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Galdorcreft College


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Galdorcreft College




Non spectant ad occidentem


Galdorcreft College advances learning through scholarship, research, and teaching of unsurpassed quality, with an emphasis on alteration and magic theory based education that is distinctive among the realm’s great research institutions, and with a pervasive commitment to serve mages and the realm.








Lead overseer and administrator of the College.  The Scholarch has full jurisdiction of all occurrences within and concerning the College.  Such a position is bequeathed by the previous Scholarch or given to the Provost, should the old Scholarch be unfit to perform their duties.




A senior administrator of the College, the Provost serves as “Vice-Scholarch” to the Scholarch and carry out any of their duties should they be unfit to do so themselves.  All legislation given by the Scholarch is to be administered by the Provost.  While the Provost can make these decisions on their own, they are better advised to consult the Scholarch beforehand.



Zaviel Carcimor

Archiver and librarian of the College, the Curator serves to organize, gather, and distribute the books held within the College.  The Curator also serves as secretary to the Scholarch.



The title of Professor refers to the highest rank one can achieve within the College and academia.  Such an illustrious achievement only comes after several years of dedication at the College and being recognized in a respective field by conducting and publishing original research.  Professors at the College are more dedicated to their own individual research rather than teaching or assisting in others’ research like the Lecturers or Readers.  The rank can only be bestowed by the Scholarch, generally after completing at least three theses on unique original research.



The title between Professor and Lecturer, Readers conduct and assist in research as well as teach.  The title of Reader is given to a member of the College when they have completed at least two original theses on their own novel research.



The lowest title within the faculty of the College.  After graduating from the College in any one subject an alumni may apply for a position as a Lecturer.  For a majority of their time, Lecturers will be assisting Readers and Professors with their own research, however, they will also be responsible for conducting their own research and the writing of a thesis based on this work.  Once they have completed at least one thesis while working at the College they will be given the title of Reader.


Applying for a Faculty Position



If an alumni of the College, or another recognized academic institution, wishes to apply for a faculty position at the College they must first submit a thesis of original research to the Scholarch and Provost in one of the fields of study listed below.  Should both the Scholarch and Provost approve of the research, the applicant will then have to present and defend their research to the Scholarch, Provost and a board of Professors.  Thereafter, the board will assess both the research as well as the individual skills of the applicant, should they approve the applicant will be bestowed the title of Lecturer at Galdorcreft College.

If an applicant feels that they have completed enough independent research to be given a higher title (ie. Reader or Professor) they may consult the Provost and Scholarch for further appraisal of experience and skill.






The Galdorcreft College, located in the Duchy of Lorraine near Chambery.


Being an institution of higher education and primarily research, the College expects all “students” to enroll with preexisting knowledge on voidal and mana theory, the ability to practice one form of an arcane magic is also highly recommended.


Upon enrollment students will take an entry exam to prove their knowledge as well as perform any arcane magic they practice before the Scholarch or Provost.  Only upon a satisfactory score on the exam and an acceptable showing of their skill in magic will they be admitted into the College.


The College prides itself on exemplary students and will, thus, only admit the most intelligent and skilled of magi.


Areas of Study



The College emphasises the research of magical concepts and related fields rather than the practice of arcane magics.  While all members of the College must show satisfactory ability to use a discipline of arcane magic, this is not what the College itself teaches.  Galdorcreft believes that magic itself is simply an application of far more primordial principles, this is what the College is most interested in.  However, the College does vilify the elemental evocations, considering them “unscholarly” practices of magic beyond the applications used to cast them such as Arcane Mechanics.  More academic forms of magic are encouraged such as Transfiguration and Apparition.  


Do note that students may enroll while only knowing an elemental evocation, but before they may graduate they must show proficiency in a different form of magic.  The approved list of “academic” disciplines of magic are: Transfiguration, Telekinesis, Apparition, Divination, and Conjuration.  The College has no standard curriculum for the teaching of magic disciplines and such arrangements must be made between the student and faculty of the College on an individual basis.  The aforementioned list of magics are all considered “Lower Disciplines” while the following areas of study are dubbed higher disciplines:



Supernatural History

Professor: Vacant


Prerequisites: Any arcane magic, Conjuration recommended

The study and experimentation upon supernatural organisms of the realm and beyond.  While the flora and fauna of the physical realm are intriguing enough, the College puts a certain emphasis upon the beyond and what might reside there, abstractical or not.  Emphasis areas include Esoteric Zoology, the study of magical creatures; and Mystical Botany, the study magical plants.


Arcane Engineering

Professor: Vacant


Prerequisites: Transfiguration

Dubbed a “higher discipline” due to the need for the knowledge of several fields of magic and science prior to studying, Arcane Engineering is the most heavily studied and avant-garde form of magical study in the modern magical community.  Students will learn advanced magical metallurgy as well as applied enchanting, transmutation techniques, and mechanics.



Professor: Kardel Irongut


Prerequisites: Any arcane magic, Transfiguration recommended

The classical study of Alchemy is a discipline nearly as old as magic itself.  The College defines Alchemy as the study of the primordial properties and essences of matter.  Most importantly, alchemy’s esoteric and secretive nature leads room for a great deal of in vogue research.  Emphasis areas include Arcane Metallurgy and Mineralogy, the study of the properties and structure of magical metals and minerals.


Arcane Mechanics

Professor: Vacant


Prerequisites: Transfiguration or Telekinesis

A field of study exclusive to the College of Galdorcreft, Arcane Mechanics is defined as the study of magical energy, force, and movement.  Whether it be mana or divine energies not of this world, those who study Arcane Mechanics wish to understand the primordial forces which govern the planes of existence.



Professor: Ambros


Prerequisites: Any arcane magic, Apparition recommended

Otherwise known as Magical Theory, the field of Metaphysics covers a broad spectrum including cosmology, ontology, causation, and epistemology.  In essence, the field of metaphysics studies abstract concepts within magic such as the makeup of the cosmos, the nature of gods, being, knowledge, and abstruse laws.


Magical Axiology

Professor: Eliza

Reader: Rosalyn VonSchlichten


Prerequisites: Any arcane magic, Divination recommended

An understudied subject, magic philosophy  is perhaps the most necessary area of study for any modern mage.  Approaching such topics as arcane ethics, how to define  “maleficium”, the moral dilemmas that come with practicing various forms of magic and arcane aesthetics.


Dark Studies

Professor: Kardel Irongut

Reader: Zaviel Carcimor


Prerequisites: Any arcane magic

While Galdorcreft, for certain, does not condone the practice of any dark arts, it does consider having knowledge of them valuable.  Thus, the field of Dark Studies delves into such sinister practices to further the understanding of perhaps the most enigmatic form of magic.  Students within this field are cautioned to never entertain the idea of performing a dark magic.

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Ezo Karasuga welcomes to the new prospective students showing up to Chambery asking about the College.

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Alastair VonSchlichten, 1st Viscount of Chambery, very heartily welcomes the traffic that the college shall bring to Chambery!

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Illidar sighs, wondering how long it'll be before this college is empty as well.

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Evelangéline has flashbacks of all the previous successful magic academies.

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Nemir blinks, "So... I guess that other college is a no-go, then."

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"I give it two weeks before everyone abandons it" declares an Enchantry mage as she works. "They've tried how many times in the past to make these... Academies? And they all either end up deserted ruins or with shite 'students' running around."

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"The opportunity to enhance oneself is here." hums one 'Aheral to herself as she paced around her office at the campus "I wonder how many aspirants will show?"

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Issue No. 3

13th of the First Seed. 1577




Wizard Quarterly to Change Management


After the inevitable collapse due to inexplicable lethargy and dawdling of the late Wizards Guild, the Galdorcreft College has since taken over editorial and revisional administration of the Wizard Quarterly magazine by the authority of Scholarch Ambros.  The observant reader would note that the second issue of the Wizard Quarterly has seemingly vanished from existence.  Galdorcreft researchers have since given up explaining the literary phenomenon they are deeming Lettered Diaphaneity in which nonsensical, poorly written periodicals spontaneously vanish from existence.


Regardless, the Wizard Quarterly will continue as usual being released at sporadic dates potentially determined by the alignment of the celestial bodies and their erudite manipulation of mortal souls.  This issue has been released by the suggestion of some unnamed star, or a comet or something that came to me in a feverish, drug driven dream.


Thank you for your understanding and have a wonderful, bountiful lustful day,


Chief Editor, Enoch Solomons




Galdorcreft College Grand Opening


The Administrative Board of Galdorcreft College would like to formally announce that grand opening of the college campus with the completed construction of the college with the aid of the Archduchy of Lorraine, most notably the labor of the Viscounty of Chambery and the town of Chambery, near which the college presides.  In memoriam to the family which presides over Chambery, the VonSchlichten family, the main lecture building has been named the Gestahl-VonSchlichten Lyceum, so named after the accomplished cow farmer ancestor of the present VonSchlichten family… or something like that.


To celebrate this most illustrious of days, the college is hosting an opening ceremony to display the facilities to the general populace.  Note, however, that it is by invite only one may attend the opening ceremony.  If you did not receive invitation via perspiration, then DO NOT come to the college on the date enclosed within the invitation, failure to fail to attend could lead to catastrophic consequences.  Granted, I suppose if you did not receive an invitation you wouldn’t know the date not to attend… you know what?  It might be a good idea just to stay away from the college all together.




Galdorcreft Now Accepting Students and Professors


The Board of Administration would like to invite all potential students and professors to send a letter expressing interest in enrolling or joining the college to the Provost, Scholarch, or Curator.  If one is feeling particularly brash they may come to the college uninvited to show off their own prowess in the magical arts, of course, not on the same date as the opening ceremony, that would be madness.  Absolute madness.


Do note that the Galdorcreft College only accepts students with preexisting knowledge of the arcane arts and a connection to the great nothingness which can be adequately proven by a display of some arcane magical feat or vanishing into the nothingness entirely.  Also note that an existing position must be open for a Professor to join, and the college does not teach the evocational disciplines.




The Domestic Charm


In this issue and the following issues, the Wizard Quarterly will release a simple spell for the public’s education and use.  This issue’s charm:


A Spell for Sleeping

This spell will effectively put most mortal assailants into a deep slumber.


  • 1 Knife of Stabbing



  1. Choose a victim target on which to cast the spell, making sure they are not of the immortal sort.

  2. Insert your knife into the target at least once.

  3. Should they not collapse to the ground and cease groaning, repeat step 2 until this occurs.

  4. The target is now asleep.  Note that the college researchers have yet to devise a reverse spell for waking the target up.

  5. Alternatively, this spell can be cast on oneself.



Galdorcreft Redefines Magical Schools


The mission statement of Galdorcreft College is to emphasize research in magical and natural areas of study rather than simple practice.  For centuries magic has been deemed a “scholarly pursuit” and yet, as of recent years little has been done to further our understanding of the supernatural and natural.  Mages are instead trained for “performing” magic rather than studying it.  Knowledge has been passed from master to apprentice and little has been added in between.  For this reason, Galdorcreft considers many of the “evocation” schools of magic to be little more than frivolous in the world of academia.


“To understand the secrets of the universe, we must stop hurling balls of fire.”


-Scholarch Ambros


To encourage this sort of curiosity and progression of knowledge, Professors of the College must conduct original research in order to remain employed at the College.  It is not only the duty of a master sorcerer to teach, but also learn.




The Quarterly Witticism


“An apple a day keeps the Doctor away.


Seriously… eat apples, or he WILL come for you and he WILL find you.”




If you wish to post an advertisement within the Wizard Quarterly, send a letter to Galdorcreft College with at least 100 minas, or a precious gem, or a priceless family heirloom (preferably cursed).


Have a wonderful, bountiful, and lustful day.

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"I like the new spell they invented," comments Andrus Maximillion. 

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