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Neo Druidism, Scribed by Salmon Druid Petyr

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This tome was originally created by Petyr Brandybuck. 



With some modern druidic practices wandering astray, it has been necessary for me to scribe another text - that of Neo-Druidism. Throughout my travels and my meditative studies, I have had revelations unknown to others. It is important to understand that there is a special type of balance that druids themselves remember to study - action and non-action. Let me clarify. Action is motion, the motion of restoring balance, and of being the hand of Nature. Non-action is meditation and silence; invisible motion. You see, this is the only Way to truly understand Nature, the Universe, the "It". For, through non-action you may feel "It", and through action you may be "It". Call this "It" what you want; most druids will call it Nature. What is important is to understand what Nature truly is, and how it relates to you. To reveal this is the goal of this tome. 



Section 1 - The Unity of Nature *** The first fault in thinking is to make distinctions - those between you and Nature, between life and death, between good and evil. Everything is Nature, despite what any given piece believes. A druid does not use nature: a druid is merely a piece who realizes the profound truth. Through non-action, one may truly understand this concept and feel it course through them. However, while meditating in non-action, one also separates themselves from the flow; the Way, the path that Nature chooses for its pieces. To rejoin with Nature, one must practice action. 



*** Section 2 - The Way of Nature *** Nature does what it will, and while we realize this while meditating, sometimes we forget in action. We are merely moving along the river of life, the tides of balance. While we believe that we are restoring the balance, it is balance restoring itself in an everlasting self-conflict. Thus, through action, we are the hands of Nature, of balance, of the Way. One must not think of "using" Nature while playing their part, but of "being" Nature. This is a common mistake as well among young druids and non-druids. They think to restore the world by planting lots of trees... but that is not balance, nor is it even the way to achieve balance. Action alone is not the Way, for one forgets the purpose of action. Only with the mix of action and non-action can one achieve the goal: to have your cake and eat it, too. 


Section 3 - The Druid *** So as we can now see, the Druid is simply the most important hand, the piece Nature uses to govern itself. To truly try to understand is a task that lies within meditation and non-action. However, there is a limit to the mental reach of the pieces, for as no one truly knows all of themselves, Nature does not know all of itself. This is a fairly important observation: that even though Nature is unified, the unification is marked by threadlines of dubiousness and doubt. The Neo-Druid should not fret, however. There are uneven surfaces in every river. No tree has identical leaves. Just so, nothing, no "It", can be the symmetrical perfection one would like to see. Randomness and uniqueness are inherent in Nature, as defining as the unity itself. Paradoxical though it may seem, through balance of action and non-action, it shall be revealed to you, and only then will you understand the phrase.... 


"All is One"

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