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The Plant Index


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The Plant Index


Listed below are all of the plants present in the Lord of the Craft universe, including their usage and descriptions. This has been made to cut down on the numerous plant lore ports where instead they can all be harbored here.


The application for new plants are at the bottom. Post your application as a reply to this topic.


"LM Approval" refers to a player requiring the exact consent of a Lore Master in order to interact with a given plant. The majority of the time the answer will be yes, this is more so used to monitor and control their usage.





The Plant Index



~ Blissfoil ~



General Use:


A small collection of blue flowers perched atop stalks of a flimsy nature. Easily removed, it is a great pain reliever and numbing agent. Using too much might permanently numb an area.


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~ Orcs Braid ~



General Use:


Growth restricted to the mouths of sewer entrances it’s disgusting undergrowth spouts a black weed that appears vile within site itself. Dare you tempt to taste the odd material it would be bland and dull, as if eating a coil of rope itself.


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~ Singed Kha ~



General Use:
Reagent/Mild Irritant


Commonly found within the moist underbelly of relentless rainforests and standing out from the usual foliage as its leaves extend wide with a red stain. When fully grown it easily stands 1.5 metres tall yet more peculiarly the faintest smell of burning kharajyr is present upon air as its  leaves reach their highest point. When rubbed against the bare skin a mild irritation is present yet it seems to lack any other properties.



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~ Blistering Toad ~



General Use:
Reagent/Major Irritant


A small fungus with the appearance of a toad itself, only ever appearing upon the rotting edge of an oak log. With a utter lack of odour the fungus is of a certain difficult to find and upon arrival you must ensure its potent spores are not confused. If such is the case then you’ll quickly find a harsh corrosive effect upon one’s throat and oesophagus often making it a tool of grandeur for those of twisted mind.



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~ Miners Helmet ~



General Use:


A large mushroom spanning a metre of space when fully bloomed it enjoys damp corners and produces an earthy smell. Hence the name, as its chaotic nature of growth can often cause havoc for those working the damp and cold mine shafts upon a daily basis. Being completely inedible it causes major damage to one’s nervous system upon consumption, nevertheless due to its size and the process of cooking it often fails to act as a suitable poison.



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~ Drilltongue ~



General Use:


Sometimes referred to by its common name, vines, it's typically found within that of mountainous or tundra related scene. Its natural strength allows usage as perhaps rope or even even being wove into a basket/bag of sorts. Other than such it's often considered quite the passive plant behaving neutrally amongst other regents and thus making it a timid ingredient for alchemy.



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~ Wisp Breath ~


General Use:


Holding similarity in nature to that of a vine and yet this ingredient would be entirely transparent. Being incredibly rare within nature with only four reported sightings it often appears deep within caves that hold a natural intake of air, its texture like silk and yet sturdy enough to survive within the plummeting temperatures of these deep caves. When consumed its believed to act a a narcotic, disrupting common thought and being highly addictive and yet such addictions can not be fulfilled due to its incredible rare nature,



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~ Aqua Nymph ~



General Use:


Only ever found beneath waters surface its appearance is that of a chain of blue baubles, quite easily mistaken for the spawn of frogs. Due to a fragile nature this delicate substance must not be touched by hand and instead carefully taken by the scooping of a jar. Any other means would merely ruin the plant entirely. When ingested solely it will immediately cause severe hallucinations, however when boiled in a vat of water it’ll quickly form a oil like substance that when spread upon burn wounds is effective as a treatment.



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~ Alabaster Leaf ~



General Use:
Reagent/Mild Poison


Often discovered around the dry aspects of forests, such as that of a fallen tree whose bark has long but withered. Commonly found upon its surface its a residue like substance that inflicts feelings of nausea and dizziness when consumed, once again failing to be active once cooked it fails to act as an appropriate means of bringing harm to another.



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~ Serpent's Stalk ~



General Use:


A common and identifiable plant its continues to grow near small bodies of water; for example stagnant ponds or passive lakes. Its stalks sprout with a deep emerald hue and it often clustered within tight spacing, continuing to grow upwards until the failure of support causes it to snap beneath its own weight. It does not hold any irritative qualities and is completely safe for consumption, if anything slightly bland for the majority of people's tastes. Nevertheless its useful in producing burn salves that enable healing of such a wound.



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~ Crimson Vase ~



General Use:


A flower that strives for the warm embrace of light; its appearance that of a deep red and petals that stretch outward to form that of nature's vase. It’d commonly be found climbing upwards from the base of a tree as it attempts to get ever closer to the adorning light, when touched it would bring a warmth to your skin not harmful but instead pleasant. To ensure usage as a regent it must be carefully taken from its resting place due to any rip or tear within its petals coming to negate the powerful effects entirely.



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~ Flame Tongue Root ~



General Use:


Notably given its name thanks to rust coloured roots, its physical properties make it hot to touch. Not only that but also it is lined with sharp brambles that tend to cause severe pain when pricked upon skin and in turn must be gathered with a thick glove. It much prefers areas of vast water and sunlight such as atop fills and is often known for its almost rose like appereance.



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~ Tippen's Root ~



General Use:


The bane of gardeners this plant is almost weed like and near impossible to completely remove, nevertheless it usually spouts within that of dense forestry and it often noticed thanks to bright purple flowers that tend to grow atop it. Atop of thats its commonly found due to the awful stench it produces instantly causing that of gagging and sickness, if you can withstand such unpleasantness then it's quite easy to gather. When applied to a wound it can be useful in restricting the flow of blood, often saving many a life.



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~ Mandragora ~



General Use:


Shaped oddly like that of a parsnip its growth is restricted to wetlands. Like many other plants it seems to produce spores of highly narcotic and hallucinatory origin and due to high toxicity gathering of this plant can often be found to be a dangerous procedure. Nevertheless once plucked from the ground such spores are failed to be produced, leaving the plant nothing more than a passive regent.



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~ Frost Vine ~



General Use:


Name given due to its growth environment being that of cold, wintery climates. It often is seen growing beneath shady trees easily notable through the white snow thanks to a blue hue of colour. Its use in the medical field allows it to be rubbed into skin, numbing pain and loosening stiff muscle, and is very efficient to heal aid with burns wounds. Prolonged usage will result in near loss of feeling within limbs and yet after a certain degree of time such effects will expire.



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~ Elrow Berries ~



General Use:
Reagent/Mild Poison


Quite an ironic plant due to its environment; the berries grow with a notable redness and grow within the icy plains in which only cold tends to linger. However when consumed a certain burning is immediately inflicting upon the innocent victim and under normal circumstances would make for quite the spice. Unfortunately extended consumption will lead to burning of the throat and a massive heating of the internal organs, leaving the fate of unconsciousness to many. Still could most likely make the king of curries.



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~ Zawabate ~



General Use:


Growth restricted to the surprise Oasis’ rarely found within the dry deserts of the many realms, it has prominent hues of green and yellow with short, curvy petals. Its use is known commonly by the local shamans and witchdoctors due to its mirage-inducing effects making them a key aspect of many tribal magics and/or religious ceremonies.



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~ Blood Lotus ~



General Use:


Spawn of naturally formed caverns it grows with a rust coloured nature, climbing along the many crevices before falling as gravity demands its return. Oddly its name suggests something of hostile nature and yet it provides nutrients that are often failed to be included within a peasant's dietary standard.



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~ Night Sap ~



General Use:


Present within the deformed growths of sturdy oak trees, the thick honey like substance brings a pleasant colour of gold when extracted. More importantly is the effects of consumption, the smooth substance causes muscles to relax and physique to become struck with a sense of tiredness. The sleep-induced state would come to last for around five hours and yet upon awakening your mind becomes hit with a splitting headache. The pain would be so severe that movements becomes a task and you’re left to suffer for as long as you slept, worse so due to its addictive nature many find the pain an often occurrence.



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~ Pipeweed ~



General Use:
Smoking Herb


The common of all smoking herbs its modern comparison would be that of tobacco, its effect upon the brain and thoughts of the smoker hardly altered. It has a grand versatility to its growth and thus seems to be very common amongst the lands, only ever requiring a constant supply of water. There are negatives to regular consumption however including a shortness of breath and frequent coughing.



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~ Cactus Green ~



General Use:
Smoking Herb


Smoked within rolled paper or that of a pipe, it's a very addictive substance that alters the ongoings of one’s mind. Suggested by the name it's harvested from the cactus plant itself and crafted from the heating of the collected resource. Due to the homelands of the orc’s often resembling the needed condition of the cactus it's common amongst their traditions and habits.



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~ Desert Bush Berry ~



General Use:


Holding the appearance of a dead bush it only spouts within the cactus forests of the deserts. They are red in colour and hold a bizarrely sweet taste when consumed. The bush itself is very ugly and holds thorns along its entire branches which cause alergic reactions. The bush itself isn't consumed by the local wildlife, but the berries are quite rare because of the many animals that will try and feed on it.



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~ Grefloots ~



General Use:


These unique plants emerge within the dense underfoot of forests, holding a spiral shape and deadly toxins. However attempts to extract this deadly and furious toxin often result in utter failure as even vast quantities can only product very minor amounts. If successful the resulting effects of consumption would range from mere clouding of thought through to serious injury depending upon the volume of dosage.  



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~ In trapper de Crawlers ~



General Use:
Carnivorous plant


A confusing entanglement of four to seven leaves, stem appearing slick and thin. Consuming the large insects that accidentally find themselves upon its tongue and typically found within wet climates, typically swamps however the intense heat of tropical forests restricts its survival.



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~ Insect Ligans ~



General Use:
Carnivorous plant


It’s leaves coated and producing a sticky substance and disguised beneath a peaceful appearance. Nevertheless such is a ruse to the unexpecting insects, quickly coming to consume the unexpecting beings that land upon its surface.



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~ Spirit Magnolis ~



General use:
Tea and Reagent
This peculiar plant is extremelly rare. It only grows in the body of Ernest, a Graven who is a great lover of nature. The plant is a red one, long with short leaves. A bit ruff when you pass a finger through it, and very hard to crush and tear. It makes great tea, and it's a very powerful alchemy ingredient to use due to it's rarety.
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~ Crouching Feather ~


General use:
A flower that grows under trees and large bushes. Quite rare as it only blooms at night, creating three long white petals that take the appearance of a feather. It is quite fragile, even the night winds can break out the petals and send them floating through the sky.
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~ Elf's Hair Vine ~


General use:
Graceful white flowers that grow from thin vines that look like white elf's hair. They only grow on top of cold mountains, in places which are protected from the winds. While the blossom is one of the most fragile piece of flora there is, the vine is quite durable.
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~ Athin ~


General use:
Reagent and fire resister
A blue algae that grows in freezing waters. Dangerous to colect if not prepared to combat the cold of the water. It's one of the best flame resistant materials that someone can colect, but it's rarety and danger to gather makes it hard to create something bigger than a small flameproof sack or maybe a hat.
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~ Flash Fruit ~


General use:



The fruit itself grows on the tallest of trees usually where predators cannot reach them, soaring to grow on any branch, the seeds are carried by the wind and will only grow in a thin oxygen moisture, usually found ontop of the Elven elder Trees or on the cliff trees of the Kha trees. The fruit itself will have a texture of yellow with orange streaks through the body. The skin of the fruit has a rich sweet taste, and can satisfy someone's thirst for a day. The insides are filled with a maroon ooze, which if consumed will slightly numb the muscles in the throat, however not enough to cause that of death or tremendous suffering.



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~ Cryptus Shroom ~

General use:
A small flakey brown mushroom, which can be used to dry herbs and meats in root cellars. The Cryptus Shroom is named after the location it is usually found in, the mushroom is found in old dark crypts growing on decaying bodies. If the Cryptus spores are disturbed and attach to - for example a freshly cut herb-, they would dry out the herb in an accelerated rate compared to natural hang-dry solutions.
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~ Aquate Root ~

General use:
A round bulbous growth which contains a clear blue liquid. when used in creams this root's liquid hydrates dry or chapped skin. The Aquate Root can be found growing naturally in bogs, it’s body has short green stalks and thin blue flowers.
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~ Grobsnopper ~



General useMedical

DescriptionThe Grobsnopper is an extremely helpful herb used by apothecaries and herbalists alike. It has potent healing abilities with the capability to "soak up" bacteria. This process withers and kills the plant itself yet heals the recipient slightly. Multiple treatments with a Grobsnopper can also clean medium to large wounds. Those who know of its abilities also place Grobsnoppers next to their bedposts to reduce the chance of coming down with an illness.




LM Approval RequiredNo




~ Diddyfunkles ~



General useHallucinogenic, Irritant, Ingredient!


DescriptionConsidered an irritable but useful plant, the Diddyfunkle coats itself with a very itchy substance named: "Diddyfunklites", appearing as purple stems jutting out from the centre ball. Excessive contact with the Diddyfunklites could lead to rashing of the skin. Inside the ball of the Diddyfunkle, a sweet orange-like substance is inside, having strong hallucinogenic effects if not prepared correctly. If squeezed to the right amount, it acts as a strong herb to knock out a victim if concentrated. In small amounts, it would clear the head of someone, and their thoughts. In the smallest amount, it could be considered a delicacy, the tart from the fruit containing tasty ingredients!


AuthorTreshure, altered slightly by myself.


LM Approval RequiredAssuming people use this maturely, no.




~ Habgosnits ~



General use: Narcotic, Medical


Description: Habgobsnits are plants visually similar to grass and have wonderful properties. Disguised as normal grass, they can only be told apart by a slight shading effect, whereas normal grass is darker than the average Habgobsnit. When squeezed, the Habgobsnit produces a small juice, that when collected, a dosage could numb some parts of the body and an amazing sense of clarity. These reasons are not known well, but it is well known that mischievous Hobbits have been found choosing to shove a Habgobsnit in their pipe to get the clarity high. 


Author: Treshure


LM Approval Required: No




~ Gislocinovi ~



General useMedical


DescriptionLess commonly known, the Gislocinovi's can either be put in a hot bowl of water for 60 minutes, then taken out for treatment or squeeze it to produce juice. The Gislocinovi has strong healing abilities, used as an anti-bacterial bandage, when strung up together by string. Too much of it, however, can be damaging or even fatal, depending on how much you apply and how much you consume. The Gislocinovi is considered a dangerous healing plant, mostly because of the fact that in the case of an overdose, side affects may include fatality. Symptoms of overdosing could include nausea, internal bleeding, external nose bleeding, twitching, major seizures, and death.




LM Approval RequiredNo





~ Amberriddle ~



Use: If collected directly from the stem and stored in an airtight container, the Amber serves as a powerful glue for sealing wounds and preventing blood flow (it does not cause any allergic reaction, but it burns a little), as well as sticking any two things together. If used in alchemy, the ground up Amber will produce a powerful potion. If burnt, the sap releases a pleasant, spicy smell. Strong fire symbol.

Description: As the name suggests, this simple looking parasite plant (with jagged, soft leaves and pale blue flowers) releases a shockingly orange sap that dries rapidly in air to form a hard Amber with powerful fire symbol properties. Found only between the limbs of towering trees, this interesting flora has only need of sunlight; the rest of its nutrients are collected from the host tree. Very rare, found between the branches of large trees.

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~ Mourner's tree ~


Use: Beautiful to behold, but not to touch or climb, this tree is often used as decoration amongst the better established people of the realm. Taking many years to grow to full size, it is a tree for the patient. The red leaves are used as food and sought after by the greatest of chefs, but it is the seeds that are the true treasure. Hard to extract from the bark without damaging it, the seeds must be ground into a fine, sticky paste and used as such, proving to be a strong earth symbol. Strong earth symbol.

Description: A moderately large tree that lives for many thousands of years. It has a thick, barky base and branches, with harsh, jagged bits of bark that can cut and flake off at any time, causing it to be rather painful to climb for the barefoot or inexperienced, especially since this tree is always found hanging over a river or body of water. The tips of its many branches each have a single, stem-like protrusion hanging downward, with an array of golden yellow leaves protruding along its length. Each leaf is half a meter long, with an elegant, thin shape. Once every year, a dozen or so leaves down its length fall off, to be replaced by deep red, thin leaves. They are considered a delicacy if boiled and eaten, giving a strong, savory taste. The plant spreads its seeds in hidden sections of the bark, which flakes off and drops into the water it hangs over, floating to a new spot on the river. Rare in the wild.

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~ Blood Grapes ~



General use:

The flowers can be used for painting, some seeds for orcish ration and, the berries, obviously, for ale and feeding.



The blood grape is a plant native from the deserts, but, instead of using water, for some reason, it's fed with blood. Initially, the first seeds are burried beneath the sand in a long, deep hibernation, until a fair ammount of blood is dropped upon it, which will allow it to grow. After great wars, raids or even beast clashes on the desert, some blood might be spilled, being left on the ground that will aid the plant to blossom, making it being fairly rare when not planted by someone.


The sappling takes long to grow, but once it reaches full maturity, the plant will give out constantly blood grapes after four in game years as long as it's fed with blood. When the plant is not fed anymore, it will enter in some sort of hibernation again, stoping to produce berries to keep itself hidrated. The blood grape plant also gives crimson-red flowers, that can be used for pigment, hair paint or war paints. The seeds can also be used as rations. Jabbernacks are known pests of this berry.







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~ Clutcher's Straw ~



General use: Alchemy


Description: Clutcher’s straw is a rather interesting plant, as it stands tall as grass could, but the blades are dulled with more of a tar color than what grass would be commonly colored. The herb itself is found in dry regions such as Savannas, commonly mistaken as dead grass. If the herb is uprooted carefully one would notice the roots of such herb were indeed pitch-black, the end of the roots sharper than a preparation knife found in an alchemist tools. One would to be careful with such Herb as any consumption, though such would taste horrid at the least, would at the most likely lock up the consumers jaws, as studied the Herb holds an unfounded property of impairment in the lowest form, though if processed it could most likely have a stronger effect.

Location: Sprung along grass in small patches among dry fields.

Representation: Impairment, Loss, ?????


Author: Toxzero based off the in game plant description


LM Approval Required:

No it's already an alchemy regent



~ Halfling's Grass ~



General Use: Alchemy



Description: Halfling’s Grass as one would name such is an herb found commonly within dense forests with plenty of damp spacing and well lit lighting, which more or less would be found around the forests around the halfling grove, given it’s name. The plant can grow to be just as tall as a halfling, it’s leaves budding with a strong and heavy odor to it. The main alchemical use of the herb would be the roots, once uprooted one could get a whiff of such an odd but calming odor, the roots being soft in it’s own properties and chewy when consumed. Consumption of the herb brings results closely resembling Cactus Green, and when process into a fine liquid, the effects gain a stronger property.

Location: dense, well light forests with damp soil.

Representation: Calmness, Light-Weight(or lifting?), ??

Author: Toxzero based off the in game plant description


LM Approval Required:

No it's already an alchemy regent



~ Larihei's Fingers ~



General use: Alchemy



Description: Lahiri's Finger’s is a herb that has interesting properties of withstanding the cold and weight of snow up in higher regions of mountain ranges. The plant itself consists of very smooth roots that burrow themselves in the top layer of soil with a few leaves sprouting here and there during the warmer seasons in which the snow levels drop drastically in the mountains. Obtaining the root itself is a hard and inconvenient task during the winter times as the soil around the root seems to freeze solid with the snow fall, so such its more recommended for the warmer seasons. The herb has no editable properties besides being bitter at taste and chewing a bit tough, though once processed the herb has the fine properties to help increase one's awareness to their movement’s and surroundings.

Location: Commonly found buried in snow upon mountain ranges.

Representation: Steadiness, Focus, swiftness


LM Approval Required:

No it's already an alchemy regent



~ Thornweed Bushes ~



General use:

-The Twigs

The twigs aren't really used for much, but they have a multitude of thorns that one might be able to use for a dart of some sort

-The Leaves

The leaves, if burnt, produce a green smoke that gives the person who inhales the fumes a sense of calm and peace - though if too much is taken, it can cause one to cough

-The Roots

The roots have no special property, but they do have a lovely taste if cooked in a kettle for tea.



The bushes themselves are hardly deservant of the title, and look more like small green shrubs, but each branch has a multitude of leaves that cover sharp and irritating thorns. These thorns often cling to clothes and, when on the ground, act as a form of seed, giving rise to new Thornweed bushes

They grow wild, and are found all across the lands.





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~ Ashwood Tree ~



General use:  it's syrup makes for a strong drink, it's certainly not healthy though, and it makes for a powerful sterilizer, and disinfectant.





Ashwood, originally located on an island in Vailor named Avar is a cousin of the Elderwood which has been long used as a symbol of hope, and longevity to the peoples of Norland. The Ashwood is a deciduous tree that is able to be burnt, yet not harmed by flames, it’s bark is nearly as hard as steel when still attached to the tree.


The ashwood tree, similarly to it’s cousin, the Elderwood tree only retains it’s amazing properties when it is alive, however, unlike it’s cousin, it cannot be shaped into walls, houses, weapons armor etc it’s bark is too hard for that, it simply grows into a beautiful tree with near uncuttable bark.


Every spring, the Ashwood tree grows brown, orange and yellow leaves, gathering the small amount of sunlight that it needs, then in the summer, the tree secretes a powerful flammable liquid which is called “Ash Syrup”, and eventually, the heat will light the tree on fire, burning away it’s leaves and dying bark, this can be done manually if the climate is too cold for the tree to catch fire naturally, if the Ashwood tree catches fire too early in the summer, and the leaves die too quickly, this can leave the tree in a sickly state for the rest of the year, however, if the fire is started before the tree has secreted enough Ash Syrup, it will not burn the leaves fully, and they will fall off at the end of summer, leaving the tree in a fair state of health.



Once a year during spring, it drops a giant heavy dark seed from it’s branches, these seeds can live up to 2 years before they lose their use, the seed is extremely heavy, and must be carried by multiple people.


Ashwood can be burned by natural, and magic fire, though the only type that will cause harm to the tree is the latter, not all types of magic fire can burn this tree, however, beings with overwhelming strength harness the power to harm the tree with fire, however it’s certainly not the easiest way to harm the tree.


Ash Syrup can be consumed, and it acts as a heavy depressant, giving a similar effect to alcohol, it tastes horrid however, and is often used by performers to spit fire, the liquid is known to cause hallucinations, sluggish movement, and dulled senses, it is a powerful sterilizer and disinfectant.


The Tree’s weakness lies in its soil, since the tree is deciduous and does not have leaves for over half the year, it cannot absorb as much sunlight as other trees, it mainly relies on nutrition from the soil and water.

After many hundreds of years, the tree will die, burning itself with a spectacular blaze until it’s burnt into nothing but ashes and a single dark seed buried underneath the ground, this process usually lasts two weeks of non-stop burning.


Author: DeanoBambino


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~ Gaja ~




General Use: 

No other group has found a true use for them. They are dangerous carnivores, and avoided by most. 



Named as Gajarpan Nudit Baum or "Gaja". Found in the upper elevations of the jungle, the Snake Vine Plant “Gaja” first grows onto one tree, using it as a source of nutrients, before spreading out into other trees to form a sticky array of vines. Usually large herbivores would eat the Gajarpan, but it evolved to ensare larger prey and any inhabitants who touch or make contact with the vines.  Once one vine wraps around the target, the rest begin to curl around the target, ensnaring them like a spiderweb. The thickness of their vines makes it strong enough to be able to raise a human if well developed, and maybe even kill an orc that attempts to mock or toy with such a great plant. Some tribes have studied these plants extensively, setting up traps for even the biggest animals, then later returning at the root to get their reward. The jungles can be filled to the brim with Gaja, to the point where they are indistinguishable to the foliage upon the trees.





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No, They aren't playable. Staff may use them in events, but it's not really meant to be playable. More of a trap/hazard for players to avoid.



~ Glokan ~




General use: 

Another Carnivore, the Glokan has no real use other than a threat, as its wild and unpredictable nature has made it impossible to study or find a use for.



Said to be another creature of Glutros, the Glokan have evolved to hunt within the dark axian jungles. Be it a pig, bird or leopard, the Glokan’s hunger extends to anything that it can fit into its massive maw. Covered in barbed thorns and thick as bamboo, this enormous plant towers at six feet and can grow up to nine feet. Its large head will, in most cases, be a third the size, with a few rare exceptions, where the head may grow up to a half of the plant’s size. Due to its massive size and clear danger, it leaps out at its prey rather than wait for something to fly into its mouth. The Glokan drips a pink saliva that attracts prey with its sweet scent, which is said to smell of the sweetest flowers.Once an animal grows close enough, it lunges out with hook-like teeth to swallow its prey whole. 





LM Approval Required:

Yes, another carnivorous plant definitely needs LM approval, as it is another event-esque creature to deal with while traveling through the Asul jungles.



~ Nims' Beard ~



General Use:

Alchemy Reagent/Dye,  Spice



A thin orange fungus that spreads like wildfire once in a warm damp environment. The fungus will only grow on organic matter, mostly vegetables. The fungus is encased with a thick amber liquid that can be used for a dye. Avoid contact with the skin, the oil of this fungus causes a burning sensation and inflammation to plague any affected area. The Fungus is known to change tint depending on what color the organic matter it grows on is. Nims’ Beard can be added to food items as a hot spice. The fungus is often used for skin dying oils.  





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Below is an application to which you may reply to this topic with in order to add a plants to the gardens already in place. Expect a single word answer of "Yes" or "No" and no elaborate answer; if you truly care to argue for your plant, PM myself (Zarsies) and it may be discussed. 





General use:






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Dahur'Kazull (Blood Grape)


General use:

The flowers can be used for painting, some seeds for orcish ration and, the berries, obviously, for ale and feeding.



The blood grape is a plant native from the deserts, but, instead of using water, for some reason, it's fed with blood. Initially, the first seeds are burried beneath the sand in a long, deep hibernation, until a fair ammount of blood is dropped upon it, which will allow it to grow. After great wars, raids or even beast clashes on the desert, some blood might be spilled, being left on the ground that will aid the plant to blossom, making it being fairly rare when not planted by someone.


The sappling takes long to grow, but once it reaches full maturity, the plant will give out constantly blood grapes after four in game years as long as it's fed with blood. When the plant is not fed anymore, it will enter in some sort of hibernation again, stoping to produce berries to keep itself hidrated. The blood grape plant also gives crimson-red flowers, that can be used for pigment, hair paint or war paints. The seeds can also be used as rations. Jabbernacks are known pests of this berry.







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22 hours ago, Man of respect said:

Dahur'Kazull (Blood Grape)


General use:

The flowers can be used for painting, some seeds for orcish ration and, the berries, obviously, for ale and feeding.



The blood grape is a plant native from the deserts, but, instead of using water, for some reason, it's fed with blood. Initially, the first seeds are burried beneath the sand in a long, deep hibernation, until a fair ammount of blood is dropped upon it, which will allow it to grow. After great wars, raids or even beast clashes on the desert, some blood might be spilled, being left on the ground that will aid the plant to blossom, making it being fairly rare when not planted by someone.


The sappling takes long to grow, but once it reaches full maturity, the plant will give out constantly blood grapes after four in game years as long as it's fed with blood. When the plant is not fed anymore, it will enter in some sort of hibernation again, stoping to produce berries to keep itself hidrated. The blood grape plant also gives crimson-red flowers, that can be used for pigment, hair paint or war paints. The seeds can also be used as rations. Jabbernacks are known pests of this berry.







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Notice: These regents exist MECHANICALLY, but have /no/ lore on them. So I took the liberty to scribble up quick lore. Feel free to change / edit as needed.


Clutcher’s Straw

General use: Alchemy


Description: Clutcher’s straw is a rather interesting plant, as it stands tall as grass could, but the blades are dulled with more of a tar color than what grass would be commonly colored. The herb itself is found in dry regions such as Savannas, commonly mistaken as dead grass. If the herb is uprooted carefully one would notice the roots of such herb were indeed pitch-black, the end of the roots sharper than a preparation knife found in an alchemist tools. One would to be careful with such Herb as any consumption, though such would taste horrid at the least, would at the most likely lock up the consumers jaws, as studied the Herb holds an unfounded property of impairment in the lowest form, though if processed it could most likely have a stronger effect.

Location: Sprung along grass in small patches among dry fields.

Representation: Impairment, Loss, ?????


Author: Toxzero based off the in game plant description


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No it's already an alchemy regent



Name: Halfling’s Grass

General Use: Alchemy



Description: Halfling’s Grass as one would name such is an herb found commonly within dense forests with plenty of damp spacing and well lit lighting, which more or less would be found around the forests around the halfling grove, given it’s name. The plant can grow to be just as tall as a halfling, it’s leaves budding with a strong and heavy odor to it. The main alchemical use of the herb would be the roots, once uprooted one could get a whiff of such an odd but calming odor, the roots being soft in it’s own properties and chewy when consumed. Consumption of the herb brings results closely resembling Cactus Green, and when process into a fine liquid, the effects gain a stronger property.

Location: dense, well light forests with damp soil.

Representation: Calmness, Light-Weight(or lifting?), ??

Author: Toxzero based off the in game plant description


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No it's already an alchemy regent




 Name: Larihei's Fingers


General use: Alchemy



Description: Lahiri's Finger’s is a herb that has interesting properties of withstanding the cold and weight of snow up in higher regions of mountain ranges. The plant itself consists of very smooth roots that burrow themselves in the top layer of soil with a few leaves sprouting here and there during the warmer seasons in which the snow levels drop drastically in the mountains. Obtaining the root itself is a hard and inconvenient task during the winter times as the soil around the root seems to freeze solid with the snow fall, so such its more recommended for the warmer seasons. The herb has no editable properties besides being bitter at taste and chewing a bit tough, though once processed the herb has the fine properties to help increase one's awareness to their movement’s and surroundings.

Location: Commonly found buried in snow upon mountain ranges.

Representation: Steadiness, Focus, swiftness


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No it's already an alchemy regent


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On 2/26/2016 at 11:39 AM, Tox said:

Notice: These regents exist MECHANICALLY, but have /no/ lore on them. So I took the liberty to scribble up quick lore. Feel free to change / edit as needed.


Clutcher’s Straw

General use: Alchemy


Description: Clutcher’s straw is a rather interesting plant, as it stands tall as grass could, but the blades are dulled with more of a tar color than what grass would be commonly colored. The herb itself is found in dry regions such as Savannas, commonly mistaken as dead grass. If the herb is uprooted carefully one would notice the roots of such herb were indeed pitch-black, the end of the roots sharper than a preparation knife found in an alchemist tools. One would to be careful with such Herb as any consumption, though such would taste horrid at the least, would at the most likely lock up the consumers jaws, as studied the Herb holds an unfounded property of impairment in the lowest form, though if processed it could most likely have a stronger effect.

Location: Sprung along grass in small patches among dry fields.

Representation: Impairment, Loss, ?????


Author: Toxzero based off the in game plant description


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No it's already an alchemy regent



Name: Halfling’s Grass

General Use: Alchemy



Description: Halfling’s Grass as one would name such is an herb found commonly within dense forests with plenty of damp spacing and well lit lighting, which more or less would be found around the forests around the halfling grove, given it’s name. The plant can grow to be just as tall as a halfling, it’s leaves budding with a strong and heavy odor to it. The main alchemical use of the herb would be the roots, once uprooted one could get a whiff of such an odd but calming odor, the roots being soft in it’s own properties and chewy when consumed. Consumption of the herb brings results closely resembling Cactus Green, and when process into a fine liquid, the effects gain a stronger property.

Location: dense, well light forests with damp soil.

Representation: Calmness, Light-Weight(or lifting?), ??

Author: Toxzero based off the in game plant description


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No it's already an alchemy regent




 Name: Larihei's Fingers


General use: Alchemy



Description: Lahiri's Finger’s is a herb that has interesting properties of withstanding the cold and weight of snow up in higher regions of mountain ranges. The plant itself consists of very smooth roots that burrow themselves in the top layer of soil with a few leaves sprouting here and there during the warmer seasons in which the snow levels drop drastically in the mountains. Obtaining the root itself is a hard and inconvenient task during the winter times as the soil around the root seems to freeze solid with the snow fall, so such its more recommended for the warmer seasons. The herb has no editable properties besides being bitter at taste and chewing a bit tough, though once processed the herb has the fine properties to help increase one's awareness to their movement’s and surroundings.

Location: Commonly found buried in snow upon mountain ranges.

Representation: Steadiness, Focus, swiftness


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No it's already an alchemy regent




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(Name): Uruk's Shroom

General use: Narcotic


Description: A mushroom that grows in caves inside The Uzg, when they are fully grown they are a bright green color, hence the name Uruk's Shroom, they can either be put in a bowl and smoked, or crushed up and inhaled, or even mixed with cactus green and any alcoholic beverage and injected into the body, the effects of consuming the drug any of the ways is that the user feels a very powerful high, it last for hours, but once the effects wear off the user almost passes out, the drug has little chance of addiction, and could be used in rituals of any kind.


Author: Reznc


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Name) Nightshade

General use:

Necrotic agent/Tea



Nightshade is a poisonous plant that grows on corpses or graves. It may also grow in dark caves. It grows only during the night hence the name nightshade, the stem of the flower is highly poisonous and will cause the consumer immense pain followed by internal bleeding if consumed. The flower itself is harmless and can be used to make a sweet tea with the taste of lavender, the tea usually dulls the consumer to sleep within an hour. Nightshade can be brewed into tea or a highly poisonous substance known as essence of nightshade. Essence of nightshade or also known as liquid death, will cause anything it touches to decay at a rapid rate. If applied to let's say, a drink, the consumer's throat will decay rapidly once the liquid touches his or her throat. Daggers or knives coated with this poison will simply cause necrosis riddled cuts that will have to be treated. Cuts riddled with necrosis are not particularly dangerous so long as it is cauterized or cut off. 


When brewing essence of nightshade, the stem can destroy the bottle and turn into a vapour,  it will decay everything it touches including the alchemist, making this poison highly dangerous to make. The vapour will usually dissipate after twenty four hours but any wooden structures will most likely fall apart from the decay. Only special crystal bottles laced with aurum lids can contain this fluid since aurum does not tarnish and crystals do not shatter easily like glass does, any other bottles will shatter. 


Strangely enough, this plant can grow on anything that is rotting, such as ghouls or bryophites. (Assuming the bryophite is dead)




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Yes, the flower cannot be found through normal means. 

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--= Axefeller Tree =--
General use:



Growing in very specific conditions, these trees are known for their iron-hard properties, whilst simultaneously being oddly flexible for a hardwood. They are named 'Axefeller' trees for the very fact that they fall the tools made to fall them. Indeed, these trees cannot be cut by conventional, rapid means, and the process of gaining a single branch can take between five months to a year of even sawing.

With no true trunk, per se, the tree sprouts from the ground in an array of branches, which originate from a centre point of wood and roots beneath the soil called the 'heart'. Each branch shoots upward, straight and true, before erupting in a vibrant display of smaller, twig-like branches, which hang downward. Each twig hosts a myriad of pink leaves, all of which never wilt, and are especially difficult to remove from the tree. However, if every leaf is removed, the tree shall never naturally regain them, and shall die.

Though the roots of an Axefeller tree start shallow, by the time one has grown to full height, they can reach as far down as they do up. It is this property, combined with the solidity and straightness of the branches, that makes an Axefeller tree a popular barrier in the more nature-sided communities. An odd property of the tree, however, is its lack of movement when commanded by a druid. Though rather flexible, each branch is unable to become very bent, meaning they are essentially useless in that regard. Additionally, once a branch is cut off, the act of splitting it down its length would simply hew it in twain, meaning a spear head or any other weapon head would not be attachable via this method.

As for reproduction; Axefeller trees reproduce in an odd manner forming clonal colonies. Each tree takes around fifty years to grow fully, and only ever spreads its central 'heart' once mature. A rich source of minerals and nutrients is needed for a mature tree to branch out, and the source of such can range from a buried body to a large amount of fertilizer. A forest of Axefeller trees, whilst incredibly rare, is almost always connected by a central root system.





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Edited by Mephistophelian
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On 3/18/2016 at 9:00 PM, Reznc said:

(Name): Uruk's Shroom

General use: Narcotic


Description: A mushroom that grows in caves inside The Uzg, when they are fully grown they are a bright green color, hence the name Uruk's Shroom, they can either be put in a bowl and smoked, or crushed up and inhaled, or even mixed with cactus green and any alcoholic beverage and injected into the body, the effects of consuming the drug any of the ways is that the user feels a very powerful high, it last for hours, but once the effects wear off the user almost passes out, the drug has little chance of addiction, and could be used in rituals of any kind.


Author: Reznc


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On 3/19/2016 at 9:09 PM, drfate786 said:

Name) Nightshade

General use:

Necrotic agent/Tea



Nightshade is a poisonous plant that grows on corpses or graves. It may also grow in dark caves. It grows only during the night hence the name nightshade, the stem of the flower is highly poisonous and will cause the consumer immense pain followed by internal bleeding if consumed. The flower itself is harmless and can be used to make a sweet tea with the taste of lavender, the tea usually dulls the consumer to sleep within an hour. Nightshade can be brewed into tea or a highly poisonous substance known as essence of nightshade. Essence of nightshade or also known as liquid death, will cause anything it touches to decay at a rapid rate. If applied to let's say, a drink, the consumer's throat will decay rapidly once the liquid touches his or her throat. Daggers or knives coated with this poison will simply cause necrosis riddled cuts that will have to be treated. Cuts riddled with necrosis are not particularly dangerous so long as it is cauterized or cut off. 


When brewing essence of nightshade, the stem can destroy the bottle and turn into a vapour,  it will decay everything it touches including the alchemist, making this poison highly dangerous to make. The vapour will usually dissipate after twenty four hours but any wooden structures will most likely fall apart from the decay. Only special crystal bottles laced with aurum lids can contain this fluid since aurum does not tarnish and crystals do not shatter easily like glass does, any other bottles will shatter. 


Strangely enough, this plant can grow on anything that is rotting, such as ghouls or bryophites. (Assuming the bryophite is dead)




LM Approval Required:

Yes, the flower cannot be found through normal means. 




13 hours ago, Mephistophelian said:

--= Axefeller Tree =--
General use:



Growing in very specific conditions, these trees are known for their iron-hard properties, whilst simultaneously being oddly flexible for a hardwood. They are named 'Axefeller' trees for the very fact that they fall the tools made to fall them. Indeed, these trees cannot be cut by conventional, rapid means, and the process of gaining a single branch can take between five months to a year of even sawing.

With no true trunk, per se, the tree sprouts from the ground in an array of branches, which originate from a centre point of wood and roots beneath the soil called the 'heart'. Each branch shoots upward, straight and true, before erupting in a vibrant display of smaller, twig-like branches, which hang downward. Each twig hosts a myriad of pink leaves, all of which never wilt, and are especially difficult to remove from the tree. However, if every leave is removed, the tree shall never naturally regain them, and shall die.

Though the roots of an Axefeller tree start shallow, by the time one has grown to full height, they can reach as far down as they do up. It is this property, combined with the solidity and straightness of the branches, that makes an Axefeller tree a popular barrier in the more nature-sided communities. An odd property of the tree, however, is its lack of movement when commanded by a druid. Though rather flexible, each branch is unable to become very bent, meaning they are essentially useless in that regard. Additionally, once a branch is cut off, the act of splitting it down its length would simply hew it in twain, meaning a spear head or any other weapon head would not be attachable via this method.

As for reproduction; Axefeller trees reproduce in an odd manner forming clonal colonies. Each tree takes around fifty years to grow fully, and only ever spreads its central 'heart' once mature. A rich source of minerals and nutrients is needed for a mature tree to branch out, and the source of such can range from a buried body to a large amount of fertilizer. A forest of Axefeller trees, whilst incredibly rare, is almost always connected by a central root system.





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Daemon's Wrath

General use:



A red, Seemingly harmless flower that grows in forests. It's quite uncommon, Though easy to spot due to it's color. If the flower is put into hot water, It's spores melt and stain the water dark red, easily mistaken to be wine. If the spore-water is consumed, it would slowly begin to sap out the consumer's strength, And after a few days, cause their death. While not being cure-able, It's slow spreading allows the one that's poisoned to try and get it out of their body.


While the spores are effective, Grinding the flower's roots would result in getting a brown-ish dust. It melts in liquids, but can also be put on bread. If it creates contact with flesh or blood, The bits of dust become larger and larger, usually causing the consumer to choke on them if not force his neck open due to their immense size.


SandQu33n (SuperDuckyGamer)

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Thornweed Bushes

General use:

-The Twigs

The twigs aren't really used for much, but they have a multitude of thorns that one might be able to use for a dart of some sort

-The Leaves

The leaves, if burnt, produce a green smoke that gives the person who inhales the fumes a sense of calm and peace - though if too much is taken, it can cause one to cough

-The Roots

The roots have no special property, but they do have a lovely taste if cooked in a kettle for tea.


The bushes themselves are hardly deservant of the title, and look more like small green shrubs, but each branch has a multitude of leaves that cover sharp and irritating thorns. These thorns often cling to clothes and, when on the ground, act as a form of seed, giving rise to new Thornweed bushes

They grow wild, and are found all across the lands.



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(Name) Ashwood Tree


General use:  it's syrup makes for a strong drink, it's certainly not healthy though, and it makes for a powerful sterilizer, and disinfectant.






Ashwood, originally located on an island in Vailor named Avar is a cousin of the Elderwood which has been long used as a symbol of hope, and longevity to the peoples of Norland. The Ashwood is a deciduous tree that is able to be burnt, yet not harmed by flames, it’s bark is nearly as hard as steel when still attached to the tree.


The ashwood tree, similarly to it’s cousin, the Elderwood tree only retains it’s amazing properties when it is alive, however, unlike it’s cousin, it cannot be shaped into walls, houses, weapons armor etc it’s bark is too hard for that, it simply grows into a beautiful tree with near uncuttable bark.


Every spring, the Ashwood tree grows brown, orange and yellow leaves, gathering the small amount of sunlight that it needs, then in the summer, the tree secretes a powerful flammable liquid which is called “Ash Syrup”, and eventually, the heat will light the tree on fire, burning away it’s leaves and dying bark, this can be done manually if the climate is too cold for the tree to catch fire naturally, if the Ashwood tree catches fire too early in the summer, and the leaves die too quickly, this can leave the tree in a sickly state for the rest of the year, however, if the fire is started before the tree has secreted enough Ash Syrup, it will not burn the leaves fully, and they will fall off at the end of summer, leaving the tree in a fair state of health.




Once a year during spring, it drops a giant heavy dark seed from it’s branches, these seeds can live up to 2 years before they lose their use, the seed is extremely heavy, and must be carried by multiple people.


Ashwood can be burned by natural, and magic fire, though the only type that will cause harm to the tree is the latter, not all types of magic fire can burn this tree, however, beings with overwhelming strength harness the power to harm the tree with fire, however it’s certainly not the easiest way to harm the tree.


Ash Syrup can be consumed, and it acts as a heavy depressant, giving a similar effect to alcohol, it tastes horrid however, and is often used by performers to spit fire, the liquid is known to cause hallucinations, sluggish movement, and dulled senses, it is a powerful sterilizer and disinfectant.


The Tree’s weakness lies in its soil, since the tree is deciduous and does not have leaves for over half the year, it cannot absorb as much sunlight as other trees, it mainly relies on nutrition from the soil and water.

After many hundreds of years, the tree will die, burning itself with a spectacular blaze until it’s burnt into nothing but ashes and a single dark seed buried underneath the ground, this process usually lasts two weeks of non-stop burning.


Author: DeanoBambino


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General use: Healing small wounds and cuts, along with , if mixed with redstone will look and taste like blood but have no smell. If heated up it will turn black and be more acidic but if chilled to near frozen it will become more darker color and will dye things better. Anything the regular Bloom Liquid touches if given enough time it will dye the thing purple such as purple diamonds.



The life bloom flower is a flower that is a purple/pink flower that is shaped like a small bowl at the tip of the flower it has a yellow liquid in it that has special effects with other things. Any block it touches it will stain it a purplish color and break it down replacing it with a purple version of it.(such as if a diamond was bathed in it the flower's liquid would replace it with a purple/pink diamond.) If the liquid was spilt directly onto grass it would instantly sprout a smaller form of this plant where the liquid dropped. If it is applied on skin it will heal minor wounds, such as small cuts and other small wounds, and make the affected area look purple and will slow muscle movement of the affected area(about a full IRL day).When the flower gets to its max height of 7m tall it would have around 3 bottles full of Bloom liquid ready to be harvested, after taking it all it would take awhile to refill (1 day IRL). IF the Bloom liquid was put onto or mixed with Redstone it would make the liquid look and near taste like blood but would have no smell.The flower would take around a year to fully grow to the height of 7 meters (One IRL week). After it is fully grown it will live as long as it is warm around it. Other experiments have been tested on the liquid and if it is put above a heat source for a long time it will begin to turn black and it will be more acidic than usual and would burn more then dye. But if kept at a very cold temperature before freezing it will become pinker and dye things better than before. Each thing it is mixed with will change its effects.





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(Name: Azhshruub


General use: Poison, infection, too dangerous to use as a weapon


Description: This mushroom if eaten will spread within the creature, it'll slowly cause the organs of the creature to rott, hower won' let it die. The mushroom will take over the jobs of the organs however will still do unbearable pain to the host. Slowly the mushroom will starts taking over the control of the host, however it won't be able to control the host completly, It' will just change the hosts behavior. This mushroom found a brilliant way of spreading, using hosts the mushroom can easily spread. This mushroom can grant long life for the hosts but very painfull. The plant itselft can be found in caves, and wet places. It hates sunlight, the infected creatures will most likely will move in the evening. Creatures that can be effected are humanoids and cows.


Author: Balorien


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Gajarpan Nudit Baum or "Gaja"



General Use: Other than the Zhabe, no other group has found a true use for them. They are dangerous carnivores, and avoided by most. 



Found in the upper elevations of the jungle, the Snake Vine Plant “Gaja” first grows onto one tree, using it as a source of nutrients, before spreading out into other trees to form a sticky array of vines. Usually large herbivores would eat the Gajarpan, but it evolved to ensare larger prey and any inhabitants who touch or make contact with the vines.  Once one vine wraps around the target, the rest begin to curl around the target, ensnaring them like a spiderweb. The thickness of their vines makes it strong enough to be able to raise a human if well developed, and maybe even kill an orc that attempts to mock or toy with such a great plant.The Zhabë have studied these plants extensively, setting up traps for even the biggest animals, then later returning at the root to get their reward. Their homelands are filled to the brim with Gaja, to the point where they are indistinguishable to the foliage upon the trees.





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No, They aren't playable. Staff may use them in events, but it's not really meant to be playable. More of a trap/hazard for players to avoid.







General use: Another Carnivore, the Glokan has no real use other than a threat, as its wild and unpredictable nature has made it impossible to study or find a use for.



Said to be another creature of Glutros, the Glokan have evolved to hunt within the dark axian jungles. Be it a pig, bird or leopard, the Glokan’s hunger extends to anything that it can fit into its massive maw.. Covered in barbed thorns and thick as bamboo, this enormous plant towers at six feet and can grow up to nine feet. Its large head will, in most cases, be a third the size, with a few rare exceptions, where the head may grow up to a half of the plant’s size. Due to its massive size and clear danger, it leaps out at its prey rather than wait for something to fly into its mouth. The Glokan drips a pink saliva that attracts prey with its sweet scent, which is said to smell of the sweetest flowers.Once an animal grows close enough, it lunges out with hook-like teeth to swallow its prey whole.  



LM Approval Required:

Yes, another carnivorous plant definitely needs LM approval, as it is another event-esque creature to deal with while traveling through the Asul jungles.

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