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[✗] Infernic Castors; Firearms

GDPR 014

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The only reason some people are against guns is because they want it so be "high fantasy magic" wee woo **** all the time. There are a fuckton of magics that keep progressing but we can't have flintlock pistols or muskets? Hard to balance you say? literally just make a rule saying they're no more powerful than a bow or crossbow. I keep seeing magic being being powergamed but you're all fine with that because its wee woo magics hehe xd. If someone powergames, remind them of the rules and how the tech actually works. 

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"Hey phil i had an awesome idea about making guns alch based"


Then you literally pulled out this like 19 page piece and I was stunned.


This is amazing lore honestly once again.

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With how prevalent the act of terrorism has become it was nice knowing LoTC was a place that wasn't about firearms.  Even medeus were simply aesthetic wands. Just thematically speaking 



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19 minutes ago, GrimReaper98 said:

@The Fire Mind how are you going to go through the original selection of gunsmiths in the first place? Like are characters going to be allocated or are people going to just 'presume' to have such knowledge.

I'll be honest, I didn't expect to get this far. I see both issues of a large amount of Gunsmiths and a small amount of Gunsmiths -- would you be alright if I think about it?

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nice! keep up good work lore team!

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Wait, are the guns avaible now in lotc!?
you will see what i mean in legit 0:30 in the vid


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For the ones who were involved in the discussion, please either move it to PMs or a feedback thread. It's not appropriate for this section of the forums let alone a lore submission. Thank you!



On another note not a bad job, though the idea of guns I don't really like, even if it has to be LT approved.

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3 hours ago, Sir K Andruske said:

With how prevalent the act of terrorism has become it was nice knowing LoTC was a place that wasn't about firearms.  Even medeus were simply aesthetic wands. Just thematically speaking 




Infernic Castors don't kill people. People kill people!

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The only thing I am not liking so far is the rarity aspect, people tossing out firearm lore want it to be this rare thing, gunsmith apps where you have to RP it out, much nicer than having it on the nexus. Nexus is **** we all know that, if you make the guns nexus based rather than have someone rply craft it it will lead to groups of players who grind having firearms and everyone else getting slapped by them. I would very much like it to be an RP based craft, IE the player spends some time roleplaying to produce the item either under watch of an LT/GM or taking screenshots which can then be shown to staff, enabling the nexus grind will just turn these into another thing like carbarum armor.

6 hours ago, Jaeden said:

Good lore, though maybe a bit too complex for the average roleplayer.


This as well.

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What exactly is too complex? I'll see about editing it, if not explain it better.


Edit: The complexity is also good, given it requires the gunsmith or someone knowledgeable to teach the gunslinger how to use the firearm

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Keep the item strictly RP, actually stick with the idea of punishing folks for using the device without a LoreMaster's approval and punish folks that abuse the weapon very harshly. Hell, I'd probably require a very VERY basic app that says you have fully read and understand the lore prior to allowing people to use it alongside a further alch app for people to even contemplate making the items.


On a personal level, even with rolls and everything considered, I just dislike firearms on a medieval server. They have the potential to be a serious detriment to roleplay.

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3 minutes ago, Jaeden said:

The system itself when it comes to rolling, misfires, modifiers, etc. Being definitive is usually quite good, though you also don't want it to be overwhelming.


Sorry that I'm a bit cryptic with it; it's hard to really place my finger on what points give off this harsh complexity, but when I'm reading it through that's the occasional feeling I'm getting.

Understandable, though I was hoping that those 4-5 things you need to keep in mind weren't that hard.  Most of it is just simple numbers, I think at least.


It's totally fine, I get it.

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+1 so long as the dirty socialist millennials don't tell me, a hard working, red blooded man, what capacity magazine I'm allowed to purchase

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Should've written a separate post for the infernum. Also, the recipe variations don't make much sense. Grinding up a bunch of weak reagents won't create a strong one; you'll just have a large volume of low-potency infernum. Also, 100 grams of one version could be vastly more or less powerful than another.

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