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[✗] [Legend Submission] Drizzle the Dark Elf


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Legends do not have to be serious; sometimes they can be more relaxed and silly.



Your MCName: Toodles

Is this Legend a Player Character? (y/n) If so, list their MCName: Nope.

Legend Name:


Legend Race/Birthplace/gender/brief history

The Dark Elf Drizzle was born Drizzle Div'iyat, but he dropped his surname as time went on. He was among the first of the Mali'ker of Aegis, and would serve to define many of their race for years to come. 

RP belief about the legend (Why people view them positively/negatively. What people know in RP pre-events.)

Amongst some of the people of Vailor (and especially among young Dark Elves), Drizzle is held as a symbol of valor. His appeal is heightened from his humble background; his parents were tragically killed by Orcs, with Drizzle being given a scar across the face by the wretched green-skinned menaces. Later, he would use a vast collection of black masks and helmets to cover this. From that day on, as it is reported, Drizzle swore vengeance on Orc-kind. He also made time for the slaying of drakes with his fierce twin katanas, as well as rescuing many a damsel with his uncanny speed and strength. While most agree that Drizzle practiced some form of magic, there is much debate on what he could do. Some accounts credit him with inventing three forms of evocation, while others believe he somehow used Shade for good. There are those who know of his lesser-mentioned sidekick, a Wood Elf named Marenne, but he is mostly ignored as the legends go. The tales of Drizzles' many exploits captivate the minds of young 'ker everywhere, inspiring many to behave like he did. It is unclear how he perished; while there are those who insist he did so single-handedly defending Laurelin from the Undead, there are others who maintain that he died klomping 14 Uruks at once, but only killing 13.


Over time, the perception of Drizzle greatly changed. As the years passed, his "accomplishments" grew in number, and are rich in variety. Not all that can be believed in are listed here; people can believe IRP that he succeeded in any number of other equally impossible tasks.

Brief OOC overview of Legend story (What actually lead to them becoming a legend. This may be the same as the RP belief, or it may be different.)

In reality, Drizzle Div'iyat (meaning "devoid of thought") was a hopelessly inept figure with the equally hopeless ambition to become a great warrior. His parents, rather than being killed by Orcs, forcefully removed him from their house at the age of 100. While accounts of his scar existing are accurate, it was actually obtained in an unfortunate bread-slicing accident. Wandering Aegis, living off the charity of the Monks, he happened to come across a Wood Elf being robbed by a human. With his delusions of grandeur, Drizzle whipped out his rusty twin shortswords in such a pitiful manner that the thief collapsed to the ground in laughter. The 'ame, known as Marenne, subdued the wheezing criminal and pledged to assist Drizzle to the end of his days for saving his life. However, neither Marenne nor Drizzle were competent fighters; thus, they set out to achieve fame and glory through other means. Marenne, despite his idealism, had quite a way with words; eventually, he and Drizzle managed to convince a large number of people of Drizzles' "exploits", through a combination of bribery and skilled Illusion magic. They collaborated with an opportunistic human merchant to finance a line of books and merchandise focusing around The Amazing Deeds of Drizzle the Dark Elf™. Through deception and consumerism, Drizzle went from an incompetent idiot to a Legend.


Drizzle, however, was not satisfied with his fame and fortune; he foolishly sought true adventure. However, his adventure abruptly ended due to a fatal case of food poisoning. Drizzle, seeking to learn how to 'live off the land', consumed far too many mushrooms in far too short a time. Marenne had him turned into a Ghoul by paying off a Necromancer, and forced it to enact a more theatrical death before releasing it into the wilderness.


How the Legend would be proliferated in RP (If this involves books/stories, you may wish to write them with the submission. Once the Legend is fully accepted you may RP knowledge of the legend,however you may only RP the RP BELIEF of the legend, not any OOC overview knowledge. Otherwise, the ET will do our best to introduce the Legend in-game.)

Drizzle™ figurines and other merchandise being re-discovered and sold, perhaps. Stories and tales of his exploits being re-published. Possibly an unwitting impersonator or two.

What events would you like to occur around this legend? (ex, discovery of the Legend’s gravesite, retrieving of the Legend’s body, discovering something the Legend created/did)

Perhaps Marenne's journal being discovered, revealing who Drizzle truly was, turning his name into an insult for dark elves. Maybe even an inept katana-wielding mask-wearing Ghoul could show up somewhere, accompanied by the rabid undead husks of his former fans. There are a number of directions to go with this.

Relics Associated

Drizzle™ action figures with rotatable katanas

Marenne's journal

Drizzle's spare katana, with no magical powers other than looking dark and edgy

Anything else that an ET member deems appropriate




tl;dr IRP reason for edgy Dark Elves.



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Hisssssssss. Haha I love it.

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*Dies inside*

Bby why..


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I know we take some lore from other universes, but:



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1 hour ago, Dakirennis said:

Fo shizzle.

If this gets put through, I swear to all the old ancestors that I will set up one for Jiub, and push through the headcanon lore of his bloodline of... Somewhat odd parental figures, to say the least.

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25 minutes ago, Sky said:

If this gets put through, I swear to all the old ancestors that I will set up one for Jiub, and push through the headcanon lore of his bloodline of... Somewhat odd parental figures, to say the least.

Oh no, Sky. This is but a meme.

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Just now, Dakirennis said:

Oh no, Sky. This is but a meme.

As is the beautiful union of a ker knight, and a beautiful olog that lasted but one night, due to a drunken bet. Or something along those lines.

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This legend has been denied, you've been PM'd the reasons.

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This Lore has been denied. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.

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