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[Beast Lore] Malin's Doom, Dagannoths


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Malin’s Doom, The Birth of The Dagannoth queens

-The ramblings of an old unintelligible tome would be found in an underground vault beneath kal’akesh.-


The shadow bled from the black mountain and took the form of cinder it fed on the life force of the sons of Malin to satiate its lust. Cinder took life and shadows took form, the harrowing figure made of fire and molten black iron took flight and fled beneath the earth. Feeding it’s hunger with riches of gold and iron to grow wings. It became flesh but the flesh became accursed and riddled in decay so it shed the flesh of old and sought out stone. Stone became cinder, cinder became shadow, for the sins of old shall never come to pass.


It bled from cinder, becoming shadow once more to feed upon the sons of Malin, the sons of Malin fled the continent in fear of it’s wrath but it was not enough. The women became shadows to serve the terror of the depths, they perished when it’s hunger became too much to bear. Now bone but not flesh, the creature sought the last sons of Malin. He was vanquished but not defeated, the aspects worked against him but he was not whole. Now bone and thorn, cinder and shadow. It retreated beneath the earth to await the sentence of roots and vines. Cinder became kindling, kindling became ash. Roots grew and grew, only eternal slumber could await. It roared when Malin himself stood before it. With one hallowed glare Malin’s doom split into several creatures of flesh and shadow but not bone and cinder but scale and spine. For its bones and cinder would be trapped beneath the earth until released. The flesh and shadow fled ever deeper into the shadow vaults, growing bone and taking shape, the seven heads of Malin’s doom had been conceived. The last sons of Malin had escaped, their wives gone forever.  Malin escaped with them.. The seven heads remained sealed, seeking revenge against the aspects for all eternity. They do not fear the old dark, for they are born from it.


Take heed to the warnings of old, the seal can never be opened.


~Some sketches seem to be littered in the room, the sketches are ancient beyond belief and look like they would crumble upon being touched.~


((OOC: This tome is a prophecy of sorts, it’s not meant to be actual lore nor have any accuracy. However, the voidal horror described is meant to be real. Malin’s doom is meant to be a arch-horror brought into the world by a rift that was torn in the dark volcano long ago. Malin sealed the horror beneath a tree but not before it procreated by turning some of his daughters into Dagannoths. These horrors are not particularly powerful, but can launch poisonous spines tipped with eggs into nearby hosts. Dagannoth’s are of course encountered in runescape but seen rarely in any other game. I believe this makes them unique creatures that should be added into LoTC’s bestiary.))


The Dagannoths


~You find a second tome in the vault, it is labelled “The Dagganoths”~


Malin’s doom grew lustful, hatred swelled beneath it’s shadow. Cornered and fearful, they hid from the great beast. It found them however, and consumed them whole. The seven daughters of Malin cried out in agony, their flesh sizzled and burned within the cinder, spines began to protrude from their backs and scales grew upon their bodies. Their mouths turned into jaws, their minds torn to shreds. Hands turned into claws and legs turned into scaled hind legs. Bones cracked in wretched agony, their blood became a black acid, their hearts splitting into twin organs carrying the seeds of doom. Spined tails grew from their backs, their eyes turned into that of lizards. Their noses became that of a lizard. They became the first of the Dagannoths, compelled to feast and procreate upon the flesh of the living. They slaughtered their betrothed and birthed the first of their clutches. When their father called to them they answered and were sealed away with him.


((OOC: The Dagannoth queens are the seven heads of Malin’s doom. They can be considered the seven “daughters” of the arch-horror, despite their “father” being a voidal entity of sorts they are not bound to the void since they are technically daughters of Malin.


Strengths and Weaknesses


Dagganoths are able to shoot spikes from their tails and backs, these “spines” carry small Dagannoth eggs in them and are highly poisonous. If someone is hit by these spines they must roll 20. If they roll more than 15 the eggs will be infertile and will not hatch from their flesh. However, the poison will cause paralysis upon the affected area. If the spine hits the heart, you will die as your heart will be paralysed, thus stopping it from beating. If you get hit in the arm, the poison will begin to circulate into the arm. The arm’s veins will turn purple. These veins will begin to spread towards the heart, if anti-venom is not applied the heart will stop beating. An alternative to the anti-venom is to suck out the poison as soon as you get hit or amputation, however this may hatch the eggs if they are fertile.


Dagannoth eggs are volatile and if fertile will take life and grow small spiked legs, these will allow it to dig into the person’s wound. These eggs will burrow into muscles or fat and remain there for a saints day. If removed, they will hatch prematurely. If left alone, they will erupt from the host and feed on them. The Dagannoth eggs hatch into larvae with sharp mandible-like claws around it’s fangs. These claws will eventually turn into spines around the larvae’s back, this protects it from wild beasts since these are quite long and sharp spines that will impale any predators.  It takes a saints day for a larvae to grow a meter long, once it’s large enough it will seek warm water and envelop itself into a rock hard cocoon. It will then take a entire saints day for the metamorphosis to complete. During this time it is incredibly vulnerable to predators or descendants. Once hatched, it will seek a cave or dark place to make it’s lair. If successful in finding a lair it will screech to call any other Dagganoths or Dagannoth larvae to it’s side. Dagannoths cannot starve to death, once they are fertile they will willingly lay eggs in other Dagannoths and eat the resulting larvae. The Dagannoth is not killed by the eggs when they hatch since Dagannoth scales have mutated to allow larvae to squirm out of the hard flesh beneath. Dagannoth blood is laced with a paralytic agent and is the poison used on it’s spikes, Dagannoths are naturally immune to the poison and consumption of it’s eye should cure any paralysis.


Dagannoths are always hungry and will seek prey during the night. They hunt in packs making it difficult for a lone person to defeat them. They are amphibious and can breathe under water, even live in it if need be. They usually prefer to walk on all fours but are capable of bipedalism when shooting spines or hunting prey. Dagganoths do not age and do not stop growing either, the Dagannoth queens are 10 meters tall when bipedal. The younger Dagannoths usually become two meters tall by the age of fifteen and then four meters tall by the age of thirty.


When in combat, the Dagannoth prefers to shoot its spines at the victim to paralyse it. Once paralysed it will feast on some of the flesh and then leave the rest to the larvae that it has implanted. Should it run out of spines or feel threatened it will leap on the target and slash wildly at it until only ribbons of gore remain. It’s scales are very hard and normal Ferrum weapons will not work on these scales. Aurum can burn through the scales, the Dagannoth scales also has chinks and weaknesses such as the eyes or mouth. The scales cannot be used to craft armor since they decay rapidly once the Dagannoth dies.


Dagannoths hate light and will go temporarily blind if exposed to too much of it. This does not apply to sunlight, their scales are highly combustible and will combust if lit. Furthermore, clerical magics and Aurum will burn them similarly to the undead.


Necromantic drains will cause Dagannoths to decay from the inside and any eggs they carry will hatch. Dagannoths usually have only twenty two spines. Half of these carry eggs that  will hatch and attack the necromancer. Clerical magic will also have the same effect.




Infertile Dagannoth eggs are safe for consumption and could be considered a very high class of caviare. The taste would be like that of a delicious cake, Dagannoth meat is also consumable and would in theory, taste much leaner than beef. However, eating too much Dagannoth will cause poisoning, especially if the dish is not prepared correctly. You would need to be a masterful chef to cook Dagannoth.



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If you are proposing a new creature, the correct place to post lore on it is in the link below with a filled out template.



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2 minutes ago, Nolan said:

If you are proposing a new creature, the correct place to post lore on it is in the link below with a filled out template.




Would I be able to post this entire lore in it? 

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Just make a google doc, and link it in that forum post ;) thats what I did.

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57 minutes ago, drfate786 said:


Not to turn out rude or anything, but I think you're thinking of Kal'Akash.

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dude what do they drop tho? whats the rate on b rings more importantly 

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finally can get my farseers



Get original.

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58 minutes ago, DPM said:



Completely ripped off Runescape lore and features.


Dagannoth's in RS even shoot spikes out their back. You couldn't be the slightest bit original?

smh drfate cmon man you're better than this, you're the legend, drfate

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Lore Denied.


Simply put, the concept is a near exact copy of the Dagannoth from Runescape. You didn't even change the name. Getting inspiration for lore from existing fantasy settings is commonplace on LoTC, but we do expect some degree of originality on our server.


Locked, moved to denied lore.

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