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[✗] The Learned Elders of Azdromoth


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    The Learned Elders of Azdromoth

The Transformation


    Day yielded unto day, and all remembered one key fact; that the road they’d embarked upon had not yet seen its end, and of which they knew not the destination of. As in those first long days, they felt a compulsive pull that managed to warp both body and mind alike. Each felt the essence that was their Humanity dwindle and pull farther and farther, slowly loosening their grasp upon the world and their worldly homes and purposes. Some of the kindred fought tooth and nail against this pull; some of the kindred managed to stop this process that ate at individuality and one’s person. Others permitted the enactment of Azdromoth’s plan.


    The effect was clear. Towards the latter end, it became “natural” to linger in the Superior Form; it was simply the most comfortable body, suited for warped minds and scales. None could deny it’s natural power, with long, weapon-like limbs, it’s great weight and laden muscle. Yet the form restricted something far more dire to Azdromoth’s brood; it fogged their minds, stealing clarity and a sense of definite purpose. It had made them animalistic, and many rightly feared the form for it.


    Something entirely different came next. The next Dawn came suddenly; unlike the slow, meandering mutation of their body, that came with acquiring the ascendant form, it was akin to the bursting of a cocoon. Their flesh and scales split and cracked, shedding their skin like reptiles and leaving sloughs of flesh and biological mush, from which emerged a familiar creature - albeit, something wholly new to them. 


    Before those few lucky enough to witness the nascent hours of the new form stood a long, wirey creature with utterly alien proportions. It no longer seemed a parallel to man, instead a step closer to true ascension to the form of the Dragons and their patron. Long, reptilian wings curled about the body of the newborn; it’s neck long and arching, and a head more akin to a Wyvern’s than a man mounted atop it.


    Obscene muscleage gave way to limber, long limbs - almost as gratuitous as the Superior, but lacking the same heinous power that could break men over their knees in it’s latter stages. Over time, these aforementioned “elders” found that their perception had changed; time became trifling, negligible -- one year, ten years, all the same. Akin to their ilk, the Dragon, they became patient and clever; Azdromoth’s plots need not be fulfilled in a day, nor must they expose themselves to elicit progress.

    Accompanying the more notable physical changes; each, perceivably, a step towards the coveted ‘Dragonhood’ they expected -- were several more particular and interesting adventations. Their power had radically changed, its heat becoming more lurid and potent; so too did they find their capacity to manipulate it more particular, able to muster it at greater distances -- albeit at diminishing returns, as one might expect. 


A Digression


Akin to the Superior, Elders still possess a particularly defined figure. With this change, they are not physically ‘incapable’ or suddenly lacking prowess in their former arts of combat, simply lacking the overwhelming weight Azdrazi were previously renowned for. This is a repeating theme; their scales are also, notably, not as rock hard as they once were; they still possess a level of natural armor, but it doesn’t pad damage from blows of devices like maces and so forth. Such easily bypasses it’s layered padding, and lacking the overwhelming musculature they previously had, is more likely to break bone or cause internal damage.


In turn, as detailed prior, they possess a set of vestigial “wings” incapable of true flight - though with proper reinforcement, they can be used to glide short distances, otherwise inept for much but an expression of Draconic heritage - and, potentially - an indicator of further things to come. Much of their body, aside from this, remains similar to its original makeup and compound. They still possess reptilian eyes, distinctive horns, and a tail.

There is a nuance to the aforementioned “eyes” that was not previously relevant. This body fine tunes the understanding of sight and perception, tuning the Azdrazi to surveil the ‘heat’ of visible surfaces. Understandably, this makes looking at the sun an extremely unpleasant experience for the Elder shepard, often accompanied by a period of brief blindness.


Most remarkable of this alteration (besides increased cognisance and the lack of damage upon exiting the aforementioned form) is the increased ability to manipulate heat and temperature. Alongside this comes a few new abilities that utilise their “internal” flame -- that being their unique variety of mana, the prime reason of their incapability to use voidal magics. 


Such includes the ability to conjure flame in and around themselves, as well as now ‘shooting’ it, as if it were a projectile. The process is not instantaneous and remains possible to be interrupted before it is channeled. The most alien technique discovered at present is the ability to transform their limbs into a heat-based substance akin to malleable flame, able to squeeze through thin gaps and project extreme heat.


To further expand on their fire -- a topic previously untouched -- an Azdrazi’s would burn at roughly seven hundred and fifty degrees fahrenheit, presuming it were retained exclusively upon their blade. For Superior form, this peaks out after several years at one thousand and four hundred and fifty degrees fahrenheit. For Elders, this peaks at roughly two thousand at their most ancient stages. Keep in mind that the consumption of mana increases with temperature, if at an incremental rate. The further this flame is from their body, the more harsh the drop in temperature it becomes and the more “mana” it costs to maintain.
Furthermore, there exist a few other peculiar feats they are capable of. Utilising their “mana” as a gradient fuel, they are capable of building and shaping raw heat; the culmination of which can lead to the production of faux “electricity.” It appears similar to lightning, but is more simply an extremely focused condensation of heat that requires notable labour to prepare (four emotes of preparation, four of continuous use before exhaustion).


spell info



spell information:


High intensity consistent beam of heat possessing light electerical properties when in contact with metal due to friction. Hot enough to damage non-biological material it contacts depending on heat/melting point.

Emote charge: 4
Duration: 3 (increased mana drain) 


Break down a portion of their body into non-solid heat, still capable of articulation.
Emote charge: 4
Duration: indefinite


More akin to freeform “pyromancy,” the Azdrazi can utilise fire (with a conjuration period) as a weapon - shooting and or launching it, at diminishing returns in terms of strength at distance. Works better as mobile kindling than any variety of heavy weaponry.
Emote charge: 3
Duration: until shot


The Azdrazi can douse their entire body in flame for a time. This was previously possible with proper application of oil/flammable lubricants, but is now more magically convenient for the discerning and or lazy Lizard.
Emote charge: 5
Duration: 15 emotes, can go longer. Cannot have other spells active with this. When it ends you’re completely out of mana.


-- changes to “enkindle/harbinger”



The elders are capable of using their flame-bound tools as an extension of their dominion over flame. They can extend the flame from their hands for several meters with an expenditure of mana, though it doesn’t have any physical force behind the blows - just raw heat, which diminishes in power over increased distance.
Emote charge: passive on kindling/harbinger

Duration: ???



red lines


much much weaker than superior form

cannot melt steel beams

300 iq big brained lizard mages

still cannot learn other magics or break azdrazi redlines

Edited by Ambduscias
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I'll keep bitching about lore bloat until I die. This is an example.

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7 minutes ago, iMattyz said:

I'll keep bitching about lore bloat until I die. This is an example.



i'm trying to find an organic way to get rid of something op without 100% rewriting lore and negating history.


i don't disagree that it isn't 100% necessary, but i prefer it over the alternative. if you have a suggestion, feel free to PM me or say it here.

Edited by Ambduscias
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I don't know anything about the Azdrazi, but I find most things I see in relation to them to be rather interesting. If this is being used to get rid of something that's rather OP, that's great. I wouldn't see it as a lore bloat.


Well written.

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i think its good but for the love of god format it better

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1 minute ago, Ford said:

No. More. *******. Magic.



i'll have you know it's an edit to an existing creature, not a magic.



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1 minute ago, Ambduscias said:


i'll have you know it's an edit to an existing creature, not a magic.





it's an addition AND clarification.


No. More. *******. Additions. Or. Magic.


mouthbreathing, lorebloating, wikisaturating

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6 minutes ago, Ford said:

No. More. *******. Magic.



back off :c

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Are Azdrazi susceptible to learn necromancy? If yes, what happens to them?

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14 minutes ago, drfate786 said:

Are Azdrazi susceptible to learn necromancy? If yes, what happens to them?


they cannot learn magic

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