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[Shelved]The Agents of The Archaengul: Ascended Rewrite II

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Covenants of Aeriel:


1. An Ascended may not bring harm upon a descendant with an untainted, mortal soul; unless in doing so, they shield further souls from corruption.


2. An Ascended must swear themselves fully to the cause of our order and devote their lives to the enactment of Aeriel's will.

The politics and allegiances of this mortal coil are fleeting; and must be abandoned.


3. An Ascended must give their whole to protect the mortal races; their very existence is to be a barrier against the darkness that seeks to devour the souls of the Sons.


4. The powers bestowed upon the Ascended are designed to combat those that would bring harm to the descendant races. Place your trust in the Flame; as it is Aeriel's will incarnate.


5. In all actions taken, thy must avoid endangering the integrity of the order. To bring ruin upon the Ascended is to taunt Aeriel herself.


6. Every soul is precious, from the tiniest of insects, to the creatures of myth. Even when sundered a sanctity remains. Aid those that come to us with goodness lingering in their hearts; destroy those that find solace in the darkness. A single broken soul saved is worth ten thousand destroyed.



The Ascended


Agents of the Archaengul







Soul Mending

Soulfire Brazier

Ember Infusion



Enhanced Regeneration

Resistance to Soul Altering Magic




Hallowed Ground




  • Removed Divination (Aeriel may be communed with through Hallowed Ground, and may contact the Master Sage through visions.)

  • Soul Nexus has been scrapped in favor of Soulfire Brazier.

  • Aengul Fire and Warding have been turned into Soulfire. Ascended are differentiated by how their Soulfire behaves, as detailed in the Soulfire and Ivory Soul slides. There are three variants, each of which has a parallel in the current rewrite. Demi-Ascended are a continuation of the previous Silver Sect Ascended.


Ascended of Rapture

Ascended of Ruin



  • Sects are now a strictly in-character choice and have no bearing on available abilities.

  • The Master Sage is still able to teach and create all Ascended variants, but other Ascended can only create more of their own variant.

  • Psychopomps serve no combat role and function similarly to ghosts in that they are dispersed by gold. If dispersed, they will reform over time.

  • Ascended now achieve their eternal youth when they bear a Progenous Flame (T4-T5), rather than immediately after connection.

  • Holy Alteration remains and is referred now as Ember Infusion.

  • Ascended receive no benefit from healing potions.


The Eternal Mission

When the last tainted creature lay dead, when the last fallen daemon

is forever sealed away, when Drakaar are but distant memories,

then we shall rest. Not a moment sooner.


Once, long ago, the vast and forgotten realm of Abrietas lay dormant far from the heavens and the mortal realm. Twas’ a place of untold cold for the wandering souls that littered this place, trudging their way across the vast and discolored deserts attempting to find the salvation that would lead them away from this purgatory of weary ghosts. Some would eventually find their exit, either through luck, time, or a combination of both. But for many, the realm of Abrietas was a prison where the dead remained and suffered for eternity. The realm of Abrietas was not, by right, the home of the Archaengul. She looked to the desolate plane and the damned souls with pity and compassion as she entered the realm of her own volition, not content with merely leaving the denizens to their fate. Here she began the process of lifting up the fallen, the lost, and the weary; aiding them in their quest to reach the Relative Center. She facilitated and eased the burdens left by this formerly godforsaken realm and ushered in an age of light to guide the righteous to their final destination, and for accomplishing such a monumental but selfless task, her followers looked to her in awe.


When an Ascended has served their purpose in life and the time has come for them to travel to the Soulstream, they are welcomed by the deceased comrades of ages past. Here they serve as wardens for the damned souls of tainted creatures, those that dwell in the in the furthest recesses of the deserts, and shepherds for the pious and just. Within the Soulstream the Ascended maintain Aeriel’s authority and enforce her iron will, ensuring that any who threaten her reign will be met by flame and light. Betwixt the blasted deserts where the wretched spirits of the damned dwell and the Relative Center lay the seat of the Archaengul herself; a marvelous city of gold and silver where the Ascended of the Soulstream coordinate with their mistress to assist in her duties. The city of Sacellum is vast, but it does not want for soldiers; as the treachery of Haven has supplied plenty.


While the Ascended of the Soulstream usher the dead and defend against the damned, the Ascended of the mortal realm do much the same.

Thus a balance is maintained, and it is this holy symmetry that the Ascended strive to protect.




The Lineage of Flame

The soul within us was strengthened, and like a flame it flickered in the darkness.


For centuries have the Ascended guarded their most precious of possessions: The Tree of Life. It was what bound the Ascended to their benefactor, and through this unassuming sapling they found strength. But our forebears did not know the true nature of this sacred relic.

Just as a soul forms and inhabits a physical body, so too did the Living Flame utilize the Tree of Life as a shell. But, once this shell was lost, the flame found itself adrift and dying. As their powers waned the Ascended could not access the Soulstream, preventing the acquisition of a new sanctified shell. Another vessel was required to vouchsafe Aeriel’s anchor to the mortal realm.With the flame rapidly dying, the Ascended saw no alternative. The Master Sage took up the anchor and plunged it into his own form. With the Tree of Life now gone, replaced by this Living Flame, the Ascended rose from smoldering white ash. They awoke changed in both form and spirit, as if finally reborn.


All Ascended are bound to Aeriel’s anchor, known as The Living Flame, which rests within the bosom of her chosen Master Sage. The Master Sage is capable of dividing this flame and gifting small portions to those deemed worthy, awakening new Ascended.


These smaller portions, known as Living Embers, attach themselves to the mortal soul and fortify it. These embers are nurtured within the soul and will begin to grow as time passes, eventually culminating in the creation of a separate flame. 


These Progenous Flames pale in comparison to the original flame, but are also stronger than the embers they once were. For this reason it is said the Ascended as a whole grow stronger with each matured member, though the implications of this have not yet been seen upon the realm.


The vessel of the Living Flame can choose to repossess a gifted ember at any point before the ember turns into a Progenous Flame.


Once at full strength, a Progenous Flame can only be squelched by two others possessing a Progenous or stronger flame.


Vessels of a Progenous flame may grant Progenous Embers, which will eventually become another Progenous Flame.


The Living Flame can be amicably absorbed by one possessing a Progenous Flame, or forcefully taken by the combined effort of three.


If the Living Flame is abandoned without a vessel, it shall swiftly die. Should this occur the eldest Progenous Flame will become a new Living Flame, but at the cost of all Ascended being reduced to minimum strength for a week.


The process of disconnection MUST BE TAUGHT before it can be used by any Ascended. If disconnecting one who possesses an Ember, the process will involve restraining an Ascended if they are not otherwise willing and forcefully removing it from their body. Physically this will appear as the attacking Ascended placing a hand upon their chest and the ember being drawn through the flesh and out of the body. Should they possess a flame, it will first condense into an ember and the process will take longer.


Living Flame (T5 Master Sage)

Progenous Flame (T4-5)

Living Ember (T1-3) OR Progenous Ember (T1-3)


The Living Flame consumes the soul of an Ascended, burning about it much in the same way that a flame might consume a log when put to the hearth. This Flame is strange, in that whilst it burns it does not consume or degrade the soul; on the contrary, the burning of this Flame emboldens the soul to allow for the use of the many magics that the Ascended can call their own.


First and foremost, it is this Flame that acts as Aeriel’s anchor to the mortal realm. By its power and divine nature, an Ascended may perform not only their acts of holy pyromancy, but interface with the Soul Stream and draw it closer to the mortal realm. If this Flame were ever to cease, the Ascended would lose any and all abilities pertaining to their divine nature.


Secondly, the Fire can be thought of as an extension to the soul. If ever the soul comes to be damaged (due to damage to the body), the Fire will begin to cannibalize itself in an attempt to mend this damage. It will be diminished in this effort, and will need time to restore itself, but as a result Ascended benefit from enhanced regeneration. What might have taken a month to heal may take but a week as the soulfire aids in the natural regeneration of the soul.


Thirdly, it is from the Fire that new Ascended are born. Just like one Fire may alight many as it is taken to new fuel, the Living Flame will take to burning about new souls if that soul is properly exposed to it. Embers are thus given unto new Ascended to begin their transfiguration into a divine being, leaving behind their previously mortal state. The Ember will be but small at first, a tiny thing capable of but the weakest feats of magic. Overtime the Ember will grow into a roaring inferno comparable to the Flame from which it was birthed, the power of the Ascended increasing accordingly as they mature.


Just as Soulfire creates a calming effect when interacting with un-tainted souls, harboring Aerielian flame directly will do similar. As such, curses akin to the bloodlust and other innate sources of aggression will be significantly muted upon becoming an Ascended.


The Ivory Soul

Where once there was an ember, now a flame was birthed.

It’s heat blanched my soul, and my form followed suit.


The Flame of Aeriel is a powerful thing, and harboring it within a mortal vessel causes said vessel to exhibit new and unique traits.


The exposure of a soul to Aerielian flame will, in time, blanch both the aura of the person in question and several of their physical features as well. These alterations will only begin to appear once an Ember has progressed into a Flame, with the exception of bearers of Living Embers who may notice these changes occurring early. The physical changes that result from a soul being exposed to Aerielian Flame will permeate through generations, allowing the offspring of an Ascended to inherit the traits of one or potentially both parents. Children of an Ascended do not carry a flame, or ember; they are fully mortal in all respects, and have received no changes to their lifespan. However should an Ascended themself ever relinquish their flame the altered physical features will begin to revert over time.


     Hair Colors: White, Gray, Silver, Gold.

     Glowing Eye Colors: White, Gray, Silver, Gold. Very rarely, Teal.

     Skin becomes fairer, smoother, and often paler.


As the enemies of the Ascended are immortal, and often recurring, so too are they. Harboring a Progenous Flame of Aeriel will preserve the visage of the person in question so that they do not appear to age, and they will never perish from old age. Should an Ascended lose their flame, however, their age will swiftly catch up with them. Also, when not in active combat, the body of an Ascended is capable of regenerating itself much faster than a normal mortal can. Injuries that might take months to heal will instead take days, and bruises or small cuts would be gone in a matter of minutes. Ascended are not capable of regenerating limbs or organs, however, though they may be reattached. This is further explained in the ability section under Soul Mending.


Due to an enhanced metabolism, the Ascended body is capable of processing much more powerful toxins than a mortal body and does so more quickly as well. This is two-fold, however. Ascended are essentially immune to smaller toxic substances, such as would be found in an alcoholic beverage or from a recreational drug, meaning they cannot become drunk or high. At most they will only ever feel a slight buzz lasting a few moments. Similarly, Ascended can be afflicted by disease but they will experience it for a shorter duration than a regular person and harsher diseases are very rarely fatal. See Soul Mending.


As a side-effect of an enhanced metabolism and a fortified soul, Ascended bodies become incapable of receiving benefit from alchemically crafted healing potions and Magical Healers will find them three times as strenuous  to heal. Also, whereas weaker poisons will pass through an Ascended very quickly and without much effect, powerful poisons will do the same with drastically differing results. If inflicted with a poison of sizable strength it will spread rapidly into the bloodstream and may kill the Ascended nigh-instantly. Constant exposure to weak toxins will also, eventually, kill the Ascended; albeit much slower than a mortal counterpart.


Due to a direct connection with the energies of the Caretaker of Souls, the Ivory Soul of an Ascended is nigh-immune to any and all magics that would attempt to corrupt it. If not resisted outright, such attempts on an incapacitated Ascended may simply kill them.


If an Ascended perishes their body will steadily dissolve into white embers, leaving behind only an empty set of clothing.


The power of Aeriel's flame will not only manifest itself in seemingly mundane changes to the nature of the body; the Flame is apart of the body in just the same way as any muscle, bone or tissue, and will appear as such. New Ascended will develop a distinct vein-like system of Flame beneath their skin, giving their body a mildly silvered hue even in the dusk. This silvered nature is generally very dim, but when the Ascended brings their Flames to bear, flowing rivers of Fire can be seen to burst into life within their body.


These networks of Fire come to develop thickly around those areas that the Ascended most often calls upon their magic. For example, an Ascended may find it easiest to conjure their flame into their hands, allowing it to flow from their palms to wherever it might be needed. Overtime their veins of Flame will come to multiply about their hands, forming beautiful, flowing designs where the rest of their body might seem quite sparse in its fiery reserves. Another Ascended, who finds it easiest to summon Fire from their torso, letting it flow from their chest to its destination, may find their ribcage glows with undulating streaks of Fire in the future.


Newly born Ascended will find that not only their own tendencies affect their Flames, but also the tendencies of their predecessors. Their masters designs will give rise to their own, and if one were to look closely at their Flames, they might notice similarities to the long line of Ascended that led to their own creation. Even as they come to use their magic, they may find that they are naturally drawn to making use of the Flames in the way their masters have in the past, giving rise to strange psychological tendencies and instincts when it comes to the powers of Aeriel’s blessings.


Demi-Ascended: those who take on Aeriel’s flame to embolden their flesh alone are referred to as Demi-Ascended. These souls are gifted but the smallest of Embers, and those Embers are kept from growing by the constant poisoning of the Voidal magics they are allowed to wield. Though they may continue to utilize the very basics of soulfire, they cannot progress in this talent whatsoever and do not have access to the other forms of magic that the Ascended use. Demi-Ascended can teach new Demi-Ascended, but their ember is too weak to propagate; meaning they cannot create other Demi-Ascended.


Soulfire Heritage

Those seeking strength in times of darkness oft

lose themselves to dogmatism and zealotry.

The Ascended are a family, as much as an order.


Our compassion binds us, and keeps us humble.

Once, long ago, the Ascended of Aegis were ruled over by a council of Sages; One Sage from each sect, and each sect a facet of Ascended life. Once, long ago, there were many sects; but the progression of time and the jaded hunters seeking Ascended blood reduced them to only four, as of the Axios Era. But following the destruction of the Tree of Life and it’s traditional concepts of Sects, something curious happened. The Ascended found that they were no longer bound to the old ways, their power no longer limited to which sect they belonged to. Freedom from the old ways had given them new strength, and with this strength they began to piece together the puzzle of their sects, their flames, and the purpose of the Tree of Life.


Curious lapses in consistency, in regards to the behavior of their flames, had be noted previously. Sometimes, for reasons indiscernible, an Ascended would conjure a flame liken unto gold; and sometimes, it would glisten as crimson as a sunset sky. These subtle nuances are now much more apparent, and even appear to have form. A Soulfire Heritage of sorts, where the hue of a teacher would pass on and become the hue of their student.


But, as with the nature of the Living Flame, the fires of Aeriel commune with a soul directly, and constantly. Old hues, reminiscent of the ancient sects, began to re-emerge. Even new ones previously unseen by any Ascended would take form; the raw energies now unfiltered by the Tree of Life. The Living Flame itself, being the brightest and the progenitor of all Aerielian Flames, is a pristine and unassailable white. When embers from it are gifted to fledgling Ascended the flames will dilute; turning into a new shade. Should one with a Progenous Flame gift an ember to their student, their student will inherit the same flame color or one from the same grouping.


Three major groups of color are present, Reds, Blues, and Golds. Unique flame colors unrelated to the major three may appear, those these are rare and only occur under certain circumstances.


The Indigo Flame

The Vermillion Flame

The Thulian Flame

The Persimmon Flame


The Saffron Flame

The Ecru Flame

The Fulvous Flame

The Cinereous Flame


The Azure Flame

The Pearlescent Flame

The Myrtle Flame

The Celestial Flame


The Ashen Flame (Demi-Ascended)

The Veridian Flame (Bryophytes)





Come ye faithful, come and see that which our lady hath given.

A bright flame to illuminate the soul of man.


The Living Flame and its offspring reside inside the body of an Ascended and establish a connection to the soul of their vessel, forming a symbiotic relationship with it. The soul itself is shielded by this flame, and the flame utilizes the soul as a means to project forth a myriad of abilities unique to those changed by Aeriel.


The first of such abilities is aptly titled Soulfire, for the Lineage of Flame projects itself through the soul of an Ascended to create a mesh of both entities. The resulting fire is intensely bright, and this brightness will only increase as the Lineage grows in strength. At maximum potency it becomes difficult to look directly at the conjured flame and the illumination provided will rival that of standard torch.


The majority of people who come into contact with Soulfire will find themselves no better or worse for the experience. It is a malevolent few that might experience the true purpose of this amalgamate and it is them who Aeriel herself has marked for destruction. Soulfire looks for three things when it comes into contact with an entity. If any of these three criteria are met, the entity is said to possess a Warped Soul. Those with Warped Souls are subject in full to the effects of Soulfire. The criteria are as follows:


Significant alteration to a soul, to a point where they have access to magics unattainable by normal means, while also receiving major changes to their physical structure.


Entities in violation of the first criteria include: Fjarriauga, Strigae, Wraiths, etc. This also applies to altered Soul Essence which manifests as tainted vegetation, such as grass and trees.


Manipulation of a natural physical structure that is supposed to contain a soul, when a soul is not present, or it is present elsewhere.


Entities in violation of the second criteria include: Ghouls, Liches, Darkstalkers, etc.


Souls existing independently of their original physical structure.


Entities in violation of the third criteria include: Ghost varieties.


There exists one exception to these three rules, dubbed the Aengudaemonic Clause. This is elaborated on in the spoiler below:


The Aengudaemonic Clause

Aeriel, understanding that there are some cases where an Aengudaemon may modify the soul of one of their followers, made it so that her magic would be able to ignore creatures of this nature so long as they didn’t fall under three exceptions. In order to be part of the clause or break one of the exceptions, the creature would have to normally be affected by the soulfire criteria (so despite soul puppeteers messing with souls, since they themselves don't have warped souls or taint/things that would meet the criteria, they still wouldn't fall under #2):


1) If the creature has taint or some form of corruption that would be targeted by the soulfire normally. Should a creature normally not harmed by soulfire bear taint or some form of corruption, the soulfire will burn the taint away and leave the creature relatively unharmed.


2) If the creature is linked to a higher power that messes with souls that aren't pledged to them (this would have to be known by Aeriel, so something like Tayl wouldn't fall under this due to Tayl having hidden himself from everyone [not that Tayl does this, but he's an example of a secret Daemon]) or they themselves have magic capable of permanently distorting the soul of someone who isn't one of them.


3) If the creature is linked to a higher power but not directly meaning that they have no realm to go to upon finally dying and would rot in Ebrietæs if they perished (e.g. frost witch as their soul is warped but they aren't directly serving the deity that created them and would not end up in the Aengul’s realm).


Those that pass: Keepers, Augurs, Tree Lords, Izkuthii, Azdrazi or other draconic creations that have pure dragon souls.

Those that break the clause: Wraiths, Iblees Undead, Dark Shamans, and Frost Witches.



Finally, indirect beings may be harmed by Soulfire if they actively violate the three criteria with their creations or servants. This also applies to Necromancers who have recently risen a corpse, though the timeframe of them being vulnerable is quite small and will revert after time.


     Soulfire can be thrown as a fireball, poured forth as a torrent, or otherwise be manipulated in any way fire evocation could. The major point of difference lay in how the flame interacts with an entity violating the three laws. Two varieties exist in this regard and the type an Ascended possesses is determined during their Ascension. The gifted ember analyzes the soul of the candidate in question and will apply itself differently depending on the experiences and desires it notices, finding a niche to better help the new Ascended accomplish their own goals.


Rapturous Soulfire feverently seeks out any altered souls, attempting to connect with the physical structure of an entity and directly attack the metaphysical structure of their soul. If criterias one, two, or three are met the fire will either begin dulling the alterations to the soul or destabilize the link between a manipulated structure and it’s displaced soul. Initially the targeted entity will notice they’ve caught fire, but will feel no pain. Given enough time they will begin to experience supernatural exhaustion and will steadily weaken; culminating in the entity collapsing in a comatose state.


     Ruinous Soulfire works in the opposite fashion, attacking the physical structure created by a Warped Soul rather than the soul itself. The entity’s body will ignite with flame and course with pain as they begin to burn away, eventually killing them and incinerating the body.


Soulfire cannot:

Be conjured more than an arm’s length away from the Ascended (No looking at people and setting them on fire)


Be maintained by the Ascended if it is not present on the Ascended (AKA No going and lighting a torch with holy fire then leaving it lying at base while still lit.)

Note: Soulfire does feed off of soul alterations if it finds any, like fire would burn oil. Should Soulfire catch onto an altered soul, or their form, it will persist until it either cannot burn away something or the thing is burned away.

Cannot be put out by water

Burn anything that does not possess an altered soul or soul essence. To a normal mortal the flame will, at peak strength, be very warm and very bright.


The power of Soulfire depends on the strength of the Ascended versus the strength of their target. As an example, a freshly risen ghoul fighting a master Ascended will ignite and experience the worst of the effects almost immediately. An ancient lich fighting an initiate, conversely, would be resistant to the flames and sustained fire would be needed to ignite them.


The Limits of Soulfire

The soul is our domain. All else is without absolutes.


Soulfire is, when used properly, an exceptionally powerful magic capable of destroying all but the most powerful of altered souls. However, it is not infallible.


As per its namesake, the Living Flame and all proxy flames harbor small amounts of innate lifeforce that come from a synergy between Aerielian Flame and an Ivory Soul. Because of this, intercepting Soulfire with necromantic drain is possible and the loss of lifeforce will cause the flames to destabilize and dissipate. When offensive, projectile dark magics of a shade or similar being come into contact with Soulfire the two magics will war with each other until one succeeds; the victor usually being the more powerful caster.


If the Ascended and their enemy are of equal strength then the two might instead encounter a draw, where both magics deplete each other until the casters run out of energy to continue. Note however that all of this can only occur if the dark creature is observant and prepares beforehand to counter Soulfire.


Just as well, Soulfire cannot penetrate objects that are, themselves, unrelated to an altered soul. Armor and shields of mundane or magical creation will deflect Soulfire easily, though any cracks or weaknesses in the armor might be exploited to allow entry.


Finally once a corrupted being has been caught alight by the flames of Soulfire, the Ascended casting must remain conscious; else the flames will disperse.


Additionally, Soulfire is a very close-ranged spell. At maximum strength a torrent of Soulfire will only ever move a distance of five meters (blocks). A Soulfire fireball will, at maximum, move a distance of 10 meters (blocks) and cause little damage at the end of its arc.


Soulfire does not spread throughout the entire body once it makes contact. Once an amount of it connects with a soul-altered physical structure it will persist in that same area until the affected area resists the fire or it is destroyed. Once connected, it will not grow in size, if anything it grows smaller. As an example, a ghoul receiving a small fireball to the arm will lose the directly affected section of their arm, it will not spread across their entire body and engulf them.



Soul Mending

Fret not, child. For that which you have lost, the Archaengul has supplied extra.


As was told to them by Aeriel herself many centuries ago, the Ascended are instructed to act as a shield against darkness seeking to harm the souls of the Descendants. To see this task met the Archaengul gifted them with the art of Soul Mending, a process by which an Ascended can absorb any affliction of the soul from one person and place the injury, illness, or dark affliction unto themself. Doing this is always a very personal decision to the Ascended performing, as the procedure is both exhausting and can potentially bring extreme harm to them.


In the most basic form an Ascended may bring about a light coating of Soulfire within their palm and then place it over an injury, which will initially cause a soothing, calming aura for the purpose of pain relief. As the fires seep into the skin the injury will appear to painlessly cauterize for the patient, before fresh flesh and sinew appears on the afflicted area. The Ascended will receive all pain during this time.


For more complex injuries, the matter of absorption requires additional clarification. Similar to how the famed Cloud Temple Monks are capable of withdrawing a Soul Template from the deceased and regenerating a body from such, Ascended Healers can access the Soul Template of a still-living but injured person. Any anomalies present on a soul that were not a part of the soul by default will attempt to be reverted, effectively resetting it. The anomalous properties afflicting a soul are many, and extremely varied, but the soul is a constant that the Ascended resonate with.


Soul Mend allows an Ascended to absorb the injuries of a wounded person unto their own body. This occurs because the soul of a mortal and their physical form are directly affected by each other, meaning that a wounded physical form translates to a wounded soul. Just as the physical wound heals over time, so does the soul. When a soul is mended by an Ascended the wounded portion of the mortal soul is replaced by an equivalent portion of the Ascended’s Aerielian Flame. The wound itself is then placed upon the actual soul of the Ascended, giving them the injury. Over time the souls of both parties will regenerate to their natural state.


     Soul Mend is not without risk. A lethal wound may be transferred, but the wound itself will not become less dangerous and may even kill the Ascended that absorbed it. Similarly, a broken bone or other crippling wound will now be crippling the Ascended.


Soul mend cannot be used at range. The Ascended must be physically touching the injured party to heal them.


     Soul Mend also allows an Ascended to regenerate their own wounds by replacing the wounded portion of their soul with a piece of their Flame. This effect occurs passively when the Ascended is not engaged in combat, drawing small amounts of the flame over time to steadily heal the wound.


     Soul Mend cannot heal a personal fatal wound, as the stress of dying would cause the Ascended too quickly lose concentration during the attempt.


To give a brief overview of some, but not all, things an Ascended healer is capable of regenerating:


  • Cuts, abrasions, punctures, organ wounds (including eyes), etc. Ascended can also reattach a severed limb so long as the limb is available and the Soul Template has not adapted to its loss.


  • Those with a corrupted portion of their soul may have their corruption absorbed unto the Ascended and their affliction cured. This is not a pleasant experience for either party, as the corrupted soul section will war with the Aerielian Flame until one triumphs over the other. Should the Ascended in question be more powerful than the corrupted soul section they absorbed they will prevail and the corruption will be burned away by the Aerielian Flame. (Tier 1-2 shades may be directly absorbed, Tier 3 must use a ritual to be cured. T4-5 are incurable.)


  • More powerful alterations to a soul, by which a soul in its near entirety has been corrupted, will be unaffected by Soul Mending.


  • Brain injuries may not be absorbed, as doing so would immediately cause concentration to falter.


  • If necessary, Ascended can absorb the wounds of other Ascended.


     Blood Mending is an extension of Ascended healing that allows an Ascended to absorb poisons and diseases upon an untainted mortal. Doing so requires the Ascended and their patient to form a link between their bodies, most often done through cutting the palm of each party and placing them together. Utilizing this point of transit, harmful substances and viruses will be drained into the Ascended body. This is the only natural way that an Ascended can acquire a disease, and while the duration of affliction is much shorter the symptoms of it will multiply two-fold until the sickness passes. In cases of deadly plagues, this may put an Ascended into a sort of coma until it can be purged from their system.



Soulfire Brazier

There is no darkness unassailable in our mission of eradication.

The flames of Aeriel will purge the wicked, no matter where they hide.


Once, long ago, our wards dotted the skies of Aegis and their glittering hues radiated strength upon our allies, as well as doom upon our foes. But all things must change with time, and the Ascended are no exception.


One of the greatest failures of the Ascended was their inability to rescue the fallen nation of Alk’hazar from the noxious, tainted air which polluted it and rendered all attempted counterattacks as null; but even when we were not involved, the same song was sang in the Legacy of Iblees. Whether it be a Miasma, a Bloodshard, or a tainted object buried deep within the lands; the generation and exploitation of corruption is seen time and time again. How can mortal men fight against that which has no form? How do they best the ground itself, or the air they breathe when it is compelled against them? Quite simply, they cannot.


Thus it was that the Ascended began to research a way to counter this seemingly unbeatable foe. A way to prevent the overpowering area-denying magics of our enemies from standing against us without challenge. Our smiths and blessers toiled and tried enhancing the crystals that we once used, but for many years their actions bore no fruit. Then, as if the Archaengul herself had answered, it was there. A humble brazier, with a white flame flickering gently in the breeze; it’s existence sustained through specially prepared aurum like the ancient Ascended had once used.


Under normal circumstances the soulfire conjured from the fortified soul of an Ascended can only be maintained near that same Ascended. However, one exception does exist in the form of the Soulfire Brazier. By way of a special ritual, prepared braziers can hold soulfire for an extended, though not permanent, amount of time. The brazier will need to be refueled at least once every two weeks to remain lit, and a failure to do so will cause the flame to cease. Successive use of dark magic will also force the flame to die, or those favoring the mundane may simply destroy the brazier with physical force. (Depending on the size and material, physical destruction might be more or less difficult. Larger braziers will also resist dark magic better than smaller ones.)


Dark beings themselves are unaffected by the brazier, unless they’re foolish enough to touch the flames directly. The brazier itself targets tainted area-denying magics which have, in the past, been used by malignant Aegudaemonic forces to prevent access to certain areas. Miasmas, or otherwise unnatural toxic substances contaminating the air will be drawn to a brazier and steadily destroyed over time. Encroaching plagues upon soul essences, such as land-taint seen within vegetation, will not be capable of spreading near one of said braziers either.


There exist a few different sizes of braziers.


  • A single Ascended is capable of creating two small braziers, which have no area of effect and merely exist as waiting pools of soulfire which will do nothing unless used by an outside source, say a guard who is suspicious of a shifty traveler. Small braziers will never ignite a soul-altered creature, but they will experience a burning pain.


  • A single Ascended, alternatively, can forgo two small braziers to create a medium-sized brazier; which has an area of effect of ten meters (ten blocks). Ghouls and ghost-like entities may ignite from being exposed to this brazier type’s flame.


  • Two Ascended can pool their resources to create a large brazier, with an area of effect around thirty meters (thirty blocks). Any soul-altered creature exposed to the direct flames of this brazier will ignite, save the most hardened and powerful of their kind.


  • Five Ascended working in tandem may create the largest iteration, a Colossus Brazier, which will effectively protect an entire city against spreading corruption. (AoE is 100 block radius). Any soul-altered creatures that somehow manage to fall into the gigantic pit of very obvious holy fire are going to have a bad time.


The affected area around a sizable brazier takes on certain characteristics inherent with Soulfire, most noticeably the resistance to soul-altering magic. Those within the vicinity may notice an occasional drifting ember. Shades, Strigae, Frost Witches, Antimages, and other such soul-altered creatures will be incapable of propagating their kind within the radius of a brazier. They will need to exit the vicinity to do so. Attempting to do so while in the radius will cause the process to fail in different ways all unique to the type of creature. This is due to the fact that the soulfire will naturally protect the descendants within its area of effect. While the curse is too strong to be overpowered within an already existing dark entity, it can still combat away fledgling curses that attempt to alter a person’s soul within the area. Thusly, the dark entity will need to take their target away from where the brazier is to spread their curse.


Soulfire Braziers will not directly weaken, or harm soul-altered creatures within it’s radius. The exception is if the creature is forced into touching the flames by an outside source, or if they’re foolish enough to do it themselves.


Corruption of all types will be incapable of penetrating the radius of a Brazier. Should corruption already be present, it will begin to slowly recede out of the radius. In the event of a miasma, pockets of breathable air will be formed within the radius.


Placing a sizable brazier in a location where powerful corruption is already present will essentially deadlock either source from gaining ground until one falters. Corruption may not spread, but it will also not retreat.


Each individual Ascended will have limited braziers available to create and once they hit the limit they cannot create more until one has been removed. As mentioned above they can either have two small braziers, or one medium brazier, or they can contribute to a larger brazier. Contributing to a larger brazier means they cannot create small or medium braziers. When creating a brazier, the Ascended responsible must leave their IGNs on a sign in addition to the signs created to describe the barrier and its effects.



From iron I have forged armor,

From embers I have forged weapons,

From moonlight I will forge beauty.


Ember Infusion


Within each of us resides the essence of a god. The brilliant and immaculate heat of a heavenly host bestows upon us the power to unmake the legacy of the archdaemon, the power to free the chained, the power to punish the damned. Tis’ Aeriel’s will that in this effort we act not as overlords but guardians, and though others have taken up this same mantle we will always be known as the first. She raised us from the shadow of a missing god and turned us into weapons of her divine will. Our souls were forged in her fires to be stronger, and those who are closest to the Archaengul may follow in her example. Just as a young candidate might be gifted an ember to join the ranks of the Ascended, these same embers may be forged into weapons, and armor to bestow upon them divine abilities. The various hues of Soulfire Heritages will be present and identifiable. As an example, Emberthorn blessings made by one bearing a Saffron Flame will appear golden, ones made by a Persimmon Flame will appear orange. Any enchantments created by Ember Infusion will display properties similar to the two types of Soulfire; that being a hatred of corrupted souls and a desire to destroy, or weaken them. These infusions are typically straightforward.


Things to note:

  • Ascended are capable of forging armor and weapons and infuse them with small embers.
  • These weapons are capable of being infused in a manner that allows for an Ascended to channel their flames through it.
  • These weapons and armor will act in accordance with how soulfire functions and will not be bolstered/altered greatly.
  • When striking a foe who is weak to soulfire [an actual strike, not something like a scratch], such as a ghoul, the contact point will light up in soulfire and react as if the Ascended had blasted them with their soulfire.
  • Weapons are also capable of being infused so that they are capable of shooting out soulfire, as an Ascended normally can. This follows the same restrictions that ordinary soulfire blasts do (exceptions could be made for MArts and things of that nature).
  • Due to the innate properties of Embers working against soul-altered beings any Ember Infused object in the possession of one will cease to function. The ember will attempt to lash out at the alterations to their soul and, because of its weak state, fail to damage them significantly; instead being smothered out in the attempt. Exceptions are possible, but extremely rare and meticulously crafted.
  • A weapon must come into direct contact with a creature to be effective, striking against armor will not allow for the fire to pass through.
  • Armor will protect an Ascended from attacks of a corrupted nature and will cause those touching it who are normally affected by soulfire to burn over time (this will require constant contact for a few minutes, simply touching the armor is not enough to light a ghoul on fire).
  • Shade tendrils and other attacks of a corrupted nature are the attacks capable of being disrupted by the armor.
  • The armor will not provide additional defense against mundane or attacks of a non-corrupted nature (so a warhammer or fireball will react to it as regular armor).
  • Ember infused objects require a recharge every 2 weeks where an Ascended must kindle their flames. This can alternatively be done when an Ember feeds off of the corruption of a creature that it is slaying.
  • Tier 5 Armor can roughly withstand 10 solid blows from a tier 5 dark mage's attack before the Ember is snuffed out and it no longer provides additional protection. It progresses by tier, 2 blows at t1, 4 at t2, and so on until 10.


Lunar Infusion


The Soulstream has existed since time immemorial as a place of infinite suffering and distortion; or at least it was before the Archaengul Aeriel imposed her will upon it.  The city of Sacellum shines with a holy luminance amidst the otherwise dreary landscape, calling the deceased souls of our realm to it in droves so that they might meet with the heavenly host and depart unto their final destination. The ancient myths of our people, carved upon stones from a realm not our own, tell of the clandestine power which resides within the 'Stream, and give us clues on how we might harness it. The resulting infusions interact closely with passive properties of the Soulstream, creating sentimental mementos of the deceased or situational items that interact with Soul Shadows and other ghost varieties.


Lunar Infusion allows an Ascended to harness the subtle but unique mystical properties of the Soulstream and weave them into an object.


These objects do not require any sort of manual replenishment like other infusions or enchantments, instead they rely upon moonlight for revitalization. Just as well, many will only function at night.


Lunar Infused objects are exceptionally brittle, requiring constant care and maintenance else the Infusion may dissipate or the object itself will break. Using one as a weapon against physical entities is highly impractical and guaranteed to shatter the object.


Things to note: 

  • Ascended can enchant items to bear traits of the Soulstream, which means that they’re able to create sentimental mementos of the deceased (for example, someone could create a trinket that creates a small image of their deceased loved one in the air whenever it is opened). They can also create items such as gauntlets which allow for interactions with soul shadows (e.g. touching a ghost without harming them, as opposed to gold gauntlets which could do the same but would hurt the ghost).
  • These trinkets are recharged naturally through moonlight.
  • This form of enchantment is weak compared to Ember Infused enchants and will not be viable for combat. Attempting to harm a ghost with Lunar Infused gauntlets for example will simply bash the ghost around and cause no real damage.






Hallowed Ground

The veil has grown thin here, and where the borders between life and death are

blurred, those who eschew their fate are unwelcome.


The Soulstream; the realm which Aeriel calls her home, her domain, and indeed her mission itself. To fill this realm with the souls of the departed so that they might find eternal rest and accept her boundless love is her eternal goal, the perfect universe for which she strives, a world in which all can come to rest after death. The Ascended take great pride in this realm, and hail it as a paradise beyond all others. Thus, it is fitting that they should call to this paradise in an effort to bring it closer to the mortal realm.


Hallowed Grounds are strange locations, torn asunder and left to drift closer to the quiet splendour of the Soulstream. These sanctuaries act as the base of operations for the Ascended, a place that they may turn to for respite if ever it is required. Unlike the mortals of the realm, it is here that the Ascended return to be reborn, if it exists upon the face of the current realm.


     The ritual itself requires at least five Ascended to complete, and months of preparation before hand is normally advised. Braziers of soulfire are created, specially blessed creations that act as the catalysts for this powerful miracle. Not only this, but a pathway to the Soulstream must have been previously established, in the way of the remains of deceased mortals. When a soul passes on to the Soulstream, a shallow rift is left, a crease in the fabric of the world; if many creatures have passed away in a single location, that location may naturally harbour a hidden pathway to the Soulstream, dormant and normally untouchable. Once the braziers have been placed by this dormant pathway, they may be called upon by the Ascended to form a direct pathway into the Soulstream, uplifting the ground upon which they are placed and creating a strange island within the divine realm. The Flames of the braziers will be drawn into the centre of this island, forming a bonfire of white flame that anchors this otherworldly place.


The location itself will seem rather mundane from the outside, save for the burning bonfire within. A darkened haze will grow more and more noticeable as one approaches its boundaries, until one's vision is completely obscured by a dark shroud when looking within. To step across this shroud would lead you into the Hallowed Ground itself. Within, sound is partially muted save for a continuous song that can be heard from above, flowing down from the dark heavens; the Song of Aeriel. Tiny, flitting flames can be seen amongst myriad flickering lights of all colours shapes and sizes, the souls of the departed as they flow onwards in the ever present current of the Soulstream.


The Hallowed Grounds allow for the Ascended to command their Soulfire with more ease, and more easily fall into a trance by which they can command their fires. With the help of the Soulstream, an Ascended may call upon their powers in the creations of artefacts, and in feats of healing, or indeed in myriad other rituals to be detailed later.


Hallowed Grounds are most notably used for their aid in the performance of miraculous rituals, which are detailed here:


Ascended who have reached T3 must take part in a ritual with their teacher (?) to advance to the higher tiers and become a fully fledged Flame, uplifting their soul and solidifying their divine nature.


Ascended may use the powers of the Hallowed Ground to enhance their soul mending, allowing them to absorb stronger shades, and the newly born curses that may have attached themselves to frost witches, eradicating them before they can become a threat to their respective hosts. This will cause terrible pain for both parties, as the Ascended soul fights against the intruding taint, and the victim's soul pains for its further alteration (requires OOC consent).


Ascended may come together to perform greater feats of Soulfire manipulation, blessing artefacts with a wide variety of magical effects (requires MArt apps for complex effects).


The Master Sage and his subordinate Sages may commune with Aeriel for aid, and allow for other Ascended to hear her voice, and experience her visions (purely for event purposes).


There can only ever be one Hallowed Ground at a time.


The presence of Hallowed Ground is not something to view lightly, nor is one to be created if the Ascended are not present to maintain it. The souls of those damned by Aeriel watch this distortion of the mortal realm from afar, ever awaiting a chance to escape their fate. If abandoned, a Hallowed Ground will eventually turn into a place of desolation as tormented spirits phase into the living world; eager to have their revenge.


When properly tended to, the Hallowed Ground is not truly accessible to soul-altered creatures. The radiance of Aeriel’s realm is, in fact, painful to them and should they not heed to common sense they will find themselves weakened within it’s vicinity, resulting in lethargy and a loss of magical efficiency (-2 tier levels). Ghosts and their varieties will not be affected  in quite the same way, though they will feel compelled to remain within the area or even depart into the Soulstream directly.


Hallowed ground may be destroyed by ruining the two subsidiary soulfire braziers and then snuffing out the convergent bonfire. Destroying the bonfire requires the blood of an Ascended to be thrown in, followed by the powerful sustained dark magic of a soul-altered being. The process can be lengthy if not amply prepared beforehand.



You need not worry about the hardships of this life any longer.

The sun is setting, and it is time to go home.


The weaker souls of animals are not as feeble as they may first appear. If emboldened by Aeriel, the animals of the world may, too, take to supernatural forms that allow them their own place in Aeriel’s design.


Once taken into the depths of a Hallowed Ground, an animal may be slain, before its soul is filled with Flame in much the same way as a newly born Ascended. Aeriel will then appraise this creature, taking it to her bosom where it might be sequestered within her divine presence. Its flame will always be exceptionally weak, and if it were to come into contact with a darkened soul, that soul would almost certainly damage it to a point beyond repair. What they lack in combat proficiency they make up for in religious significance; their disembodied state allows ease of passage between the Soulstream and the material realm. As Aeriel’s chosen guides, these familiars of the Ascended may travel to and from the Soulstream with the souls of the deceased in tow, acting as guides to the deceased.


If an Ascended is present for the death of a descendant, they may allow their familiar to travel into the body of the deceased. The body will begin to glow with Fire, slowly decomposing as the Flame cremates the body from within. The familiar will commune with the soul of the corpse, coaxing it out so as to lure it to the Soulstream. If the soul is ready for its departure, the guide may abscond it to the Soulstream and offer it eternal rest (resulting in a PK); if the soul decides that its time in the natural realm is not yet finished, that soul may simply pass into the power of the monks, and be reborn once again (entirely at the discretion of the player).


The soul guides reside within the being of a chosen Ascended host, and when not in use, will sleep within their confines and appear visually as a tattoo upon the skin. Their continued stay is entirely at the discretion of the Ascended, and they may expel them if needed. Upon being withdrawn they will temporarily take on the appearance and form of a ghost, but upon fully exiting an Ascended they will take on a physical form; a process that will take a full minute to complete. If killed, they will turn to white embers in a similar manner to Ascended and remanifest with their master in tattoo form.


Psychopomps can only ever be birds, but like birds they can be used to send and return letters. The same restrictions applied to message-ferrying birds will apply to Psychopomps, they do not travel faster or more efficiently than other birds whatsoever.












Major Abilities



·         Will not harm anything without an altered soul.

·         Deflected by physical objects.

·         Does not harm anything that passes the Aengudaemonic Clause.

·         Cannot be conjured more than an arm’s length away.

·         (But may be thrown as a fireball. Potency diminishes with distance.)

·         Cannot be maintained unless an Ascended is present. Exception is Soulfire brazier and Infusions.

·         Cannot be put out by water.

·         Soulfire efficiency depends on the power of altered soul it attacks. T1 Soulfire vs a T5 lich is ineffective, T5 Soulfire vs a ghoul is extremely effective. T5 vs T5 will prove initial resistance, but succeed after a small time.

·         Projectile dark magic may counter Soulfire, resulting in a magic duel.


Soul Mending:


·         Absorbing a fatal wound is still fatal.

·         Ascended have to deal with the same injury they absorbed in full, until they regenerate it.

·         Absorbing disease will make the disease more potent, but it will not last as long.

·         Cannot absorb immaculate soul alteration.


Soulfire Brazier

·         Will not harm any soul-altered being in any way, shape, or form unless they physically fall into the flames or an outside source pushes them into it.

·         Can be destroyed by physical force or dark magic.

·         Limited amount of braziers can be created by one Ascended.


Ember Infusion

·         Individual Infusions may have exploitable weaknesses and cannot normally be wielded by corrupted creatures.

·        Lunar Infusions are exceptionally brittle and can be inconvenient to recharge.





Hallowed Ground

·         If Ascended are not active in/abandon the Hallowed Ground the damned souls of the Soulstream will be able to escape and things will get really, really ugly very quickly. Great for events though.



·         No combat usefulness. Takes time to manifest. Does not fly better than any other bird. They're birds, people, this isn't 'throw birds at people' magic.






Enhanced Regeneration

·         Will not occur in a combat scenario.

Resistance to Soul Altering Magic

·         Weak, young Ascended are corruptible, which may destroy their Ember.


·         Everyone basically has this already.





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First, lovely

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****** this looks sick as ****

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this is where the fun begins

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Lore wise it makes no sense for a necromancer to be effected, rising a corpse does not alter souls whatsoever, those corpses (asides from the creation of ghouls and similar creatures) lack any semblance of a soul or soul shadow.

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Just now, Aerial "The Wroth" Kebabu said:

Lore wise it makes no sense for a necromancer to be effected, rising a corpse does not alter souls whatsoever, those corpses (asides from the creation of ghouls and similar creatures) lack any semblance of a soul or soul shadow.


The precedent of Necromancers being harmed after raising a corpse is not a new addition to the lore and is actually in effect as we speak. Circumstances for this being useful are exceptionally rare, however.


Also, given that Soulfire is extremely weak against Necromantic drain, I feel this creates a balance between the two groups.

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Just now, Master Sage Delaselva said:


The precedent of Necromancers being harmed after raising a corpse is not a new addition to the lore and is actually in effect as we speak. Circumstances for this being useful are exceptionally rare, however.


Also, given that Soulfire is extremely weak against Necromantic drain, I feel this creates a balance between the two groups.


I knew that given my prior use of the magic, I was simply presenting why that seemed odd to me. And given the second statement, I'm fine with that at the very least, a healthy balance is necessary. 

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Dear Master Sage Delaselva,

Thank you to you and your peers that have invested time into this rewrite. As an Ascended rising the ranks, I appreciate the changes to come which I hope come swiftly. I've seen the project grow gradually over my many weeks of LoTC and to see it posted makes my day brighter. Ave Aeriel, may the reformation change our characters for the better.


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I've another concern, it seems you've broadened the category of what can be hurt by including the Azdrazi, a prevalent mistake on your part if I was reading correctly.

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Just now, Aerial "The Wroth" Kebabu said:

I've another concern, it seems you've broadened the category of what can be hurt by including the Azdrazi, a prevalent mistake on your part if I was reading correctly.


Azdrazi are not affected by Soulfire whatsoever. The images on Slide 3 are simply representations of various soul types and, as is stated under the title, not indicative of what Ascended magic targets.

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Just now, Master Sage Delaselva said:


Azdrazi are not affected by Soulfire whatsoever. The images on Slide 3 are simply representations of various soul types and, as is stated under the title, not indicative of what Ascended magic targets.

Thank you.

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1 hour ago, Master Sage Delaselva said:

Finally, greater beings functioning not with souls, but a Higher Essence, may be harmed by Soulfire if they actively violate the three criteria with their creations or servants. Iblees, Setherien, and Azdromoth are all examples of this.

Both Setherien and Azdromoth have souls.

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1 minute ago, Avacyn said:

Both Setherien and Azdromoth have souls.


Red line has been edited:


Finally, indirect beings may be harmed by Soulfire if they actively violate the three criteria with their creations or servants. Iblees, Setherien, and Azdromoth are all examples of this. This also applies to Necromancers who have recently risen a corpse, though the timeframe of them being vulnerable is quite small and will revert after time.

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