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Curse Words


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Swear words are often a way of accentuating emotional distress, adding character to your speech, or simply a demonstration of a lack of education. With a wealth of history throughout LotC there isn't much excuse for resorting to the first swear word that comes to one's mind while writing a sentence. So to enrich your arsenal, this thread will compile swear words that are useful within LotC and are not particularly race specific.


If you have submissions please post them. Whether or not they are added will be entirely within my control so if you don't like it go suck Silvos' sweatpatch.


Useful Swear Words

Plough, Ploughing

A commoners term for the act of sexual intercourse used as a common curse word for just about anything.


Scar, Scarring, Scarrer

Derived from the blah word “Skah” (similar meaning to plough) though in common it refers to the act of injuring someone without having the honour to kill them in battle.



Feces. Is a reference to racial prejudices against Dark Elves. In certain circles the word has had the opposite affect and describes something respected within popular culture.



Someone or something which continues to pester despite seemingly having been dealt with.



A person whose personality is so unusual that one may expect them to have inter-species relations.


Hobknob, hobknobber

Male genitalia that is below the average size. Derived from the uncommon term for halflings: ‘hobbit’, and the shape of a door handle that may liken to the end of male genitalia.



From the Elven word ‘valah’ meaning human. This is someone who demonstrates the opposite of valor, embodying all the downfalls of humanity: foolish, gullible, quick to switch allegiance.


Bells, Lady Bells

A woman’s breasts. Unconventionally "Archmage Bells" or "Arch Bells" can be used for the same body part that is of remarkable size and/or visual quality.



Someone who makes incredible efforts to display superiority of character that they are an embarrassment.


Nether, ie “What the Nether?”

The realm of origin of all dark and hideous creatures, and the eternal resting place of undead.



A man who can be described as base, dishonoured, and a coward



An exclamation for when things take a turn for the worse meaning 'rotting filth', though if you got to know him he was quite a reasonable guy.


Enjoyable Expletives for the Gentleman or Lady

By Blundermore’s Bollocks (or by Blundermore’s beard)

The source of the thing to have caused such shock is assumed to be supernatural. The phrasing of "by [name]'s beard" expresses surprise and can have interchangeable beard owners depending on said person's notoriety within the culture of the speaker.


Godfery’s Garters

Referring to one’s private region. Great for use during formal engagements where vulgar language is unwelcome.


Insufferable Lich

Someone who makes one’s skin crawl at the thought. Their presence may be a drain upon the life force of those around them even though this is not something liches do.


Loathsome Banshee

A woman whose voice brings suffering.


Her Whispering Isles

A ladies genitalia


Son of a Druid

A bastard whose only parenting must have come from a tree, as demonstrated by their actions.

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Some of these are very good.

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1 minute ago, Elindor said:

Godfery’s Garters

"This is a heathenish term and should not be used." Says Nick Boby.

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"1.9 pvp"



A mysterious word of unknown origin that is capable of driving even the most valorous soldier to madness just by being uttered.

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13 minutes ago, Elindor said:


Her Whispering Isles

A ladies genitalia




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Loathsome Banshee for an irritating woman could be a good addition, my friend.



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To piggyback off of hobknob, my character tends to use the word knob as an alternative wording for a certain body part, as well as the phrase knobhead, with the obvious connotation of one's head in the shape of the aforementioned part.


My character has slight English/UK tendency to her speech, and I find that the variety of colorful phrases in their arsenal makes the Roleplay more fun in general.

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Might i add one of my favorite underused insults?



Otherwise known as a base and degraded coward




“You d*mned poltroon,” Washington rejoined, “you never tried them!” Always reluctant to resort to profanities, the chaste Washington cursed at Lee “till the leaves shook on the tree,” recalled General [Charles] Scott. “Charming! Delightful! Never have I enjoyed such swearing before or since.” Lafayette said it was the only time he ever heard Washington swear. “I confess I was disconcerted, astonished, and confounded by the words and the manner in which His Excellency accosted me,” Lee recalled. -Ron Chernow, Washington A Life


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TIL I will be using the word "her whispering isles" in skype roleplay...

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On 1/11/2017 at 11:24 AM, Elindor said:

Her Whispering Isles

A ladies genitalia

These are all great but this is the best one by far :') 

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