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[✗] A Gift From the Skies: Muun'Trivazja


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A Gift From The Skies: Muun’Trivazja


Introduction: This lore piece has a companion!  While you may be a rebel who doesn’t play by the rules, it would be best if you read The Moon and the Maker first.  It details Metztli, and fleshes out the Daemon of Time further.  This lore, A Gift From the Skies, goes into the mechanics of the magic gifted to followers of Metztli.  While the magic will remain a predominantly Kharajyr-controlled magic, any who follow the path of the Moon-Mother are given the opportunity to learn it.  Think of it like Runebinding, or Shamanism.


Muun’Trivazja is the magic gifted to the priesthood of Metztli.  The goddess granted her most devout limited control over her divine energy, Muun’.  With this power, the priesthood has been capable of great feats, though they come at a cost.  Blindness and premature aging are common amongst members of the priesthood as a result with meddling with divine powers.


The original Sages, who first received Metztli’s blessing, wielded Muun’ similar to the casters of other orders.  However, in their arrogance, they rose too high and spited the goddess.  To humble them, Metztli cursed the order with the burden of the Moonpool, a well of divine energy where casters of the order must bathe to refill their stores of Muun’.


Muun’Trivazja is composed of three faucets; Moonbinding, Moongazing and Cronoshaping.  These arts must be taught individually, alongside how to store Muun’.  As a practitioner of the art becomes more adept as storing Muun’, they become able to delve further and further into the other aspects of the magic.


States of Muun’:


There are two basic types of Muun’ utilized in casting, Waking and Sleeping.  Sleeping Muun’ energy with no purpose.  It is passive energy that the priests are able to store inside themselves and carry with them.  However, Muun’ is not an energy natural to the priests and it will seek escape by any means possible.  Priests are trained to hold the energy inside of them while they go about life, and once they can hold the energy without fear of leaking, they can begin to expand their capacity.  A coalition of priests, traditionally known as a pride, is able to pool their Muun’ in order to accomplish greater feats of magic, with each priest fueling the spell from their own reserves.


Once a priest activates the Muun’ inside them it becomes Waking Muun’.  Waking Muun’ is the visible aspect of Muun’Trivazja.  It is energy in action, power with a purpose.  Once a priest casts a spell, a portion of their Sleeping Muun’ is transformed into Waking Muun’ and escapes from them, given a purpose.






“The Moon-Mother granted us a chance at redemption.  After the first of the Sages fled, taking their hearsay with them, Metztli gifted to the new Priesthood a power unmatched by any of the new land; The power to grind mountains to dust and see what cannot be seen.  The power to fight against Absyyl and its servants.  The power of the Moon, Muun’Trivazja.


~The Dead-Sky Scrolls | A New Order


The first skill an acolyte of the priesthood learns is the art of storing Muun’.  Due to the arrogance of their predecessors, priests of Metztli do not naturally regenerate their divine energy.  They must instead fill their stores at Moonpools, wells of energy fueled by a portion of Metztli’s Daemonic energy.  Attunement to the goddess simply grants a priest the ability to hold this energy inside themselves.  Muun’Trivazja is the baseline progression for a practitioner of the magic


Each art must be trained individually, but they are useless if a priest is unable to muster the energy to maintain them.  Essentially, a priest cannot cast spells with energy they do not have, therefore they cannot increase their tier in one of the other arts without first attaining that tier in Muun’Trivazja.



Suggested Progression: This is the overall progression for a practicioner of Muun’Trivazja.  A priest of Metztli is unable to train their skills past their level attained here, as this tree details how the stores of a Priest grows.


Tier 1: In the beginning of their training, acolytes of Muun’Trivazja are unable to hold much of Metztli’s divine energy.  What little they can cling to soon escapes the moment they stop actively focusing on holding it in.  Anything greater than a Minor spell is out of reach, and even that is a struggle.


Tier 2: As a practitioner of the art progresses in their training, they soon become able to hold Muun’ inside of them with little fear of it escaping.  Sleeping or being knocked unconscious will still cause the energy to leave the priest, but at this point they have enough control to explore the limits of their small pool of energy.  They are able to cast Minor spells regularly, though the act is still taxing.


Tier 3: As a user of Muun’Trivazja continues along their path, they slowly begin to expand the capacity of their internal pool of energy.  A priest is able to hold their remaining energy inside of them while they sleep, though being knocked unconscious still allows the energy to escape.  By now, Minor spells become simple tasks and Moderate spells are within the realm of possibility, though they drain most of the priests stores of energy.


Tier 4: By now, the priest has expanded their stores of energy to the point where Moderate spells will do little to drain them and Minor spells are a mere trifling.  Practicioners of Muun’Trivazja are able to cling to their energy in any condition and any state.  At this point, they are able to pool their Muun’ with that of others in order to enact Major works of Muun’Trivazja, though doing so will drain them severely.


Tier 5:  At this point, the priest has apexed their art.  Their pool of energy resembles that of the great blue ocean, a massive deposit of Muun’ locked within a mortal being.  Moderate spells may be cast with only a moderate drain to their resources, and a master priest is able to fuel a Major work of magic on their own, though doing so will leave them completely drained of energy.


Spell Hierarchy: Spells cast using Muun’Trivazja generaly fall under one of three categories; Minor, Moderate, and Major.


Minor spells are small works of magic that can be easily accomplished by a single caster without draining their reserves of Muun’ too much.  Beginners may struggle with Minor spells, but more adept learners are able to perform Minor feats with little thought.


Moderate spells are spells that can be cast starting around Tier 3.  They utilize more stored Muun’ and are the middle ground for magic effects.  They are more powerful and diverse than Minor feats, though they lack the scope of Major spells.


Major spells are examples of the highest level the magic can achieve.  They require massive amounts of Muun’ to accomplish, and are often performed by a gathering of priests.  It is possible for a single Tier 5 priest to work a Major act of Muun’Trivazja, though doing so will completely drain them of Muun’.



Moonbinding (Teltica):




“They adorned themselves with the same blue stones that decorated the temple.  It hung from necklaces, bracelets, they even pierced their ears and lips with the stuff.  The things seem unstable though.  I saw one of the earring-wearers slam into a wall, and lose half their face in the resulting explosion.”

~Tales of the Kharajyr


Moonbinding is the art of charging a piece of specially prepared lapis-lazuli with Muun’, granting it mystical power.  To begin, a Moonbinder must select a block of lapis, the holy stone of Metztli, and carve it to shape.  The stone must then be engraved with images and prayers in Kharahatla.  These help to focus the mind of the enchanter towards the task at hand.


The stone is then filled with Muun’ from the crafter, a process known as Attuning.  This transforms the lapis into a piece of Charged Lapis, giving the Muun’ inside of it a task to accomplish when it is activated.  Once a Moonbound relic is Attuned, the Muun’ inside of it is Living and cannot be harnessed or redefined.


The object may be refilled with Muun’ from another source, a priest may even allow the relic to draw from their own reserves of Sleeping energy instead of its own, but once it runs out, the Charged Lapis violently explodes, spraying shards of stone in all directions.


The purpose of the stone is left up to the crafter, however seeing as the enchantment is fueled by Muun’, the relic is only able to accomplish a task that is possible with the magic in the first place.  This means that a Moonbinder is unable to craft objects with enchantments that are impossible through Muun’Trivazja.



OOC Limitations: Moonbinding is the practice of imbuing a piece of specially prepared lapis lazuli with Muun’ to give it mystical properties.  Similar to Arcane Enchanting, a Moonbinder programs the Muun’ they bind to the stone, giving it a purpose.


The small amount of active Muun’ placed inside the stone acts as a gate, allowing Muun’ to be stored but not withdrawn.  That energy can then be called upon to fuel the Active energy initially placed inside the stone;  This is why Moonbound relics are able to be fueled by a priest, the Active Muun’ placed within the lapis draws sustenance from the Sleeping Muun’ stored inside the priest.


A priest is only able to bind a spell that is of lesser strength to their Moonbinding level.  This means that a Tier 3 Moonbinder is only able to replicate the effects of a Tier 2 or Tier 1 spell.  A tier 5 Moonbinder is able to pool their energy with that of other priests


Suggested Progression: This is the suggested progression for Moonbinders.  When one creates Moonbound relics, they must adhere to three major rules; A Binder is only able to bind spells of a lower level than their Moonbinding level, the more experienced a Moonbinder the smaller their relics can be, and no priest is able to draw Muun’ from a relic, through they are able to power them through their own stores.


Tier 1: At this stage, once a novice has stabilized their stores of Muun’, they are able to channel their energy into specially prepared blocks of lapis lazuli.  In the beginning, Moonbinders are unable to create objects with specific properties, through they are able to channel their Muun’ into the lapis to create a Focus, a stone that soothes the mind of a practicioner of Muun’Trivazja, bringing about a state of peace.


Tier 2: By now a caster is able to channel Waking Muun’ into larger stones and account for more complex effects.  Inexperienced Moonbinders require larger and larger blocks of lapis to store the Waking Muun’ that powers the spell locked inside.  At this stage, in order to power a Minor spell a Moonbinder would require a stone the size of a large melon.  They lack the control to bind more complex spells to lapis of any size, and their creations are unable to last longer than an elven day before they shatter.


Tier 3: A practicioner of Muun’Trivazja who reaches this point in their training now has the capacity to bind more complex enchantments to a stone.  Their binding becomes more efficient, and now a Minor spell may be powered by a carving of lapis the size of a large apple and Moderate spells to larger stones.  Their creations are now able to last two to three elven days, depending on the complexity of the spell bound.


Tier 4: A priest of this level is able to bind Moderate spells to stones the size of an apple.  Minor spells may be stored in gemstones small enough to be mounted on amulets and bracelets.  Relics created in this manner can last up to an elven week before degrading and shattering.


Tier 5: A master of Moonbinding is able to bind Moderate spells to jewelry, though the stones are generally larger than is fashionable.  Practitioners of this aspect of Muun’Trivazja are able to collaborate with masters of the other arts in an attempt to bind Major spells to large blocks of lapis lazuli, however these massive creations are often unstable and can only last an elven day at the longest.  The other lesser creations of a Moonbinder at this stage in their training are able to last upwards of an elven month, though they will begin to degrade and malfunction a week before they ultimately fail and shatter.


Spell Hierarchy: The following details the Minor, Moderate, and Major spells that form the basis of Moonbinding guidelines.  A general rule of thumb to remember is that as a Binder progresses, they are able to wind larger spells into smaller pieces of lapis.  Doing so, however, leads to a more unstable and easily broken relic.


Spell Hierarchy | Minor Spells: Minor Moonbound relics are able to store Minor spells from other branches of Muun’Trivazja in lapis carvings of various sizes.  The higher one progresses in the art, the smaller the stones that fuel the spells are.  A master is able to wind Minor spells into stones small enough to be mounted into an earring.


Spell Hierarchy | Moderate Spells: Moderate Moonbound relics are able to hold Moderate spells within larger carving of lapis.  Novice Moonbinders must rely on larger blocks of lapis to store their spells, but a more experienced caster is able to bind Moderate spells to stones small enough to be used in jewelry.


Spell Hierarchy | Major Spells: A coalition of many priests, working tirelessly for weeks may produce a Major Moonbound relic.  Creations capable of housing Major works of Muun’Trivazja are typically larger than their creators and dangerously unstable.  They last at most an elven day before malfunctioning and shattering into millions of shards.







“It is said the Sages of old could tear vast temples from the past.  They would gather, a pride of priests circling the ruins, and begin their chant.  The Moon-Mother’s gift would swirl around them until, block by block, the building would stand tall once more.”

~Upon the Altars of Old | Book II


Cronoshaping is the most powerful of the priestly arts, as it allows a practitioner limited control over Metztli’s dominion, time.  A Cronoshaper expels the Muun’ stored inside of them, and utilizes it to manipulate the way time flows in the area.


The Muun’ manifests itself as a thick swirling fog, ranging from blue to a deep purple color.  The mist itself is malleable, and may be shaped by a member of the priesthood into a number of forms.  The most common are either domes or waves of Muun’ projected over the area the caster wishes to effect.  Once an area is shrouded in a priest’s Muun’, they sever it from the natural flow of time and begin to move it in accordance to their will.


While Cronoshaping allows the user to manipulate time, it still has its limits. Cronoshaping is incapable of effecting unwilling targets.  This is because Cronoshaping depends on the priest being able to anticipate the actions within the section they have severed.  If a Muun’Trivazja user attempts to Cronoshape a once-strong wall into a crumbling ruin, they are able to because they know that given time stone will inevitably fall to pieces.  Once a variable enters into the equation, the Cronoshaper is unable to anticipate how they will move through the new flow of time.  As a result, anything the variable interacts with will also become an unknown quantity in its own right.  This accumulation of unknowns shatters the veil of Muun’, as the priest is no longer able to anticipate what happens along the timestream. This is known as a Variable Cascade, and will result in the spell shattering.


Cronoshaping is also unable to rewind an object past the time of its creation.  For example, a rusted sword could be rewound to a point where it was once usable, but it could not be taken past that point and turned into the raw iron that was used to forge the blade.  A crumbling wall could be rewound to a point where it once stood proud, but could not be taken back to the mortar and stones used to build the wall.  This is called the Law of Temporal Conservation.


The magic, however, comes with a price.  As a priest continues to manipulate time, they will grow hunched and wizened.  Dipping into the flow of time will prematurely age a practitioner of the art.  Cronoshapers tend to age half again as fast as is normal, leaving them weaker and frailer than they were.



OOC Limitations: To put it simply, Cronoshaping is the art of anticipation.  If a priest is unable to predict what will happen in their own personal timestream, then they loose control over it.  This is why Cronoshapers are able to utilize their magic to move a willing (or unconscious, with OOC permission) target with the flow of time in the area.  This is also why Cronoshapers are able to move freely within their own sectioned area; They know what they are going to do, and are therefore able to anticipate it.


Cronoshaping has a myriad of uses when used alone, though those uses must adhere to the Law of Temporal Conservation and the Variable Cascade phenomenon.  A Cronoshaper is able to rewind or speed up time within their area of effect.  They are able to cause grass to grow or walls to crumble before them by speeding and reversing the flow of time.  Speeding up time is the easier of the two, as the force moves forward naturally.  That is why many healers choose to close wounds by speeding up time;  The body heals itself, the priest simply shortens the wait.


However, the excess ‘time’ (for lack of a better phrasing) still needs a place to go.  A Cronoshaper is inevitably affected by temporal warping.  They move in synch with their newly defined flow and as a result they age in accordance to the new timestream.  This results in Cronoshapers aging roughly one and a half times a quick as the average Descendant.


Suggested Progression: This is the suggested progression for a Cronoshaper to adhere to.  Keep in mind a Cronoshaper cannot progress to a tier higher than their Muun’-Storing and must adhere to the Law of Temporal Conservation and the principle of Variable Cascade.  The strength of Cronoshaping is dependant on how thickly Muun’ shrouds the area, so a general rule of thumb is the thicker the fog, the stronger the effect.


Tier 1: In the beginning of their training, a Cronoshaper is able to manipulate very small amounts of time in a very small area.  Minor acts drain most of their stored energy, as a priest’s stores of Muun’ are still very limited.  Moving small areas forward or backward drains them heavily, and they are generally only able to do so once or twice every refill.


Tier 2: As a Cronoshaper grows in power, they become able to manipulate time to a greater degree.  They still only have the capacity to perform Minor acts of Cronoshaping, but they are able to do so with less of a tax on their stores of energy.


Tier 3: Once a Cronoshaper eclipses this point in their training, they have the capacity to perform Moderate acts of Cronoshaping, though doing so will drain them of nearly all of their stored Muun’.  Minor acts become much simpler to do, though they are still the most draining Minor acts the magic is able to accomplish.  At Tier 3, a Cronoshaper is also able to experiment with shaping their area of effect into waves and pulses.


Tier 4: Moderate acts of Muun’Trivazja become simpler as the pool of energy within the priest grows.  They cost less than they usually would, but are still the most Muun’-intensive spells a priest can cast.  At this point, with a coalition of other priests, a caster has the ability to work Major spells, through doing so will leave them extremely drained.


Tier 5: At the peak of their craft, a Cronoshaper is able to manipulate time with ease.  They have mastered Moderate works of magic, and are able to begin experimenting further with their powers.  Large areas of land may be altered slightly, or small areas may be thrown forward years at a time.  A priest of this tier is able to cast but a single Major work of Cronoshaping by utilizing their own stores of energy, though doing so will leave them completely drained.


Spell Hierarchy: These are examples of typical spells that may be cast while Cronoshaping.  Users of Muun’Trivazja are to use their best judgement when determining the cost of a spell.  When in doubt, err on the side of caution and round up.


Spell Hierarchy | Minor Spells: Minor works of Cronoshaping include very small acts of time manipulation.  Moving inanimate objects hours into the past is a common practice given to students, as is the acceleration of simple plants such as grass or fungi.


Spell Hierarchy | Moderate Spells: Moderate works of Cronoshaping include moving objects days, if not months into the future.  The smaller and simpler the target is, the easier it is to move through time.  Moderate spells can also include minor acts of healing on a willing target.  Small cuts and recently broken bones can be set and healed, but only if they happened a short while before the healing.


Spell Hierarchy | Major Spells: A major work of Cronoshaping would involve either the very fine manipulation of time over a large area, or the mass manipulation of time in a small area.  A major work could include fastforwarding a tree from a sapling to full-grown oak in a matter of minutes or crumbling a stone wall to dust.







“Ja’Sutal burst into the palace, ranting and raving.  He ran through the doors of the palace, yanking tapestries from walls and goblets from hands.  The young priest screamed of things to come; An army of beasts, ships being sent out to sea, and watching over it all a great eye of fire.  He was pronounced mad by the Sages, though now he is heralded as the first Moongazer.”

~Upon the Altars of Old | Book III


Moongazing is the most respected art a member of the priesthood may master.  When a priest turns their eyes towards the ebb and flow of time, they must learn to focus their Muun’ into a lense through which to see the world; Turning their eyes to the future or the past.


When a Moongazer turns their eyes to the timestream they channel their Muun’ into a sort of lense, allowing them to see into various points in time.  A Moongazer may turn their eyes to past events, but never past the point of Non-Remembering, where Ancient History meets the rest of time.  No priest is able to pass that point, simply because their bodies cannot hold enough Muun’ to go that far back.  A Moongazer is also unable to see events leading up to their death, attempting to do so shatters the vision as the mind is unable to comprehend its own death.


When a priest Moongazes, their eyes light up with a radiant white light.  They fall into a trance, seeing that which has been or will be.  Gazing into the past is the simplest aspect of the art, requiring the least amount of Muun’ to maintain.  As a priest turns their eyes to more recent events, the spell requires more and more Muun’ to maintain.  Once a priest passes the present, the spell requires less Muun’ to maintain.  Then as one passes the present and moves onto the future, the energy cost is lessened but the visions swiftly grow vague and imprecise.


To begin, Moongazing the past is the simplest of arts.  A priest simply focuses their Muun’, and turns their eyes to events long past.  Gazing in this manner uses up the least amount of energy out of all the arts of Muun’Trivazja.  A skilled practitioner is able to turn their eyes to events long past for hours at a time.


One of the most respected aspects of Moongazing takes place while searching the past.  Namecallers are Moongazers who have dedicated their life to seeking out the names and histories of those fallen from Ilhuicatl.  When a Kharajyr dies on the Isles of Endless Night, their name and deeds are wiped from memory.  However, their past remains, open for Moongazers to search through.  Namecallers spend their lives searching through ancient tomes and Gazing the past, searching for the names and legacies of those forgotten by the rest.


Seeing the future is an imprecise art at the best of times.  Specifics are withheld in favor of omens and symbolism.  Some say this is because the future in itself is unknowable, other say the goddess does it intentionally to keep her priests from knowing more than is good for them.  Whatever the reason, seeing into the future will never give a direct answer.  It will always be shrouded in uncertainty.  Some visions may never come to pass in the first place, the future being an unknowable and ever-changing place.


Moongazing the present is the most difficult art a priest can learn.  To see the future, one requires a totem that holds a strong link to the object to be scryed.  The more direct the link, the stronger the vision will be.  Distance also affects the strength of the link.  The further something is from the Moongazer, the more difficult it is to envision them.  Long distances may be offset by a better link, blood or bone being the strongest, and vice versa.


Moongazing does have its limits however.  Gazing into the present will only show things directly linked to the totem, and nothing else.  A stone from a castle wall will show only the castle, and not the inhabitants moving about inside.  A bloodstain will reveal the bearer of the blood, but not their surroundings.  Extended Moongazing comes at a price, the eyesight of the Gazer.  Moongazer will gradually lose their sight as they continue to peer into events beyond their ken; Their irises fade until their eyes and their vision are completely and totally blank.



OOC Limitations: OOCly, Moongazing is one of the aspect of Muun’Trivazja with the most potential for roleplay, though it does have its limitations.  Players are free to Moongaze into the past on their own accord up until Ancient History.  If a player attempts to go beyond, they run out of Muun’ immediately and are forced out of their Moongazing trance.


Gazing into the past requires the least amount of Muun’, and may be done for hours at a time before a priest’s Muun’ runs dry.  Seeing the past may be done at the player’s discretion, and is often used by priests to discover and record historical events.  Any attempt to Gaze the your own death or any events that lead to it will cause the vision to shatter.  As always, the thirty-minute rule is in effect, and is the timeframe for vision failure.


To gaze into the future, a player requires the consent of a GM.  Any sights seen in the future are at their discretion , and may be revised or even ignored at any time.  The future is an ever-changing and unknowable place, and some visions seen may never come to pass.  It is said Moongazers looking into the future are closest to Metztli, as she guides their vision and sends them signs of things to pass.  Players are free to attempt to gaze into the future on their own, but any visions done without a guide present will return nothing but meaningless symbols and omens.


Gazing into the present is the most Muun’-intensive aspect of Moongazing, and a vision can only be maintained for minutes before falling to pieces.  In order to Moongaze events happening in the present, a priest requires not only a totem from the one being Gazed upon;  It also requires OOC consent from the party being envisioned.  A weak totem such as an object touched in passing will offer equally weak visions while a stronger totem, one of blood or bone, will offer a detailed look at the Gazed-upon and their equipment.  Keep in mind, Moongazing any player requires their OOC consent, though objects and structures do not.


Suggested Progression: The following is the suggested progression for a Moongazer.  Keep in mind, you cannot progress your Moongazing level beyond your tier of Muun’-Storing.  Remember than Moongazing anyone in the present requires both OOC permission and a totem from that person and Gazing accurately into the past requires GM permission.  As a general rule of thumb, the less experienced a Gazer is, the more vague and indistinct the visions are.


Tier 1: A Moongazer beginning in their art is able to conjure up short, indistinct visions of the past.  They are able to work Minor acts of Gazing, through doing so drains their stores of energy significantly.


Tier 2: As a Moongazer begins to grow their stores of energy, they are able to Gaze longer and sharper into the past.  Moderate spells are still out of reach, but Minor visions may be triggered for hours on end.  At this point, a priest is able to experiment with moving their viewpoint in visions of the past, through doing so causes the vision to warp in strange ways.


Tier 3: By now, a Moongazer has reached the midpoint of their art.  With their store of Muun’, they are finally able to gaze the present with the aid of a strong totem.  Blood or bone will offer the best results, though the vision will remain vague and perspective is fixed.


Tier 4: By this point, a Gazer is able to set their sights to the future.  They may summon up indistinct visions of times to come, though they are shaky and may not come to pass at all.  Visions from Metztli are more accurate, but equally cryptic.  Gazing the past is barely a noticeable drain, and seeing into the present is possible with a weaker totem.  Blood and bone will always offer the best vision, but clothing or even objects once touched can conjure up visions.


Tier 5: At the pinnacle of their craft, a Moongzer’s sight knows no bounds.  The past is an open book to them, and they may move freely through any vision to the past or present.  By now, a Moongazer may work a Major aspect of the magic, calling up visions for all to see in a cloud of mist or even attempting to conjure Prophecies from the Moon-Mother herself.


Spell Hierarchy: Considering Moongazing is mainly an RP magic, and is the least draining of the Muun’Trivazja arts, a conservitive estimate is not strictly necessary when determining Muun’ levels.  However, always remember the OOC rules associated with Moongazing.


Spell Hierarchy | Minor Spells: A minor act of Moongazing would include peering into the recent past.  Acolytes are often set to Moongazing events long past, viewing snapshots of times long past and recording what they see.  The viewer remains fixed in place, unable to move or view specific events.  They simply enter the trance and allow their eyes to see what is there to see.


Spell Hierarchy | Moderate Spells: A moderate act of Moongazing would include prolonged visions of the past, and perhaps dabbling into Gazing the present with the aid of a totem.  Priests gazing the past are able to focus the time period they view, searching for specific events and even moving through the vision.


Spell Hierarchy | Major Spells: A major act of Moongazing would include vague peeks into the future.  Accurate foretelling is reserved for Metztli to disperse, and the future cannot be accurately foretold by a Kharajyr alone, no matter the power.




The Stone of Metztli:




“The Stone was found floating above the waters of the Temple.  It was jagged and sharp, a blade that hung in the air above the sacred pool.  The Kha’ were drawn to it, like moths to a flame.  They felt the pull of the Moon-Mother upon them and they could not turn back.”

~Upon the Altars of Old | Book IV


When the first Kharajyr fled from the crumbling Khalenwyr Empire, they landed on the new land to start anew.  The remaining Sages, humbled by the creation of the Moonpools, were reluctant to spread their art further.  They fled from the fledgeling Empire, vanishing from Kharajyr society into the deep jungles of Anthos.  Their shame drove them from their people, taking their gift with them.


Metztli watched as one by one, the Sages succumbed to the dangers of the land.  Without pity, she watched as those who had dared rise beyond their station fell and crumbled to dust.  Satisfied that her people had once more been turned from the path of Absyyl, she granted her people one final boon.  She traveled once more to the Well of Moonlight and picked up the knife that lay at the shores of the great lake.  She hurled the lapis knife, dark with the dried blood of the goddess into the glowing water.  It sank, falling through the crack into the Mortal Realm and manifesting itself above the waters of the temple.  So the Stone of Metztli, and the Athosian Moonpool came into being.


The Stone of Metztli granted the Kharajyr the ability to forge a connection with the Moon-Mother.  The wisest and most devout were chosen to become the first of the new Priesthood.  Guided by the goddess, these Kharajyr were granted visions of a ceremony they were to undertake in order to forge a connection to the Well of Moonlight like the Sages of old.  They were taught through visions how to store Muun’ from the new Moonpool and utilize their new abilities to their fullest extent.  These new practicioners of Muun’Trivazja created the first centralized Priesthood of Metztli, the order that continues to this day.


Should the stone shatter, it will eventually reform itself.  The magic that sustains the stone is a form of temporal Moonbinding far beyond the ability of any priest;  It allows the stone to reform in a random location once it is shattered, turning back the clock on its own demise.  Several times throughout history the Stone has been broken, and the Priesthood has always been able to track it through Moongazing due to their internal link with the stone.


The Ritual of Attunement is the process used to connect prospective priests to the Well of Moonlight.  It is a lengthy process known only to the oldest of the Priesthood, and is their best kept secret.  All that is known is that the Ritual requires the Stone of Metztli to be properly executed.  It is not always successful, and those that fail are cast, raving and clawing at their eyes from the order.


The Ritual of Disconnection is a similar practice used to shatter the bond between a priest and the Well.  Knowledge of this process is even rarer than that of the Ritual of Attunement, and is often reserved to the head of the current Priesthood.  Much like the Ritual of Attunement, it requires the presence of the Stone of Metztli, though not much is known beyond that.


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I can dig it

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Fuckin yes please

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I don't mind the lore itself, just for the love of god keep a better rein on teachers.

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Could you give me a tl;dr on how this is different from the previous iteration?

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36 minutes ago, Wendigo said:

I don't mind the lore itself, just for the love of god keep a better rein on teachers.

^This, essentially.

Just now, The Pink Lion said:

Could you give me a tl;dr on how this is different from the previous iteration?

Im pretty sure it's just changes with chronoshaping. From looking at it, the main difference is now you need to know exactly what's happening in the chronoshaping area, thus making it impossible to chronoshape moving things or without everythings complete agreement. Limits it, but dont quote me on that I didnt have anything to do with writing this.

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2 minutes ago, Fury_Fire said:

dont quote me on that I didnt have anything to do with writing this.

Then why are you responding kiddo......

But basically what I told y'all is that we wanted to see a major overhaul, this seems like it still has the same abilities that are slightly altered limitations-wise.

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That's essentially what we did.  We thought that while the initial concepts were solid, the magic needed a re-haul mechanics-wise.  Muun' has some great ideas going for it, it was managing the OOC limitations and the mechanics behind the magic that was the issue.


We completely redefined Cronoshaping, rehauled Moonbinding to give it more defined limits, and added new dimesions to Moongazing with Ilhuicatl and Namecallers.  While I was writing this lore, I began from the ground up, but thought that the concepts were solid.  It was the execution of the first rewrite that lent itself issues.


In the rehaul, I went out of the way to fix many of the common issues that were apparent in the magic.  Cronoshaping now has definite rules to abide by and makes more sense that previous iterations.  Moonbinding can be used with specific guidelines.  Moongazers have something to do other than metagame.  The rehaul was not an aestetic rewriting, more of a mechanical one.


Alongside this, we issued a revamp of Metztli.  Nothing was going on aside from the occasional 'Metztli is dead/Metztli is missing/Metztli doesn't really care' from the staff.  I, alongside the people that reviewed this lore, wanted to fix the OOC issues behind Kharajyr culture, and figured traditional Muun'Trivazja didn't need to be completely changed, just polished up and fixed.

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Upon further reflection, I would like to revoke this lore.  Thanks to some internal Kha'nversation among the playerbase, we have decided that we want another stab at this topic.


((Probs would have been denied anyways, this is just me leaving with my pride intact.))

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This Lore has been denied. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.

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