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[✗] The Kuo-Toa [Fish People]


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Last thing the server needs is more ways to spread the players out from each other. I already have walked through just about every human settlement twice today and never came across more then two people in a town. (Every settlement with an easily accessible ft that is.)

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This is cool, i realy like the idea of them having waterbreathing and nightvision so that they can have underwater cities, temples an underwater cappital. I would like this to get accepted but seeing as Axoltyn became et only and we already have fish people i dont think it will. Good lore though +1

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The sub-races reminded me of the orcs and their subraces with the average, smaller and smarter, and then the larger and usually not as smart. It also seems in my opinion that there are more buffs than debuffs, so however you want to interpret that. Also with the other fish-like race that is et only, I highly doubt this will get accepted, but good luck either way and I do like the concept of a playable underwater race, though that could take rp away and right now people are already angered about how much rp is spread out. Good luck.

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I mean this is slightly weird yet super creative so i +1 it. Other servers i used to play on had mermaids and each mermaid was given water breathing speed so i can easily see all those things happen for this race if it were implemented 

Edited by The Cheshire Neko
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6 hours ago, Thaealab said:

The sub-races reminded me of the orcs and their subraces with the average, smaller and smarter, and then the larger and usually not as smart. It also seems in my opinion that there are more buffs than debuffs, so however you want to interpret that. Also with the other fish-like race that is et only, I highly doubt this will get accepted, but good luck either way and I do like the concept of a playable underwater race, though that could take rp away and right now people are already angered about how much rp is spread out. Good luck.


The Sub-Races aren't really that easily comparable to Orcs, Goblins aren't required to be nerdy and small they can actually be human sized. Ologs are dumbbed down, but the Karkradon are big idiots, they are actually quite intellegent depending on who is rping them in what way. If anything I believe it to be more like the Elves if anything. And the Debuffs are hard to pin down. Quite a few races lack debuffs such as Dark elves, Orcs depending on how you see their hunger issues, and Kha. Debuffs are only required when something is to broken and they only have so many buffs to help them live underwater mainly.

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Amazing idea! :)


I'd love to see this accepted.

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Race buffs are stupid op js I see nothing on culture either. I also wish to know how they breath fine under water and on land with no issue nor slowness from switching. Address this please


Also do not say kha don't have a debuff please. We bloody talk weird, suppose to be religious zealots, literally get attacked for having fur, and are suppose to be super prideful. Dark elves also suffer from lack of a player base as seen of them losing their capital in vailor.

Lastly orcs suffer bloodless as a blessing and a curse. Ologs are dumb sorry mate that's just how that is and while yes gobo can get human sized seeing that and uruk is around 7 to 8 foot on average for the player base 5'6 is not large. If you can't make a mechanical debuff that's fine if they have rp debuffs. You are just asking for a slightly weaker with no slowness construct in the giant Fishman sub race.

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SHT, I was late! Me and my group had the same idea. We'd been working on it for a month or two! I even commissioned an artist to help draw it.. We were busy polishing up our lore through Grammarly. Just ask my orc-friends, they'll know that we've been working on it for a while!

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8 hours ago, Gizzol said:

Race buffs are stupid op js I see nothing on culture either. I also wish to know how they breath fine under water and on land with no issue nor slowness from switching. Address this please


Also do not say kha don't have a debuff please. We bloody talk weird, suppose to be religious zealots, literally get attacked for having fur, and are suppose to be super prideful. Dark elves also suffer from lack of a player base as seen of them losing their capital in vailor.

Lastly orcs suffer bloodless as a blessing and a curse. Ologs are dumb sorry mate that's just how that is and while yes gobo can get human sized seeing that and uruk is around 7 to 8 foot on average for the player base 5'6 is not large. If you can't make a mechanical debuff that's fine if they have rp debuffs. You are just asking for a slightly weaker with no slowness construct in the giant Fishman sub race.


All of this sounds like poking and prodding at the lore and buffs which are as I said up for review and refining. As for these points you make, This is mainly to get the race involved and let the cultures take their own Free form, Like Humans. Who Don't really have a set way to rp and can be played in many different ways. The Main Hub would be an Underwater city and there would obviously be some more development for this race. As for all the other race buffs and comparisons that you made. Saying Dark elves have a Player base issue has nothing to do with the fact that they have no debuff, sorry but it's truth. Khas talking weird is not a debuff unless that means my black friend that has an accent and speaks like he was raised in a 3rd world country has a debuff. Getting attacked because you have fur isn't a debuff either neither is having to be prideful. These would not be Considered Rp Debuffs. The Intelligence of a KarKradon is below average but they aren't as dumb as an olog, In Lore there aren't many races that are big and have intelligence hence why I am looking to widen the Rp with making them eligible to think freely and be independent with no master. Also They would have slowness, Almost as much as a Cave Dwarf or Less.

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On 6/17/2017 at 6:58 PM, HavocHunter33 said:



The Kuo-Toa:


Living in the water’s of the Isles of Axios are the Kuo-Toa. These Humanoid-Amphibians are diverted from the Human Race, having chosen to live in the water rather than near it. They developed multiple new parts of anatomy to help them in their new environment. Many of the Kuo-Toa taking their own form from the sly and fierce Aquaris to the Strong and massive Karkradon, The Kuo-Toa are a diverse sleeping giant that has just been awakened.




Anatomy & Races:


The Kuo-Toa have acquired many additional body parts to help them in their aquatic habitat. All sub-races of Kuo-Toa have Gills, Webbed feet and hands, and various fins. Each Race has their own Unique look and plus sides to their evolution.



The Aquaris:




The Aquaris are the more Humanoid like Kuo-Toa of the three subspecies. The Aquaris have many fins varying between each individual as well as differing cool-shaded colors. An Average Aquaris’ height is around 6 feet tall. While taller than their cousins the Nubians they are still not the largest of the 3 races. Although not the largest the Aquaris are the fastest of the 3 races, in the water and out of it. They make up the majority of the Kuo-Toa population and are quick learners usually allowing them to take up any line of work they are interested in.


The Nubians:


The Nubians are the more docile species of the 3. The Nubians have more majestic fins and seem to stay towards the lighter colors of the spectrum. The Nubians usually as small as  3 feet tall the average Nubian being 4 feet tall. Although what the Nubians lack in Height they make up for in brains. The Nubians are the smartest of the three races when it comes to pure intelligence and magic. They are the designers of the cities of which the Kuo-Toa reside in.



The Karkradon:



The Karkradon are the largest and strongest of all the three. They usually stand around the height of 7 Feet and stick to the darker colors of the spectrum. The Karkradon have less fins than their cousins replacing some of them for spikes and scales, giving them more sustain to attacks. The Karkradon make up a majority of the Kuo-Toan Military, for their obvious natural benefits of stone skin and spiky defenses.





All Subraces should have water breathing, night vision and additional speed in water such as flippers bound to the characters feet slot so that they cannot wear armor on their boots, but will have additional speed in water.


Aquaris- Due to their Quickness they should have a passive swiftness buff and an active such as the dark elves do. Having a similar skill learning as humans being able to exceed the skill cap.


Karkradon- Due to their stone skin and size I believe that the Karkradon should have an extra 6 Hearts on top of their 20 as well as slightly decreased damage intake. While also suffering a Slight slowness debuff, no more than cave dwarves, and should have increased hunger due to their extra hearts. The Karkradon should have increased mining and woodcutting due to their strength.


Nubians- Nubians should have an Rp Magic learning buff with no mechanical buffs, but increased xp intake for things such as masonry, forging, etc.


This Lore would be expanded if implemented





Guys we have a fish race the Axolytyn. 

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On 6/20/2017 at 8:44 PM, Dark_Eye_ said:



Blub Blub

Edited by Beelzebub
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On 6/22/2017 at 10:44 AM, Beelzebub said:

Blub Blub


Blub Blub Blub


(Fish people as a playable race isn't a bad idea)

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