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[✗] The Squidlord Arugula / The Spirit of the Harvest

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((None of these gods necessarily exist, it is best left up to the imagination if they do so or not. The beliefs held by the Halflings are far and wide and some simply don’t even acknowlege those I have written about. Please take this as me trying to bring some order and flesh out Halfling lore and bring order. I expect it to be revised at some point in time again as I try and document everything.))


Halflings are famously unreligious. The worship of gods does not play a central role in the lives of the smallfolk. But, that does not mean they do not hold beliefs of their own. Halfling religious culture does not play a large role in their lives. However, over the many centuries they have developed their own unique culture of Aenguls and Daemons. They do not necessarily exist as do other Aenguls and Daemons, but they have been developed by the Halflings and worshipped to some extent. While it is debatable where these gods came from, there is no denying that they have existed in some form or another in the Halflings history.




The Squidlord Arugula

For centuries the Halflings have been protected by the Spirit of the Harvest and the Pumpkin Lord; their power of prosperity and wealth imbued within the towns they settle in. However, for every good there must be an evil to bring about balance. The Squidlord Arugula is a terrible Daemon who is rumored to control the waters of the Halflings.


Arugula is the Halfling Daemon of The Tide. Arugula began as a cultural worship, never truly worshipped, but never truly ignored in Halfling culture. Many Halflings do not follow the religion of old anymore, but Halflings were never truly religious. Often gods were created to explain the unnatural phenomena of the village. Arugula has never appeared to the Halflings and her mere existence lays in myth. She appears in stories throughout Halfling oral culture and is told to bring terrible storms upon the realm.


Arugula has never manifested herself into a physical form, many have claimed to see her appear as a kraken. Shrines built for her are made out of the wood and sails of shipwrecks. Shrines have frequently appeared in underwater caves throughout Halfling history, the most famous appearing in Lenfarthing many decades ago. Many Halflings claim that the tale of Arugula is simply a mummer's farce, a tale to scare the young ‘uns. Many others however, claim to have seen her appear before them on the shore of the lake, appearing as a fair Elven maid. In actuality, neither tale is more correct than the other is.



The Spirit of the Harvest

Long ago Halflings followed polytheistic gods, often worshipping them for good harvest and fortune. The Spirit of the Harvest is one such god, still popular in Halfling culture. It is said that he watches over the harvest and protects it from pestilence and drought.


The Spirit of the Harvest is the Halfling Aengul of The Harvest. Quite like the Squidlord, the Spirit of the Harvest began as part of the cultural worshipping in Halfling culture. The Spirit of the Harvest plays an ever present role in Halfling culture still, many believing that he alone protects their crops and blesses them with bountiful harvests and good ale for many decades. It is said during times of drought, the Halflings continue to maintain the most productive farms in the realm.


The Spirit of the Harvest is represented by a scarecrow with arms that extend over the fields. It is said that this shields the crops from harm and therefore it is rare that you will find a shrine to him not overlooking a field of crops. Many Halflings do not hold skepticism in their belief, they believed it was better to believe than die of famine. As such some Halflings continue to worship him, believing in the good fortune he brings.

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This lore has been reviewed and voted on and has been DENIED!

The reasons why is because if the halflings want to base their culture on this squid, they can but that's RP only. There is no need for a canonized lore for it, although it can be used as a legend.

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