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[✗] The Plague Returns


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I support another AGE OF DARKNESS!


Please, please, please tell me that was sarcasm?

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While a plague, on the surface, seems a source of role-play, it often is more a source of not wanting to role-play. Take (for example) a villain. Your character suffers a robbery attempt, though, they make it away with their life. An interesting event, and perhaps you may consider speaking once more to the bandit in-character. However, the next hour, your character is robbed again! This time they lose a portion of their goods, but they make it off alive again. Here, you furrow your brow. Maybe you'll log off from Lord of the Craft for the day. You do, and upon logging back in three hours later by reflex, see another robber in-character. You sigh, and trudge through the role-play. Perhaps a tavern might serve as a respite from this robber you cannot OOC'ly or IC'ly escape. You take a fast travel, and now are in a tavern, where (lo and behold), another robber arises! You quit for the day, avowing to log on tomorrow and participate in less banditry RP. These events occur almost every day for a week.

In my humorously constructed example of the exasperated role-player, assume the robber is a plagued person. You grow sick of the constant, stale role-play of the plague, and log off. You cannot assuage your character of their symptoms should they be given mechanically, and you are annoyed at the lack of ability to role-play your character as you see fit. 

A plague is fine for up to twenty people, perhaps in a city willing to undergo the role-play; however, if the plague in the Fringe was any indication of events, you will have weaponized bodies of plague victims being hurled into settlements should the whole map come under influence. In addition, without mechanical impacts, there is no way to enforce the plague. All those who cannot stand the role-play will become immune. 

People enjoy certain types of role-play. Enforcing a server wide plague is as silly as enforcing a server wide banquet, or a server wide restriction to only villain role-play. 

TL;DR Plague role-play is invasive, often with no chance to escape by those who never wished to participate. 

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Forced plagues are my all-time least favorite RP to see, do, etc.

It's cool when EVERYONE AGREES. But if you want to force it upon hundreds of people who don't want, need, and will be irritated as their rp goes down the drain, be my guest.

Plagues are literally the worst idea since Mien Kampf.

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I don't think would be very fun. I've participated in many plagues, and while they don't always fail entirely, there are better events out there -- why not spend our time pursuing those, instead of the one that we've already attempted numerous times?


Also . . I don't think the Fringe plague required a PK. In fact, I know it didn't. I was there.



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Why did you raise this topic from the depths of hell.

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Moved to Denied Events.

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