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The Satyr


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13 hours ago, Slothtastic said:


What the ****
It's TUMNUS******

Also, doesn't Leafyishere make Satyr videos?

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Just now, Tahmas said:

To show my support, I have renamed my account to MrTahmnus for the month. I hope this gets passed I will have made a right fool of myself

O.O. Thx! MrTahmnus!

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If mandatory umbrellas and parcel-carrying are added to this, then you have my vote!




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On 11/10/2016 at 10:52 PM, Weabootrash said:

ok first off bestiality


second off cervitaurs arent even like satyrs read the original lore please 


third off no one is honestly going to play these


finally make these creatures for ET only, they don't deserve to be played by creature apps all you did was echo already known things about satyrs, add some genes too it and bestiality too????

Ill totally play this. And it'd be fun for actual other players to play it also.

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Weird but still     :snorc:  +1

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On 11/10/2016 at 11:16 PM, TheCritsyBear said:

Look yo I really like this lore and all but I have to make a note here. A few, in fact. A few things I feel are missing...


1. No "faun"-style satyr, if that makes sense. They're all 5'6 or above. I get that there are different ways of envisioning mythical creatures, but my vision isn't portrayed here at all! You aren't playing into my entitlement! I always see satyr as, of course, big hairy goat men... But then also some little hairy goat men with flutes flutes 'n crap as well! Like, three to four feet tall, sittin' on a stump. Where's the little goat-people?


2. You don't specifically mention whether they have the same connection to nature that cervitaur have. Even if they do and it's obvious, it'd help to get it out there clearly.


3. If they do or don't have a natural attunement notwithstanding, you're vague on if they would actually be able to get anywhere if they learned Druidism (Or some other magic, since it's apparently a natural curiosity to them. Not complaining, yo.) Not that I'm against letting people who can't actually be attuned go through dedicancy. That was a whole IC argument.


Honestly, I think cervitaur being unable to do so is kinda dumb. I mean, they have a natural connection, yeah, but if they have a soul and the capacity to learn, why wouldn't they be able to get connected even more? 'Cause creatures can't have magic or something I guess.


4. Not really a "flaw", just a suggestion. Perhaps include some proposition of them being native to Axios or something so we don't have to explain why this fey creature suddenly came out of nowhere when the Druids should have probably known about them for a long time. Some kind of Axios species of Cervitaur-like creature, yo! Like the difference between a mountain lion and a regular lion.


EDIT: Oh also +1, and I found this because it was linked in the Drood chat! The Druids are definitely into this, from what I saw.

For your Faun style Satyr you could create a Satyr saying that their mother/father had mated with a dwarf or halfling and create your own little bloodline like that. They don't have to be 5'6 and above. They can be shorter but just not like 2-3 feet tall. As for your second statement I sadly couldn't find the origins on Cervitaurs. If I had known their origins I would've said something about it. But what I found was that there wasn't really lore for it. Only it just appeared in Aegis or something of that sort. 

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Just now, Slothtastic said:


Youre gonna give me sanser. Actual cancer.


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Just now, Kim said:

Youre gonna give me sanser. Actual cancer.


What's sanser?

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Just now, Weabootrash said:


i only waste my time on garbage like you, kid.

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After a conversation with the author of the Cervitaur lore and then one through the LM chat, we have come to a collective decision that this lore must abide by the following:


- Any and all mention of linking the Satyr as a subspecies to the cervitaur must be removed.

- Cervitaur mentions must be removed.

- It cannot be a subspecies of the cervitaur.


You have two weeks to handle this, PM me if you'd like the deadline extended otherwise it will be denied. Feel free to contact me via forum PMs for any further questions.

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