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The Witch Hunters of Axios


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~The Witch Hunters of Axios~



The Marked Men of old have been dwindling, dying in the night, or to the hordes of darkness they attempt to push back from the Westerlands. We commend them for their actions, of course, but nonetheless they have failed in their mission, to the point where more of the Marked were sent from other lands. We apologize for your loss, and send hopes that your order shall grow once more. With this influx of monsters and Dark Mage activity we find it a need to step into the fold ourselves. We call ourselves the Witch Hunters, you could relate us to a kind of splinter group from the Marked Men, our training and style closely resembles it as we are trained by one who received Marked training himself. We send these letters in hopes to put your minds to ease, if it is indeed a Marked reading this, and if you are not. This is present to ask for your assistance in attempting to hold back these disgusting abominations. If this is something you would be interested in contact one of us, be warned however; this is not a guild of monster hunting adventures. This is an army, we are soldiers that are to help hold the breach. We are hunters, and killers. We are many things, because we have to be. If you sign up to join, be prepared to lay down your life in the name of doing what is just. Below will be outlined the ranks we hold in this Order, and below that the duties we uphold. Please read thoroughly so you know what you are getting yourself into.


~ Hierarchy of the Organization ~


Grand Master - The primarch of the Witch Hunters who rules with absolute and unquestioned authority over the members of this organization. He is an extremely skilled warrior in a variety of combat forms both with and without blade. This individual's duties are to oversee the general management of the guild and to march alongside his battle-kin against any and all forces of darkness.


Witch Hunter Captain - Second in command to the Grand Master, this individual is a veteran of combat with dark and neutral forces, skilled in combat as well as leadership. They are expected to carry out any orders granted from the Grand Master and to assist in the recruitment and training of new members.


Witch Hunter Metaphysical - This position is held by the most skilled user of magics within the organization, their duties involve the training of magic aspirants and sharing of arcane knowledge on possible dark magi we encounter so that the hunters might better combat it.


Sect Leader - The individuals who hold his rank oversee their specific branch of Witch Hunters, less the entire guild is needed when contracts arrive or rumors pass thy ears a sect will be sent out to investigate and handle whatever comes their way.


Witch Hunter - The general rank for those who serve in the order, this is a person who has proven themselves worthy to combat the damned as a member of this guild, and are treated with respect, for their skill is most certainly known. There is no fast rout up from this position save for being awarded the honorary ranking of Knight, which signifies an exceptional Witch Hunter by recognizing their prowess in battle.


Initiate - This position is held by those who seek entry to the organization, it usually isn’t held for long as one must simply prove themselves worthy of full membership before moving out of this ranking. Additionally a subset of this ranking known as prospect exists, such are individuals who have been extended an invitation to join and have yet to answer.




First and foremost, the duties of a Witch Hunter involve protecting the realm; usually by hunting down monsters that threaten an area. Do not let the title of “Witch Hunter” fool you however, we hunt everything from Witches to Wyverns, even Dark and Rogue mages. Other duties include training new members, serving as guards or advisers to higher officials, and scouting areas that are unknown to expand their maps and knowledge, and lastly to update the Witch Hunter library with any and all new information they find.


~ Principles ~


You serve the Order above all. You come when called, go where needed, and act when told to.


Unlike the Marked, Witch Hunters may take a wife or husband, they may obtain noble titles and be granted lands so long as they come to aid the order when they are called.


Speak your mind, but do not defy the order of the upper echelon. For this to work we must trust one another and follow the chain of command.


The Witch hunters are a family, trust in your brothers and sisters, and let them trust you.


When acting for the Order, wear the Ring of the Order to signify your place and position.


~ Means of Contact ~


If you desire to contact the Witch Hunters to arrange their services in your lands, please pen a letter directly to Arik or Alucard so that we might come and assist you. In your letter be sure to detail exactly what you need done, be it protection in an area littered with the damned, the killing of a rogue Leaf Ape, the investigation of evidence involving a dark one among you and or your people, etcetera etcetera. Payment for services comes once the job is done, and will be negotiated when we meet face to face.


~ Associate Groups ~


The Witch Hunters work with several other organizations and nations to help fulfill their duty. Below is listed the current allies with which the Witch Hunters work and assist in a number of ways:


-The Holy League-




-The Library of Dragur-


~ Membership List ~


- Grand Master -


- Captain -



- Metaphysical -



- Sect Leaders -

Not Applicable


- Witch Hunters -


- Initiates/Prospects -

Nemir Ward


Sighard Cathwulf

Dewlox Valor II

Faremyr Blackwood


~ Membership Application ~



Rp name:

Character Age:

Character Race:

Reason for applying?:

Prior Training:

Have you killed anything/anyone before? If so list who/what, and the reason for doing so:


Please note:

Memey responses, OOC responses and anything of the like are not wanted and will be hidden by the FM, applications only, if you have questions PM assassin’s forum account.

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MCname: Tahmas

Rp name: [redacted]

Character Age: [redacted]

Character Race: [redacted]

Reason for applying?: [redacted]

Prior Training: [redacted]

Have you killed anything/anyone before? If so list who/what, and the reason for doing so: [redacted]

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Rp name: Faremyr Blackwood

Character Age: 30

Character Race: Human

Reason for applying?: The hunting of the un-natural creatures and pagan magics, as imposed by my master Ser Joseph. I currently hold an ability I know no others to hold, contact me if you wish to know more of it.

Prior Training: I have helped the Marked in the past, I've had good training with a sword. And the hunting of multiple creatures.

Have you killed anything/anyone before? If so list who/what, and the reason for doing so: A dozen ghouls, two large abominations of necromantic origins, one giant one slain within Karlsburg in an attack, the other hunted down in Ceru, a small gargoyle that attacked other men and women within Karlsburg. I've aided in the slaying of a forktail in a bounty.

I've also killed men, in the dozen wars the north has gone through.

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1 minute ago, Jentos said:



Accepted. You will be contacted shortly.

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"It's good to see today's youth taking up the cause and helping make a better tomorrow." Heial says as he rocks in the rocking chair on his front porch while sipping prune juice.

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~ Membership Application ~


MCname: _Sug

Rp name: Galen Gromach

Character Age: 19

Character Race: Daelish

Reason for applying?: "To Rid the realm of the unnatural and horrid creatures that pose danger to the citizens of the realm."

Prior Training: Swordsmanship in Haria.

Have you killed anything/anyone before? If so list who/what, and the reason for doing so:

I have killed a few Harpies and Destroyed their nest.

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Just now, Sug said:

MCname: _Sug


Accepted. You will be contacted shortly.

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MCname:  doopnoot

Rp name:  Markus

Character Age:  31

Character Race:  Human

Reason for applying?:  "I have wandered too long, I seek purpose."

Prior Training:  I worked as a companion-type figure in Vailor.  Helped a few friends in combat on my old pony, thats about it.

Have you killed anything/anyone before? If so list who/what, and the reason for doing so:  A couple of people and beasts.  Reason: they were trying to kill me too

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MCname: Silverstatik

Rp name: Aart

Character Age: 17

Character Race: Human

Reason for applying?: To record firsthand such events for the betterment of all.

Prior Training: Able to write legibly whilst in the field in record books, able to cook an edible meal. Some training in self defense with a sword.

Have you killed anything/anyone before? If so list who/what, and the reason for doing so: Was present for the slaying of a ice beast near Veris.

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1 minute ago, Silverstatik said:

MCname: Silverstatik



An Interesting skill set. Accepted for the time being, you will be contacted shortly.

9 minutes ago, Malgonious said:


MCname:  doopnoot

Rp name:  Markus


Accepted for the time being. We'll contact you for more information. ((That MCname has not logged on? ))

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Rp name:


Character Age:


Character Race:


Reason for applying?:

To aid the fight against dark arts and rogue casters.

Prior Training:

A Paladin of Xan, and still is.

Have you killed anything/anyone before? If so list who/what, and the reason for doing so:

I have killed gravens, morghuuls and frost witches. This is my job.

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1 minute ago, P A R K E R said:






We welcome a Paladin into the order, we will contact you about training and such.

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MCname: ShockingBio

Rp name: Eliot Halcourt

Character Age: 24

Character Race: Human

Reason for applying?: Wishing to help keep our lands safe

Prior Training: Trained in self defence mainly being an archer

Have you killed anything/anyone before? If so list who/what, and the reason for doing so: Yes in defence but only humans

Edited by Hoster102
changed my mind
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MCname: prncssGwynevere

Rp name: Nora Winterleaf

Character Age: 100~

Character Race: Elf

Reason for applying?: To provide weapons and arms to men of a noble trade.

Prior Training: No combat training or potential.

Have you killed anything/anyone before? If so list who/what, and the reason for doing so: I've never killed a person, but I hunted with my late husband. If I absolutely must fight, I can do so from a distance.


At the bottom, the woman has noted: "I don't intend to be a fighter. I only want to be a smith."

Edited by Star Platinum
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