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[Shelved]Blood Shards - Blood Magic Teaching


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-=- Blood Shards of Knowledge -=-


As it was originally taught to the five Blood Mages of the Second Generation, the knowledge was bestowed upon the group through the a Blood Shard created by the Dragon Malghourn for the purpose of giving the knowledge to the Warlocks. When touched by the fledgling Blood Mages within an instant they were granted the knowledge of Blood Magic, however not all in the group of Sorcerers were granted all the abilities. Much of the knowledge attained by four in the group was the basic knowledge for an individual to begin their journey with Blood Magic.


However the Dragon Malghourn deemed only one of them worthy at the time to be given the knowledge and ability to advance the others in the group in their fledgeling abilities in Blood Magic. Malghourn deemed it necessary that the ability to teach others outside of this group needed to be restricted, even among those who’d assist in furthering his goals. So he ensured that even those he deemed worthy of teaching the art to be unable to give the knowledge required for a student to become a teacher themselves. This was done in case a teacher would ever go rogue and begin spreading the forbidden knowledge.


After some time the original Archon Calendir who took the name Caladrius as a Blood Mage mysteriously vanished, seemingly with the knowledge and ability to teach with him. However his favoured apprentice Orsino who took the name Altus as his Warlock persona managed to contact Malghourn using the methods the original group managed to utilize. Once he did, the Archdragon deemed him worthy of the knowledge and ability to teach others and granted him the shard so that those students of his whom were worthy enough could become teachers themselves, however only Orsino would be in contact with the Dragon.


The key knowledge required for the student to become the master is locked away, only those trusted enough by the Dragon holding the key to unlock the ability to bestow teachings upon followers, as mere knowledge is not enough to become a teacher. Once a Blood Mage has attained enough knowledge and honed his art in Blood Magic to a level of significant skill, their teacher may grant them a Blood Shard from Malghourn that allows them to become a teacher, then and only then a Blood Mage has the ability to take on his own students and pass his skill on to new fledgelings.


-=- How it works -=-


The workings of the Blood Shard is a simple process, the Dragon Malghourn granted to the Archon of the Blood Mages the ability to teach and granted him shards so that his Order may grow with more than one teacher, when a new Archon rose within the ranks Malghourn also granted him these Shards so that more teachers may arise. Once the ability and knowledge has been given to a Blood Mage through the Shard this process cannot be reversed by others and the individual will always have the innate ability to teach Blood Magic however if one loses the knowledge they would need to acquire that once more in order to teach.


Once taught to a sufficient ability, after a long time practising and honing the art of Blood Magic all one needs to do is be given a Shard and within an instant the knowledge will be absorbed, going into their heads, being imprinted into their minds and their body being granted the ability to teach. However if a Blood Mage was not of sufficient skill the knowledge would be wasted, the Blood Mage unable to decipher what is going through their heads.


-=- How they are made -=-


The shards are made formed from crystals that are created through the use of blood magic, however these crystals are not enough as they require Malghourn to “Bless” it with the power that grants both the knowledge and the abilities required for the teacher. This is not done in the Dragon's presence, rather the Crystal can be used to communicate with the Dragon as was done by the original group of five in the early days of Athera. Through this method the Archdragon allows shards of these crystals to become Shards of Knowledge to be used for their intended purpose of bestowing knowledge.

The exact way these crystals are made requires ritual and sacrifice, to be performed by several Blood Mages, requiring upwards of three sacrifices in order to fuel the ritual and to create a crystal strong enough to hold its form and be able to have pieces of it to be chipped off without the whole thing cracking and breaking so that shards may be made.

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Hereby accepted according to the loremag.

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Ready to be implemented; written by TauFirewarrior.

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Lore has been shelved and moved to the appropriate subforum. If you have questions about why this specific lore has been shelved, please contact me via forum PM or over discord at Flamboyant#8856

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