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[✗] The Malakim; Aos Forsaken


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Unfortunately, due to the large amount of lore pieces (32 or so) that we're reviewing this time around, I am extending the current vote. A verdict will be posted here around the 5th. I'll post here again to keep you updated if anything else arises.

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Unfortunately, this piece has been denied. Beating a horror in its mindplane has been noted to be nigh impossible, as it's akin to fighting an Aengudaemon in its own realm. If a staff member was to accurately RP that for the trials to become a Malakim, there would be no Malakim. The abilities such as horror transmorgrify and the veil manipulation are also something that has been questioned, as there is nothing to prevent electrical or fire limbs being made outside of requiring to make a MArt for it. As for the veil manipulation, allowing malakim to create new spells for themselves is not something we are keen on, especially when it only requires a MArt and a few days off from the server. In addition to this, the creature has no general purpose outside of existing as another end-game, which is something we're trying to cut down on.


Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.

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