him. Finally, after the Scourged was defeated the pain left. He pried the crystal from his chest and held it tight in his fist. Memories of his time under it's spell flooded his mind and whispered to those nearby. The most dominate voice, a young farm boy's, pleaded, "No, please no." followed by a loud scream. This voice played over and over as Vuln focused on it. The crystal continues to loop it's morbid phrase. A never ending cry.


The crystal seemed to... please the knight and he had a large axe forged with the crystal embedded in the head of the black iron head, Gorechild. He wields this axe with him to this day, and the cries of the young boy still echo out of the crystal.



Name- Gorechild

Type- Bastard Bearded Axe

Material- Black Iron base, leather wrapped handle, single blood crystal

Role-play Effects- The gem whispers "No, please no." followed by a scream of pain. This loops every few seconds.

Mechanical Effects- None

Extra Info- I have role-played with this axe for a while now without ever making lore for it. In truth, I started using it before the fringe but never went into detail about its story. I created the part about the crystal, an event that actually happened in RP, being the source of the voice. It used to be RP'd as the ghost of the young boy being bound to the axe. I'm unsure what officially happened to all the blood crystals/shards (Whichever was the tiny one. I forget as this happened months ago) and whether or not this is lore-friendly. That is the real reason I am posting this...




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*gasp* Kharn the Betrayer? Think it'd be fun to see this going around, in any case. I like it.

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I'm sorry to say that this lore has been denied.


The main issue with this is that this could potentially already be done with an enchantment of illusion. Finding someone who could do that for your weapon IC could provide a lot more roleplay than just writing up lore for it, and it can achieve the same effect.


Additionally, blood crystals shouldn't really be storing psychic echoes, so it doesn't quite make sense in that regard.


Thank you for your patience. 

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