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[Shelved]The Agents of The Archaengul: Ascended Rewrite II

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1 hour ago, The Pink Lion said:

Right, so after a bit of discussion with others, here are some key things I noticed. Mind you, this doesn’t reflect what the entire team thinks as not everyone was around for the discussion, these are just issues that I and a few others have with the lore and until it's fixed I will be voting against it.

  • The fact that soulfire can essentially one hit kill dark creatures is incredibly overpowered (yeah I realize that the clerics have essentially the same thing, but that’s hopefully going to be altered as well). Dark magic, regardless of if it’s offensive or not, should be able to squelch the flames that are on them with their abilities. Or some other balancing measure should be put in place.
  • Hallowed Ground is far too overpowered with the whole "burn soul altered creatures to ashes in minutes".
  • Please respect the wishes of the lore-holders when it comes to the removal of certain afflictions and curses and stop trying to add special case ways to do such.
  • The disconnection process needs to be elaborated on, since at the moment it just says how many people are required to extinguish/inherit flames.
  • The psychopomps need clarification on if they are solid or not. You say they can send letters, but since they’re ghostly that just seems like a way to ensure letters are sent without being stopped.
  • The Soulstream Rift needs clarification on why something like that would even be necessary, opening a large rift to a place containing a lot of evil entities hardly seems like something Aeriel would allow (if the objects are somehow found again anyway, it seems like a useless ability that only causes issues).
  • Clarification is needed on the braziers on how they stop the propagation of new dark creatures. It says that it fights against corruption/taint so it doesn't really make sense why it would fight against the creation of a new creature. That kind of curse =/= the corruption/taint blocked by the brazier.


  • Added: (This was actually a mistake of mine that I forgot to add in) Soulfire does not spread throughout the entire body once it makes contact. Once an amount of it connects with a soul-altered physical structure it will persist in that same area until the affected area resists the fire or destroys it. Once connected, it will not grow in size, if anything it grows smaller. As an example, a ghoul receiving a small fireball to the arm will lose the directly affected section of their arm, it will not spread across their entire body and engulf them. Additionally, Soulfire is a very close-ranged spell. At maximum strength a torrent of Soulfire will only ever move a distance of five meters (blocks). A Soulfire fireball will, at maximum, move a distance of 10 meters (blocks) and cause little damage at the end of it’s arc.
  • Added:

    When properly tended to, the Hallowed Ground is not truly accessible to soul-altered creatures. The radiance of Aeriel’s realm is, in fact, painful to them and should they not heed to common sense they will find themselves weakened within its vicinity, resulting in lethargy and a loss of magical efficiency (-2 tier levels). Ghosts and their varieties will not be affected in quite the same way, though they will feel compelled to remain within the area or even depart into the Soulstream directly.

    Hallowed ground may be destroyed by both ruining the active Soulfire Braziers and then killing an Ascended while inside it. The Soulstream will then recognize the loss of control and revert the area to its normal state.

  • Added: The process of disconnection MUST BE TAUGHT before it can be used by any Ascended. If disconnecting one who possesses an Ember, the process will involve restraining an Ascended if they are not otherwise willing and forcefully removing it from their body. Physically this will appear as the attacking Ascended placing a hand upon their chest and the ember being drawn through the flesh and out of the body. Should they possess a flame, it will first condense into an ember and the process will take longer
  • Added: Upon being withdrawn they will temporarily take on the appearance and form of a ghost, but upon fully exiting an Ascended they will take on a physical form. If killed, they will turn to white embers in a similar manner to Ascended and remanifest with their master.
  • Added: Items typically chosen to be cast into the rift are cursed or possessed objects, but any physical creation may be cast inside provided it can fit and it can be forced through by the participating Ascended. Once inside, these offending objects are either contained or destroyed by the Ascended of the Soulstream, or Aeriel herself if she is currently in-house. I'll provide an example in the form of something like the Kal'varak or the Shadegem, both objects which have major RP significance but also offend the Ascended by their purpose; housing trapped souls, or corrupting souls. The clause of such objects eventually returning to the mortal realm is so we don't just up and kill off an entire playerbase or destroy a perfectly good roleplay object. This is explained as the Soultream Rift being imperfect, occasionally placing an object somewhere it shouldn't be. I have also added a short sentence in the last bullet explaining this.
  • Added: The affected area around a sizable brazier takes on certain characteristics inherent with Soulfire, most noticeably the resistance to soul-altering magic. Those within the vicinity may notice an occasional drifting ember.

1 hour ago, KBR said:

The Lore Holder of other lore pieces, I haven't read this piece yet but I assume what he means by this is: Frost Witches/Strigae, can't be reversed, Jallentime writes an ability into this to reverse it and bam, reversible. So it shouldn't be reversible without their permission is what he is saying. 


We are not able to revert Frost Witches and Strigae? Every time I have brought up reverting something I have went directly to the loreholder. I have done this with both flesh-smithing and Shade loreholders. It was mentioned we could stop women still in the process of becoming a witch because at that stage they, themselves, can choose to stop it; it's literally just fluff. Regardless we've now removed that.

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Lore pending. I will be contacting you about the issues that the LT have brought up concerning your lore soon.


Edit: Lore accepted.

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I'll be making amendments once my work week is finished and you can expect the finished piece by Wednesday at latest.

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Changes are being made in a separate document and once complete they will replace the current ones of this thread, followed by a full conversion into forum format directly for record keeping. I am in contact with Caleb currently discussing amendments.

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You mention potions of healing and poisons being less effective, but what about potions of strength and things like that? You specified mending/healing potions specifically so I'm left to ASSUME that someone like my character who's 4ft tall midget dwarfelf could pop a strength potion and still reap it's benefits, among some of the other potions available.



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3 hours ago, Demotheus said:

You mention potions of healing and poisons being less effective, but what about potions of strength and things like that? You specified mending/healing potions specifically so I'm left to ASSUME that someone like my character who's 4ft tall midget dwarfelf could pop a strength potion and still reap it's benefits, among some of the other potions available.





Only potions which harm or refill health are affected. Strength potions and things of that sort are fine.

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Lore has been shelved and moved to the appropriate subforum. If you have questions about why this specific lore has been shelved, please contact me via forum PM or over discord at Flamboyant#8856

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