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The Order of Saint Humbert


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11th of the Snow’s Maiden, Anno Domini 1611



His Holiness CLEMENT II, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Fernandus, Visigia and Erochland, Prince-Bishop of St. Thomas, Mont St. Humbert, Johannesburg, Esheveurd, Luciensport, Huss, and Dibley, Abbot of Laureh’lin, and Hariam, Bishop of Godfreo, Mardon, and Carace, Minister General of the Humbertines, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Hegumen to the Brothers of the Canon, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin and Svatum, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God places his blessing upon…






The Order of Saint Humbert is a brotherhood of ordained priests dedicated to bringing God’s word and Canon to the entirety of the realm. Named for the Titan of the Faith, Saint Humbert de Bar, the order is dedicated to ensuring the welfare of all faithful and of each diocese. Not held to specific diocese, they answer to the Minister General of the order. At their foundation, the Minister General was His Holiness, Clement II.



With God’s Help, originally developed  by Saint Humbert ‘the Titan’

Translated and edited by Clement II



Creator, Help Us

With Thy Help, We shall Vanquish the Scripts of Heresy

With Thy Help, We shall ensure Your Will

God, Guide Us

With Thy Guidance, We shall bring alms to the Poor

With Thy Guidance, We shall bring advice to the Elite

Lord, Save Us

Through Thy Salvation, We will not Suffer

Through Thy Salvation, We will not Enjoy thy Light

O Master, Give us Strength

Through Thy Strength, We shall Persevere

Through Thy Strength, We will not Break

Father, Love Us

In Thy Love, We will Rejoice

In Thy Love, We will be shown Mercy

We Shall be Thy Tongue

And Through Us, Show your Will



The Ranks of the Humbertines



Minister General - The Minister General is the foremost leader of the order. He has shown skill in administration, as well as in service to God. The Minister is charged primarily with recruitment, organizing missions, and ensuring the goals of the Humbertines are met.

Current Minister General: His Holiness, Clement II


Prior - The Prior is seen as the right hand to the Minister General. Dealing more with the day-to-day affairs

of the Humbertines, he ensures that they are actively performing duties. In addition, the Prior takes the menial

task of providing food, shelter, and other necessities to the group.


Friar - The major demographic of the group, the Friars are charged with preaching the word, visiting diocese, giving charity, and other tasks assigned by the Minister General. The Friars have been ordained as      priests of the Canon and have undergone the proper steps to acquire their moniker.


Oblate - An oblate, similar to a deacon, is a man of the Order who has not yet taken the cloth. He shall undergo his training, though that of an Oblate differs from that of an Acolyte in that he still submits a thesis and undergoes Scriptural training, yet also must partake in a mission assigned to him by the Minister General.


Donning the Cloth



MC Name:

Skype Name:


Diocese of Baptism:

Experience in the Canon if Any:

Outside Experiences if Any:



A Humbertine friar, posing for the artist Mikhail Husse, 1610

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"Blessed Be." A young Cannonist cries out from a tower in the Northlands.

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Skype Name: firestar2555


Name: Boniface
Diocese of Baptism: Metz

Experience in the Canon if Any: Private study

Outside Experiences if Any: X

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21 hours ago, Hunwald said:



Skype Name: firestar2555


Name: Boniface
Diocese of Baptism: Metz

Experience in the Canon if Any: Private study

Outside Experiences if Any: X


Accepted. Report to the Abbé Onfroi in Ponce.

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