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[✗] [Lore Submission] The All Father's Gift


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A Red Priest invokes the All Father’s purifying flame to oust the abomination

The Father’s Gift





All Father’s Magic is intended to serve several purposes beyond the stroking of my ego. Said ego of course demanding independent and snowflake clique magic. The Father’s Gift is intended to:

A. provide additional depth to priest roleplay and offer them a way to confront abominations (read spooks / mages or refer Tenet 3) via rp combat instead of just wanting to default to pvp

B. Fill a niche that I currently feel is lacking amongst magic rp, that niche being dedicated support magic and

C. Make magic more accessible to the human player base (the majority of magics being understandably elf dominated, however almost all forms of magic are completely abhorrent to any mainstream human culture).

This magic is intended to serve Priests / Purifiers who are attempting to fulfill their holy task and pursue abominations. Hence the Gift is designed to both enable allies to perform greater feats and to disable enemies. Furthermore it is to be used almost exclusively in a team or group setting. Using the Gift without support from allies will almost certainly result in your death as its execution is not a process conducive to high mobility. Hopefully this will maximize the exposure of the magic rather than relegating it to obscurity monopolized by a tiny portion of the playerbase that doesn’t leave its respective meme guild fortress.







OOC / Not Known Rply


Malleus, The Gavel Bearer


The court of Justice stood empty. Its mighty gilded pillars laden in shadows, the mighty pulpit from which the Aengul of Justice had dispensed his righteous judgement lay empty. In the center of the soaring amphitheatre knelt a noble figure, brought low with grief. Plumage torn and posture broken the figure remained, agonizingly still. Before him a great hammer lay, emblazoned with ancient runes long lost to the grasp of mortals. Slowly the figure reached out, grasping the hammer before him and rising to his feet. There was justice to be done.



Malleus was once a devoted servant to Zecharael, the bearer of his mighty Justice, with which he passed judgement upon those that passed through his court. It was Malleus that had knelt by his side when Zecharael was cut low by the great betrayer. In his grief he retreated to the halls of justice. Taking solace in their empty expanse, now devoid of a lord upon the court’s great throne. Yet he was a servant of justice, and there were wrongs to set right. Taking up his master’s Gavel he set out. He would have his retribution upon those that had crossed Justice. None were exempt from the laws of the gilded court.


Malleus did not seek out allies amongst the Aenguls, nor amongst the Daemons. They were not worthy, nor could they be trusted with the Grand Purpose he now bore with the passing of Zecharael. Malleus instead turned his gaze to the mortal realm, seeking a people against the world. Not shackled to the chains of a dead god or slaves of the arrogant lords of Heaven. He found what he hunted amongst the ranks of man. A tribe of savage highlanders, caught amongst a foul blizzard which would most certainly spell their doom. They were perfect, their rural nature had rendered them bare of any insidious influences. Fresh clay to be moulded by the Hammer of Justice. Descending from the sky, clad in a cloak of righteous flame he approached the chief of the tribe. He would save them now, and in the days to come. In exchange the tribe would swear fealty to him in life and in death. Forever serving the Grand Purpose. Desperate to save his people from the foul blizzard the chieftain accepted.


Malleus granted each soul of the tribe his holy flame of Justice. Igniting the same passion Malleus bore, the righteous fire of retribution, of vengeance. To the chieftain Malleus bestowed a portion of his essence. Appearing as a roaring flame Malleus gifted him the essence, that the chieftain may spread the fires of retribution to those that would bask in the light of Justice. “From this day, until the end of time. I shall be known as your father, and your lord. You shall take no other”. With that the wrathful Patron withdrew, returning to the gilded court to observe his machinations take form.


Over the years the souls of the fallen collected in the Gilded Halls swelling the ranks of Malleus's budding forces. Those exceptional souls were raised, called to Malleus's side to serve as his personal lieutenants. Constantly preoccupied with the expansion of his righteous army mortals can only commune with Malleus through extremely costly rituals or through communion with his variety of lieutenants. The rituals for invoking Malleus of his lieutenants are codified into a series of traditional chants and movements presented to his followers through various visions and dreams.


RP Lore




The All Father’s Gift is found only amongst the most pious and devout of those dwelling within the All Father’s embrace. The Gift is practiced almost exclusively by the Brotherhood of the Holy Hearth. With the Gift enabling them to mete out the Father’s will and purge those that pervert the natural order of the All Father’s creation. The secrets of the All Father’s gift are closely guarded by the Brotherhood. Once aspirants to the Brotherhood reach the rank of neophyte they are exposed to the workings of the Gift by a Hearth Keeper. However even amongst the ranks of the Brotherhood there are those who do not take up the Father’s gift or choose not to call upon its aid. Preferring to serve the All Father with their great hammers and blades rather than calling upon its mystical powers.


The Brotherhood of the Holy Hearth takes its obligation to fulfill the All Father’s third tenet very seriously. To this end it missions squads of neophytes led by a brother of the Hearth. These missions are designed to assist the All Father in his Grand Purpose. Neophytes are exposed to the horrors of the end times and forced to endure great adversity to display their righteous faith in the All Father’s mission. Seeing as the forces of the Long Dark possess insidious powers harkening from the perversion of nature, missions without the support of the All Father. Thus each mission is comprised of a series of ungifted purifiers, bearing holy weapons and a gifted chanter. Thus the chanter bestows the Father’s blessings and the purifiers defend the chanter and purge the abomination. Missions operate as a cohesive unit with the senior brother guiding the neophytes in the protection of the chanter and the proper tactics to purge the abomination.


From the point of view of the Red Scrolls, the All-Father took fire from his divine being and instilled it inside of us, keeping us warm against the cold night and imbuing us with passion. For the purpose of invoking the Gift, one must be in tune with the principles of the Faith and must master himself and steel his mind. The fire that burns within us all can be called upon for multiple purposes, as all forces of change are linked to this fire, and to invoke this fire, the caster calls out to the Paragons of old, that they may add their strength to his in their time of need.


In tandem with the Bloodying Ritual’s mechanics, the Gift’s potency is proportional to the caster’s ties to each Paragon, and their Patron Paragon’s invocation would produce a higher quality spell than that of a Paragon whose purpose and principles lay opposite to theirs. As all things, the Red Faith’s magic works in paradigm to itself, as everything is connected, but is also different.



SR - The Storm Rider                        BO - Beo the Betrayed              WV - The Weaver
FS - The Flame SInger                       FL - the Fleet                            OX - The Ox
WS - The WordSmith                        TH - Thoromir                          VV - Vykk Volaren
Ed - Edvard the Terrible                    MD - The Maiden                     ER - Eirik the Great
HH - The Hammerhand                     BZ - The Berzerker


The compass of Paragons is divided into four quadrants along the axis of Creation vs Destruction and Chaos vs Order. The quadrant between Chaos and Destruction is the Quadrant of Annihilation.The quadrant that falls between Chaos and Creation is the Quadrant of Turmoil. The quadrant between Creation and Order is considered the Quadrant of Prosperity and the quadrant between Destruction and Order is known as the Quadrant of Retribution.

Patrons that fall directly on the axes of the compass are known as greater patrons. They are considered to be extremely easy to invoke and their virtues are simple and expansive in nature.  Patrons who exist exactly between the axes are considered to be patrons of duality. Existing between two realms, they are considered to be proficient in both realms they are between, but master to none. Those Paragons that exist somewhere between the axes are considered to be lesser patrons. Lesser patrons lean more heavily towards one side of the axes than the other, but still retain some utility of the axes they are between. Paragons who are diagonal to one another are considered Juxtaposed Patrons. They do not agree with one another, as their virtues are opposite or almost opposite. Despite their names, no patron is necessarily better or more revered than the others, though it is often a source of banter between members of the faith.


The All Father is not a merciful God, nor are his servants merciful or kind. In order for a practitioner to call upon the All Father’s gifts they must perform rituals to appease and gain the favour of the patrons they wish to call upon. As covered in the Codex of Paragons a practitioner must seek out and perform the appropriate rituals and offerings in order to gain the favour of a paragon. This favour is then exchanged with the invoked Paragon in exchange for the relevant gift. More strenuous gifts require the expenditure of greater amounts of favour.




Mechanics of the Father’s Gift



Invoking a Paragon for magic is similar to invoking a paragon for prayer. The paragon invoked gives effects specific to their sphere of influence, and the potency of this effect is proportional to their distance from your patron paragon and your rank within the Brotherhood. For example, The First Keeper is attuned to every paragon, and may invoke paragons at will with potency and little to no effort… Whereas a Neophyte may have troubles invoking any paragon other than his patron.


Spheres of influence are governed by the quadrant the Patron is a part of. Casters who call upon their Patron experience the best quality of spell effectiveness and potency. Calling upon other paragons within their patron’s quadrant will give a very effective spell with sufficient potency. Casting a spell from a paragons in quadrants adjacent to their patron’s will give an effective spell with limited potency. To call upon patrons from the quadrant diagonal to your patron’s will give an ineffective spell with diminished potency. Caster who dare try to call upon their patron’s juxtaposition will receive a spell that barely works, with little to no potency.


For greater patrons who do not belong to a quadrant, both quadrants for which they exist will be considered the caster’s “quadrant” and benefit from the greater potency thereof. However, the opposite half of the compass will be considered an opposite “quadrant” and suffer the lessened magical effects. For everyone else, if these greater paragons border the caster’s patron quadrant, they will be considered to be within that quadrant, and the other greater paragons will act as adjacent quadrants. When invoking paragons that are in the opposite quadrant, the favour requirements of a prayer will be doubled to properly represent the difficulty. The effects of the prayer will also be halved.


Beyond the prayer book Neophytes are given after the Bloodying Ritual, The faithful can discover an additional prayer through visions from their patron. This patron-specific spell is considered extremely powerful, unaffected by Brotherhood rank (though still affected by war casting vs channeling), and is only given to those faithful who dedicate themselves to exemplifying their patron’s virtues and have developed a deep relationship to their patron. The patron specific spell does not require the expenditure of any favour however it can only be cast once a year (week).


There are two methods of casting a spell: There is channeling, where the caster is rendered immobile (cannot dodge, walk, fight etc) for the duration of their channeling. This method is preferred for spellcasting among the faithful, as it will always produce the maximum spell effect for the caster’s rank in the Brotherhood and the paragon’s proximity to their patron on the compass. It also gives the benefit of the caster’s spell to be received in an AOE or to a single target. The second method is warcasting, where the caster may move, dodge, fight, etc. but will add an additional loss in spell efficiency along with the caster’s rank in the Brotherhood and patron proximity. This method is also target-specific only, the target either being you or the enemy combatant.


The reasoning behind this is that spellcasting requires the caster to constantly chant the spell they are casting while it is in effect. As such, combat will tire out the caster, making them lose pitch or rhythm of the chant, and therefore losing effectiveness. As the caster attunes to the paragons and rises in rank, however, their warcasting malus will become less and less, since they will eventually lose the need for pitch and rhythm.







  • Greater Patron - 1 spell + patron spell
  • Lesser Patron - 3 spells + patron spell
  • Patron of Duality - 4 spells + patron spell


Invoking  Jeorg the Storm Rider (GREATER PATRON)

  • Call of the Storm Rider - The chanter calls down the wrath of the Storm Rider, empowering their chants with the boom of Thunder. Those in front of the chanter would feel immense dread and fear when confronted with this empowered chant. Single use directional prayer that consumes favour. Range is the same as the chanter’s. This prayer can also be used to make a target’s voice louder.
    • Redlines
      • Only fears beings equal to or weaker than the chanter. Stronger monsters should take a skill test d20 v d20 to determine if the fear was successful.


  • Patron Specific Prayer: The chanter empowers their allies melee weapons with the fury of the storm, enabling them to inflict lightning damage.


Invoking Myro the Wordsmith (LESSER PATRON)

  • A Quill: Enables the chanter to summon a holy quill, allowing them to channel two prayers simultaneously. The holy quill channels a single prayer by writing in golden lettering in the air above the chanter. The chanter must instruct the quill on what prayer to channel, this is done by chanting the full prayer to the quill.
    • Redlines
      • The Quill cannot summon more quills
      • The Quill uses the chanter’s favour to channel prayers
      • A chanter may only have one quill at a time
      • The Quill’s potency is based off of chanter’s potency
      • The Quill cannot be used to stack prayers
  • Silence: The chanter applies a loud buzzing to hostiles within the prayer radius, hurting their ability to focus.
    • Redlines
      • Utterly ineffective against deaf creatures / enemies
      • Buzzing is not heard by allies
  • Verses: The chanter empowers the voices of allied chanters causing them to have strengthened prayer effects
    • Redlines
      • This adds the caster’s potency % to the potency of the other casters within the AOE. This cannot go above 100%
  • Patron-Specific Prayer: Stay awhile and listen: The chanter extends an aura of drowsiness from themselves, hostiles that remain within the aura fall asleep unless they leave the prayer radius.
    • Redlines
      • Constructs / sleepless creatures unaffected


Invoking Eirik the Great (LESSER PATRON)

  • Let them know peace: The chanter fires a bolt of holy light stunning a single target if it makes contact.
    • Redlines
      • Not a guaranteed hit
      • Maximum potency is a 2 emote stun
  • The Larders: The chanter enables their allies to ignore fatigue and hunger
    • Redlines
      • Does not actually fill bellies or give energy, rather allows allies to ignore these negative effects for the duration of the channel.
  • Patron Specific Prayer. All for my folk: The chanter absorbs the wounds of allies within the prayer radius
    • Redlines
      • If you absorb mortal wounds you have suicided and must PK
      • Absorbed wounds appear on the body of the chanter, they remain after the end of the chant as they have been transferred.
      • If the wounds are severe  enough to stop the chanting then wound transfer stops


Invoking Snow the Flame Singer (LESSER PATRON)

  • Scorching Mantra: The chanter empowers all allied weapons with fire damage
    • Redlines
      • Weapons are literally lit on fire, no damage done to weapons or wielders unless they hit themselves.
  • Chant of light: The chanter’s dominant hand emits a blinding white light that illuminates the chanter’s surrounding and calms allies.  
    • Redline
      • Light is only within prayer radius, the calming effect is only to combat fear or frenzy; has no healing properties.
      • The calming effect does not apply to self-induced rage or frenzy (ie Bjorn’s “To the last” spell)
  • Symphonic inferno: The chanter directs a bolt of flame at a single target one flame per prayer rotation.
    • Redlines
      • Not a guaranteed hit, must aim
  • Patron-Specific Prayer: Cutting Words: The caster’s words literally carry weight. As long as this spell is channeled (cannot be warcasted) the target will become demoralized and disheartened, making his mistakes worse and his successes inert.
    • Redlines
      • D20 fear / damage check per prayer rotation


Invoking Edvard the Terrible (GREATER PATRON)

  • Iron from Ice: The chanter bestows bonus frost damage upon the weapons of allies within the prayer radius.
    • Redlines
      • Weapons are literally just given the ability to freeze what they cut
  • Patron-Specific Prayer: Suffer not the Abomination: The chanter calls down a bolt of holy flame from the sky blasting the target
    • Redlines
      • Bolt cannot be redirected once it has been targetted


Invoking Gunthram the Hammerhand (GREATER PATRON)

  • Go Away: The chanter obscures themselves in a fog that limits the vision and sense of direction of those within its area.
    • Redlines
      • Its fuckin mist, how are you gonna abuse this
      • Caster can see through their own mist
  • Patron-Specific Prayer: Iron Fist: The target’s hands are hardened, giving them punches that have the equivalency in damage to that of a warhammer.
    • Redlines
      • Iron boxing gloves, doesn’t do anything if you wield a weapon


Invoking Ælfwynnt the Fleet (LESSER PATRON)

  • Swiftly: The chanter is empowered with fleetness of foot
    • Redlines
      • You run fast as long as you chant, this is a battle cast spell by default channeling does nothing
      • Warcasting malus applies to this spell at all times
  • Ensnared: The chanter applies a temporary root to a single target or a general area of effect. Tendrils of spiritual ash wood reach up from the ground within the prayer radius and attempt to snare non allies.
    • Redlines
      • D20 skill check to unroot themselves per round of combat (10+ required)
  • Deadshot: The chanter empowers the ranged weapons of allies granting them additional impact
    • Redlines
      • Not a guaranteed hit; must aim
  • Patron-Specific Prayer: Stalker: The target becomes shadowed by the patron, granting them exceptionally fast speed and making them extremely hard to detect. This effect does not end if the target attacks something, but the effect will end if the target is attacked.
    • Redlines
      • Warcasting requirements do not apply
      • Only warcast; channeling does nothing


Invoking Beo the Betrayed (LESSER PATRON)

  • No Compromise: The chanter empowers all allies with increased toughness and physical damage resistance, the movement speed of allies is reduced while under this effect.
    • Redlines
      • Movement speed of allies is halved if you couldn’t read
      • Toughness is equitable to plate. Speed is not reduced because of plate, but because of the prayer
      • Targets already wearing plate armor feel no effect
      • Targets in lesser armor (ie chainmail or leather) feel this effect
  • In the Father’s light: The chanter emits an aura of ‘holy’ light granting allies light regeneration  
    • Redline
      • Regeneration is equitable to a single minor wound healed per prayer rotation
  • Blood of Heroes: The chanter enables allies to heal for a portion of the physical damage they deal so long as they remain within the prayer radius
    • Redline
      • Healing is a quarter of the damage dealt
      • Cannot overheal beyond full health
  • Patron Specific Prayer. Warriors of Old: The chanter is granted the temporary assistance of ancestral warrior spirits.
    • Redlines
      • 100% potency = 4 spiritual warriors
      • Warriors have the same strength as basic ghouls
      • Warriors last for the duration of the chant
      • Warriors disappear after being struck


Invoking Atrid the Maiden (LESSER PATRON)

  • Steel Heart: The chanter bestows allies within the casting radius with resistance to damage. Weak protection prayer. Grants resistance equitable to a hardened leather cuirass. Also numbs emotions.
    • Redline
      • Resistance not applicable to armoured targets
      • Retribution: The chanter emits an aura retribution. While within this aura the chanter and allies return half the physical damage inflicted unto them.
  • A lover far away: The chanter charms a target of the opposite sex decreasing their speed and strength
    • Redlines
      • Outside of combat, this spell will act as a lesser charm, making the target appear more attractive and desirable physically.
      • This effect can be resisted at any time by any and all parties with not rolls IAW LotC non-rape policy. (**** you, cyberers)
      • Enjoy trying to seduce someone while constantly chanting the same line over and over, though....
  • Patron Specific Prayer: A wrong set right: The chanter emits an aura of swirling blades that deal increasing damage the longer an individual remains in the aura. The aura does not distinguish between ally or enemy.
    • Redlines
      • The increase in damage per turn is determined by 1d20 per round of combat by the person being harmed.


Invoking Thoromir the Bulwark (GREATER PATRON)

  • Bear their blades: The chanter focuses the aggression of non allies upon a specific allied target.
    • Redlines
      • Those wishing to resist will take a d20 test of will (10+ success)
  • Patron Specific Prayer: Shield of Faith: The chanter summons a holy bulwark to block incoming damage. Literally a golden bubble that blocks incoming damage aimed at whatever target bears the shield. The shield can be granted to any target the Chanter specifies, but only a single shield can be summoned.
    • Redlines
      • Shield can resist 3 heavy attack emotes (two handed weapon / magic blast / large creature) six mediums (sword / arrow etc) or 12 light (knife / fist)
      • Shield blocks damage from all directions
      • Though incoming attacks are blocked, outgoing attacks are not, meaning the target may still attack


Invoking Bjorn The Berserker (PATRON OF DUALITY)

  • Vanquish thy foe: The chanter empowers the melee weapons of nearby allies granting them additional impact. Strength prayer doubling the strength of melee attacks
    • Redlines
      • You’re still not an orc, you’re not a god, you can’t bench a house. Don’t be a monkey.
  • Compelled Duel: The chanter taunts an enemy target, making them more likely to attack you. While under this effect, the target must attempt to attack you. Any attempts made to attack others results in penalties to their accuracy/strength.
    • Redline
      • Skill check d20, 10+ successfully resisted
  • To the last: The chanter fills nearby allies with rage and courage causing them to ignore all fear and fight to the end.
  • Iron Will: The chanter’s prayer numbs nearby allies pain
    • Redline
      • You don’t feel pain but you take damage, you can still die. If you tendons etc are severed you can’t use those limbs.
  • Patron-Specific Prayer: Rip and Tear: Fills the target’s head (friendly or non-friendly) with the sound of war drums, clouding their mind and throwing them into a berzerk rage. While raging, the target’s pain threshold is raised and the target gains temporary health from downing/killing a combatant. In addition, the target can no longer tell friend from foe, and will attack based on proximity to the target.
    • Redlines
      • D20 roll must be made by target per round of combat to tell friend from foe (15+ success)
      • Target feels pain similarly to that of a Morghuul: They don’t.
      • Temporary health gained is equivalent to a d20 roll per combatant downed/killed
      • When a combatant is downed, killing them will not bestow the temporary health benefit twice
      • Temporary health than heal up to 150% of user’s health
      • If target is damaged enough to normally kill them during this prayer’s effect, the target will be rendered unconscious after the prayer’s effects end.


Invoking Æthelflæd The Weaver (PATRON OF DUALITY)

  • Mend what is broken: Chanter heals a single target’s medium wounds
    • Redline
      • Heal one medium wound per prayer rotation
      • Medium wound = sword slash etc
  • Mother’s hearth: Chanter emits a healing aura
    • Redline
      • Heal one medium wound of all allies in the prayer radius per two prayer rotations
  • From the brink: Chanter heals a single target’s mortal wounds
    • Redline
      • Mortal wound does not equal axe through the head, it means the person is in the process of dying
      • Heal one mortal wound per spell rotation
  • Sacrifice: Chanter takes the wounds of all nearby allies and applies them to themselves, killing themselves in the process
    • Redline
      • If you use this you kill yourself and must pk
  • Patron-Specific Prayer. For the Children: The Chanter is filled with holy light and heavily restores the health of allies within a large radius.
    • Redline
      • Heal one major / mortal wound of all allies within the prayer radius per prayer rotation


Invoking Hjarn the Ox (LESSER PATRON)

  • Strength of arms: The Chanter bestows greater strength upon all nearby allies
    • Redline
      • Orc strength for the duration of the channel
  • I break the Bulwark:  The Chanter empowers those bearing two handed weapons, allies using shields feel weaker while within the radius of this prayer.
    • Redline
      • Cannot be used in conjunction with any of Thoromir’s prayers
      • If stacked with Thoromir’s prayers both chanters must roll a d20, the highest d20 is to be taken as succesful and the chant of the other chante ris rendered null.
  • Patron Specific Prayer: Blood, Sweat, and Tears: Mostly sweat, though. Target’s metabolism skyrockets, giving them excessive endurance and strength. The target also begins to sweat profusely, maintaining their body against hand-to-hand attacks and shielding them from fire
    • Redline
      • Endurance =/= health. This is not a healing spell
      • Strength becomes that of an Orog
      • Fire damage to user is reduced by half
      • Hand-to-hand damage is reduced by half, as all attacks glance off of your disgusting, sweaty body
      • Sweat does make you more prone to shock, though. Damage from lightning is increased by half

Invoking Vykk the Builder (GREATER PATRON)

  • Mend: The chanter restores the equipment or structures within the prayer radius. Effect persists after completion of channel.
    • Redline
      • Can repair modest structure damage
      • Can repair weapons and armour
      • Cannot restore any magical items or structures of any kind
      • Cannot mend your broken heart 
  • Patron-specific prayer: We need to build a wall: The chanter’s prayer grants a holy wall that lasts until the chant stops or it is destroyed.
    • Redline
      • No dark skinned characters can pass or get around this wall :^) /s
      • Wall lasts the duration of the channel
      • Wall is the length of the prayer radius and cannot be moved once the chanter has ‘placed it’ / chosen where to summon it
      • Wall can be walked around
      • Fuckin walk around it


Guidelines and Redlines




With the exception of a few select effects the majority of the effects applied by the Father’s Gifts are applied constantly so long as the caster is able to continue their prayer. For the most part casters are limited to a select few paragons, namely their Patron and the adjacent paragons.  In order of the caster to channel the gift they are required to have possession of their Holy Flamebrand, which enables them to commune with the All Father / Pragons and focus the effects of the prayer. The Flamebrand in this sense acts as an arcane focus. The Flamebrand must be on the caster’s person for casting to be possible, whether it be strapped to the caster’s back, in their offhand, or being used as a melee weapon (ie the caster’s flamebrand is a mace with a fire inside the head.). A chant is the process of repeating a specific prayer over and over again to maintain its effects. A chant is thusly comprised of multiple ‘prayer rotations’ where the entire prayer is said once, then repeated to continue the chant.


Tier Guidelines




Concerning T1 / Initiates

  • Cannot invoke any prayers
  • Can barely commune with the All Father ( they may hear some whispers,but will more than likely not hear anything )
  • Rank up requirements
    • Construct a flamebrand
    • Be able to invoke a prayer from their Patron at will


Concerning T2 / Neophytes

  • Can invoke prayers only from their specific Patron
  • Cannot battle cast
  • Can invoke prayers from other paragons within their patron’s quadrant with help from experienced priests (Hearth Keeper or higher)
  • Prayer radius 3 blocks / meters
  • Rank up requirements
    • Be able to invoke all prayers from their Patron (sans Patron-specific prayer)
    • Be able to invoke at least 4 different spells, at least 1 of those spells being from a Paragon other than their Patron


Concerning T3 /  Hearth Brothers

  • Can invoke prayers from their patron
  • Can battlecast with difficulty (prayer strength is halved)
  • Can invoke prayers from adjacent paragons
  • Can invoke prayers from opposite quadrants with help from experienced practitioner
  • Prayer radius 5 blocks / meters
  • Rank up requirements
    • Must know their Patron-specific prayer
    • Must be able to invoke 20 different prayers, at least 1 of which being from every Paragon sans paragons in their opposite quadrant


Concerning T4 / Hearth Keeper

  • Can invoke prayers from their patron
  • Can battle cast ( prayer strength reduced by one third)
  • Can invoke adjacent and opposite paragons without help
  • Prayer radius 7 blocks / meters
  • Rank up requirements
    • Previous High Keeper must die or be expelled through various means
    • Must be able to invoke every spell. This does not include patron-specific spells, as you can only learn one.


Concerning T5 / High Keeper

  • Can invoke prayers from all paragons without difficulty
  • May only invoke the patron specific prayer of their patron
  • Can battlecast with no difficulty
  • Prayer radius 10 blocks / meters


General Red Lines

  • Cannot stack the same prayer (prayer radiuses of the same prayer cannot overlap, if they overlap the effect is not bolstered in any way, the radiuses are simply merged.)
  • You may only learn one Patron-specific spell
  • Prayer effects remain applied so long as the chant continues and the targets remain within the prayer radius. Exiting the radius or ending the chant immediately ends the effects.
  • Cannot channel a prayer without having acquired favour at a Hearth temple / Patron shrine. Please do not be a ***** and say you did it without actually doing it, you will be blacklisted.
  • Prayer effect only takes place at the end of the first prayer rotation
  • Allies must be recorded in the back of the chanter’s prayerbook failure to do so will result in them being taken as a hostile under the effects of the prayer.
  • If a prayer is said wrong, it does not have any effects. Prayers must be faithful to the specific wording of the prayer in the prayer book.
  • Must learn prayers from a senior member, cannot just pull prayers out of your ass
  • In order to learn the patron-specific prayer, a post must be made on the forums detailing your visions for approval by at least 2 priests of Hearth Keeper rank or higher
  • Vulnerable to Gold and Ascended magics
  • Undead, soulless creatures etc would be unable to use this magic as they would not be able to offer a soul for the consumption of the All Father


A Message to the Lore Team (LT)



To the Lore Team. As human players we have an extremely limited exposure to the majority of the mystical portions of the server’s lore so we ask in advance that you forgive any mistakes herein and suggest solutions. Our intent here as laid out in the preamble is to give humans access to magic (i’m not canonist so I can’t really do canonist stuff). We’ve designed the magic to force interaction and reliance on those that don’t have the magic. Furthermore there is extensive preparation required to even begin utilizing the gift effectively in combat.


The apparition we’ve conjured is a vast sum of souls bound together out of their anger at not finding an afterlife / fearing the beyond. They grant an addictive font of magic to the adherents of the red faith / their descendants in a selfish desire to draw more souls into their ranks and increase their safety / power. The more one engages with the Gift the more they are vulnerable to the call of the Apparition and will eventually seek out death in battle. Hopefully this makes sense. The paragon chart delves into the relationships between those major / dominant souls that are within its being.


We’ve tried to make this balanced and make glaring vulnerabilities to enable it to be properly and enjoyable fought. Further suggestions are appreciated. We feel like we've made something relatively original and unique here.


-Narthok / Draiden_Kaid



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Editing completed, highlighted red lines and added additional red lines concerning weaknesses to gold / ascended magic

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2 minutes ago, Lhindir_ said:

Beo's a lich yo.


Hard pass on allowing something that would have rply left the all father 3 times to call upon its power

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And I'm not just saying that because I wrote half of it

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This is pretty interesting. +1

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This is interesting. It's good, too. It's mechanically functional, it has a neat aesthetic and you have exemplary intentions and purpose with it. It just needs a little more oomph and adjustment to better fit in with the jigsaw puzzle of server lore we have. 


I've had two large magic types passed through with flying colors-- I'll call myself skilled at making lore like this. If you're interested in a bit of help in getting this passed through, hit me up on discord at Archangel#5516, I'd love to help.

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Now that we have a support, all we need to complete our party is a dps and a tank.

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0/10 not halfling magic

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I genuinely like this lore, thing is LT are going to say 'there are magics that do this already', another is 'how do you stop people from power gaming this magic'

Just a heads up that is usually asked

Also another one is about how you're going to make sure people aren't rping gods power that they dont have and keeping track of how they learn, whether it be all on one app or separate apps

Edited by Zacho
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1 minute ago, Zacho said:

I genuinely like this lore, thing is LT are going to say 'there are magics that do this already', another is 'how do you stop people from power gaming this magic'

Just a heads up that is usually asked


I spammed an absolute insane amount of red lines to restrict abuse. The magic is intended to be accessible to humans and function largely as an enhancer of rp and allies. It should force people using it to actually go out and rp with people that aren't part of the clique. Draiden and I put a lot of work into it to try and make it work, in the process of figuring out how to get the god lore to worktho.

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This is honestly really interesting and unique. While not the most extravagant magic, it provides a lot of versatility without overstepping itself. And besides, RP ain't fun if you can just stroll around leisurely eviscerating your foes.

I've always felt a bit guilty about All-Fatherism getting the short end of the stick, despite the dedicated following. Definite +1 from me.

Edited by ThatGuy_777
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