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[✗] The LifeBloom Flower


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The life bloom flower is a flower that is a purple/pink flower that is shaped like a small bowl at the tip of the flower it has a yellow liquid in it that has special effects with other things. Any block it touches it will stain it a purplish color and break it down replacing it with a purple version of it.(such as if a diamond was bathed in it the flower's liquid would replace it with a purple/pink diamond.) If the liquid was spilt directly onto grass it would instantly sprout a smaller one where the liquid dropped. If it is put on skin it will heal minor wounds, such as small cuts and other small wounds, and make the affected area look purple and will slow muscle movement of the affected area(about a full IRL day).When the flower gets to its max height of 10m tall it would have around 3 bottles full of Bloom liquid ready to be harvested, after taking it all it would take awhile to refill (1 day IRL). IF the Bloom liquid was put onto or mixed with Redstone it would make the liquid look and near taste like blood but would have no smell.The flower would take around a year to fully grow to the height of 10 meters (One IRL week). After it is fully grown it will live as long as it is warm around it. Other experiments have been tested on the liquid and if it is put above a heat source for a long time it will begin to turn black and it will be more acidic than usual but if kept at a very cold temperature before freezing it will become pinker and dye things better than before. Each thing it is mixed with will change its effects.


Flower: Allium


Biome: Plains and edges of forests


Height:10 meters tall


Lore made by zzaacchhss and Yuqu

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I'm always a sucker for plant/herb lore

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A ten meter tall flower that has liquid that simply heals, with the negative of being stained purple. Personally, I'd say make it a meter or smaller, as well as either explaining what exactly it can (and cannot) heal, or having a bigger negative effect (such as maybe, muscles become paralyzed for sometime after, or something).

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A ten meter tall flower that has liquid that simply heals, with the negative of being stained purple. Personally, I'd say make it a meter or smaller, as well as either explaining what exactly it can (and cannot) heal, or having a bigger negative effect (such as maybe, muscles become paralyzed for sometime after, or something).

Right i will thanks for the feedback @everyone!

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Who ever sees them one please get rid of it, i have put it in the plant index.

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