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Can't Skin, Send Help!


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Hello denizens of Lord of the Craft!

I've recently come to the conclusion I'd like to have a few different skins for my character, rather than just one. Considering he is currently garbed in casual wear everywhere he goes, I'd find it more interesting and immersive if I can get something made for him that includes armor on the skin. My character, Skale, isn't one to wear a full set of plate armor, so it wouldn't be a skin entirely armored. But rather it would have a breastplate to cover the chest, preferably of the metal kind obviously. Likely a gambeson beneath it as well. Aside from that, there would be a vambrace as well as pauldron on the right arm. That would be the extent of the armor, the rest of the skin would be some generic clothing to go along with the setup.


If you're interested, please throw me a private message or comment on the thread and I'll send a message myself. 


Thanks for your time!

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