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[✗] Gremlin (Playable Creature)


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What Are Gremlins?

    These little beasts are described as being pretty small and very big big pointy ears. The best way to describe them is that they are miniature gargoyles. They hide from people and listen to their conversations and stories, so they know the best time to mess them up..  Most of their pranks are harmless, like hiding wallets or keys. They really love to sit and watch people in frustration as they look for their missing items. Every so often, these miniature monsters pranks can have very terrible outcomes. Sometimes if they find fire, they can try to play a prank and stuff catches flame.  They love to play around with wagonsand their messing with the the foundations of houses and wheels on carts can cause their meddling to have a deadly and tragic end.In this age, gadgets are continuously being created – gadgets that these little monsters see as just one more opportunity to tinker and play around with.  These creature can not be controlled but it can be captured and taken as prisoner. This is still not a very good choice, seeing what they do to property. This is all done so they can frustrate the users and enjoy the show of panic as the fruits of their mischievous ways unfold.


Whereabouts and History.

    Gremlins have been found in the old caverns that have been dug out by the Dwarves. They have also been seen in the forests by the human city of Petrus and by the Wood elves city. They are not seen a lot and are very small and furry.

      Children, Children playing in the woods. Children playing in the woods unaware of who is around them. This is where the Gremlin’s history begins. Families, three to be exact, were having a picnic in the woods. They had a picnic by a old abandoned mining cave. Each family had a wagon for food and carrying the families across the woods. The children were playing away from their mothers, in the old abandoned tag. The mothers too busy talking about their troubles to care where the children were or what they were doing. The children, unaware of the danger, were happily playing tag and hide and seek. Before the count of 15 the child frantically looked for a place to hide, 1…2…3…4….5....

    The Children were searching rapidly for a hiding spot. To get a hiding spot you had to get there first. A Young boy, maybe 7 or 8, was nicknamed Eddy for his long name of Eddmonson monola. This boy was smaller than the rest of the boys, but also was a quite a bit smarter than them. 6….7….8….9….10…. Most of the boys had found a hiding spot, but Eddy had not. Eddy figured he should go as far into the cave as possible. As he heard the faint echoes, 11….12….13….14….15…. Here I come, Eddy jumped behind a rock. As he jumped behind the rock he noticed a fabric like cloth that bad been put in place of floor. Eddy fell straight through the cloak and fell down, down, down, deep into the caverns below the cave. He screamed as he fell, “HELP ME,” which the other boys heard and rushed to find him. Eddy hit the bottom with a thud and fell unconscious,

     The other boys frantic to find him ran out of the caves and got their moms. Eddy ,whom had just woken us, peered out into the darkness, He could not see anything because he had fallen so far. Eddy did not know how long he had been unconscious or how long he had been down here. Eddy could not hear anybody else, But then he heard something. Not a voice but a scurry of little feet. Eddy started to cry, but he couldn’t move, for he had broken many bones in the drop. Than he saw them, 30 red eyes gleaming through the darkness. The eyes looked like fire that had curled up in a ball. Then he saw sharp white teeth, sharp and pointy. In the distance a small light appeared and let him see, 12 gargoyle like creatures with the slimy greenish brownish bodies and ears that were bigger than a ripe carrot. They looked fierce, like they want to eat you.

    Eddy was terrified and was shouting for help, because he knew what these thing were, Gremlins. The Gremlins just moved closer in wonder, for they had had a prank. They touched Eddy and felt his nose and ears. Eddy tried to get them away but he couldn’t move. He screamed for help. As he did this the Gremlins jumped back to the safety of the rock and covered their large, pointy ears, because the scream was loud. Eddy then noticed something a furry, a white and brown fluff that was sticking a rock He slowly move his hand, even though the pain was unbearable. He lifted the fluffy thing up and looked at it. As he did this he felt two little ears and a small nose. He looked at it and saw it had a face with two small, emerald green eyes with a furry brown nose and two long furry ears. He saw that they were living down here, all alone and they had never seen the light,but that is when the parents found him. They took him out of the cave and cleaned him up and left.

     Eddy grew up and became a man that was still in touch with his dwarf friends. He had become a scientist and went out to study new things, such as animals and trees. He remembered where the Gremlins were and how he had found them. he went to the cave he had seen them in and went to look if they were still there. He had tools, this time, to help him on his way down because he knew about the long drop in the cave tunnel. Once he climbs down the drop into the darkness he lit torches. He explored the cave that he was in and recalled the terrifying memories. After A While of searching he sat on a rock that looked like a big seat. He tried to get some sleep, for it had been a long day. Before he could fully go to sleep he felt little slimy hands on this face, It was the Gremlins.

     They had heard the noise of the footsteps of Eddy, Though they did not know his name, and went to see what is was. Eddy woke up and saw the vicious Gremlins teeth and eyes. The same red, fiery eyes he had seen as a child. he felt bad for the Gremlins and saw they were stuck down there with no room to expand. But he also saw they were mischievous little creatures that like to play and make tricks and whatnot. So he took the Gremlins two by two, up the ladder to the light. Once each Gremlin Got up they put there hands in front of their face and scowled at the light, with their low voices. After all of the Gremlins had gotten up they grouped together, Looked at Eddy, then looked outside,and ran out of the cave.

    Eddy just sat there looking back at the cave, when he saw a little piece of shining paper. he climbed down the ladder and picked it up. It was a warning note, warning anyone not to let the little monsters or Gremlins out. At the bottom of the page, there was a large spot of dried blood. Eddy Dropped the note and climbed up the ladder as fast as possible. he looked at his wagon and was about to jump in when he saw the nails on it were loosened. he ran as fast as he could to the nearest town,but it was too late. The tow was burning, for the Gremlins had found fire. Eddy dropped to his knees and shouted “What have I done.”

What Behavior Does A Gremlin Have When It Is Around People?   

    Gremlins really are more afraid of people than we are of them. They do not like to be seen, but often their curiousness and mischievousness get them seen by others. The number one rule of the Gremlin code is, Don’t Get Caught.  The Gremlins like to hide small objects of a person, or tinker with wagon’s wheels, etc and watch the People get frustrated when they can’t find them.The Gremlins hate it when the prank is over or when they find the item.

How Will A Gremlin Interact In The LOTC?

Gremlins are usually scattered about, hiding in groups of 5 or so all over the islands. Gremlins have no emotions, they don’t get married and such. They have no love interests and have the sole purpose of self-pleasuring themselves by misfortune. Usually written as a nuisance.

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If I were, by chance, to keep one as a pet, are there any specific rules on feeding them and giving them water?

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I wanna be one. Now.

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Yes please.


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32 minutes ago, Rob Boss said:

If I were, by chance, to keep one as a pet, are there any specific rules on feeding them and giving them water?

XD I doubt it would want to stay, but yeah,it is already a creature, I just want it to be playable

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1 hour ago, Smaw said:

The Barnett Brothers were accepted already.




shots have been fired

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So what do I have to do for this to get accepted, I need what I have to edit, take out, need to add.

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This Lore has been denied. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.

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