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[Creature Lore] Mana-Weave Bug


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Mana-Weave bug


Written by: Ttwesten / Evocress

Alchemy Ideas by: Algoda


(^Credit is in picture^)


Generations of selective breeding has come across the evolutionary dominant species mana-weave bug, constructed of a strong chitin surface covering the adult besides the parts where the plates would separate revealing a soft tissue organic sack which is used to collect liquid mana. The bug itself doesn’t necessarily have a purpose besides mostly eating small bugs such as larvae, snails and roughly anything around similar size. The mana-weave bug does have a defense mechanism due to the high contrast glow it’s soft tissue creates when hydrated offers easy spotting for prey, the mechanism being the ability to build up and spit up the liquid mana close to the rectum. This’ll be known the ‘arcane ball’ due to the density the bug builds up before firing appearing like a ball, hitting a target with the arcane ball would splatter into a stickable paste which’ll both sting on direct touch on skin and radiate to a glow.




fire fly photos - Google Search I loved watching fire flies when I lived in North Carolina. We don't have them in Cali.



The mana-weave bugs origins are from the firefly, throughout generations from naturally occurring liquid mana areas across Atlas. The fireflies began to selectively breed among themselves upon acquiring natural blending traits of its water source to assist in hunting and catching prey. This did come as a catch however, due to the density of liquid mana and it’s different properties from water over-time the bugs had more change than simply just blending, the whole abdomen would begin to expand over making it hard for the firefly to keep flight for a long distance, the tip of the abdomen would shift its coloured glow to suit the liquid mana below it. Eventually the bug would continuing the selection process would become flightless the abdomen becoming to big for the wings to contain losing a major property of defense and escape for the bug.

The firefly would begin to resort itself to more unconventional measures of survival and begin to burrow itself into the ground besides nearby caves where they’ll of resided before however this creating a new problem ground predators. They’ve gained the chitin crust over the body frame as a coping feature which protects the abdomen as much as possible while also gaining a spit-fire ability.


The size of these bugs have significantly grown since the firefly, being average upto a foot in length for an adult and 1/6th that size for children, the children themselves don’t get the exposed abdomen covered with a shell until the mid adult stage. For full adulthood the bug would take from birth three human years (3 IRL weeks) and live upto 12 human years (3 IRL months).


Defense Mechanism:

Animated GIF

(^Youtube video, click for URL^)


Through the consumption of liquid mana, the mana-weave bugs have been known to utilize the energy given by it, through a strange deconstruction process within the organs the bug has the possibilities to unleash a spit attack. The attack however mostly used to scare prey as it has no real damaging purposes, the attack being mostly comprised of a built up ball of liquid mana weaponized by the bug to shoot at a grand distance of 10 meters(blocks) to scare off potential predators against it. The ‘arcane ball’ that the bug is able to fire out close to the rectum carries a glow like substance having a comet trail render behind itself, if a target would be hit by the ‘arcane ball’ it’ll splatter across it like an explosion secreting a glue like substance that compliments an adhesive, offering a light gradient glow. On open skin it’ll begin to sear and leave a rash after some time has passed, these creatures would have good accuracy despite the ‘arcane ball’ moving relative slow, able to blind aggressors. The mana-weave bug would only have a certain amount of these charges, being three. If the bug would attempt to perform another ‘arcane ball’ it’ll leave itself dehydrated and left to die unless bathed within the liquid mana to re-hydrate itself.


Despite having this attack also leaves the bug with a great weakness, it’s open abdomen leaves it for easy attack unprotected by the chitin shell protecting the rest of its body the soft tissue can be easily broken into whereas the chitin can sustain people stepping over it. If one burst the soft tissue during the build up of an ‘arcane ball’ the bug would explode with the resin of the ball that it would’ve fired off.


Alchemy Possibilities:


(^Cropped deviantart Art^)




The design of this bug offers an opportunist ability to use the rich ‘arcane ball’ substance throughout several alchemy potions of mundane healing. Once an alchemist takes hold of the substance they’re able to remove several components from the slime like substance such as the toxicity, once removed the alchemist is able to work the components in order to create a series of adhesive glue to bind wounds together and slowly heal them to purify areas of taint/corruption on ones body.


(In the comments, suggest other potion ideas)


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Starship troopers is good.......

1st only


Should CREDIT your art......................


Edit: Also, why don't you just post this in the creature index?

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Bug antag next?

The people clamour for more bugs, and this would be a pretty cool addition to the world. 


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6 minutes ago, Skylez1 said:

Starship troopers is good.......

1st only


Should CREDIT your art......................


Edit: Also, why don't you just post this in the creature index?


1) It is.

2) It has credit (now).

3) I want to be popular and have lore up people can see and not ignore + I want player feedback on potion ideas.

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Me likely +1

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Thank you for submitting your piece! This will be our final vote until the end of February and due to the amount of lore currently submitted, will take 2 weeks to finish. Expect a verdict here on the 30th/31st.

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Unfortunately, due to the large amount of lore pieces (32 or so) that we're reviewing this time around, I am extending the current vote. A verdict will be posted here around the 5th. I'll post here again to keep you updated if anything else arises.

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The lore has been accepted in the creature index.

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On 1/3/2018 at 4:21 PM, Evocress said:


1) It is.

2) It has credit (now).

3) I want to be popular and have lore up people can see and not ignore + I want player feedback on potion ideas.

This was already accepted in creature index though..

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2 minutes ago, Starfelt said:

This was already accepted in creature index though..


Read my last reply.

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9 minutes ago, Evocress said:


Read my last reply.


Then archive this? Don't need a special thread.

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4 minutes ago, Sky said:


Then archive this? Don't need a special thread.


Look at the time-stamps. This creature was accepted last night, and posted a few days prior. This post was made a series of weeks ago. The MT/LT are in charge of archiving this.




Creature index: dff423a08f84f9629c20bafda911fdb5.png


This lore:



I was instructed on 'review' for the lore to be posted into the creature index.

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