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[Playable Creations] Living Dolls - Repost


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“Pa….pa…” a strange broken voice calls from the shadows. “Pa...pa...don’t l-leave me…”


Creaking is heard before a giggle begins to break the stillness. “Dolly wants to play!”




The date is 7th of Malin’s Welcome. My daughter has grown quite ill. Her life grows weaker and weaker. I am working diligently to find a way to save her. I have to save her. I have read notes on many things with healing, but nothing is working. A shady man told me of some dark magic, but I am afraid. What will this cost her, cost me? No. I must find a way.




20th of Malin’s welcome. Soul Puppetry. Soul puppetry is the answer. Dolls. She loves the doll that I gave her. I have to try. I have to learn this forbidden magic. I will make her well. I will not outlive my daughter.




1st of Sun’s Smile. I have learned enough of the basics to get the results I need. I must practice. Some of the orphans on the road have been helpful. I took in a young boy, Caleb. He will be the first. I found a suitable porcelain doll. I am sure this will work. After being a doctor for years, I know I can do this. First I must connect him. A drop of blood is taken and put on the doll. I focus. I try with all my might to focus his life-force into the doll. Maybe if I gave it more blood? No. The blood isn’t enough. I must dispose of the body.




17th of Sun’s smile. Six. Six children. They are starting to notice. They do not suspect me yet. I have to find out why this is not working. If blood and binding this way does not work, I can not save her.




12th of the Deep Cold. I have managed to fully bind someone to the doll but the connection breaks whenever I kill the body. I must find a way to fully tie the soul to the doll I have found certain symbols drawn in blood seem to work.




24th of the Deep Cold. Eight more children. But I think I have found a way! I was so close with little Emily. The doll spoke! No. It screamed! It screamed an unearthly screech. I destroyed the doll before it could alert people of my wrong doings. I am so close. Anna, you will be safe.




8th of the First Seed. Anna has gotten worse. She won’t make the end of this week.I have her on the platform. Her body is so tiny, so frail. That doll she clasps to. The porcelain doll. So much like her. She cries as I shackle her to the table. My heart breaks as I do this. Her pleas, I can not take them. I have stuffed her mouth full of cotton. Blood. I need her blood first. A cut is made on her bare stomach. A design. I paint a similar one on the doll binding them. The next part. I am shaking. Her tear filled eyes look at me, filling me with dread. I can’t look. I cover her nose and mouth, stopping the air, covering her eyes. Her weak body spasms. I focus on my seals. I do not let her dying struggles distract me. I can feel her life draining. Please work, please.




9th of the First Seed. I killed my daughter. This is the written confession of Alexi Yusef. Father of Anna Marie Yosef. I admit to the murder of fourteen children, names of which I no longer remember. That doll. That doll I created. It is not my Anna. It is not my child. It is a beast. I can not break it. If it is found, destroy it. It is no longer mine.




Alexi Yusef hung himself after perfecting the living dolls. His daughter’s body was found in her bed, smothered to death. The doll she had so prized no longer found. Or was it?






Living dolls are just that, dolls that contain the soul of a someone who was recently killed. The ritual involved is quite complicated and left for only the most skilled and powerful soul puppeteers. But why create living dolls? Isnt there already lore for this? Yes and no. After talking to both an admin and a lore master, I was given permission to test this out in the fringe and create Anna Marie in doll form. They are very limited in what they can do, but also very unique in their own way.


Living dolls do not fully retain their memories. Depending on how they are killed during the ritual determines the type of doll they become. However, the death must be slow enough to allow the full transfer of the soul. This means stabbing said victim in the heart sends them to the monks, not the doll. There are six types of living dolls that can be created. The type of doll and the symbol drawn on the doll and carved on the victim also plays a factor. I will get into this later.


There are three factors to take into before making a living doll.


1) Age of the victim

2) Materials the doll is made of

3) The heart of the doll


Wait? Why does age matter? Well think of it in terms of your physical form. When you are a child you are weak, when you are teen and adult you are strong, and when you are an elder you are weak. The age matters as it can determine how much energy you have to use to make a doll. A child and an elderly person will be easiest to bind to a doll, yet those in their peak years would be a lot harder.


The materials and the size of the doll matter quite a bit as well. Large dolls are impossible to bind. They can actually cost the mage his life and have a 100% chance of failing even if he lives.The doll must be made of a hollow material to allow it some movement of the trapped soul. The hair must be that of the victim as well, further binding and trapping the soul. The outer material can be clay, porcelain, wood, or cloth. However, the sturdier the material, the longer the doll will last. Porcelain dolls last the longest at over two hundred years, followed by clay and wood which last fifty to one hundred years, cloth dolls deteriorate within ten years.


The heart of the doll is the true key to the doll. This is made of gems or gold. The gem has an effect on how well the soul is trapped. A mage gold heart would permanently affix the soul to that point where a crystal would be easily removed and the soul released. This is heart is the only way to restore a living doll if it has been destroyed. If the heart is destroyed, the doll is permanently destroyed.






The creation of a living doll comes if four parts.


The design of the doll must resemble the body the victim is. If the victim is an Kha, the ears and tail must be present. If it is an orc, tusks, and so on. If the victim is missing a limb or eye, the doll must as well to mimic the body. These features would be treated much like the body. If the soul rejects a body part, it will reject it on the doll as well.


After you have made a hairless doll, you must gather hair from the victim. This can be tricky as the hair needs to have the roots to attach to the doll itself. However the hair must be clean and untainted by blood. The hair can then be attached and glued in to prevent loss on the doll. With the hair, one must then get the gem for the heart. This is the key to making a living doll.


The heart can be any crystalline gem or made completely of mage gold. However it must be carefully carved and crafted into a heart like shape. This means knowing what a living heart looks like. This takes very careful craftsmanship and the ability to form crystals into shapes without cracking and damaging the crystal. Any cracks can render the heart useless. The heart is then placed inside the doll itself.


The ritual itself can cause a lot of drain on the creator. It takes a lot of power to pull a soul from one place to another, and then sealing it into the body itself. The ritual requires a symbol to be carved into the victim’s abdomen and then paints onto the face of the doll with the blood. After the victim must be slowly killed to allow for a full binding of the body. Once the last heart beat of the victim is done, the mage must be connect to the symbols in order to seal the soul completely into the doll and its heart.






Deaths and the Doll


The ways of death affect the mentality of the doll. There are six ways to kill the victim to create a living doll. The way death affects the Living Doll is more in the way they go about things rather than what they do.


To slowly bleed your victim out requires patience and skill. The mage may require knowledge of the body to know where to make the proper cuts to bleed the victim slowly (the slower the death of bleeding, the stronger the nature will be). Doing this also causes the doll to be similar. It will take on the patience of the creator. Learning to move with deliberate movements. It would be more willing to stop and listen then attack.


To deprive a victim of oxygen is a slow and agonizing death. This is a more personal effect and creates a very close bond between victim and creator. Whether this is good or bad depends on the symbol. The doll will become more erratic the further it is separated from its creator, becoming terrified of being alone. It is more willing to sit still and pretend to be a real doll than move around.


To slowly poison the body causes damage to the victim’s thought processes and deterioration of muscles, causing slower thoughts in the doll. The doll most times will be slow and would rather laze about than jump at its master’s call. It will do as it is told if given the right symbol, but it will be slower at completing the task. It will not benefit much intellectually either. However, dolls of this affliction also tend to have strong memories and their lazy nature can make them excellent spies when mimicking mundane dolls..


To electrocute your victim is a quick and vigorous death. The afflicted doll will be quick to act and even spastic at times, to a point where it may be difficult to control. If one is capable of keeping the doll in line, they will have a quick and efficient companion. Dolls under this affliction also tend to be creative, unpredictable in what they do and are usually eager to try new things ( for instance, will find more interesting ways of killing )


To freezing your victim is not only painful but cruel. It causes the body to slow down to a methodical pace before finally falling. It causes a deep loathing in the doll, hating almost everything in life. It will move slow much like one of poison affliction, but with purpose. It will think more on situations before reacting and can sometimes be contradictory to its symbol.


To burn your victim to death is an agonising and hateful method. dolls of this affliction are constantly angered, often without instigation or reason. They will be as destructive and hateful as possible in everything they do and will show no compassion to those they bring harm to, including their own master (unless their symbol would prevent them from doing so). Burn afflicted dolls tend to be impatient and can’t wait to release their fury, often doing so in their own way if their master should deprave them of an opportunity.






There are six different symbols that can be used to bind the soul to the doll.


The Dog is a symbol of loyalty and guardianship. These dolls will be willing to die for their creator. They are loyal and close, keeping up a constant guard of their creator and rarely leaving their side. They will stay loyal to their personality but will never lash out against their creator unless they themselves are threatened or harmed.


The Monkey is much like a child that clings to its parent. Learning and mimicking much of its creator. It sees them more as a parent than a master and can wander from the master. It learns and grows creating a new entity of its own, but always believing that they are their creator’s child, nothing less.


The snake is very cunning and very defiant. It will be one that can wander off and do its own bidding. These dolls are rarely made due to the lack of control, but those who wish to create dolls that will wander, these dolls can be made.


The sheep are mindless, doing whatever their creator wishes without a second thought. While they still have minds of their own, they are unable to go against their master even when harmed. They are fully obedient regardless of their own thoughts.


The cat symbol creates a companion doll yet these will wander and still be independant. However they always will find their way home. Unlike the dog, they may willingly flee from danger even if their creator is harmed.


The fox symbol creates dolls that enjoy trickery and are far more lively than their other counterparts. These have nearly a full free will, able to think and act freely. Many times they stay loyal much like the dog, but often times they are a mix between a cat and a dog.






How the symbols and the way of death mix.


The way of death for a doll decides it’s personality, for instance if they die via inferno then the doll will be more angry and destructive.


Whereas the symbol decides what actions the doll will take, for instance if the doll’s symbol is ‘The Dog’ then the doll will protect it’s creator at any cost.


In practise the way these two will mix is; the doll will strive to protect it’s creator, as is the nature of it’s symbol, though the doll will do this in a very angry and destructive way. If someone tries to attack the dolls creator while it’s around the doll might spring up and brutally murder the attacker.


Since there are many different possibilities in the combination of way of death and symbols, it is unlikely that two puppets will be alike. This means that creators may have multiple different puppets for multiple different things.





- Living Dolls can easily mimic an unliving one, fooling those around it.

- Living Dolls are capable of murder, but keep in mind of red lines and symbols

- Living Dolls creates a new character that can do player made events for others.

- Living Doll creators can become doll hoarders!



- Living Dolls are as weak as the materials they are made of. They can crack break and fall apart easily.

- Living Dolls can not exceed three feet (1 meter) in height

- Living Dolls can be freed from their hearts with Holy Magic or by their original creator

- Living Dolls do not fully remember who they are

- Living Dolls are bound by their symbol. Do not agree to the binding unless you agree to the symbol.




Red Lines

- Living Dolls can not learn magic

- It is impossible to create a full sized living doll

- Living Dolls must have someone playing them

- You /must/ have OOC consent from the other player before turning them into a Living Doll

- Once you character becomes a Living Doll it can never be the same again, not even through Necromancy, it will either be a Doll or a Ghost.

- Creators and Victims /must/ OOCly agree on the symbol before the binding, this has to be fun for /both/ parties

- This is a spell that only Soul Puppeteers can do. They must be a master of soul puppeteering and be able to bind the soul successfully


If you are going to comment negatively make it constructive in what you did and did not like. I have been wanting to do this lore for months and would like some constructive words on it. This is meant to create an event character normal players can play. This lore has many influences in it. Yes it is similar to chucky, puppetmaster, and creepypasta’s Molly. I like the idea of dolls being around and adding a slight creepy factor. Thank you for reading.







A special thanks to Gwonam_Blaze and Matthew199876312 for helping me write this lore.

Thanks to Jistuma and Urasept for allowing me to play this character back in Thales.


Edit: No this is not so I can be a "special snowflake character" I make this so I can actually turn others into event characters. I have 2 soul Puppeteering characters I can use in a player run event ^_^

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My nightmares should stay off lotc.


(Well written though.)

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I don't feel like this is necessary, especially not as a playable creature.

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I don't feel like this is necessary, especially not as a playable creature.

it requires a lot of rp and is concidered locked regardless due to the magic

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Honestly, whenever I see lore like this, I always assume, "Hey, special snowflake wishes to be an even more special snowflake!", and after some time, the idea just dies like avenging my family. 


This idea is actually pretty neat, I shall give it that, and I also understand what you mean by it. New events, cool and interesting roleplay, and even a cool new twist to hide and seek, and so on so forth. 


Though, to be blunt like the Yum Yum, this will most likely be annoying and too spooky for people of the server. I mean, you are as small as chihuahua, what are you even going to do for events? Grab as many people and start invading the other nations? Tickle the pickles of couples as they sleep in their bed, wandering if their partner is trying to get frisky and then you begin biting them? This idea may seem cool in retrospect for those people who want to try something new, but we already have so much that can give so much more, just like a mosquito carrying West Nile. Plus, how in the world would this thing even kill someone? Grab a knife and go Chucky on them? I mean, yes, Chucky did kill a ton of people as a possessed doll, but that was because he had a bigger arsenal and could actually overpower unsuspecting humans since they were all stupid enough to stop looking at a cut up looking doll and put them right next to weapons.


In the this world, we have those who can sense people from kilometers away, magic users, uruks and dwed who could probably just stomp on these things, humans who always wear armor, the Kha who could probably smell something and acrobat out, and elves who would just make fun of these things because they arent pure. They could probably take on a Halfling or any of the small races(besides Dwed), but nothing more since anyone bigger than them could literally obliterate them.


The only real fun part of this, would probably being a collector and inviting people to dinner parties to show off your killer baby doll collection and have people make fun of you, and then mass hysteria as you slaughter everyone and bathe in their blood to become younger because they made fun of your killer hobby.


In the end though, it's the thought that counts, right? We already have so many spooky people and adding more to it, trying to "diversify" it, isnt really doing much but make you a target for heresy and splitting up other valuable roleplay opportunities, since these things would probably give more to events than the actual animals of Athera.

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I actually played a living doll back in thales. While you think there isnt much you can do with them they are quite different. yes it gives the creepy people something more creepy to have around, but this also opens up a chance for other players to play an event creature, not just ET or some special snowflake that the ET limits to a handful. This can be as little or as much as the Soul Puppeteers/Server wants. If Timelord wants to make an army of dolls, he could. But to be frank yes it seems silly as to why such an underpowered creature is to be made, but to be truthful, how many people are really going to expect a doll (cracked or not) to be murderous?


Plus who said they are all killer dolls? maybe the soul puppeteer wants a child of his own that never grows up *coughevarkcough*


Or even just to take a different route for RP. The dolls are different depending on what you want. Not just "killers" but also can be other things






Edit: I am not making this so I can play a doll. I actually plan to make some dolls ^_^

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Honestly, whenever I see lore like this, I always assume, "Hey, special snowflake wishes to be an even more special snowflake!", and after some time, the idea just dies like avenging my family.



Not to completely draw away from the topic, but why do so many people expect everyone to play totally plain, totally normal characters on a fantasy RP server where I'd assume most people go to play a character that isn't just like themselves or a ridiculously blank, stoic or average character from a favorite TV show? It's like expecting someone to walk in to a fancy dress shop to try to order a newspaper. I think people confuse wanting to add more creativity and variation to the server with wanting to be special (neither of which I have a problem with because if I wanted to do something seriously normal and not special I'd go outside and actually have a life).

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Not to completely draw away from the topic, but why do so many people expect everyone to play totally plain, totally normal characters on a fantasy RP server where I'd assume most people go to play a character that isn't just like themselves or a ridiculously blank, stoic or average character from a favorite TV show? It's like expecting someone to walk in to a fancy dress shop to try to order a newspaper. I think people confuse wanting to add more creativity and variation to the server with wanting to be special (neither of which I have a problem with because if I wanted to do something seriously normal and not special I'd go outside and actually have a life).


As I said at the end of that, the idea just dies. When you play a normal, average joe type of character in the beginning, you have time to grow, to flesh out your character and turn them into some super freak or stay somewhat of an average joe. You give more in the long run this way.


When I look at this idea, I am talking about having an active population, say, if this were a playable/locked/whatever creature. When I see ideas like this be made, it feels more stagnant than trying to add flavor to RP. 


Yes, you would be a living doll in this case, and yes, you could go on wacky adventures and have creepy/fun RP. How long will that last though? Factoring in the humans, whom would probably put the person and the doll to the stake for some form of extreme witchcraft, or even the Uruks who revere spirits who would probably flat out kill them and return the spirit to wherever it should be. After that, it could pretty much be over for this fun little idea. You could try and bring it back and be fun, but again, if someone rats on you, it's more than likely over.


That's why, being an average joe and going with the flow in the beginning for character development is better than already starting out all ticked out and ready to take on the world. It just doesnt last. Of course, you could obviously say, "Nothing lasts forever.", of course, that's obvious, but it's the time in which you have until that ride ends to make the most of it. Of course, you could say here that, "Then why hold back potential RP if it's just going to be fun for a little while?", well, that's just it, it will be fun for a little while, and as I said, just get boring. 


Seeing as how only Master Puppeteers can do this, how many of them are really out there? How many of them would actually see this as worth it? Seeing as how the population of this creature is pretty much limited, it adds to what I said before Gwonam,


The idea just dies.


Also to note, when I mean evolve with whatever we have, I mean something will benefit it in the long run. I mean, this will be cool to have for Soul Puppeteers, but the idea of it seems so small and wouldnt really add much to the server aside from the occasional creepy element. I just wanted to specify that instead of it being big and easily misunderstood/twisted. Im more of a bigger picture person and aesthetic as well. After playing recently, I have come to this sort of stance, where things small, say the wisp idea, would be pretty neat since it's really just there for fun and stuff and anyone could have it. 


I actually played a living doll back in thales. While you think there isnt much you can do with them they are quite different. yes it gives the creepy people something more creepy to have around, but this also opens up a chance for other players to play an event creature, not just ET or some special snowflake that the ET limits to a handful. This can be as little or as much as the Soul Puppeteers/Server wants. If Timelord wants to make an army of dolls, he could. But to be frank yes it seems silly as to why such an underpowered creature is to be made, but to be truthful, how many people are really going to expect a doll (cracked or not) to be murderous?


Plus who said they are all killer dolls? maybe the soul puppeteer wants a child of his own that never grows up *coughevarkcough*


Or even just to take a different route for RP. The dolls are different depending on what you want. Not just "killers" but also can be other things






Edit: I am not making this so I can play a doll. I actually plan to make some dolls ^_^



As I said before, what kind of events would these things give? Small ones? Grand ones? With these lore ideas, everyone can say they are awesome for events, but is this REALLY a kind of creature to actually have events with? Im talking both small and large. What would these things even do? Are you just talking about the person in question stealing the souls from people and turning them into dolls as the event? If so, that looks like to be the only real "big event" this thing would really give. 

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I would like to think that the premeditation goes back further into the creation of the doll. So it has to be more than just similar physical attributes of the victim to the doll. You should have to collect some hair or a part of their shirt or something. That way in whatever weird Soul Puppeteering way you've assigned that doll for the victim (and could perform any other part of the magic in the lead up to said ritual).


I like that Soul Puppeteering can be given a final outcome. Its always felt to me to be far too fringe and a bit useless. This is fun and freaky as **** for everyone else.



Be cautioned though, the horror themes that are inherent to such characters will mean that the perceived graphic description of violence is escalated. Not that you would be graphic intentionally, just that the one's on the receiving end of (let's just say) a doll stabbing will have a more vivid vision of the activity. So you will have to be very cautious with how graphic your details are, and be keeping up an OOC dialogue for consent.

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I like.
I have read over it rather quickly but I like the base idea.
Why ?

Everyone is always complaining about VAs and MAs restricting people in their roleplay.
Then why wouldn't this be okay ? I kind of like the idea and it's well worked out.

Though if it doesn't get accepted Jade, talk to some Lore Masters about it.
I'm sure you can work something out.. I was a lizard man for some time.. I mean. xD

Question: Do these dolls necessarily have to be evil ?
Question2: What happens when a lover is turned into a doll after being swiftly murdered, for example.

Reasoning Question2: I can already see people knocking on your door to turn their diseased lovers into dolls, hence why I'dd like to know.

PS: Not to be an ass.. but I despise that 'troll' comments are even made by staff members.
( When asked to keep it constructive. )

PS2: I like the fact that it's not a race that one can chose by himself. Meaning that no 'void' characters will end up being a doll. And meaning that there can be a proper selection of who becomes a doll and who not.
If it comes through, definitely keep it locked like you said. :)

Goodluck, Jade_Petal.
+1 on my part.

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I support, again. Was fun to help write this, even if i only did snippets. 




"A special thanks to Gwonam_Blaze and Matthew199876312 for helping me write this lore"





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I like this and think it could aid within roleplay of being a 'creepy' type factor into places, the new re-written with some aspects does aid this lore to be better then the previous post. Though some might say this adds and makes soul puppetry to be too complex for players to read as with some additions to other magics stated by LM's in the past. 

This just adds with roleplay and creates a better and further mastering of the magic to attract players towards learning or fearing it. It isn't for becoming an 'OP' area just adding roleplay.


When I think of this lore though I can not help but think of the contract magic addition, Okar contracts. 

https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/105981-okar-magic-final-touches/ ) Which is here if you cannot find it. I feel as if I get a feeling of this contract magic addition though something greater. I also feel as if this addition to soul puppetry should also include contracts signed, though that is just my personal opinion.

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