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How to set your avatar to a long picture with a transparent background


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First find the picture you want to make your avatar. Don’t worry about size this technique seems to work no matter the width of the picture.



Now, if you haven’t already, save the picture to your computer.



Go to:



Click on the GIF Maker section on the subheadings.



Once on this page click ‘Choose Files’. Select the photo you saved to your computer. Once you have click ‘Upload’.



Once you hit upload you will reach this screen. Copy the photo with the marked button and make sure you have roughly 5 copies as shown below. Once you have done this click ‘Animate it!’. Highlighted below.



After you’ve animated it, you will get your output below as a .Gif. Save this file again to your computer.



Go to:



If you are unaware of how Imgur works; select ‘New post’ highlighted below. Once you do hit ‘Browse’ on the pop up.



Once you hit ‘Browse’ select the .Gif version of the image. If you hadn’t changed the name of the output when you saved it it will be labelled as ezgif.



Once it is finished uploading it will take you to the image page. In order to proceed refresh the page. This is important as Imgur rarely lets you open the image in a new tab directly after opening it unless you refresh the page.



Once you have refreshed, go ahead and open the image in a new tab, this should work successfully, if not refresh again or wait and refresh.



If successful, copy the link in the search bar. This is the link you will need to set your avatar.



Go onto your forum profile and select the button to change your profile.



Select ‘Import from URL’. Then paste the link stated above into the input box. Once pasted, hit ‘Save’.



Once you have hit save you’ll get a loading icon. Do not wait, the forums believe you have to resize the photo but you do not therefore it is stuck in a loading loop. Simply hit ‘X’ and close it, doing this does not ruin it.



Once you have exited the pop up, go ahead and refresh the page as it will need to be in order to check the result.



Quickly go ahead and check a recent post to check if it had set properly, in this case it has.


A lot of people have a lot of different techniques for this process but this one has worked 100% of the time for me with no faults, conditions or problems and I hope it helps others.



File type .gifv not recognised.




Drop the v at the end of .gifv. The file extension should look like .gif



File size too big.



NOTE: I only recently realized the more frame copies you make the higher the filesize is so you only need to have two frames. If it's still too high proceed below:



Go to GIF Optimizer at: https://ezgif.com/optimize



Click 'Choose File'. Select your EZGif gif file. Upload it.




The LoTC forums doesn't allow avatars with the size of roughly 1.1 MB or higher. However by selecting 'Lossy GIF'. You can increase the Compression level until it falls below the limit. Don't put it up too high or you'll make your picture very low quality. Once you increased the compression level hit 'Optimize it!'.



Here it'll tell you how much the file size has reduced. Again don't drop it too much or you'll lose a lot of color and detail.



Once you have done this save the .gif to your computer and go back to the create GIF stage, as uploading an optimized gif straight to Imgur doesn't seem to work.


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i hate you dumb fm ruining my good forums 

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Thanks a bunch! Finally I can have a non-cropped version of this great concept art I found.

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I'll have to try this now that this guide exists

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58 minutes ago, Honor said:

If you get a .gifv then drop the v at the end and it will recognise the file type.


However you typically get a gifv if the file is quite large and in this case it wont upload because it is too large. Here's a work around:


Go to GIF Optimizer at: https://ezgif.com/optimize



Click 'Choose File'. Select your EZGif gif file. Upload it.




The LoTC forums doesn't allow avatars with the size of roughly 1.1 MB or higher. However by selecting 'Lossy GIF'. You can increase the Compression level until it falls below the limit. Don't put it up too high or you'll make your picture very low quality. Once you increased the compression level hit 'Optimize it!'.



Here it'll tell you how much the file size has reduced. Again don't drop it too much or you'll lose a lot of color and detail.



Once you have done this save the .gif to your computer and go back to the create GIF stage, as uploading an optimized gif straight to Imgur doesn't seem to work.


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@Honor It seems uploading an optimized gif straight to imgur doesn't work, I'd suggest taking that optimized gif and making a new one from the copy frames. That seemed to work for me.

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761b3d105618e6933e8decf2ed4b3846.png This number should be higher. 
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How you change your Forum status thing. Mine says Stone Miner or whatever.

Edited by Mullraugh
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2 minutes ago, Mullraugh said:

How you change your Forum status thing. Mine says Stone Miner or whatever.


It's 300 to 500ish content on your account to set a custom one

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1 minute ago, mitto said:

It's 300 to 500ish content on your account to set a custom one



Oh. So I gotta be more active then. What about this 'old fart' thing? It triggers me.

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6 minutes ago, Mullraugh said:


Oh. So I gotta be more active then. What about this 'old fart' thing? It triggers me.


join a staff team, win a tag or VIP

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