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The Order of Magi


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The Order of Magi

Est. 1538




"There are two sides of magic. Neither evil, neither good… it is only the choices and actions of the wielder which shape the fate of all man, we can only say choose wisely"




The Illustrious Order of Magi was founded from the ashes of the Mages Guilds of old with the explicit obligation to educate, preserve and oversee all intellectuals who deem themselves practitioners of the most phrenic of sciences and arts, Arcane Magic.


The Orders


The Order of Magi is divided into three consolidated orders.  In turn, each of these orders has their own hierarchy within them to properly accredit mages from novice to master in the most appropriate position.



The High Order






The Archmages are those magi who have become supposed masters at a certain discipline of arcane magic.  For instance, an Archmage of Sensory Illusion or an Archmage Fire Evocation.  To be eligible for being considered an Archmage one must first have the ability to teach said discipline as well as display for the rest of the Inner Council, their abilities. Note, however, that there can only be one Archmage for every Discipline, and only be replaced if an Adeptus shows higher mastery of a said Discipline, and/or the Council votes them off. This rank does not grant additional power to those who wield it, but it sets them apart from the rest of the Adeptus Major. These are the pillars of the Guild and demand the utmost respect.



The Adeptus, or simply Adept, are those of the Order who have proven their prowess in at least one discipline and have been deemed skilled enough by their Guild Master in said discipline.  Adeptus no longer have a designated instructor or master, and they themselves can teach those of the Third Order within their Guild.  Along with their teaching duties Adeptus may also be rationed out by the High Council or their Guild Master to various kingdoms and nations to serve as Court Wizards, acting as advisors, educators, and representatives for the order.  All Adeptus are also given a seat on the Low Council, a more encompassing senate of magi who, along with members of the High Council, make decisions for the Order as a whole.  Granted, the Adeptus have less voice on the Low Council than the Archmages.  There are two sub-ranks of the Adeptus:



The Adeptus Major have shown proficiency in at least one school of magic and can teach at least one school of magic.  Such a rank is the highest bestowment one can achieve before becoming an Archmage or Guild Master.



The Adeptus Minor has shown proficiency in at least one school of magic and has passed the Somnium.


The Low Order




Best called apprentices, the Practicus have gone through various lectures, passed numerous tests and are finally free to select a discipline of arcane magic.  They are then, thusly, paired with a master of the rank Adeptus, by their Guild Master, or Archmage, if the Archmage chooses to teach and specifically requests said student.  The Practicus will train under their master until the master and Guild Master feels they have become proficient at their discipline and ready to take a series of tests which will determine their aptitude and whether or not they are skilled enough to join the Second Order.  If they pass these tests, Practicus will be considered a full fledged mage and be inducted into the Second Order via the Convocation ceremony.



Neophytes are the newest to the Order, fledgling intellectuals who have practiced no magic and have little understanding of the sacred science to begin with.  Neophytes will attend various lectures and classes within their respective Guild to learn the keystones and fundamentals of magic such as Voidial Theory, meditation, focus, etc…  Granted, they will most likely not perform any magic until they have passed said classes and then chosen a discipline.  All Neophytes will be exposed to all forms of magic so that they might choose one which peaks their interest.


The Order of Progress





Those within this sect are meant to ensure that focus is being given to various projects put forth by the community. Whether it be from an outsider or one proposed by a tester, all ideas and projects are looked into to see if they are feasible. If they are, the directors will assign members of the division to work on the project. Progress is recorded and stored for potential future use in other projects, kept where only members of the Order may see. Failure is allowed so long as the research is sound and everything is recorded. Magic is finicky so it is understood that not everything put forth will be accomplishable.



Those in charge of ensuring that the projects are running smoothly. They decide what is given priority and who gets access to which laboratories. Research ideas must be brought to them for approval, lest the researcher wishes to be removed.



These are the bread and butter of the research sect, as they handle most of the work involved with the projects. In order to join this rank, one must contact one of the directors and prove to them that they are capable of conducting research well or show an aptitude in a specific field of interest.



These are the people who, as the name suggests, test the various prototypes. Every tester acknowledges that they are fully aware of the risks of being in this position. We are not liable for any damages caused to said tester should a prototype go awry.


The Guilds


While the Order of Magi is not but the term used to describe all those within the overarching organization of arcane intellectuals, all magi below the High Council are to be ardent to one of the many ‘independent’ Guilds throughout the realm which function as places of teaching, research, and fellowship -- members living and working together with expected solidarity.  Each Guild is housed within a Guild Hall located within one of the patron cities of the Order.  Each Guild is overseen by a single Guild Master who has authority over their respective Guild and its members, however, must answer to the High Council when called upon.


Guild Masters, most always a particularly skilled Adeptus Major, are given a variety of duties and powers including inducting new members into their Guild, promoting members within their Guild, as well as assigning students to teachers, once again, within their respective Guild.  However, the High Council may at any time veto decisions made by the Guild Master, remove Guild Masters and in doing so appoint a new one, and dissolve or relocate entire Guilds.


The Al-Whakrah Mages Guild

Closed until further notice.


Located within the exotic and diverse lands of the Caliphate, the Al-Whakrah Mages Guild occupies a Guild Hall to the right of the Caliph’s arenaceous palace befitted with in-hall housing, research space, library, arena, and lecture hall for the most committed of magi needing supplies in a convenient proximity.  If the the facilities prove too paltry then the substantial Al-Whakrah Library sits only a walking distance away.


The Sanctuary Mages Guild

Guild Master: Katari Stirling [FlamboyantMingo]


A modest Guild Hall, though do not let its size drive you away.  The Sanctuary Mages Guild is hosted within the pristine and liberal city of scholars and arcanists, Sanctuary.  For sure members of this Guild will be surrounded by like minded individuals, which should be expected, due to the city’s nature members of the Guild may take their research to the Sanctuary archives or laboratories.  Though mostly Mali’aheral in demographic and origin, all are welcome into the island port city Guild.





The Order of Magi, being a service to the descendent races of the realm, offers many a services to those who require it, at a fee, of course.


Court Wizards

Often as a sign of good faith or loyalty, the Order will send their most experienced and diplomatic of arcane scholars to a lord, house, or king.  Here, the mage will act as an advisor on all matters magical and supernatural which plagues the known realm.



One of the Order’s main functions is to educate those who require it.  All potential magi are asked to come to the Order to establish their training in the cornerstones of the arcane and complete the brief application listed below so that the High Council might assess their capacity and qualifications to join the ranks of the Order.



The Dictum


Through the ages, the greatest Orders of scholarly magical practitioners have lived their lives by the ethics of a code.  Power is known to seduce and beguile the weak, thus, it is through the Dictum the mages of the order practice their ancient art.  While Guild Masters may create their own codex for the use of magic within their Guild, they must invariably adhere to these universal laws of the Order.  While the Council may at any time punish mages who break the laws listed below, Guild Masters are responsible for punishing members of their Guild who commit Medial and Petty Crimes, however, must leave mages who commit High Crimes to be put on trial and punished by the Council.


High Crimes

-Homicide of a mage of the Order-

-Disobeying legislation by the High Council-


Medial Crimes

-Performing unauthorized experimentation with potentially dangerous consequences-

-Misuse of magic-

-Using magic outside the security and oversight of a teacher, only applies to those of the Third Order-

-Teaching magic to those outside the Order of Magi and respective Guild unless given explicit permission by the High Council-


Petty Crimes


-Theft (of varying extremity) of property from mages of the Order, or property of the Order itself-

-Disobeying orders given by a Guild Master or those of higher rank than you-






Admission into the Order of Magi can be done via two methods: joining as a student or joining as an already adept practitioner.  Students will be assessed and recruited by the Guild Master of the Guild they choose to join.

Those who already consider themselves skilled in their craft will also be assessed through application and by an Adeptus or Guild Master of their Guild of choice in person.  Based upon their performance they will be placed into a suitable position within the Second Order.


Student Application

For those who are currently learning magic from a member of the Order or have no prior experience with magic.




[Mc Name]:


Magic you wish to study:

Guild you wish to be associated with:


Adept Application



[Mc Name]:


Magics known:

Magics you can teach:

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you?

Which position do you feel most suited for?



[Note that the applications submitted here would only be view-able by the Archmages and the High Council in roleplay]






All magi within the Order are governed by those within the Council and the decisions they pass are law.  The Council is fairly secret about their dealing, conducting most all business behind closed doors as to avoid issues. However, if a member of the Order has an issue, they can present themselves to the Council so it may be addressed.


Standing Council


High Seats:

Eliza (Daanyolx3)

Katari Stirling (FlamboyantMingo)

Guarger Tsouderous (Abyssus)

Low Seats:

Irhamir Siil’crux (ShameJax)

Beltran (Bathrugman)







Grungron Irongut [James27049] Of Fire Evocation


Laethis [Maruthir] Of Water Evocation


Saeldur Asul’Ailer [Princetonlax21] Of Air Evocation


Eliza [daanyolx3] Of Earth Evocation


Ceruberr Asul’Ailer [CaptainSheepy] Of Electrical Evocation


Glacio Nereus [Fitermon] Of Conjuration


Iatrilemar Elervathar [BrandNewKitten] Of Arcanism


Beltran D’avre [BathRugMan] Of Telekinesis


Avenel Synalli [Bokratz] Of Transfiguration


Lorien Carcimor [Mephistophelian] Of Mental Magic


Ayche Raven’kor [Draxagon] Of Sensory Illusion


Haadi Mubdee [_Elad_] of Voidal Displacement




Other members of the order are not listed due to rights of privacy and concerns of safety.

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Adept Application

Name: Kalan

[Mc Name]: aerialkebab

Race: Elf

Magics known: Electrical and Water Evocation, Sensory Illusion, Domestic Magic

Magics you can teach: Evocation

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you?
I am completely self taught.

Which position do you feel most suited for?
Archmage or Scholarch.

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Adept Application

Name: Kalan

[Mc Name]: aerialkebab

Race: Elf

Magics known: Electrical and Water Evocation, Sensory Illusion, Domestic Magic

Magics you can teach: Evocation

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you?
I am completely self taught.

Which position do you feel most suited for?
Archmage or Scholarch.

Vhorr’kalan has already been admitted to the Order as Adeptus Major of Electrical Evocation and Water Evocation. There is no need to apply.

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Adept Application

Name: Salamandra

[Mc Name]: Salamandra

Race: Elf

Magics known: Mental Magic, Earth Evocation, Sensory Illusion, Golemancy, Enchanting

Magics you can teach: ((None OOC, no teaching applications))

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you?: Ambros was my only teacher of any Arcane magic, though never directly. When I was a Shade, Rilath was the one who raised Regaki.

Which position do you feel most suited for?: Any to which I am deemed worthy. I will happily be placed wherever Ambros puts me, including outside of the Order.

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Adept Application

Name: Ayleth

[Mc Name]: FlamboyantMingo

Race: Mali'ame

Magics known: Arcanism, Electrical Evocation, Fire Evocation, Voidal Translocation

Magics you can teach: Arcanism, Electrical and Fire Evocation

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you? Ceruberr for Arcanism, Ayche for Electrical Evocation, and Regis Evocress for Fire Evocation. Two of those are current archmages.

Which position do you feel most suited for? Adeptus Major.

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Adept Application
Name: Rilath Ilwindior
[Mc Name]: Rilath
Race: Dark Elf
Magics known: Shade
Magics you can teach: ((OOCly, none. No TA, though will probably get one in the future.))
Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you? I am the creator of Shade magic and the point from which all current Shades originate.
Which position do you feel most suited for? Wherever it is seen I would be most suited.

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Name: Salazar

[Mc Name]: Treshure

Race: Mali'aheral

Magics known: Fi'hiiran'tanya

Magics you can teach: Fi'hiiran'tanya

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you?: Valmuel Elibar'acal, the grandmaster of Fi'hiiran'tanya.

Which position do you feel most suited for?: Archmage, with the special privilege of observation. This is the first time a master of Fi'hiiran'tanya has attempted to commune with practitioners of other magicks... and for this reason, I request to not immediately begin teaching.


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Adept Application

Name: Hamon Vilarien

[Mc Name]: Mittosaurus

Race: Human

Magics known: Electrical Evocation

Magics you can teach: None

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you?
Katari Stirling

Which position do you feel most suited for?

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Adept Application

Name: Salamandra

[Mc Name]: Salamandra

Race: Elf

Magics known: Mental Magic, Earth Evocation, Sensory Illusion, Golemancy, Enchanting

Magics you can teach: ((None OOC, no teaching applications))

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you?: Ambros was my only teacher of any Arcane magic, though never directly. When I was a Shade, Rilath was the one who raised Regaki.

Which position do you feel most suited for?: Any to which I am deemed worthy. I will happily be placed wherever Ambros puts me, including outside of the Order.



You have been inducted into the Second Order as Adeptus Minor


Adept Application

Name: Ayleth

[Mc Name]: FlamboyantMingo

Race: Mali'ame

Magics known: Arcanism, Electrical Evocation, Fire Evocation, Voidal Translocation

Magics you can teach: Arcanism, Electrical and Fire Evocation

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you? Ceruberr for Arcanism, Ayche for Electrical Evocation, and Regis Evocress for Fire Evocation. Two of those are current archmages.

Which position do you feel most suited for? Adeptus Major.



You have been inducted into the Second Order as Adeptus Major of Arcanism, Electrical Evocation, and Fire Evocation.


Adept Application
Name: Rilath Ilwindior
[Mc Name]: Rilath
Race: Dark Elf
Magics known: Shade
Magics you can teach: ((OOCly, none. No TA, though will probably get one in the future.))
Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you? I am the creator of Shade magic and the point from which all current Shades originate.
Which position do you feel most suited for? Wherever it is seen I would be most suited.



You have been denied from the Order of Magi due to open practice of the Dark Arts.




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Adept Application

Name: Hamon Vilarien

[Mc Name]: Mittosaurus

Race: Human

Magics known: Electrical Evocation

Magics you can teach: None

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you?
Katari Stirling

Which position do you feel most suited for?


You have been inducted into the Third Order as Practicus

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Name: Irhamir

[Mc Name]: ShameJax

Race: High Elf

Magics known: Expert within telekinesis and beginning arcane evocation.

Magics you can teach: Telekinesis

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you? Beltran taught me telekinesis, and Ayeth is currently teaching me arcane evocation.

Which position do you feel most suited for? Adeptus Major

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Name: Iatrilemar Elervathar

[Mc Name]: BrandNewKitten

Race: Mali'aheral

Magics known: Arcanism, Voidal Shifting, Voidal Translocation

Magics you can teach: Arcanism, Voidal Shifting

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you? I developed Arcanism and Voidal Shifting by my own. To note I developed Arcanism into it's current state after it was lost to us in Anthos and taught many. Two notable students of mine are Ceruberr and Kalameet Izalith. Haadi Mubdee taught me Voidal Translocation and has been my only true teacher in any form of magic.

Which position do you feel most suited for? Considering my achievements in the field of Arcanism I would assume the position of Archmage of Arcanism would be suitable. Any and all practicioners of Arcanism in some way stem from me as I stem from those Arcane Mages before me. Likewise I know of no other inidividual who may call themselves a master in the art of shifting, which is akin to the lost ascended art of blinking which I am currently in the process of teaching to Mr. Mubdee. 


Edited by BrandNewKitten
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Name: Enaer Ith'ael

[Mc Name]: Aetas

Race: High Elf

Magic you wish to study: Conjuration

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Name: Irhamir

[Mc Name]: ShameJax

Race: High Elf

Magics known: Expert within telekinesis and beginning arcane evocation.

Magics you can teach: Telekinesis

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you? Beltran taught me telekinesis, and Ayeth is currently teaching me arcane evocation.

Which position do you feel most suited for? Adeptus Major



You have been inducted into the Second Order as Adeptus Major of Telekinesis.


Name: Iatrilemar Elervathar

[Mc Name]: BrandNewKitten

Race: Mali'aheral

Magics known: Arcanism, Voidal Shifting, Voidal Translocation

Magics you can teach: Arcanism, Voidal Shifting

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you? I developed Arcanism and Voidal Shifting by my own. To note I developed Arcanism into it's current state after it was lost to us in Anthos and taught many. Two notable students of mine are Ceruberr and Kalameet Izalith. Haadi Mubdee taught me Voidal Translocation and has been my only true teacher in any form of magic.

Which position do you feel most suited for? Considering my achievements in the field of Arcanism I would assume the position of Archmage of Arcanism would be suitable. Any and all practicioners of Arcanism in some way stem from me as I stem from those Arcane Mages before me. Likewise I know of no other inidividual who may call themselves a master in the art of shifting, which is akin to the lost ascended art of blinking which I am currently in the process of teaching to Mr. Mubdee. 




You have been inducted into the First Order as Archmage of Arcanism. Archmage Katari has agreed to step down from his position as Archmage of Arcanism to give you the position.

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((Can't edit my post, so here. Messed up on something.))

Name: [Mc Name]: ElkenElk

Race: Elf.

Magics known: Earth evocation (T4), learning electrical and water evocations.

Magics you can teach: None.

Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you? Eliza, earth evocation. Vhorr'kalan, water/electrical.

Which position do you feel most suited for? Adeptus minor.

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