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Onwards [Sci-Fi Nation FRP - RP]


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Imperial Republic of Mankind


Location: Novam Domum, Shipyard 

The emperor looked up from the ground level of the shipyard and looked up in awe as he observed the large facilities of the shipyard.

Silently he thought to himself "when it was empty it didn't seem so large."

He walked past all the machines working and workers preparing machines to start making ships for the glory of the Imperial Republic.

There was a lot of: smoke, noise and people walking around moving parts, machines and other things.


The emperor then walked towards one man ordering the people in the shipyard around surrounded by his bodyguards who cold faced and disciplined made sure there was no threat to their leader.

He then went to talk with the overseer of the shipyard Thomas Smith who was not seeing the emperor approaching as he was busy with ordering everyone around.

He only noticed the emperor and his guards as the emperor started to speak ?


"It seems there has been a lot of progress here at the shipyard, it looks rather efficient doesn't it?."

The shocked overseer then had a small jump in the air as he suddenly heard a clear and commanding voice speaking just behind him.

He then saw the emperor and slightly relaxed as he saw it was no threat to him but this was replaced by a large sense of admiration in the eyes of the overseer who quickly pulled himself up and tried to keep his composure.

"Yes your excellency it has been rather efficient,"Thomas would say"it is also ready to start producing spacecraft and other space related constructs."


The emperor would nod looking pleased" That is pleasing, could we be able to start producing corvettes with fusion drives for exploration ?"

Thomas would then nervously and quickly speak again" Yes we could, with the large amount of minerals gathered by the mines we could produce a lot of corvettes and if the facilities were slightly expanded we could even start producing a series of frigates."


The emperor would then seem to be in thought for a moment until he spoke again with his clear and rather inspiring voice.

"That is true yes and eventually we will produce frigates and send them into space yet we first need to find ways to effectively use the frigates with good weaponry and quick travel, whilst we might have those two elements not yet eventually we will deploy them into space and continue expanding mankind into the final frontier."


He then cleared his throat again"Now you need to start building two corvettes with the purpose of exploring this system and it is more important to make one finished corvette than two barely finished corvettes understood ?"

The overseer nodded eagerly"Yes we will start making a corvette for the purpose of exploration your excellency."

"Good,"the emperor said", be on your way."

The overseer would then scramble back and bow his head towards the emperor until returning to work


Location: Novam Domum, science facility

The emperor walked into the science facility walking towards the chief scientist and patiently waiting till the chief scientist noticed him he would then quickly speak giving a new objective to the chief scientist.

He would speak with an annoyed and irritated voice

"I need you to figure out how to make a lesser version of the Jump drive since it seems you can't figure out the jump drive, understood ?"the chief scientist would quickly nod.


The emperor was annoyed because he had recently heard from one of his bodyguard that the peronsality cult centered around him seemed to have quickly been growing quickly and already there was a group of 100 people praising him like he was a god and using his powers to terraform Novam Domum.

It was exceedingly frustrating  since he could not directly address it or it would get more popular and he had already tried sending the police to discourage the cult but they ignored him and simply kept praising him as a god.

It was so frustrating since Alexander Verellion is an atheist and there is religious freedom in the colony so he can't deal with it and he found it stupid that people believed in old superstition and had such stupid ideas about him.


He simply went with his hands through his hair and went to his bedroom to rest after hearing this frustrating news.



1 ap is spent making 2 scout corvettes though if they can't both be finished all focus will be on 1 of the corvettes

3 ap is spent figuring out how to make a lesser version of the jump drive consuming less energy and most likely being slower than the original jump drive 

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Silver Knight Company 






Chief Executive Edward Armathwaite

Security Chief Lyle Morgan

Chief Engineer Shinzo Sato

Chief Scientist Miranda Keynes


Colony Stats 


Population - 120,500

Silver Knight Company Security Forces - 25,000

High Skilled Workforce (Science and Engineer Corps, Executives and Administrators) - 25,000

Low Skilled Labour (Farmers, Builders, Factory Workers etc) - 50,000


General Activity 


The Colonies Activity is abuzz with the first major project completion, the media outlet would broadcast it congratulating all workers that took part in the project, from those who mined and refined the ore to make its structure and armour, to the scientists and engineers. Five completed models now stood and were ready to be fully tested to find the best pilots for them. A Selection process begins among the current Security Forces of the Colony.




Mass production plans would be put in place for the Military and Civilain Exoskeleton Designs. It is deemed that the current fabrication facilities are inadequate for full mass production capabilities without impeding other activities within the Colony, so a new project is needed to increase the Colonies output of production.


Action Points   


A Project is begun to construct Fabricator Complexes to better mass produce the Exoskeleton designs (2AP)




Another Project is put into place to increase the mining output of the Colony to find more of the special ore so that it can be part of the materials to build the Exoskeleton (1AP)




Another project is started to build a Space Station on one of the more Stable Asteroid's on the Planets belt, time is first spent determining to find an asteroid that does not receive or deal out any impacts (1AP)



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The Holy Kingdom of Eadn
مملكة عدن

Population: 73,500

Eadni Year 07 - The Planet Eadn

With the failure to allocate enough resources to allow the scientists to adequately do their jobs, the Sultan of Eadn vows to never allow such a catastrophe again. With that in mind, the Sultan allocates nearly all available resources toward the project to reach the targeted goal of 30,000 within the year. The population created (the additional 7,500) are moved to the settlement site and begin to establish the new city. Perhaps sending in a sizeable wave ahead of the full wave may turn out to be a blessing in disguise?

[3 AP] Resources allocated to complete the remaining 22,500 pops needed to populate the new city.

[1 AP] Only project with continued funding - the development of the space superiority fighter

[4 AP Cumulative, will continue to invest until completed. Progress would slow due to allocation toward the pop construction]

Meanwhile, the Sultan looks over a map of the solar system and the stars immediately surrounding his own. With help from advisors and advanced telescopes, the High Court of the Sultan begins charting probable hotbeds for resources throughout the solar system. With this information, the Kingdom would hopefully be able to one day actually send probes to these planets to test their hypothesis.

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The Saga Initiative


“Status report?”


“Sir, all facilities are operational. We have hit oil, and the solar panels are charging up the generators and reserves.”


“Good, Damien. Now send those reports to Orion and let’s get this place started.” Colin would pat Damien on his back and nudge him back to the central offices of what some were calling Energy Village, the solar farm was a site to see. It was massive. The oil wells were all around, it reminded Colin of what he saw in pictures from the old world.  Now that this project was finished Colin would be getting his wishes the Initiative would be getting new high-end military technology.


Back in Orion..


Lucas would be walking into meeting room for the yearly report meeting between the council members. He pushed open the door to the council group already sitting there waiting for him, Ben would cough and shake his head as he glared towards Lucas, “Sorry I am late sir.. I was busy finalizing the reports from Energy Village..” Lucas would set up his data pad and pull up the reports showing the output and the surplus that they would gain from this.  He would look down at his pad and switch it off, “And finally Ben, Aubrey, Logan, and Jared. I will be stepping down in the next few years after I finish on research for the FTL drive.” Lucas would nod to Ben, as Ben would nod back giving him the go ahead, “This leads us into the next thing, we will be researching three projects which will have our full resources put into it. We will be developing a rail-gun rifle for our infantry, an advanced targeting program that can be used in our infantry's HUD and our space fleet, and finally the Warp drive. If we want to expand we believe these three things are very vital to us surviving out here.” Lucas would step back and nod to the group and motioning to Ben.


Ben would push back on the table and move his seat back, “Thank you Lucas. It’ll be sad to see you go. But I understand. Everyone is dismissed. Let’s get to work.” Ben would sit down and go back to his Pad. He had a list of candidates already picked out for everyone because he knew eventually he’d be replacing them..



Advancing targeting computer program starts development, it’s to be used in the space fleet and the infantry’s H.U.D (1 AP)


Starting on the development of a rail-gun rifle for infantry which would first be used as an anti-tank material rifle until a more compatible advanced railgun rifle is developed. (1 AP)


The Scientist and Engineers break out the old warp drive to keep studying it trying to figure out a way to travel around space faster. (2 AP)




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New Sephoria


The housing complexes and facilities begin to grow in the new settlement, as throughout the year new resources and workers are being brought up. It goes along, one would say, but as there is no set goal, it will just continue to grow.


With the production facilities finished in terms of design, the installation takes place. This coming year they are ready for production, so the engineers claim.


It most certainly is not a bad idea. Expanding farmlands, constructing additional harvesting machines, increasing the raw amount of food produce there is. Assuming the growth keeps on as the younger people of this generation begin to push up and have children of their own, it is a call that had to be made. Fortunately the land is rich, the weather stable and there were no issues with climate or mother nature.


The Terran Federation


Whilst not directly requested, the government of the Confederation of Xaplonius was kind enough to supply schematics for functional warp drives. The resources invested were being utilized to adapt the technology to human standards and prepare a first prototype for testing. The Confederation has not asked for a favor in return, but who knows.


Cybernetic implants and replacements are not entirely new. Earth had a few mediocre but functional designs which were used by people who could afford it back then, replacing an arm, or a leg. Whilst the motion systems certainly still pose a challenge, designing a limb based on the existing knowledge of mankind proves to be quite simple. The artificial arm still looks a bit rudimentary, has a few clunky motions, but it is functional regardless.




Mining proceeds as planned, the overseers and the workers heeding the request of minimizing enviromental effects and introduce by themselves a suitable waste disposal system, also sorting what they can sort for potential recycling. It is not that Earth did not teach the people what is wrong and right, it's just how it's being done and how the knowledge is utilized.


Not two years, but one year. With the combined effort there was, the spaceport is finished.


Scanning the remainder of the planet proves to be quite uneventful. Plenty of untouched landscapes, forests, rivers, hills, some mountain ranges. The sensors pick up no unusual readings of the sort.


Hephaestus Holdings Incorporated


A smart move and a lot of effort, some would say. The results speak for themselves. Two months into the campaign, the Tassaran Republic sends a counterpiece depicting well what their people have achieved and who they are. It could be intended to mock Hephaestus a little, but it did actually have a positive effect on the human population. As in their eyes, the Tassaran Republic appears to be very successful and powerful, there are a few who idolize their ideals and effort, trying to achieve the same. That includes having children.


United States Of Arcturus


A year worth of exploration yields little findings about the origin of the source in the sector east. But, a very suitable candidate for colonization was found amongst the planets of the dozens of stars.


The engineers with their foresight have built a very adaptable shipyard. Expanding was an easy task to do, but it of course still required resources. The size is adequate enough for Destroyer sized ships now.


Given that bringing fresh ores and metal from the asteroid belt to the facilities in space proves to be a very convenient way of supplying materials, the assembly of the necessary facilities begins. Whilst it's doable, it's an extensive project for it being the first. Three years until the operation is functional and the first supply runs can be made.


The People’s Republic of Xie


Building many factories requires many resources. And a lot of time. Expansions proposals are being drafted for already existing factories, new foundations are being set up, there is progress regardless of it all.


What appears to be quite ominous at the start turns out to be a rather boring experience. The material appears to be an alloy between an unknown metal and steel. The chunks of metal show incredible resilience against common tools, but it's possible to smelt them in a high enough temperature. Reforging should work too, but it still throws up the question where to obtain this material from, as the scientists can not figure out a way how to split the unknown metal from the steel.


The probe is swiftly constructed and sent out. With the only issue being that it has no communication devices that are fast enough for instantenous communication over such lengthy distances. As if that was not the worst of it all, a mere week after the probe left the system, it was being brought back, being brought back by one of the foreign ships which have shown up in between, leaving it deactivated floating in orbit around a nearby moon.


Disregarding whether it was received or not, a vessel of similar construction, but in the size of a battleship accompanied by an entire fleet of smaller vessels have been detected in the system, approaching the colony. Whether this is peaceful or not has yet to be seen. Let's hope.


Imperial Republic of Mankind


Whilst the resources assigned do not appear to be sufficient enough to build to, they build one whole. The corvette is placed in orbit, waiting for any further instructions.


Instant travel has no lesser variants of itself. As such as infinite speed has no slower versions of itself. The drive itselfs proves to be worthless to investigate in particular. Instead the scientists and engineers pick up Earth's old design and research about warp field technology and begin to investigate further. Half a year later they claim that they have found a way to make it possible, presenting the interim results. The remainder of the year they focus on developing a first prototype, whilst that one still requires fieldtests, if those are successful, they can build a first functional warp drive next year and retrofit the fresh corvette with it.


Silver Knight Company 


The design of assembly lines for the machines are being drafted, given that they should take place on the planet itself. A suitable spot is being surveyed for at the same time. Next year they should be able to begin construction of such a facility, with the exterior parts and the foundation at least.


The found ore vein proves to be quite extensive and instead of finding a new deposit, they proceed to exploit and expand upon the current one. It goes very deep it appears, with sufficient supply for a dozen lifetimes perhaps.


Calculating the trajectories and orbitals of hundreds and thousands of asteroids is quite the task. But the computer does its work. And the systems and software calculate and work with the final result at the end of the year. They found a couple of suitable candidates, of whom the biggest one shows the promise of never having any collisions for the next hundred years. External factors of influence not heeded of course.


The Holy Kingdom of Eadn


Again, despite all efforts and the increased amount of resources poured into it, the target amount is not reached and only a part of the planned goal is reached. 14,500 new people are being created that year.


Even though the progress of research is slowed, it is not without result. The first design is approved and fusion drives are well installed without altering the workings of the fighter too much. Still, the issue of fuel reserves remains. That is a big task that has to be dealt with.


The Saga Initiative


Developing a smaller version of the already in use targeting software is doable, although they require a lot of resources (calculating capacity and so forth) to function properly. The concept is being put into its early stages, and developement has only just begun. Field tests can not be expected any time soon.


The notion of a heavy and bulky railgun or Gaussrifle deters many officers. They are well in the opinion that railguns should be placed upon tanks, ships and other bigger vehicles, because they do not require the mobility infantry does. Besides that, developing small enough and powerful enough magnetic accelerators will take a good amount of time and effort. At the current standpoint there is little sense to attempt such a thing.


It is a jump drive, not a warp drive. But as it was mentioned, the scientists proceed to study the old warp field research from Earth, the mechanics to it, to figure out a proper way how to estabish a warp field and allow for faster than light travel.




Population growth


Republic of Xie - 129,500

Imperial Republic of Mankind - 124,500

Terran Federation - 126,000 Humans, 750 Grgl, 500 Tassareans, 10 Human-Tassareans

New Sephoria - 140,500

Silver Knight Company - 126,000

United States of Arcturus - 133,000

Aurora - 137,500

Hephaestus Holdings - 124,500 Humans, 2,500 Grgl, 1500 Tassareans, 500 Human-Tassareans

Saga Initiative - 127,500

The Holy Kingdom of Eadn - 88,000

People's Council of Utopie - 121,500






The battleship that visited the People's Council of Utopie turns out to belong to the Protorian Council. Communication was surprisingly quickly established as these gold skinned humanoids introduce themselves in very old French. According to them, they have known mankind for quite a while already and have observed the events that have been going on. Whilst they express relief that the race of the humans has not vanished, they regret not being able to do anything at that point. Regardless of it all, they leave Utopie with the technology of Quantum Communication to allow them to contact them anytime required. The battleship leaves along with the smaller vessels, to explore other systems it appears.


A fleet of ships lead by a battleship is approaching the Republic of Xie's colony. (Encounter)


A ship shows up in the solar system of the Silver Knight Company. It is on direct course to the colony. It appears to be a light cruiser in size and armament. It's design does not match the design of the other ships that are still present. (Encounter)


Rumors about an encounter with a foreign nation further north in the galaxy reach Hephaestus, Aurora and the Terran Federation. The Tassaran Repubic has made contact. The rumors themselves state that the encounter was hostile and the Republic had to report two lost vessels.




Year 2115 by Earth's calendar.

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New Sephoria




Date: Autumn, 2115

Location: Renovated Factory

Documented Event: Beginning Production of Mk.1 Labor Robots


Director Rosita stood just inside the warehouse, watching works installing the last of the machinery needed to manufacture the Mk.1 Labor Robots. With the start of production, the people of New Sephoria would be able pass off more menial labor to the robots, while pursuing more complicated tasks themselves.


Earth's culture, though mostly gone, had not gone without leaving some marks on New Sephoria's people. The robots would need to be closely monitored, and they would be never rise above the tasks they were assigned. Though robots can guarantee perfection, humans could force advancement.


Robots may well be the future of advancement, but humans would be the driving force.




(2 AP) Production of Mk.1 Labor Robots (However many can be produced, without causing problems)


(1 AP) 20 "Warden" Defense Bots are to be constructed along the Mk.1 Labor Robots.


(1 AP) Mining Operations are to begin, to collect resources from Angelos-4




Human Population: 140,500


Advanced Alien Robots: 2


Inferior Labor Robots: 1 (Prototype)


Military Robots (Warden): 1 (Prototype)




Alien Language (Demotic, Ancient Greek, & Latin similarities)

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The Holy Kingdom of Eadn
مملكة عدن

Population: 88,000

Eadni Year 08 - The Planet Eadn

The stubbornness of the High Court of Eadn would not allow them to relent on the completion of the remaining 8,000 pops needed to fill the new city of Aljadid Dubai. Again, many resources are poured into the completion of this project, however not as much as the last two years as this is the lowest amount of pops they needed to produce in a given year. 

[2 AP] The final stage of population production - 8,000 pops.

With the installation of a fusion drive prototype installed and more resources allocated to the space fighter. The goal of such resources is to figure out the fuel source issues and find a way to make such a fighter efficient. Weapons platforms for the spacecraft are also studied, though most resources are intended for the fuel issue.

[2 AP] - Development of fuel and weapons platforms for the space superiority fighter; though mostly fuel. 
[6 AP Accumulation for fighter]

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United States Of Arcturus


Arcturus system





The hot sun beat down on workers from above, as they continued to unload crates from the back of shuttles, they envied the truck drivers in their airconditioned cabs as they ferried the shipping containers the two kilometres from the landing pads to the town. The skyline of Prosper was quite limited, established at the end of the last year it had grown quite considerably, seclusion and silence. Those were the things the scientists and engineers of the Arcturan Institute of science and technology wanted, they hated the hustle of the capital on Artemis. As a favor from the president they were granted the ability to move to the old science outpost on Hermes, a hot but liveable planet. They had much research to do and this was the place to do it, far from prying eyes and far from distraction. Accessible by shuttle flights once every two weeks it's exactly what the scientists and engineers wanted




Dr Cholca a man of Korean descent who had migrated to LA from Seoul in his teens had just finished stowing his bags in his room, an expert physicist pushing seventy he hadn't even bothered to apply to the USNA lottery due to his old age, this added very much to his surprise when two high ranking pentagon officials showed up on his doorstep in east Los Angeles. A week later he, along with his three feline companions were safely aboard the USS Independence, one of four arks in orbit above Earth, despite his age he was a leading scientist in his field and to leave him behind would not favor the united states in the expected cold war that was going to take place in Alpha Centauri. Everything had changed however, with the loss of all other ships and the United States being the only survivors of humanity he had quite the bar to set for the next generation. He walked along the corridor into a large lecture hall where other scientists had gathered, the director of the institute took to the stage adjusting the several pens in his pocket as he gazed out over the ensemble of scientists. “Good morning! I am Director Kenwall as you all know, I know you all have very important things to attend to, but I feel like I must remind you, we have been given the task of developing a gravitomagnetic field generator, If we want to continue to explore and research these new worlds we've been finding we need a source of stable gravity in the void. You will find all the info you need from your department heads and your PDAs, I suck at speeches so…. Dismissed? I guess?” The scientists and engineers in front of him quickly vacated the lecture and began to set to work.




4AP into research on the gravitomagnetic field generator









-200 US Navy sailors

Shipyard level 2

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Aurorian Imperium


The council would meet like they usually do; every week with reports whether they be big or small. The room would steadily be filled with guards armed with normal ballistic rifles and a few with the new Zeus Railgun, there would be a machine setup to record the meeting while Chief Engineer Cynthia, Head scientists Fernando, Foreman George and Leader August file into the small room. “So people, we just recently got wind of a rumor that our alien friend has made contact with another nation or race north of our solar system..Least to say the encounter was not friendly and supposedly they lost two ships in the engagement” August says clearly while checking her electronic clipboard frowning “If our alien ‘friends’, people who have much superior technology than us lost to another nation I believe that is warrant for worry even if it is simply a rumor..”, All three of the council members would nod with frowns on their faces. Cynthia would stand nodding a bit “I believe now that the space station has been finished we should start trying to construct our own fleet if only a small one” She says thinking “If not that we could continue observing the planet or delving deeper into it to see what we can find” she says to which George would nod “I agree on that part at least, you never know what this large planet might have hidden..” He says. After a few more comments on the planet Fernando would have his turn and would stand looking about “I think we should resume some old research options from Earth, things like Robotics and improving upon our current Zeus model” He says clearing his throat “My people are excited to get to work” he nods. Soon August would listen to the three reading off the charts displaying progress and the needs and wants of the citizens, they would all leave the council room in a hurry with each of their respective tasks to go do.


The council members would all head off to their districts, which have grown larger over the past years and a sizable market place having slowly grown in the center of the city. Fernando and his chief scientists would begin to delve further into old schematics and theories about robotics, improving upon these to try and create a sort of humanoid robot and gives them some basic tasks while another section would resume the tests on Zeus Mark I(Railgun rifle); attempting to reduce production cost and find a way to solve the fragility of it along with the energy cost. Meanwhile George and his workers would continue drilling further into the earth, a steady increase of guards being posted after some concerns about large beasts in the underground being brought up. Most of the minerals gathered would begin to be funneled into the construction of Aurora’s first Corvette, which would be built in the ship assembly hall with the help of engineers and workers.



~Ap points~

  • 1 AP put into resuming the tests on the railgun weapons, they would attempt to try and reduce production cost along with trying to improve most of the factors from the previous models.

  • 1 AP is used beginning test trials on robotics, attempts to create humanoid-ish robots would begin and they would be given simple tasks in a control environment.

  • 1 AP is used delving further into mining operations, drilling and mining further into the earth; mostly tunneling and adding supports. Concerns are brought up among worker staff and a few guards about the possibility of disturbing some kind of creature that lives underground. So some guards would be posted, some armed with the Zeus model rifles but most with basic ballistic weapons.

  • 1 AP would be used beginning the creation of a corvette, supplies being brought to the Ship assembly hall to help.



Mining Operation: Commencing more mining operations, going deeper 

Ship assembly hall: Small-Medium sized construction options

  • Population: 137,500 Total Population

Normal Pop: 15,500

Scientist pop: 35,457

Worker pop: 35,457

Engineer pop: 35,457

  • Military: 20,624 soldiers

  • Some armed with Zeus mark I railgun

  • RkYzWJrhGXLIYOx4IAa5XmamO8zoLo-rbJ90hU5pwMoheT1HA4noxXaKHDis5r6kBvM50YCBQkI1JkNA4lZYRF5Ey0NK6D05sqy5Tnm_gv8m3N7KzuO8NFcnZ8_4Zf87U2EVHvzp

  • Standard issued equipment: Normal Automatic Ballistic Rifle, Pistol and full body armor and helmet.
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People's Council of Utopie


Everyone was losing their grip on reality. Alien contact with a massive space battleship had just been reported. Across the towers people were stopping. On monitors it showed the foreign fleet. Alongside that they were told of the communication technology. It is transported to the colony ship in orbit. A dedicated team is sent to communicate with the council. They begin to talk to the Protorians. Their goal is the exchange of information. The provide topics such as human history, culture, and other languages. They ask in return to be notified if the Protorians encounter any other humans. It is hoped to be the start of a mutually beneficial bond. (Mod Please)


In other news the elite corps of troops is fully graduated. Their officers proudly march the men through the streets on floor level. Across the towers people are celebrating. Though shocked with the foreign contact, things seemed to be better. Finally enough seeds have been stored from farming. The domes would be returned to luxury crops and high value ones. The rest would be distributed to farmers. The valley around Utopie had been parceled out to these men and women. They would begin to grow large operations to feed the people.


The troops were now rated to be as ready as possible. An official uniform is made for the hard working troops. In a throwback to the old uniforms, troops are given a grey tench coat buttoned up the side. This would go over their lightweight carapace armor. A jump pack able to engage in mobile maneuvers and rapid climbs comes next. Equipment is mostly mag locked to the jump packs, or in a series of bandoliers and netting on the uniform. Officers wear a two piece, A grey coat, with matching trousers. Lined with gold and buttoned up the side like the regulars. Their armament varies, most teams carrying standard issues. This would be mainly automatic shot guns and smgs. They are meant to be in boarding actions, or rapidly deploying into an enemy formation. Specialized teams would offer an increased variety of tactics. Such as sniper kill teams, machine gun crews, anti-vehicle, and so forth.


The scientist who made the new discovery is given a hard option. He is offered to take an all volunteer staff into his works. They are told to pursue the route in which he took, to take more time to study it. The Council still couldn't get a grasp on the crystal. But they had begun to accumulate hard earned information on how it works and why.


After meeting such a powerful alien race, the Inner circle had to convene. It was apparent they could not keep running the show. Things were too random, too wild, for them to keep up this charade. Of course a slippery slope could be followed, and their council could prosper. But their very people's lives deepened on that. And the circle was not convicted enough in themselves to take that risk. An so intense meetings are held as the council decides their people's future.


A lot of thought is put into the use of droids. It would be advantageous to have humanoid looking droids, capable of domestic task. It would free up humans from more menial task, if a droid could be utilized to do it. Research would start into a feasible way to get this operation started. Resources from the newly expanded mines would be used for it. A military build is thought about but not invested in yet. It would take up too much resources, and they have the Shock corps.


The Inner Circle sends a secret communiqué to the Protorian Council. They suggest that the colony would offer to become a vassal, if they could offer good enough terms. (Mod please)



Beginning to use previously stored up seeds/held back food to expand agriculture output on a large scale. (2 ap)


Continue of research into crystal (1 ap)


Beginning of research into potential droids for domestic use (1 ap)


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Imperial Republic of Mankind


Location: Novam Domum, front of the imperial palace, backstage behind the podium.

Alexander Varellion played with his clothes and paced around the room.

You might wonder why he was nervous and backstage behind the podium but that is because it was almost time for the second election of the emperor of the Imperial Republic of Mankind.

This was a tense moment for the emperor  since he was now waiting until he was announced to come on the podium to give a speech to his supporters.

Meanwhile he paced around the backstage with plenty of people rushing to make sure the presentation was going to be good and that the campaign would be successful so that their emperor would stay emperor.


Alexander's mind mirrored the controlled chaos going on with him thinking if he was even a good enough emperor and if he could even win the election against his opponent.

His opponent he thought with disdain as he thought about him,Bennard Vitelli, was a militaristic politician who was rather militaristic and supported a large military and as such he led the militarist fraction in the senate.

Alexander who was again running for emperor was in opposition against Bennard generally seen as leftist and was generally seen as a centralist who wanted to appease all groups of society though he supported a large government who successfully led it's people.

Still the election was not really hostile since both opponents had great respect for each other since Bennard was ambitious but he also admired how Alexander had led the refugees of earth and rebuild their society whilst Alexander respected Bennard since he was an important former general who had a temporary resignation and became a political to better help the military get represented in the senate.

So the election whilst tense was generally friendly and there was no open hostility between the two main contenders.

There were a number of other people who ran for emperor but these two were the main candidates.


Then Alexander saw a screen counting down until he could go up the podium quickly he calmed himself and got ready as the screen counted down.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, Alexander walked towards the curtains that separated the stage from backstage and he composed himself and got ready to walk up the podium and mentally repeated the plan they had set up.

4, 3, 2, 1, Then Alexander walked up the brightly lighted podium with a small smile on his face and waving towards the crowd who were cheering as he was announced and walked op the podium.

As Alexander stood on the elevated location on the podium with his speaking stand and as he turned towards the crowd they slowly went silent as they waited for their emperor to speak.

" My friends, my supporters, my people in the last years we have made much progress since coming here to our new home."

"When we first came here it was a barren land empty of anything and with only minerals begging to be colonized and now look around us, we have rebuilt and we are continuously growing stronger."

"We have built mines going deep into the crust with our steadfast men mining and then we have our determined factory workers who keep making new products and who are rebuilding our society."

"We have even built our first space ship our proud corvette that is almost ready to explore space, the final frontier."

"Yet we are by a long shot not finished and we need to keep progress and keep becoming even better than we were before and continuously making ourselves the proud example of how stubborn humanity is and that we will survive no matter the circumstances."

"I know that if we work together that anything is possible and I believe that if you will elect me again as your emperor I will be honored and duty bound to make our people even better than before."

He would then let the crowd cheer for a moment till he continued his speech.

"Yet now we live in cramped houses and though the new generation is quickly being born they are still few in number and we might be the last humans in existence and as such I promise that if you will once again elect me as emperor then I will improve the quality of life for everyone on the surface of Novam Domum and that I will make sure more humans will be born so we can colonize the stars and beyond and that we will make our race great again."

"So my people are you with me ?!!."Alexander would say with a loud voice saying the last part whilst during the whole speech he would have a inspiring tone from his voice as he spoke to his people.

Alexander would continue his speech for almost an hour until ending the rally and then went of the stage leaving with a thunderous applause behind him.


Alexander would then go to the palace and do his evening work since even if there was the election going on he still needed to do his work.

Then his assistant Lily came in with a cup of coffee and a warm smile on her face.

"Well Alexander that was a nice speech you had today, got a good amount of support." she would say as she handed a cup of coffee to Alexander who would patiently sip his coffee until reacting "Maybe but I don't know if I am ready for this I am just a man and in my heart I am just a scientist who only does this since he does not know if there is someone else better for the job."

Lily would then put her hand on Alexander's shoulder as a sign of support, Alexander would feel a flutter in his chest as Lily's hand went on his shoulder but he would shrug the feeling off.

"Alexander I know that you are the best man for the job and the people know that too with you constructing this whole colony and doing things almost thought impossible with you slowly terraforming the planet."

She would then look him straight in the eyes with a glint of determination in her own" I and the people know that you are the best man we could have for this and never doubt yourself understood ?"

"Yes ma'am ."he would say with a warm smile which turned into full blown laughter as Lily punched him in the shoulder.

For the rest of the hour they would laugh make jokes and just enjoy lives like normal people would which was rather rare for them with Alexander having such a busy life as emperor of the Imperial Republic.



The elections happen (the mod can decide to make a choice or not if Alexander becomes the emperor but if he doesn't intervene I will assume Alexander wins the election.)

1 ap is spent testing the warp drive in a remote location and if it is successful retrofitting the corvette with one of the drives in case it is successful

1 ap is spent adapting already existing earth weaponry for space warfare 

2 ap is spent looking into weaponizing the mining leaser into possible laser cannons for space warfare 


Population: 124,500


Imperial guard

5000 soldiers are in the army 

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The Saga Initiative


“Colin this is such a waste of resources? Why would you suggest railguns as infantry rifles? It is expensive and it isn't even practical it’d be better served on our space fleet and tanks.” Admiral Springer would shout across the war room. “You did not even consult us on this on. The targeting computer is a genius idea though. It’ll greatly improve our troops survivability in combat and increase our hit rate in naval combat.” The Admiral would pull back. “I say we place our resources into expanding our space fleet and into these targeting computers.” He’d nod and sit back into his seat


Colin would nod, and then stand up as he places his hands on the edge of the round wooden desk to push himself up, “I see your concerns admiral, I believed it best as we could use these rail-rifles as anti-tank weapons. But as I see the concern I believe it best we move on. We are going to reallocate resources into defense platforms after we finish both of our jump drive research and ATS projects.” Colin would cough for a few seconds before catching his breath and press a button to get to the next slide. “After this. We are going to be initiating a program to grow our space fleet by six ships. 4 frigates and 2 cruisers which we already have production capabilities for both. This will be resource intensive, but right we are operating at a surplus and can afford to do so. We will also look into expanding our mining operation onto Noctum-1. This will help preserve our world’s resources but allow us to expand the amount we gain. If anyone else sees a problem with this you are free to speak your mind.” Colin would sit down, glaring from one person to the next.


“Colin enough with the aggression. I get you’re out to prove to people you belong here but enough.” A smaller women would speak out of the crowd, she stood about 5’6 but she was built. It was obvious what she had done for a living. She would stand up again, peering out to everyone in the room, “We cannot be fighting among each other if we want to grow. We need a centralized plan, which you finally presented Colin from your precious perch that Ben granted you. Finally this is something us that are more military minded can get behind. My reactionary force would love to test out the ATS in our fight simulations. If the beloved council and governor will allow it.” She’d roll her eyes after finishing the last sentence, and chuckle a little bit. “Now what do you say Colin? You going to let Ben control you? Or are you just going to give us an answer?” She’d glare at him as she leaned back in her chair.


“Ellie and you tell me not to be aggressive? You’re hatred for Ben is just unwarranted he’s done nothing wrong for the initiative. But i’ll allow your force to test out the ATS first. If you betray this trust. You know what will happen.” Colin would glare back at her, a scowl was on his face as Ellie just chuckled and nodded as she swiveled her chair around leaving with her personal guard force.


Military forces on Viyter were made of three groups, Mercenaries which included Ellie’s forces and other smaller groups the Initiative leaders back on Earth thought would be necessary. The IPG which was run by Zach who was appointed by Ben and the Council, which was the elite of the elite of the elite, they were given the top of the line gear and training. Finally was the standardized military, run by Colin. This was the biggest group of the three but had the least amount of experience with the troops on the ground. However, Colin had a group of trusted commanders and officers to lead the inexperienced when it came to it. Unfortunately he knew he’d be relying on Ellie and the other mercs more than he wanted too. Thus why he had to keep some of them happy. Granting them new tech was something that could be seen as risky but rewarding in the end.




Continue the research on the Jump Drive (2 AP)

(3AP Previously spent)


Advanced Targeting System continues development within the labs, and early model field testing begins with Free Initiative Reactionary Group. (2 AP)



Population: 127,500

IPG: 500

National Initiative Military: 10,000

Free Initiative Reactionary Group: 3,000

Hawk Protection Agency: 1,500

Blackwater Contractors: 2,000


Mines w/ Itoron Mineral

Oil Fields

         Solar Farm           

Space Scout/Fighter Factory

Medium Ship Factory (Corvette/Frigate)

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Silver Knight Company 






Chief Executive Edward Armathwaite

Security Chief Lyle Morgan

Chief Engineer Shinzo Sato

Chief Scientist Miranda Keynes


Colony Stats 


Population - 126,000

Silver Knight Company Security Forces - 25,000

High Skilled Workforce (Science and Engineer Corps, Executives and Administrators) - 25,000

Low Skilled Labour (Farmers, Builders, Factory Workers etc) - 50,000


General Activity 


Construction of the Mech Suit Fabricator Facilities begin on the planet in the most suitable area picked out. With the foundations and part of the exterior of the facility expected to be completed within the years end. The workers work tirelessly ironically constructing the building with the Civilian Mech Suits which would be mass produced along with the Military Model within the facility itself. Hopes are high that these sorts of projects will continue in future, giving people plenty of jobs for the future and present.


With the contact of the Protorian Aliens an agreement is struct between the Colony and the Aliens for a Quantum Communication Array to be constructed on the Colony, as per the agreement the Colonies selected Engineering and Science staff are allowed to be taught in its construction and functionality to produce new ones if the need arises in the future. The relationship begun with the Company and the Aliens began cordially, with the appearance of trust on both sides.


The Defense Project of the Colony begins in earnest, with an appropriate Asteroid on the Planets Belt found for the most optimal construction of an Orbital Base. The beginnings of such a base would be sent up via rockets to begin assembly along with a crew. 


Activity Points


More Focus on Constructing Manufacturing Facilities for the Mechs (2AP)


More Focus on Constructing the Orbital Asteroid Base (2AP)

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The Terran Federation

9.18.2115, Sol’s Rebirth System, Planet Terra


“Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night.


Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright

Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night.


Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” - Dylan Thomas


Human scientists and engineers work on adapting the Warp Drives to current technology, a brand new Freighter Design has been put forth, the goal is to provide a proper advanced Exploration Vessel with minimal crew requirement with long range capabilities so it needn't require constant refueling or replenishment.

Nebula Class Exploration Freighter



Further research into the Crystals continues in hopes to gain an advantage. As any victory gained on the frozen rock known as Terra helps the Federation forward even if it only step by step.


Colony of Terra

Capital City, Sol


Freighter Class Shipyard - Emmerson Science & Research Facility

Notable Locations: Sol Colony, Crystal Chasm

Population: 126,000 Humans, 750 Grgl, 500 Tassareans, 10 Human-Tassarean Hybrids



2 Caterpillar Class Freighters




The shipyards work to design and construct a singular Freighter Class Exploration Vessel to carry the Federations very first warp drive capable ship for testing. (2 AP)

The Federation Science Division continues its research into the Crystals (2 AP,  1 AP previous)

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Hephaestus Holdings Incorporated

Lowest Prices are just the Beginning!




With the baby boom came a deluge of baby products that had been in storage for years. Though a little dusty, they were cheap enough to entice plenty of purchases from resident shareholders--much to the glee of toy fabricators. Now that the campaign was beginning to ebb, attention could return to the 'Five Year Plan' as the board-members had promised. Under the watchful eye of Phillip Narau, a brand new manufacturing district was drawn up, and resources allocated towards it (out of view of potential customers, of course). What exactly would be built in these factories was for now a mystery. Clearly they were designed for heavy industry of some kind.


The considerable resources from the mines and factories are allocated to building the heavy-industry district. (-3AP)

Utilising the quantum-communication-thingymajig, Hephaestus representatives contact the relevant Tassaran and Grgl authorities to gauge a price on a jump-drive, hyper-drive, or any such 'faster-than-light' engine that might be available. They don't seek to buy just yet, but rather shop around and assess available products. (-1AP)



Population: 124,500 Humans, 2,500 Grgl, 1500 Tassareans, 500 Human-Tassareans


Military: 8,450 security forces, after voluntary sign-ups.


Fleets: One drive-less colony ship, sitting idle.



Accumulation List


Mining: 8AP

Manufacturing: 8AP

Advertising and Market Research: 10AP


One disassembled jump-drive sitting in some engineer's basement.

Fully-functional laser weaponry


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      How do we get there? How did you get here, by the way?' [Will asked].
      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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