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[✗] [Lore Submission] Aengudaemon lore-- Dragur


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I wasn’t able to find any truly in-depth details specifically about Dragur, his history, est. So, ladies and gentlemen here is my idea towards the concept of the Daemon Dragur. Feel free to leave any opinions on what needs to be changed and whatnot.


| Dragur | Keeper of Knowledge, Father of Dragaarkin |


Image belong to http://tinyurl.com/pxfp969



The Keeper of Knowledge and Father to Dragaarkin, Dragur is one surrounded in mystical and mystery. Like all Aengudaemons, Dragur was a creation and servant of The Creator. Dating back to the time of Aengudaemon, Dragur was one of the first Aengudaemon to walk the earth and like the rest of his time, he prospered with both Aenguls and Humankind. Scholars, ranging from old to young, Human to Dwarf, heard of Dragur from all over and once in awhile would Dragur fulfill the dreams of Knowledge seekers such as himself and grant them some of his own knowledge. Though, peace and prosperity wasn’t forever.


After the fall of his kin--Iblee-- from The Creator, Dragur felt shamed; wishing not to become a tainted flame like Iblee, Dragur removed his manifestation from the world. However, gluttony got the better of him. Not wanting to rid himself of the ever growing nutrition of knowledge, Dragur came up with a plan. Not wanting to physically manifest in the mortal world, Dragur experimented. Using both blood magic, his own essence, and the blood of dragons, Dragur was able to create seekers of his very own; the Dragaars. Granted with immortality and sentience, the Dragaars used their powers of transformation to roam the realm as mortals or other creatures. With this in mind, the Dragaar fulfilled their master’s wish and scourged the land for knowledge. Thanks to an Aengudaemon’s potent abilities of the mind, Dragur was able to communicate telepathically with his descendents in order to prosper from their knowledge gain. Though not all Dragaar keepted truthfulness in their father’s wish. Some became tainted, possibly by a aftereffect by Iblee’s corruption, however the actual reason behind this hatred is unknown. These beings of the Dragaar are called the Drakaar, a monstrous and  hatred-filled outshoot of the Dragaar.


While having the Dragaar to nurture him, Dragur still thrived for more knowledge and so, Dragur went forth towards the descendent races. Using his powers of persuasion, Dragur gained followers from the descended races; these followers were tasked with retrieving information where the Dragaar could not go. Every so often when Dragur was pleased with a follower’s work, he would grant the follow something of his own knowledge or have the follower granted with powers that manifested from Dragur himself.


In present day after the threat of the Undead coming to light, Dragur has shown to reveal himself more often in order to thrive on even more knowledge and determined to cease the spread of Iblee’s corruption.



Edited by Pauluus
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Change some of the wording, otherwise it looks very good.

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Denied. There is already lore for Dragur, but your contributions are appreciated. 

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This Lore has been denied. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.

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