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Canon Guide to Arcanism


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~ Masters of Potential ~

Part 1: Arcanism



The Official Canon Guide to;

Written and developed by Sir K Andruske

Not applicable ICly



Ch.0 Introduction

Ch.1 Aura Selection & New Acolytes

Ch.2 Introductions to the Specializations

Ch.3 Further Learning: State of Energy & Casting Example

Ch.4 Further Learning: Specializations

Ch.5 Further Learning: Combining Magics, Atronachs & Celestialism

Ch.6 Roleplay Examples

Ch.7 Key Words

Ch.8 Red Lines

Bonus Album


Ch. 0





Greetings reader and welcome to the codex of Arcanism. Below you will find a plethora of knowledge pertaining to all things Arcanism related. Warning for all viewers; The depths of the abyss offer unlimited potential to its visitors. Proceed with caution.


The imagination. For many it is blocked up, clouded by self-made walls serving only to protect the mind from the unseen. To unlock one’s true power one must awaken their imagination. The arte of the unseen refers to the beginning days of Arcanism when but a few users inhabited the realm. The craft of sculpting arcanic energy into limitless forms, birthed from years of study.  


Arcanism at its core is a free flowing evocation of pure magical energy. Unlike its elemental counterparts it lacks any worldly element and instead mimics shapes and states of being based on the will of the caster and what they have studied. With the heightened level of Arcanists in the realm it has yet to be studied if each user has uniquely crafted spells they specialize in or if they borrow from each other and that most spells are already catalogued somewhere.


Through the replication of magical energy the caster can form a wide arsenal of spells, the list growing as the combination of magical subtypes occur. Despite the size of this arsenal a caster is likely to only choose a handful of spells to master and to mark their individuality each caster’s energy they produce will take on a color unique to them. Their aura color is an inherent trait every descendent or similar being has and it is said the life events and experiences shape one’s aura much like it does to their personality so while auras may differ between people with similar personalities it is not uncommon for those of similar upbringing to have similar auras.


For the sake of future teaching and organization the arte has developed several specializations distinctly different from each other. Art, Weaponry, Shielding and Projectiles make up the four basic specializations of Arcanism. Arcanic Life, Arcanic Atronach, Arcanic Enchantments and Celestialism make up the gilded specializations; those that require further involvement and multiple subtypes of magic.


Ch. 1

Aura Selection and New Acolytes




It is important to accept  the aura color given to you and be happy with it due to the fact that it is unlikely to alter unless you go through extreme circumstances. Events that tend to shatter and reforge a person. Your color doesn’t have to exist as a single tone but rather on a spectrum. If purple is your selected color it is not uncommon for it to shift from violets to mauves to magenta even. So if you find that you are stuck casting that same shade of blue perhaps it is time to try a shift in tone.


Aura is all around us, exuding from all things, only it is more commonly demonstrated in the mystic artes. As we burn the necessary mana to cast our spells aura is generated like smoke from the internal flame our bodies produce. Normally we do not perceive aura yet magi that have gradually mastered their individual arts tend to produce visible traces of it around their bodies even when not casting. Some beings such as Archons and Celestial Arcanists seem to be a step further in this regard.


As a new acolyte it is important to find visible representation of this arte in the form of glass working and observing fumes from various sources. To achieve any spell in Arcanism one must first control the basic understanding of energy wisps which are the individual specks, or particles, that make up all your spells. Each day as you connect to the void in order to bring about these spells you will gather a few more specks, a few more wisps, until you have the power to evoke enough to properly manipulate.


Ch. 2

Introduction to the specializations




The four basic specializations are Art, Weaponry, Shielding and Projectiles. Each serves its own purpose but are not mutually exclusive in that regard. They are instead loose guides to follow and help developing arcanists find their niche. As a growing spellcaster you will soon find that you are drawn to perhaps one or two different classes within Arcanism but do not want to feel restricted. As you mature in this magic your proficiency with a single spell will grow as you use and meditate upon it more. Meaning while it is unlikely that you will master every shape and spell you are able to relearn, reteach and practice any spell to become proficient in it.


The first class, Art, has the attribute of flow and focuses on free-formed shapes of energy. Usually reserved for more ritualistic applications of Arcanism that happen outside of battle seen by many as performances, often including dozens to hundreds of  intricate shapes and patterns pending the skill level of the caster. Contrary to this the class of Art can be applied to battle in several less direct uses such as hazing, the act of clouding vision with energy wisps, and streams, in which the spell takes the form of fluids used for controlling distance on the battlefield. As an acolyte your spell are likely to be small intricate patterns and mild hazing of an area.


Weaponry refers to the act of evoking replicas of weapons in energy form and has the attribute of strike. Any type of weapon can be replicated upon further study of its details yet this does not give the caster the knowledge of how to wield it. An inexperienced weaponeer will likely forget to solidify their spells, causing them to lack the basic durability to withstand even a single blow. Yet as they begin to master their craft their swords become as hard as steel as well as naturally parrying blows. When struck the weapon grows close to shattering but the opposing blade or object will suffer from the concussive force applied through the spell. With even greater mastery can an arcanist forge a magic blade as sharp as steel that never dulls, At least until the spell fails a few hits later. Many spellblade that follow this path find the size of the weapon gradually increases as they gain knowledge and power. As does the length at which they can keep it formed and the amount of strikes it can take and deal.


The third class, Shielding, has the attribute of balance and is the most difficult of the four beginning classes. A shielder must not only become acutely aware of how their mana is used to maintain a constant barrier of energy but also how they manipulate this energy all at once in order to form a completely solid, battle-ready shield. A shield that is lopsided with all its energy being dragged to one side leaves its form in a state of fragility. Those aware of how shielding works have come to understand and seek out this function of balancing energy and those who shield gradually become aware of how you may not only spread the field of energy out evenly but move it around to bolster specific spots, given one's reaction time is fast enough. Should an enemy strike another spot instead the efforts backfire and the damage dealt to the shield is increased. A beginner to this class will work on maintaining small disc sized shields before moving onto non-round shapes and barriers that adhere to all gaps.


Possessing the attribute of speed is the fourth class, Projectiles, for it is both the easiest and most challenging class to conquer. Arcane Missiles are the basic spell upon which all other spells are built on. A loose ball of wisps forcefully compressed together that will explode and cause concussive damage upon impact. It is not uncommon for even a beginning magi to evoke multiple missiles at once nor should it be taken likely when a master summons a barrage towards your location. Projectiles gain strength as they gain size and take several different forms with similar, yet magnifying, effects. From arcs that travel in a curved line towards a target to a ray called down from the sky projectiles possess the power to obliterate those unprepared. Though for a beginner a few missiles is likely to wear you out.


With any class it is important to know your limits. You will grow and grow but to push beyond your growth is to risk death. Patience is just as important as any other attribute. It is also important to discover who you are as a mage and what spells fit well to your style of life.



Ch. 3

Further Learning: State of energy & casting example




Arcanism can take on any physical form from solid to gas but it is constantly seeking to disperse into tiny fragments or energy wisps. Anything and everything you make is essentially made up of millions of tiny tiny wisps. So if you were to conjure a blade made purely of arcane energy it could take a more gassy form and break easier or it can be made into a solid that matches your finest iron-made sword. If you were to swing the arcane blade and hit something it is likely the arcane blade would shatter back into all those tiny wisps if your spell is beaten back or cannot outweigh the physical force being returned to it. Energy wisps can be concentrated or spread thin to mimic any state of matter whether it is a fluid, gas or solid. The more solid the spell the harder it usually becomes stronger but harder to maintain. The less solid the spell the more able one is to continuously shape it though doing so also expends more mana.


The magic wants to be free and unrestricted which is why non-combative use of the magic is often more expansive. When you are shaping the magic keep in mind the density of the object you are forming. Arcanism has a neutral temperature and does not mix with other evocation. Meaning you cannot mix it with fire evocation to make blue/green/rainbow flames. It can surely take the shape of fire though, and will not burn or be hot. The evocation is also neutral room temperature bu one thing it possesses is a glow. It illuminates the area around you and can create bright flashes when large spells explode.


When struck against something the evocation might shatter; In the event of this I like to describe it as a visual explosion meaning it looks like an explosion but the temperature doesn't change as the word implies. What it does do is cause a knock-back and blunt force trauma against whatever it hits. This is referred to as the concussive force of the spell. The more solid the evocation the more concentrated blunt force that is applied. Arcanism’s main two attributes are concussive force and ingenuity. The act of exploding can be a brutal tool in the mage’s arsenal but suffers from the lack of any elemental attribute. Smaller spells and spells with lower mana cost also do not cause as much blunt force. Due to the potential of the magic to outclass anything in terms of physical force many casters are quick to take the offensive in battle.


In battle where a fire mage casts their fireball to launch and burn you create physical spells to negate or create physical, impact damage.


--- Arcanist evokes energy into their hand. -> Energy builds & pulses -> Energy is released into an arc that trails to it's target -> Target is hit and is knocked to the ground -> Target suffers concussive damage.




--- Arcanist brings both hands together, energy accumulates. -> Energy continues to build. -> Energy begins to be formed into a shape. -> Energy forms sword, its point briefly sharpened. -> Arcanist manipulates sword to fly and stab towards target. -> Target is mage and is run through, the sharpened energy blade piercing the unarmored individual before fading away, having been broken by the impact.


The most important thing to remember is the size of the spell. The larger the spell and the more solid it is the more mana that is being consumed. With that we will break Arcanism down into four specializations to better clarify the different things this magic can achieve. Projectiles, Shielding, Weaponry, and  Art. As an initial progression I would pick one specialization at a time. Each Arcanist is unique because your proficiency in each specialization are separate from each other.



Ch. 4

Further Learning: Specializations



Projectiles, Shielding, Weaponry,  Art


Arcanism -> Projectiles



Projectiles are the main ranged arsenal of arcanism and can be shaped into many different things. Projectiles almost always have a gas-like form  which is what allows them to be projected more easily. Smaller spells create less force, explosion and knockback while larger spells create more. Arcanism spells are rarely one-hit KO and often require repeating spells to incapacitate your foe however they are seen as concussive spells that deal concussive damage. Here are some examples of projectiles;


Missiles: Small. Most basic spell. They can be shot off but are weak. Casting a multitude can be effective. They are also easy to control and require little mana to cast and manipulate.

Orb: Small.  Orbs are a step above Missiles. They are shot slower but give a much greater impact. These are not perfectly round and give off a misty-wisp aura. Tend to shatter like shields.

Bolt: Small. This is a quickshot. Expends more mana, is singular but is stronger than other small spells.

Disc: Medium. Discs are semi-solid. They are essentially small thrown barriers. They have less explosion but more impact if they hit their target. They do not shatter like shields but can be thrown at angles. These are not quite barrier discs and offer no protection.

Arc: Medium. Arcs are trails of energy that curve  through the air to their target’s initial location. They are hard to track and look like a line of energy as they travel through the air. Speed matches the bolt, causes an impact equal to an orb but does not seek out its target if it moves and cannot be swayed from its path once fired.

Beam: Large: Strongest knockback spell. Creates larger explosion field and will likely hit multiple targets. Longer charge time and fires only in a straight line. The spell will keep going until the mana expended is used up. The farther the beam  goes the more mana is used and the less impact it has.

Ray: Large: This is a closer range skill. The caster evokes a large amount of mana in the air and calls it down like a pillar onto it’s target. This has longer casting time and requires the most focus to use.



Arcanism -> Shielding



Shielding is much like ice in water evocation, only much stronger. It is possible to evoke solids, sometimes taking on the shape of barriers and shields. These shields are all translucent which means you can see clearly through them. These barriers are based off the balance of a character. It is quite the feat to be able to hold a solid, let alone watch in amazement as the translucent barrier of magic rebounds incoming physical attacks. Sometimes Arcanists will only use shielding as their form of combat.


These barriers can be cast as entire bubbles around individuals and can be used to bash much like a material shield. However it goes further! With this specialization an evoked shield will actually stand toe-to-toe to a real shield and in many cases dominate a clash of shields. Sometimes if the shield shatters it will momentarily remain to send glass shards which can cut those adjacent. Shields take up mana per second for as long as they are cast. The larger the shield the more mana that is being drained. Here is the tier of balanced based on initial mana consumption;


Disc: The disc is the most balanced and simple way to keep a solid from degrading back into gassy wisps of magic. It can be expanded to cover a wider field of defense.

Flat Shield: Usually used to cover a small area of space. For example it can block a doorway or passageway. It costs more mana because melding to surfaces requires more concentration.

Bubble Shield: A full shield around the caster and possibly allies depending on the size.

Bash Shield: Requires shield to be already cast. Shield is flexed or moved to physically hit another object. This creates drastic stress on the shield but imposes a large knockback effect.

Pulse Shield: This is the only exception in this specialization in terms of solidity. The caster evokes a field of energy directly around them and shoots it out like a shockwave. It can knockback but is not solid. Less effective than a bash but costs less to cast and does not require a shield to be evoked.

Trap Shield: A bubble shield that is placed over another person. Caster may decrease the size of the shield to compress onto the target. Shield will cause medium amounts of pain from compression but will eventually break, leaving the target largely unharmed. If the target presses back the shield may shatter. This is used to hold someone but it cannot be used to kill someone. ie- you can't put a shield over someone's head to crush their skull. Your shield loses in this regard.

Dual-Shielding: A caster may cast up to two full bubble shields, splitting the entirety of their concentration in half. They became more stationary and the shields have issues moving. Likewise the same effect can be used on a larger multitude of smaller shields.

Colossal Shield: This is a spell saved for events and is usually a key moment that comes from specific instances. The Colossal Shield is a shield that expands to cover a wide area. Sometimes a single home and sometimes an entire city. Likewise a Colossal Shield can be created and fueled by more than just one Arcanist. Two or Three Arcanists who have specialized in Arcane Shielding could hold an entire city from conquest for much longer than one could alone. The mage becomes completely stationary and usually will enter a deep meditative state in order to channel the spell. The large amount of mana expunged to fuel the Colossal Shield could leave the mage incapacitated for hours if not days if they allow their entire supply of mana to be used



Arcanism -> Weaponry



Arcane Weaponry are spells to take on a replica of a regular weapon but with the added benefit to cast weapons as projectiles at the cost of lack of durability and mana cost. A mage can either hold the weapon or shoot it at their foes. They are described as ethereal and are surrounded by a thin veil of wisps, small traces of excess wisps.


Weaponry is easier to move around with than other spells and an evoked weapon is weightless to the mage (but equal to an iron sword to others) due to it being made of pure magical energy. Weapons cannot be incredibly detailed and their form is in between the projectile and shielding specializations in terms of density and because of this they are dull and are highly ineffective cutting weapons unless casted by a master to maintain sharpness for a few hits. Impalement is still a possibility though no arcane weapon will be better than an iron weapon. Multiple weapons at once is also possible but the mana consumed is multiplied and like shielding it costs mana to maintain the spell. If a weapon breaks it does not explode or shatter. It simply dissipates. It is important to note that this list can be much more expansive than the other combat oriented specializations.  Larger weapons or ones that have a less static form cost more mana. All weapons have up to five hits which means they are no substitute for a real weapon. It is important to note that while a weapon can be cast away from it's caster it can only be done so by throwing it like a projectile. It does not act as a summoned pet that can attack like a conjured summon. All weaponry can be sharpened upon greater feats of focus but only maintained for a handful of hits. Here is a list of weaponry;



Tools: The only spell from this specialization that breaks the form is Arcane Tools. Examples being plates, pots, tongs, cups, umbrellas, etc… The tools take on a more solid form that can capture liquid if necessary. If hit they break back into their fluid form. They fade away after use.

Sword: Small-to-Large. This includes daggers to greatswords. Not sharp on its own but can be used in multitude to attempt to overwhelm an enemy.

Bow: Small-Medium. From shortbow to Longbow the bow shoots Arcane Bolts at a faster rate. Shooting from an arcane bow does not damage it like other weapons.

Staff: Small - Medium. From spears to bo staffs. Cannot be sharp but can be thrown. Like any object it has a chance to impale or cause concussive damage to it's target depending on their level of armor (Iron iron would never be pierced by an arcane evo spell).

Hammer: Medium-Large. You are granted more impact achieved but the weapons weight is accounted for in terms of mana cost and has even less durability. You can only summon one hammer at a time if it is a two-handed one and an arcane hammer can break in 1-2 hits do to the force needed to swing it adding onto it's already fragile frame.

Whip: Medium-Large. A whip is an example of  fluid weapon. It costs more to keep cast due to it’s ability to more freely move. Cannot bind target.

Chain: Medium-Large. Similar in utility to a trap shield a chain can be used to disable enemies. While not as powerful as a trap shield a chain is faster to cast and can bind a target to a specific location rather than encasing them in a barrier.



Arcanism -> Art



The most fluid form of the magic and the most open to new creation. Arcane Art is largely used out of battle as the creations are largely non-harmful. The caster for all instances of Arcane Art enter a deep meditative state in the central location of their piece. Due to the lack of any solidity and the mage’s full concentration the piece can become expansive without spending too much mana. Here are some examples;


Shroud: Due to the relative nature of Arcanism, it being different levels of condensed mana in the form of mist and wisps, it is possible for the caster to evoke a shroud around themselves to obscure vision. This cannot be incredibly expansive and works less effectively in open spaces where the magic has the opportunity to spread out. The caster can control this shroud but it is unable to cause harm to opponents. This is a specific use of a free-form spell.

Installations: This involves casting patterns of energy that stem from them. These streams, rivers, streaks, and other formations can move along any surface without disturbing it’s placement. This spell is unharmful and is the main focus of the specialization.

Imagination: Any other non-harmful freeform thing you can think of! Can’t effect anything with it but this specialization gives a lot of leeway so long as you abide by server rules.


Ch. 5

Further Learning: Combining magics




Further Learning: Conjuration --- Arcane Life & Primordials


Arcane Life can both be used for combat and creative arts. It is not conjuration and the  evoked forms of energy take on a shell of what it’s replicating. The form varies and depends on the mage to gather research about their imitation of life before they can cast the spell successfully. The imitation also lacks much of the specifics of original and is cloaked in a mist of wisps that can be described as ethereal. The imitation also takes on a very rough form of the imitation so where a conjurationist can give exact details an Arcanist can create a rough outline. The caster can fuel the spell and make the imitation like an arcane projectile but Arcane Life spells do not normally explode when broken unless you cast them to do so which causes them to act like a projectile. They dissipate like weaponry. Here are some examples;


Sprites (Animal shapes):  Any type of animal, though they lack any sort of detail of the animal they are mimicking. Instead they take on indistinct blob-shapes that are rather unique to this type of magic alone. They are dolls to be puppeted by the caster. They are mainly distractions but can also be flung like projectiles to explode. Using them in combat is more taxing in terms of mana consumption.


Primordial conjurations are creatures of any form that take on the properties of energy wisps. These creatures appear as ethereal beings of energy. A cat made from scarlett energy, a minotaur made from azure blue, these puppets serve  their casters.

Guide: Conjuration



Further Learning: Transfiguration --- Enchantments, Arcanist’s Blade & Atronach Forging.




All spells may be bound to an enchantment if one is also an avid user of transfiguration. From making a blade expel a charge of energy to having a barrier maintained through a mana gem, transfigurationists give longevity to spells that constantly seek to be unwoven. Two specific iterations are The Arcanist’s Blade & Atronach Forging.


Guide: Atronach Forging/Binding

Guide: Transfiguration


Further Learning: Celestialism --- Masters of Arcanism




Celestialism is the act of gaining an aura that appears brighter, more visible and more intense to all but especially those attuned with the void, including voidal inhabitants known as Celestials. With this new found power Celestialists become the summoners of the realm existing to bring forth great magical beasts. While similar in structure to voidal horrors, celestials are docile in nature and are gifted corporeal bodies allowing them to exist within the realm so long as they are bound to their Arcanist stone. More reading on the Masters of Arcanism can be done here;


Lore Submission 1: Greater Melding, Celestial Aura, Celestial Familiars, Crystal Gardens

Lore Submission 2: Aura tracking, Shade and Blood magic effects, Celestial Guardians

Guide: Celestial Familiars

[More to be added]



Ch. 6

Roleplay examples





Iatrilemar lifts his right hand, facing his palm out while taking a firm stance.

Iatrilemar's palm begins to glow with a bright violet light which pulsates. His cheek twitches up, both eyes wincing.

Soon the pulse quickens, more of the violet light gathering towards his palm.

Iatrilemar reels back his arm and thrusts forward, expelling a beam of energy outwardly.

The beam shoots out with tremendous force, becoming shallower and shallower as it travels through the open air until there is nothing left of it.

Iatrilemar smirks as he lowers his hand, the light fading from his palm.



Iatrilemar sits in the center of a large circular room, taking a meditative position and closing his eyes.

His breath drifts into a slight hum as he places both palms flat on the ground. Anyone watching would notice the soft light pounding into the ground.

Iatrilemar opens his eyes and at once streams of violet energy spill from his palm onto the floor, flowing like open waterways across the stone.

Iatrilemar turns his head the the right; The streams meander to the right before beginning to spiral. The same process is repeated by Iatrilemar turning his head to his left, the spirals now concaving into themselves.

Soon the streams of energy fill the entire floor with mosaic patterns that seem to swirl with life. The room; an ocean of intricate twists and concaving swirls.

Iatrilemar's palms slowly lift off the ground, his eyes closing once more. Almost as if in rewind the streams rapidly recede, snaking back to Iatrilemar before disappearing into his palm.


EX. 3

Iatrilemar’s arm twitches, his arm raised.

Iatrilemar narrows his eyes on the area just in front of his hand, adjusting his footing.

Iatrilemar takes in a deep breath before a faint purple light emits from his palm.

Iatrilemar exhales the breath as a small solid flat circle appears in front of his palm.

Iatrilemar clenches his other hand into a tight fist as the circle begins to spread outward in all directions.

The substance suddenly disperses as Iatrilemar falls over, incapacitated from fatigue.


EX. 4

Iatrilemar holds up his hand flexing his fingers, glancing around to two adjacent trees.

A glass-like shield sprouts from the epicenter of his palm rapidly expanding outwards in all directions.

The shield continues to expand until it meets the ground and the two trees.

The shield shakes violently as it melds to the flat surfaces.

Iatrilemar smirks, his shield covering the entirety of the opening between the trees.


--- Non-round shapes are usually harder to cast. Shields expand outwards from an epicenter  and can meld to any surface to create a perfect seal. The rougher the surface the harder it is to maintain.


EX. 5

(Starting off with the shield already evoked)


The bandit brings his sword down against the shield.

Iatrilemar’s shield shudders as the sword collides with it however the shield withstands the hit causing the sword to recoil off it’s surface.

The bandit staggers back due to the recoil of his hit before charging once again swinging his sword down onto the shield.

A small crack appears on the shield as Iatrilemar winces however once again the shield withstands the hit with the same outcome. The sword recoils.


--- In this example the bandit hits the shield with a sword causing the sword to recoil. This is the concussive effect of Arcanism. The same effect can be applied to shield-bashing, weapon strikes and projectiles. Iatrilemar is also RPing his shield’s status so the other player can see.


Example by spell list:



Warning: The following scenarios are not a clear-cut way to roleplay this magic. As with any situation you must respond to what you are given by those you RP with. It is unlikely that you will take part of situations that go your way 100% of the time.




Missiles: Begin casting/energy builds -> Up to 3 missiles form-> [Repeat emote #3 for more missiles]-> Missiles are shot towards target at high speed -> Small - Medium concussive force applied. Note: A single missile can be cast in a minimum of two emotes.

Iaria’s arms both flick out as he eyes her opponent. Her fingers twitch as raw magical energy begins to accumulate from his palms.

Bandit Steve, wary of this power, holds his sword in a defensive stance, meandering back and forth in sight of the mage.

Iaria’s arms glow a bright aqua blue as three small missiles float out from the collective energy only to sway gently above her head.

Bandit Steve charges forward in an attempt to disable the mage, his sword held up and ready.

Iaria’s hand flicks towards the direction of Bandit Steve and one by one the missiles shoot off towards the target.

Bandit Steve’s sporadic movements allow him to narrowly dodge the first missile but it caught off guard as it impacts the ground near his feat causing him to be hit by the two remaining spells. Once in the gut and another to the dome as his body recoiled from the first. He falls head first into the dirt.

Iaria’s arms lower, the remaining energy dissipating.  

* * * 

Orb: Begin casting/energy builds -> Orb begins to form/energy builds -> Orb is formed/energy builds -> [Repeat emote to evoke larger orb] -> Orb is flung towards target at medium speed -> Medium - Large concussive area of effect/weak energy shrapnel. Note: AOE, Shield shrapnel damage may affect caster.

Ceruberr holds his staff into the air “Hold them back!” he calls to the two knights in front of him. Emerald energy begins to build around the focal gem of his staff.

The swarm of rotting undead berate against the tower shields of the knights, swinging wildly against the metal. The knights individually begin to be pushed back towards the mage they are protecting.

Ceruberr’s staff point continues to pulse with energy as a spherical shape is produced. Energy swirls endlessly within the orb as if captured within a glass prison. It is small but begins to grow as more energy is accumulated.

The swarm pushes the knights back, denting their shields and armor with minor, but repeated, blows. The trio is backed against the edge of the cave with no escape.

Ceruberr’s hands tighten their grip on the staff as the orb continues to grow, doubling in size from its initial form.

The knights are both pushed to the ground with their tower shields over their heads and bodies. The swarm begin to climb over their bodies in order to get to the mage.

Ceruberr swings his staff forward and following the motion the evoked orb is flung towards the group. “Heads!” he calls to the knights who do their best to curl up behind their shields. The orb explodes causing a blast of energy to be unleashed as well as a hail of shards the pierce into the flesh of any nearby. The wave of undead are toppled in every direction, a few towards the epicenter even suffer dismemberments.

* * * 

Bolt: Begin casting/building energy on a condensed focal point -> Thin/Small hardened missile is formed -> [Repeat emote for more power] -> Bolt is unleashed shooting towards target at high speed -> Small concussive force applied/Large impact applied. Note: Fast-cast like missiles. Smaller AOE than missiles. High accuracy/Concentrated force.

Orsino stands poised, a hand slid into a pocket of his robe. The other arm held up, his right index and middle finger pointing towards the minotaur leaving the other fingers curled. At the tip of his fingers scarlet hued energy builds in a concentrated manner.

The Minotaur’s eyes immediately dilate as if enraged by the spell being woven. Its large frame begin to charge within reckless abandon towards the elf.

Orsino sends his body to the left, his feet sliding delicately across the stone floor with the ease of a dancer. His right arm still held up, pointing towards its target, accruing a larger sum of energy at his fingertips he takes aim.

The Minotaur digs its hooved feet into the stone, tearing up the floor as though it were sand, in order to stop its movement and swivel back towards the elf.

Orsino’s hand snaps back as the bolt flicks swiftly towards the head of the Minotaur.

The Minotaur is hit directly between the eyes and upon impact a snap can be heard. Blood soon pours from the nostrils of the beast who reels back in agony. Its head shakes uncontrollably, leaving it unaware of the escaping mage.


* * *





[More to be added]




Ch. 7

Key Words




Arcanist - Practitioner of Arcanism

Aura - The residue from exhuasted mana. Usually unnoticeable except in larger quantities, greater feats and special circumstances.

Aura Color - Unique color designated to each individual's aura that affects spell color as well.

Balance - Each spell has balance over its form. If part of it is struck the rest of the spell is affected as well, meaning a hole cannot be stabbed into a barrier without first breaking the barrier and the focus of the strongest part of the spell is directly influenced by the balance of the spell.
Celestial - Docile voidal horrors that seek out Celestialists in order to be bound to the realm.

Celestialist - A master Arcanist who has learned the advanced technique to summon Celestials.

Concussive - Spells generate strong kinetic force beyond what is considered natural. Strikes from or against spells cause increasing levels of knockback depending on the size and magnitude of the spell.

Energy Wisp - Each individual particle that makes up the spells in Arcanism. The unique magical element of this arte. Each exists as a speck barely visible that when collected together form a nearly-infinite variety of spells.

Flow - The ability to change shape with ease.

Shatter - Spells that possess solid attributes can shatter on impact. When they shatter sharp shards of the spell scatter in the immediate area, lasting only a few seconds before dispersing altogether.

Speed - The ability to cast spells, usually smaller ones, in a hastened period of time or the storing of energy for bigger volumes to be unleashed.

Strike Spells specifically designed to hit targets directly and precisely.

Voidal Horror - A voidal anomaly that enters the mortal realm.



Ch. 8

Red Lines:


  • Mental Magics still go through barriers.

  • You cannot evoke armor.

  • Roleplay Fatigue.

  • No underwater capabilities.

  • No stairs or elevation gained.

  • Line-of-sight required.

  • You roleplay your spells and their effects. Not your opponent.


Bonus Album:

I realize a few things may be missing from the new guide. Wording may change as well. Enjoy some pictures in the meantime. Link to your friends! If you find something you would like to discuss or you think is important to place on this guide let me know below.






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~ Masters of Potential ~

Part 2: Celestialism


The Official Canon Guide to;

Written and developed by Sir K Andruske

Not applicable ICly



Ch.0 Introduction

Ch.1 The Learning Process

Ch.2 Introduction to Celestial Aura

Ch.3 Further Learning: Greater Melding & Aura Tracking

Ch.4 Further Learning: Arcanist Stones

Ch.5 Further Learning: Celestials and the Binding Thereof

Ch.6 Further Learning: Crystal Gardening

Ch.7 Roleplay Examples

Ch.8 Key Words

Ch.9 Red Lines

Bonus Album


It is to be understood that this guide is purely supplementary to the canon lore found here and the additions found here and that the written lore is just as important to properly roleplaying this magic. Parts are left vague in hopes to allow future users to develop their own style of roleplay and thus any confusing parts can be answered via a Q & A on this page.  








Ah, reader, you have returned to this font of knowledge?

I know what it is that you seek; Of powers untold and precious stones  reborn.


Upon the furthest reaches of the void twinkling lights flickered in and out of existence. Within the abyss thoughts are the seeds of life, each exhibiting unique qualities and each starving for more. Like the food chain of the mortal realm such exists a series of predator and prey within this plane of nothingness. Those sparks of life are quickly devoured by the insatiable horrors and in this infinite cycle the darkest thoughts and dreams turn to nightmares.


It is from this cacophony that the blooming Arcanist may come to understand the calling that has interluded their own mind, both in their waking hours and those of rest. It took but one magi, known within this sect of magic as the Shepherd, to carve out a new path and forever gift the magical realm with the birth of the Celestials. Thus an enhanced sect of Arcanism, dubbed Celestialism, was born in union.


A master Arcanist who chooses to answer the Shepherd’s Calling will undergo a metamorphosis before they begin their journey into the crystal aesthetic. In the beginning stages the senses are bombarded by foreign entities seeking salvation and as the mage continues they become an acolyte renewed. Gradually the aura that once surrounded these magi will grow and brighten as if awakened to a heightened level. It will act as a radiant torch that traverses the abyss to guide and draw in those flittering lights as well as displaying the regality of the magi for all the realm to see. As the Celestialist progresses their familiars will awaken. They will wonder, they will learn, and they will live.


Like the endless spectrum of the void so too shall the mortal realm experience the endless individuality of the Celestials that will come to cohabit it. These displaced beings seek no dispute with the mortals that have housed them and instead seem to attempt to blend in as best they can. Their sentience and  higher levels of intellect will often give away their guises but any common man need no device to identify a Celestial for often do these magical beasts take on characteristics of not just one mundane creature but several. At times perhaps looking like nothing born before them at all.


The feats and techniques of Celestialism can be broken down into five categories for teaching or self-learning. Celestial Aura, Greater Melding, Arcanist Stones, Celestials, and Crystal Gardening. Despite these set categories before you it is not yet known if the magic will continue to evolve or not and as we are in the realm of infinite potential only time will tell.




The Learning Process




One must be a prolific user of Arcanism in order to access the usage of Celestialism. So much so that it is likely only achieved many decades after they have fully mastered the art or by some similar magical ability. In order to begin learning from a teacher the student must endure the metamorphoses of their aura into that of a greater aura. This is done similar to how a Celestial Arcanist imbues an Arcanist Stone in which their energy is encased within the student, allowing their own magic to alter and come to match the state of the Celestial Arcanist. (See Roleplay examples. Ch.7)


As the process ends the student will be utterly drained and likely lose consciousness. Finding that when they wake their magics are unavailable to them and will continue to be absent for the next elven week as their body conditions itself to the greater aura. As the days go on more and more sensations will begin to plague the caster. Audible humming, chirps and disembodied noises surround them. Faint traces of aura flutter into view around anything magical, often appearing as a soft haze especially if one finds themselves in a particularly potent environment.


As they become more and more accustomed to their new found gift these sensations become dulled and sometimes absent if one abstains from the usage of magic for a time. However they now will hear the calling of beings beyond the veil in the form of worried cries, feelings of immeasurable sadness and brief spurts of fearful wailing followed by expanses of utter silence. This is the process of the calling in which Celestials are drawn out of the abyss in mass hoping for salvation only to be annihilated by predatory horrors. These inescapable events are apart of a cycle and are heightened by excessively large usage of magic by the caster. When the callings begin the student is ready to learn other feats of Celestialism.


In addition;


In order to begin learning Celestialism one must be a tier 5 user of Arcanism. However, unless the mage also knows Transfiguration they will only be able to use the Celestial Aura and Celestial Melding feats. The larger part of Celestialism is a combination of Arcanism and Enchanting/Trasmutation and thus the better you are in Transfiguration the better you will be in Celestialism.


Once you achieve tier 5 and have gathered the appropriate materials (i.e have been tutored by another Celestialist, have proof of learning for an MA) you may begin to unlock Celestialism starting with Celestial Aura. Each feat will be learned or taught separately and thus there is no timeline or tier guide to follow.


Once you apply for Celestialism you are consenting to locking out all other magics from your second tier 5 slot except for Transfiguration. Likewise while most of the process can be self-taught a Celestialist with a TA must jump-start the process by taking the prospective mage through an imbuement ritual.   




Introduction to Celestial Aura




Celestial aura is much more present and visible than the aura of your average magi and thus can be detailed more thoroughly in roleplay. It is brighter and tends towards the whiter, more glossy end of the spectrum. If my aura was purple it is now a a light purple and even possibly a white. Likewise because going through the initiation process is a monumental moment in a character’s life their aura color may change completely. This rare occurrence should be properly documented alongside your work in this field.


An important detail is that it becomes more difficult to hide or disassociate yourself from your aura. While most mages can pass as a common citizen a Celestialist will require magical intervention to hide their elevated aura. Even moreso as a Celestialist casts or uses mana causing their aura to expand and grow denser.


The initial feat that comes from unlocking your Celestial aura is the increased ability to see and understand what is and what is not magical. What might have been faint traces of magic can now be scryed with relative ease as perpetual colorful glows radiate off of magical beings and objects as if a sixth sense. Despite this inherent ability it does not allow the Celestialist to understand what type of magic something may be or even how it functions. Instead their level of focus upon an object or being will help determine if it is magical or mundane.


In addition;


As mana is used and aura brightened the draw of the Celestialist’s internal flame, as we call it, upon the Celestials is increased as well. Usually the sensations of the calling only affect the Celestialist in the form of animal noises, humming, chirping and even disembodied humming but when a newly forged Celestialist begins their journey they will have no subconscious control on the effect the calling has around them. Others passing by a radiant magi will likely notice the sounds and the viscous aura permeating from them both to enjoy and to grow wary of.




Further Learning: Greater Melding




(see circling lore here)


It is known throughout the realm that magi may come together to perform greater feats under a technique called “Circling and Coupling.” Their spells, sometimes mixed with various subtypes, are elevated to greater levels of power where storms are called down and firey tornados are let loose. A similar mechanic is used in Celestialism but to an effect inherent to Arcanism. A Celestialist may connect to other arcanists or celestialists in order to meld their spells together. This has several different applications.


The first and most basic is that two Arcanists, when led by a Celestialist, may combine their pools of mana to cast Arcanism spells faster and with less individual strain on the casters. Along with this if one caster knows a spell another does not they may assume control of the coupling in order to direct the flow of mana into their spell. All of this can be done while in your traditional circling formations, being standing still in full concentration, or with full mobility with all the difficulties and advantages that come with it. It is through this feat that teachers may take a hands on approach with their students and where a young magi might not have the necessary mana to complete a spell their teacher may assist.


Another application is that the Celestialist may take on the aura color of the individual they are melding with and help explore a more spiritual side of the magic whether the secondary party is a mage or not. This feat plays a larger part in the binding process of Celestials as a Celestialist will need to master this technique if they wish to bind familiars to beings other than themselves. However due to the intense nature of melding a symbiosis is formed as if a river running towards the Celestialist. This is not telepathy but instead an amplified form of empathy that strikes the surrounding area and due to this the Celestialist comes to learn each individual they meld with on a distinctly personal level. Sometimes this comes at a cost as those distraught of mind may end up negatively affecting the caster.


Aura Tracking is the last feat detailed and is simplistic in nature but difficult in application. As a Celestialist catalouges those they meld with they begin to develop an eye for those individuals distinct aura colors unique to them along with the effects and details present within. In combination with the scrying ability granted through Celestial aura a Celestialist may discover the owner of traces of magic. Though a rare occurrence perhaps this feat may be useful for the occasional detective work magi may do in the field.




Further Learning: Arcanist Stones




Arcanist stones are the key component in moving forward with Celestialism and act as the vessel to contain the Celestials brought into this realm. Without a proper stone you will not bind a proper Celestial and without care and diligence the efforts put into the enchantment will be squandered. However before they are bound to a Celestial an Arcanist Stone is considered dormant and requires little upkeep. There are two types of Arcanist Stones; Crude and Greater.


At its core the Crude Arcanist Stones are the children of transmutation and thus the stone itself is not a feat of Arcanism until the second step of the process. Stones consist of precious gems and minerals of various make which when combined together take on a degree of worth, or grade, ranking from F to S with A and S ranking stones consisting of the rarest materials forged by the hands of a prolific transmuter. Due to this a majority of stones will fall between the rankings of B and F. In terms of worth gems such as diamonds, rubies and emeralds are all similar and in order to create a basic stone around 9 or 10 gems will be required. Despite the requirement of gems any assemblage of minerals have the possibility of being forged into an Arcanist Stone.


A transmuter will take these gems and begin the first step of the process; Fusion. The gems are meticulously spliced together until they share a single form, whatever that may be. At this stage the fused stone will eventually crumble away, given enough time, and are unusable for the binding process. They require an additional step from a Celestialist where the caster will imbue their spellpower into the fused gems via the use of Arcanism and enchanting. A regular Arcanist will fail to achieve the correct outcome while a Celestial Arcanist will have the possibility of a secondary outcome. When successfully enchanted and imbued with Celestial Arcanism the gems will crystallize as if a protective layer of hardened magical rock is placed over it. In this state the Arcanist Stone has reached homeostasis and is the point at which the stone may be stored for later use. As stones retain damage from physical impacts and the possibility of running out of mana it is also possible to repair them. As an arcanist imbues more mana into the enchanted object the imperfections and damages will revert. Refueling a stone is not only necessary for fueling it but also ensuring the stone remains intact. At any point in time after being crafted the stone itself may be attached to any sort of device. Depending on the size it might make a nice top for a staff or the jewel of an amulet.


In addition;


The same process can be carried out with crystals cultivated from Crystal Gardening and act as Greater Arcanist Stones. The main benefit of these stones are that they eventually become more sustainable than the constant need to outsource from the mines while also being used to create stones that can hold more mana and using that mana more efficiently. The effect of this efficiency is that the Celestials bound may be larger, stronger and their stones require recharging every two elven months rather than every elven month. (See Further Learning: Crystal Gardening. Ch.6)




Further Learning: Celestials




Detailed here are the specifics of gaining your own Celestial Familar and thus this section will be focusing on the specifics a Celestialist must know in order to be as successful as they can be.


Celestials are a name given to a special type of Voidal Horror and thus the lore for voidal horrors should be studied as well. Where a voidal horror will make their way into this world through extreme magical circumstances such as voidal tears, blood magic sacrifices and exploding voidal nodes a Celestial can only exist by being bound to an Arcanist Stones and while naturally occurring versions of the Arcanist Stone are possible once bound they can never be bound to another. The key difference between Celestials and Horrors are that Celestials are invited into the mortal realm and rely on their caster to remain. Due to this they become sated, docile and obedient rather than knowledge-hungry, insatiable and destructive.


In their primal form Celestials are but the dust in the back of your mind and exist in constant peril within the Void. They are the fodder that the greater beings, whatever form they may take, consume and grow from. In mass are they wiped away but like any form of essence they are innumerable. In this state they can do but one thing, survive. This is what draws them to the Celestialist and upon entering the stage of one’s training entitled The Calling they can communicate on the most basic level. In order to communicate and in order to exist in the mortal plane at all they require anchors to tie them down. The first anchor that is necessary is the mind of a mortal and the infinite imagination that comes with it. Celestials connect to the memories of the mage to begin to take on and form their mortal forms from the experiences and knowledge of the mage. Due to this the personality of the mages involved will also bleed into the formation of a Celestial. So if the caster spends their days among a select few types of beasts or have a particular fondness for one type of creature it might have an affect on what the Celestial looks and acts like. The aura color of those involved in the binding process also play apart in how the Celestial will look.


Along with appearance each Celestial will have distinct abilities. These may be both physical and magical and are dependent on the other magics their creators possess. If you practice pyromancy your familiar may possess wings of fire and ash. If you are an Archon your familiar might be one as well, and so on and so forth. Likewise the grade of the stone also plays a role in the size of the familiar and how potent their abilities are. Most if not all abilities are defensive, supportive or household. Celestials may have sharp talons or a shell as strong as steel, the ability to illuminate dark spaces, or store their personal treasures in their own pocket translocation. So long as the binders possess the magic, the ability is recorded and fits within the confines of the magic a Celestial may have any sort of ability. Despite having abilities familiars only have a small sum of mana that they can use for these feats and rely heavily on their caster for fuel. Regular Celestials will likely have 1 to 2 abilities within 1 or 2 subtypes of magic whereas Guardians can be much more expansive.


There are two distinct types of Celestials at this moment in time. The first is the Familiar which are usually the size of a mundane horse or smaller with the largest familiars requiring the highest grades of stone. The lesser known variety of Celestial are the Greater Celestials or Guardians and in order to create one ten times the amount of materials are required for their respective stones. Due to the fact that their vessels will be larger they will be more difficult to move and it is likely a necessity to bind them in the area you wish for them to inhabit. Instead of them being companions to a mage they act primarily as caretakers of their select locations and will defend those positions and their stones. Guardians are usually larger, have more abilities, require more mana to upkeep, and have their own pool of mana and connection to the void from which they can use and reuse.


In addition;


Not only do Guardians usually exist separately from their respective casters but they possess the innate ability to garden and cultivate crystals. Their stones offer their gardens rampant growth and form crystalline structures without trouble. (See Further Learning: Crystal Gardening Ch.6)



Ch. 6

Further Learning: Crystal Gardening





Gardening has always been the pastime of the peaceful and there is little difference in this case. An Arcanist Stone bound with a Celestial may be planted into the ground, or placed in any sort of apparatus to hold it. When fueled with an excess of mana crystals will begin to form off the stone. This can happen to any Arcanist Stones and the result is usually sharper features on the stone so while a smaller stone might be used as a piece for an amulet it does not prevent this crystallization process from happening.


When properly maintained and worked larger formations of crystals begin to form. These crystals are completely magical of make and thus when in large enough can be mined and turned into additional Arcanist Stones. The quickest way to begin this process is to wait until a Guardian is bound, which won’t happen until the magic is mastered once again, and have the natural abilities of the Guardian assist the process.  Guardians present in the gardens will likely spend their time and mana to build up the crystals. This is called nesting and is seen in almost all living creatures in some sort of way. The result is that the color of the crystals are dependent on the aura colors originally bound to the stone.


The environment around the garden has an impact on its growth and open areas usually are more difficult to cultivate rather than areas that are enclosed. Caves and dense forests give the crystals more surface area to grow and the residual mana within has an easier time staying within a concentrated boundary. That being said it is not impossible to see a larger variety of environments in which gardens may exist.



Ch. 7

Roleplay Examples




** An example does not mean this is how each scenario will go. It is expected that your actual roleplay build off of these basic formats to add your own flair instead of copying what I have written. I will be updating this guide with actual emote examples at some point as well. **


Imbuing a new Celestial Arcanist:

Begin casting -> Build energy at a fine point -> Initiate contact -> Meld -> Funnel magic through student with the intention of imbuing -> Continue the process until the student’s body has acclimated to the Celestial Aura -> process is usually finished when the student collapses.



Begin Casting -> Connect coupling via use of shared focal point (Celestial Aura in this case interacts naturally with out Arcanists) -> Send PM to other and explain that they will feel a slightly uncomfortable sensation latching onto them (along with any other emotional connection that may exist between the two being heightened) -> If they accept the interaction a link is forged and leadership of the pool of mana is dictated by the individual who initiated the link (or if there are multiple Celestialists) -> Once the link ends both are faced with the same uncomfortable feeling that happened when they made the link but in reverse.


Crafting an Arcanist Stone:

Assemble gems/minerals -> Meditate on desired shape & Research the specifics of each gem -> Begin casting -> Either crudely fuse gems to one another or completely deconstruct and reconstruct in desired shape (or however you would like to transmute the gems together. This part allows for ingenuity and individuality) -> Let rest -> Begin casting -> Imbue with Celestial Arcanism -> Continue until it crystallizes/developes a film of solid energy around it -> Stone will either set or collapse based on proficiency.


Binding a Celestial:

Place Arcanist Stone on a stable surface or pedestal -> Begin casting -> Evoke as much energy into space as possible in order to bring in Celestials -> Dual-cast imbue the stone, filling it with energy -> Continue imbuing/ramping up energy levels until a Celestial takes interest and binds itself with the stone.

> See Familiar Guide for techniques in choosing a Celestial.

>> Catalogue every detail & then seek approval afterwards to solidify the binding ceremony.



Ch. 8

Key Words




See above Arcanism Guide for key words not listed here;


Arcanist Stone - A fusion of precious gems that has been crystallized by the energy of a Celestial Arcanist.

Bound Stone - An Arcanist Stone that has a Celestial bound or enchanted to it.

Crude Arcanist Stone - An Arcanist stone made of natural minerals.

Grade - The level of worth an Arcanist Stone has. Determines the worth and strength of the Celestial bound within.

Greater Arcanist Stone - An Arcanist Stone made of magically grown crystals from a crystal garden.

Imbuement - The act of dual-casting Celestial Arcanism & Enchanting to fill and contain energy within a stone or a new student.

Shepherd’s Calling - As an Arcanist progresses through the tiers of the subtype they will eventually be met with a sensation, a pull, a dream or even direct contact with an entity known as the Shepherd. This may be the initial catalyst towards the pursuit of knowledge revolving around Celestialism.

The Calling - Similar to the Shepherd’s calling where unknown entities attempt some form of contact. In actuality it is communication from Celestials beyond the veil of the void. A constant cycle of death accompanies the calling.

The Shepherd - Another name for the self-proclaimed new Arcane Mage of the realm. A mage responsible for creating, crafting and introducing both Arcanism and Celestialism into the world.



Ch. 8

Red Lines


  • Materials must be represented, catalogued and actually used in the process. Meaning if you use 9 diamonds for a stone you must discard those diamonds or hand them over to a moderator of some kind.

  • Must stay within the red lines of any subtypes incorporated into bound Celestials.

  • Must recharge all enchantments.

  • All Celestials must adhere to special circumstances found in both approved lore additions.

  • All other red lines are detailed in lore posts.



Lore posts;

Celestialism Lore

Celestialism Addition Lore

Voidal Horror Lore


And be sure to check out these helpful guides/threads as well;

Familiar Guide

Transfiguration Guide

Documented Celestials


And if you want to get involved in roleplay;

The Celestial Order

The Calling

Celestial Familiar Application (TBA)



Bonus Album:

Like the guide above there is a chance that there are holes in this guide as it becomes difficult to catalogue all the details through the rewrite. If you have gotten to this point and have further questions feel free to ask on this thread as others may have the same question. Likewise it is possible that your answer is in one of these three threads as each were written and developed in a guide-esque style








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Morgan is sad that he still has no lore but still is a confirmed voidal magic, nonetheless he approves of this cool guide

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5 hours ago, Viltaren said:

Uh... @LorelessPuddleMancer @Goblinberg you guys do know that this post is two years old now right?

You aren't in the discord of celestialist, the guy a few days ago gave to 'us' the link, saying if it had any error or something, so I just commented to reviewed it. 

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Wait what

@Viltaren why the **** was it put so recently tho

Holy **** you’re right


Do you know what’s funny tho

Water evo still hasn’t had lore since then

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19 hours ago, Goblinberg said:

You aren't in the discord of celestialist, the guy a few days ago gave to 'us' the link, saying if it had any error or something, so I just commented to reviewed it. 

If the celestialists are trying to rework the magic a great place to start would be by getting rid of the massive amount of incredibly vague non-descriptions. No force comparisons or anything. Even when spells are listed as being able to be fired “more quickly” it doesn't say what the first emote amount needed is or what it changes too. There are also issues with certain rules not even being in any findable lore yet being enforced by the Story Team. I almost got a warning from flam over one of them till I pointed out there was nothing on what I was warned about to a manager and got the thing repealed. 

I love arcan but this guide is a joke if you are actually trying to know what the hell this magic does. 

@LorelessPuddleMancer And that is funny lol. Lore games are what this server needed tbh. So much outdated vague lore that's so abusable. 

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@Viltaren What specifically do you think is vague and needs appropriate correcting? Simply saying the guide is garbage doesn’t clarify what you think needs reworking or is vague, and saying the lore is outdated is applicable to almost every single voidal magic that’s hardly been changed in a major way since 2012 (With certain exceptions, I.e shifting and translocation. Arcanism is actually one of the newer voidal magics in terms of having structured lore post-arcane evocation). Strict emote counts only serve to constrict role-play and dull peoples creativity, and anyone power-gaming can simply be addressed through the proper channels, though in my experience a majority of magic RP’ers undergame in most scenarios. It would also be useful to know what nondescript rule you’re talking about in order to clear up any confusion other Arcanists might have.

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5 hours ago, Princeton said:


So there's lots of different stuff but I can hop into VC with you and go into detail there.
Largely what it boils down to is that while it may be true that it “Restricts Roleplay” to have emote counts, if you ask an LT they will tell you that these emote counts exist. Not only that but they punish people using those emote counts as a way to indicate power gaming.

I have had people previously tell me that I am in some way a negative person for wanting to know the specifics of how magic is used. What it comes down to for me is that if I am a T5 Arcanist using my magic to defend my life, I want to know exactly, or at least ballpark, of how strong the magic is. The raider with the preloaded crossbow can attack from over 50 blocks away with no oversight, and it wouldn't be powergaming, which is far and above stronger than the magic. As much as magic is for flavor non-magic combatants will not wait for you to fully charge that Arcanism beam for the extra three emotes you want to make it look really pretty.

To be clear, I dont think magic should be stronger. What I believe is that it should be specifically as strong as to compete with what nonmagical combat can do in a combat encounter.

If you still want specifics I can point to two things concretely.

On 3/15/2017 at 2:36 AM, BrandNewKitten said:

Beam: Large: Strongest knockback spell. Creates larger explosion field and will likely hit multiple targets. Longer charge time and fires only in a straight line. The spell will keep going until the mana expended is used up. The farther the beam  goes the more mana is used and the less impact it has.

There is no ballpark here so there is no idea how strong the spell actually is. I have been told multiple differing accounts of how strong this spell is. One teacher said it was so strong that if three people were standing next to each other, the middle person would be thrown back and have their armor and chest caved in, and the person to either side would be blown back 5 blocks each away from the beam impact point. 
An LT told me that there is no info on how strong it is, just to not power game.
Another teacher told me it was strong enough to blow through any existing fortification.
A user of the magic told me it was enough to deal with only a single opponent.

I once saw it used in an event to one shot a minotaur the size of a house with an LT overseeing the effect to confirm.

Which one of these am I to believe is or isn't power gaming? If my goal is to learn what the max is so I can take a step back from it and not power game, how am I supposed to ascertain that between all these conflicting answers?


I had to ask three different LT and a teacher to learn the beam took five total emotes to charge and fire, and each one provided a different strength of impact. It shouldn't be that hard to learn about.


On 3/15/2017 at 2:36 AM, BrandNewKitten said:

Bow: Small-Medium. From shortbow to Longbow the bow shoots Arcane Bolts at a faster rate. Shooting from an arcane bow does not damage it like other weapons.

This is the next thing. Simply enough, I want to be able to look at this and know why it's worth summoning an Arcane Bow to fire my bolts rather than just firing them normally. It says its faster, cool, what in the world does that mean?
Well, I learned. After filing an LT req and waiting several hours and finally opting to just PM an LT, I got an answer. It lowers the charge time from 3 to 2. If this is a guide than not having that information is a major issue. 
In my eyes, there is no reasonable way that you can expect a person new to this magic to have any way to look at this guide and walk away with a full or at least workable knowledge of the magic that allows them to avoid power gaming.


Beyond all that, there are also sections of what's on this guide that I have had Flam tell me have been shelved, are no longer accepted or have been changed in fundamental ways since this has been published thanks to LT rulings. All I want is to look at the Arcanism guide and know how to use the magic. It is currently too vague to understand what is and isn't power gaming.

@Princeton Feel absolutely free to contact me on discord for any more information or clarity!

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@ViltarenThanks for that input! I’ll get in contact with BNK and see if we can work upon clarifying some of this information, and I know he is currently working on fleshing out these details with more red lines and specific counts with an updated guide. Thanks again!

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On 5/29/2019 at 7:17 PM, Viltaren said:



Good feedback. Most magics weren’t built or developed to have ample resources with the specifics and that largely why i have been reworking the guide. Vagueness used to be a positive trait since it was assumed/hoped people chose magic not to min-max but to offer different flavour. 


As for shelved lore nothing should be shelved at this moment. LT often seem give players a half-true answer to get a player off their back. 


Emote counts, and more specific spell descriptions & limitations are on the way. I am also working on cutting the fluff from this piece. Thank you. 

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17 hours ago, BrandNewKitten said:


I am really so happy to hear that. I look forward to this getting an Update, cause I stopped using Arcan due to being essentially unable to get information. 
And to be clear, I don't even want to min-max, it's just hard to know the range with no info. The LT does shame for being close to power gaming after all lol

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I love how this is finally getting comments only two years after being posted.

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1 hour ago, pundimonium said:

I love how this is finally getting comments only two years after being posted.


Hi, I was linking in my guild chat to send me constructive feedback. I am working on a big update so if you have any constructive ideas shoot them now.

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    • The King Of The Moon

      Is there room for 11* fully autonomous human nations/ settlements? This is the most egregious example but similar anecdotes can be found relating to other racial/ multiracial hubs; do we have too many spaces relative to our player base now, which has remained effectively the same size since the Pandemic?

      (This is a question. I don't claim to have the answer. I'd like to see yours, though!)

    • TreeSmoothie

      every day I look at the doublespaced A in the logo

    • Qizu

      why do jammed doors take 1+ hour to un-jam...

    • ImmortalShadowZ

      How do we get there? How did you get here, by the way?' [Will asked].
      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
      'Do you ever,' the older Ranger said with great deliberation, 'manage to ask just one question at a time? Or does it always have to be multiple choice with you?'
      Will looked at him in surprise. 'Do I do that?' he asked. 'Are you sure?'
      Halt said nothing. He raised his hands in a 'See what I mean?' gesture...
      'Halt,' [Selethen said], 'I could be wrong, but I think you were just guilty of the same fault. I'm sure I heard you ask two questions just then.'
      'Thank you for pointing that out, Lord Selethen,' Halt said with icy formality.

    • Elennanore

      动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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