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Quavinir the Homunculus


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The homunculus body of Quavinir Tinuvial was created by Kardel Irongut with alchemical ingredients of the highest quality. Among the ingredients were the head of a blaze, the wing of a gargoyle, tentacle of a cameroceras, and the bone of a troll.


The homunculus body was that of a elven Aberrant, and at the time had all the powers an Aberrant would have. Due to the strength of the gargoyle wing in it's creation the homunculus (named affectionately by Quavinir 'jeff') was created with an inherent weakness to fire symbols.


After an extended period of keeping Jeff locked up in a cage, and sucking up to the ascended, Quavinir was able to convince the ascended to transfer his soul from his dieing human body into the homunculus. As Quavinir was killed in it's presence its form began to take that as Quavinir's, yet it only went halfway... The ascended did so- pulling his soul from the human body and pushing it into the homunculus'.


Yet, as it's a homunculus's body and not one like any of the descendants there were minor complications. For one: the weaknesses of the homunculi are present, gold and holy magic, and the doppleganger's resistance to magic likewise disappeared. Leaving only it's crippling weakness to raw fire symbols. With the adition of the soul, the homunculus is able to do magic.

Along with other complications was Quavinir's newfound skin, which appears to turn soft and squishy almost to the texture of leeches when wet, possibly due to the ingredients used, or a complication caused by the homunculus's creation.

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