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[Lore Update] Clerics of Tahariae


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 The Clerics of Tahariae


Lore on Tahariae: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/157049-✓-tahariae-aengul-of-purity-updated/

Lore on Light Stones: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/165470-✓-light-stones/

Lore on Holy Communion: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/167098-✓-spell-holy-communion/

Ward Fix: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/169123-✓-clerical-ward-amendment-proposal/


Table of Contents:


Clerics: An Overview

The History of the Clerics

The Utterings of Tahariae

Priest Healing Spells

War Clericalism Spells

Blessing and Warding



A Short Introduction:


This is being written for the general sake of simplicity. This is nothing new at all, and is quite literally a copy/paste of the old lore, just fixed. I plan to:


  • Remove all the portions of the original lore that are no longer viable in roleplay.
  • Remove all references to old lore/old situations that are no longer viable in roleplay(ie. Itharel examples).
  • Remove the update log, kept the clarification pieces of it.
  • Remove the bit about clerics and 'gradual increase' in powers instead of 'sudden, tremendous rises' - that's literally how all magic works already and is mildly unnecessary and redundant. Clerics do however still very slowly increase still after they've finished learning.
  • Remove the ability of War Clerics to forgo their skill in some spells to increase their ability in others. Potentially broken spells could be used.
  • Briefly reaffirm the fact that even though visions are gone, if proof is given(screenshots) of a cleric breaking a tenant, they will still cease growth in power.
  • Fix the warding section to include Caleb's amendment.
  • Fix the spoilers.
  • Fix the emote examples.
  • Make it look nice and pretty.
  • Clarified; Just clarifying that being an elder cleric does not make you immune to disconnection. In the previous lore, it was stated that you needed to be a higher level cleric, yet they neglected to mention that clerical strength is largely based on time associated with being one. So as a clarification, a t5 cleric may now disconnect any t5 cleric(Though still following disconnection rules).
  • Buff manifest weapons. Fifteen seconds is a bit iffy, even for a 'finishing strike'. Worthless spell, made it so that it could last a single minute after a brief chat with Nekkore.
  • Clarified Blessing/Warding tiers; they are based off of your tiers in Priest Healing/War Clericalism now. Read for more info.
  • Added Codex Historia II to the Clerical History


Things to keep note of:


  • Priest healers can be connected as war clerics by war clerics who are Tier 5 in both branches of cleric magic, provided they have been taught how.

  • All Clerics are Tahariae Clerics. There are no other patrons.

  • Disconnection does not involve “damming” the connection between cleric and Tahariae. That would indicate the connection is still there, thus preventing clerics from bonding to any other Aengudaemon because characters cannot have more than one connection, even if they cannot draw power from one of them. Disconnection is thus just disconnection, a literal cutting of the connection between cleric and Tahariae. It’s a simpler concept.

  • Disconnection can only be performed if the cleric has broken a Tenet of Tahariae. If they have not, and are still disconnected, then the disconnecter will be targeted for disconnection as well. You may be reconnected only if you were unjustly disconnected.

  • Regeneration of extremities (fingers, eyes, ears, et cetera) is mostly impossible. It trespasses on alchemy RP too much. They can regenerate and heal part of the extremity, but if it is completely removed, sucks to suck. Extremities of simple muscle and cartilage, such as the nose, outer ear, and tongues, can be gradually regenerated over a minimum of three healing sessions within a week of the removal. If attempted after a week, the tissue would flake off and be gone by the end of the Elven day.

  • Clerics can not transplant parts of the body (i.e., replace an eye, organ, attach a finger, things like that). The body part must have originated from the patient to be attached.

  • Taint purging is not a tier-specific spell, just each tier is more effective at purging it.



Clerics: An Overview:


Clerical magic is divided into three forms: priest healing magic, war cleric magic, and blessing. These powers are granted upon connection through a holy connection ritual performed by an elder cleric, but they must be taught spell by spell. Tahariae’s power manifests in whatever way a cleric wants to provide good roleplay, with the only shared trait being a radiant glow. Clerics are gifted with one of four archetypal colors of their choosing upon connection. The colors represents what sort of cleric they will be:


  • White is the Light of the Pure. Clerics with white light are the wisest members of the clerics, the keepers of relics and maintainers of purity. They bring light to dark places, and keep the already existing lights glowing.
  • Silver is the Light of the Servant. Clerics with silver light are characterized by their dedication to Tahariae's Mission of purging evil and healing the people of the realm. This is the most ambiguous and vague of the light colors; clerics of silver light can have aspects of the other three colors, but they simply don't fit into the stricter archetypes.
  • Blue is the Light of the Warrior. Clerics with blue light are the focused hunters of impurity and its effects on the realm. Always the first to be healing the wounded and on the front line of battles, they are considered the grunts of Tahariae.
  • Gold is the Light of the Knight. Clerics with gold light became clerics to protect those they love and use the power of Tahariae to bring good to the world. Valor, bravery, and unfailing courage characterize them.


Colors do not have to be strictly each color; they can vary in shade, tint, and hue, but they must always be of one of those four archetypal colors. The color can change over time as a cleric's life experiences change them. Clerics of other faiths shall only experience their aura color when summoning light.


Clerics can only draw power from Tahariae. If they were mages before becoming clerics, their Voidal magic would decrease in power immensely, and would quickly fade as the cleric grows in power. An example of this decrease would be a Tier 5 water evocationist suddenly becoming a Tier 2 in power upon connection. By the time they are a Tier 2 cleric, they would not be able to use water evocation anymore.


Clerics do not suffer physical drawbacks from using their magic. They are called by Tahariae to purge evil; they cannot do that if their magic withers them, as Void magic does to its users. Their magic, however, is extremely exhausting to channel. As the cleric practices channeling their light, their connection between Tahariae and them grows, allowing them to summon more and more power without becoming overwhelmed.


Clerics follow the Five Tenets of Tahariae, as given to the Prophet Braxis:


  • Shelter and protect thy brethren.
  • Cannot stray from thy faith.
  • Shall guide the lost.
  • Shall not kill, harm, or spill the blood of the innocent.
  • Abuse of thine gift and punishment shall fall to you.


A better way of putting it might be as follows:


  • Shelter and protect thy brothers and sisters in Tahariae.
  • Do not stray in thy dedication to Tahariae.
  • Guide and protect the Descendants of the Four against the Impure.
  • Do not spill the blood of the innocent.
  • Do not use Tahariae's blessing for anything other than His will.


The clerics also follow the Utterings of Tahariae, as recited by the Prophet Ashanaak in Vailor. That is detailed later.



The History of the Clerics:



I - The First Prophets of the Aenguls


Rebekah and Jacob, brother and sister, were mere initiates to the sacred order of the Cloud Temple monks when the visions began. Admired for their unwavering dedication to the Aenguls and Daemons they worshipped, they were given the power to work miracles and purge evil in the name of the gods. Together, they wandered throughout the realm of Aegis, working great miracles among the Descendants and slaying the unholy creatures who hid in the dark corners of the world. Heaven’s Light was revealed by the Prophets, and many Descendants swore fealty to the patron gods as well. The Clerical Order, as it had come to be known, grew quickly, and its many priests and paladins protected the Descendants from dark beings and injury.


After the deaths of both Rebekah and Jacob, the Clerical Order began to fade. Its many adherents disappeared, died, or rebelled against their patron deities and had their holy connection ripped from them. When Iblees, the Corrupter, and the Undead rose to destroy Aegis, they were little more than a legend. As the last lights of those who first channeled the powers of the heavens faded, the Arch-Aengul Aeriel, Aengul of Peace and Love, and caretaker of the souls of the Descendants, chose followers of her own to lead the Descendants against the Betrayer. These heroes became known as the Ascended, and all memory of the first Clerical Order was forgotten.


II - The Second Prophet of the Aenguls and the Founding of the Second Clerical Order


As the battle between the Undead and the Descendants raged, the numbers of the Ascended were greatly diminished. Many had fallen in the war against the Betrayer, and too little were joining to fight off the endless hordes of the Dark One. With the Ascended weakened, the patrons of Rebekah and Jacob made themselves known once again. From among the thousands of refugees, Thrym Silverfist, a young dwarf smith, was chosen to become the new Prophet of the Clerical Order. His dreams were filled with the visions of Aeriel, Gazardiel (Aengul of New Beginnings), and Dwarven gods commanding Thrym, as they had the First Prophets, to submit himself to them and reestablish the clerics in Aegis to aid the Ascended. As the First Prophets did, Silverfist submitted, and became a cleric of Aeriel.


There was one patron who was not known: Tahariae, Aengul of Purity. To the clerics at the time, He was worshipped as the Creator, and gave power to those who became Pure Clerics, or clerics of God. This was the first and only time Creator clerics and Aengulic clerics worked together.


Although Silverfist was granted the powers of a cleric, he knew nothing of the ancient clerics of the first Order. Intent on discovering the history of the clerics to serve as a basis for a new Order, Silverfist retreated to the Irongut manor, the isolated property of his clan. There, he spent weeks searching through the Irongut library. Finally, buried deep within the tomes of Urguan history, was the diary of Heron Irongut. As Silverfist read through it, he saw mention of a tome kept in the Cloud Temple Library that had been written by an order of clerics before the war against the Undead began.


It took Silverfist days to find the tome, and several more to convince the monks of the Cloud Temple to allow him to copy it. After receiving the tome, Silverfist set out to found a new, better, and more stable Order, one that could protect the Descendants after the passing of the Ascended. With his new holy powers, Silverfist fought against the Undead, inspiring other Descendants to become clerics and join the war against the Corruptor.


III - The First Prophet of Tahariae


The Clerical Order remained after the transition to Asulon. However, it was in this time that patrons of the Order, Aengudaemonic and Dwarven, secretly relinquished their blessings upon their clerics. Tahariae. The Prophet Thrym Silverfist led them as they watched over Asulon, healing and slaying as they were needed. The cleric Areon Baldwin, especially, is remembered for his great deeds. So the Order stood, even through the fleeing of Asulon to Kalos and Elysium. It was in this time that the blessings of the Aenguls were withdrawn, and the clerics were without a patron.


Soon after the arrival to Anthos, Braxis Silversmile, once a cleric of Aeriel and Prophet of the Clerical Order, received a vision of a brilliant golden stag. It named itself Tahariae, the patron Aengul of Purity, and told the cleric of how the clerical patrons of old had abandoned them during the flee of the Descendants to Asulon, and that He had been the one who had been blessing the clerics. He called upon Silversmile to establish a new Order in His name, an Order of purity, justice, and an unwavering dedication to the destruction of taint and evil in the realm. With no hesitation, Silversmile submitted to the Aengul’s will, thus founding the clerics of Tahariae.


Immediately, Braxis set about contacting the clerics of his order and informing them of his discovery. The clerics had thus united under one patron: Tahariae. It was then that the persecution and hunting of the Creator clerics began: clerics who did not see Tahariae as the source of their power, but the Creator Himself. The purge was efficient, if not successful: the clerics of God were but two or three priests left, who hid in the far corners of the realm, away from the eyes of the servants of purity.


IV - The End of the Clerical Order and the Appearance of Wraiths


A united state could not last, however. The Prophet Braxis went missing, and Saint Areon Baldwin the Honorable fell victim to mortality. Leaderless, the Order fell into chaos. It was only then that Hosper Blackthorne, a dark elf cleric, returned. A remnant of the Order of Asulon, he took control of the Clerical Order and reestablished them within the walls of Ac’Talareh, the ancient Malinoran ruins in which the Arcane Delvers dwelled. With time, more clerics were inducted into the Order, but a previously small group of necromancers did as well. The forces of Light and Death clashed for the decades the Descendants made their home in Anthos. Their war was complicated by the appearance of the Scourge and the Harbingers that led them, who slowly led the ice and darkness of the north southward to the great cities of the Descendants. It was further complicated by the rise of wraiths: dark beings created by incredibly-powerful mages with ancient rituals condensing the Void. Even the greatest of the clerics could not stop them.


V - The Creation and Slow Disappearance of the Itharel


To fight the growing number of threats in Anthos, Tahariae chose the four greatest clerics of the Order to be granted a higher control of the Pure One’s power. The Four became known as the Itharel, Tahariae’s power manifested in the bodies of mortals. Their light banished the darkness that had cast its shadow over Anthos in the forms of holy fire and sword. After the fall of Anthos and the flight to the Fringe, the Order established themselves in the Temple of Vallendar, led by the Itharel Ivanus, the High Sentinel Doctor Mandru VonSchlichten, the High Priestess Saint Lenia Ith’ael the Gentle, and High Paladin Jakir Axem, and the clerics and Itharel fought the infernal forces of the drakaar Setherien alongside the other Descendants.


After the fall of Setherien, the Itharel began to disappear one by one, vanishing until such a time they would be needed again. Clerics disappeared as well, leaving the Temple empty save for a diligent high elf initiate tending the crops, praying, and feeding wanderers passing through. The shrine of Alras was eventually established, leaving the Temple to fall to ruin, and Saint Lenia disappeared. Without a High Priestess, or any consistent leadership, the Order again fell apart, leaving only a loose coalition of clerics. Few lived to see Thales, and even fewer the realm of Athera, upon which the last of the Itharel, Daniel, disappeared for a time.


VI - The Foundation of the Order of the Sacred Light and the End of the Clerical Order


The servants of Xan, Aengul of Order and Guardianship, and most of the clerics of Tahariae united to form the White Lance. However, conflicts between the followers of the Aenguls lead to its collapse, and Xan’s followers left to form of the Brotherhood of the Lion. It would be several years before the servants of Tahariae would unite again. After several attempts to reunite the Order, Doctor Mandru Vonschlichten, the oldest of the clerics, finally did. Castle Vertigrey, a stark fortress near what was left of Polaris, was erected as the new home of the Clerical Order. It lasted a few years, but a lack of dedication from the surviving clerics lead to its inevitable downfall, and Castle Vertigrey, still unfinished, was left to fall into ruin. Mandru Vonschlichten bestowed leadership upon Katari Stirling, a relatively young paladin inducted into the White Lance but had remarkable leadership qualities. It was then that the Itharel Daniel reappeared, sent by Tahariae to purge His clerics who had fallen to corruption. Among those condemned were Jakir Axem, former High Paladin of the Fringe Order, and one of the few apprentices of  Mandru VonSchlichten, Cheza Greyhammer.


This was the end of the united Clerical Order. The Chantry of Tahariae arose under the leadership of the Itharel Rosencratz Revandir, a knighthood primarily composed of Lucienist converts, who wandered for a time throughout Athera. The remnants of it were led by Katari Stirling for a time, until he turned away from Tahariae to pursue other sources of power; the last of Mandru’s Council of Light, Heshakomeu Sohae, then took over, to be the last remaining leader of the Clerical Order.


It was during this time that the Aengul Yeu Rthulu lost Her clerics to Tahariae, unbeknownst to the clerics of either patron.


This loose coalition lasted until the end of Athera, upon the formation of the Curators of Light by the Itharel Ivanus; the Clerical Order and Chantry joined with them.


And so the clerics of Tahariae step into the realm of Vailor, to rise again as guardians and enforcers of purity…


VII - Formation of the Curatrix


In the year 1513, the remnants of the Clerical Order arrived within the Isle of Vailor. Although broken and shattered, one cleric by the name of Ramza Mantisuku rose up to return the order from the ashes.With Heshakomeu Sohae and a few other clerics, Ramza led the clerics into reforming the clerical order within a small tavern in Laureh’lin. From where, they settled within the north of Aeroch Nor, on a small island  which became known as the Isle of Destati. Home of the Curatrix.


For a good amount of years, the clerical order thrived and grew. Although faced with many dangers, such as falling rocks from the skies and dragons, the order became stronger as the days went on. New students came and were taught, while many issues were handled with ease and calmness. Despite with a few feuds with necromancers, the order kept going under the guidance of Ramza.


VIII - The Harvesters


During one point, Tahariae called to His clerics as the skies became pitch black with ashes. He ordered them to jump from the highest peaks and place their trust in Him. While many did that, two clerics, the half elf Elvira Naromis and the high elf Andriel, were disconnected for failing to do what Tahariae had asked. However, the two displayed a great amount of devotion and dedication to Tahariae regardless, even when at sword point with a Templar who wished for them to revoke their faith. Their pure devotion and determination to Tahariae and the clerics, even after their disconnection, was enough to convince Tahariae to reconnect with the two. The clerics were shown a vision where they must protect selected people known as the Harvesters as they reap souls to keep Iblees sealed away, although this threatened to bring about a Holy War with the paladins and Ascended. However, Ramza and the leaders of the paladins and ascended managed to agree on some solutions and eventually, the Harvesters succeeded in their role and the skies returned to normal.


IX - The Four Archons


However, soon peace was disrupted within Destati with the threat of Oren going to take over Aeroch Nor. Knowing that they would be forced out or harmed for not following Canonism, the order packed up everything and moved onto one of the two main lands. Eventually, the order was given sanctuary within the Caliphate where they soon owned a temple within the capital city of Al Wakrah. The clerics settled and carried out as normal.


During this time, Ramza allowed three clerics to stand up to power and aid him in leading the order. Thus, the four Archons were formed; Ramza the Mind, Elvira the Arm, Heshakomeu the Mouth, and Andriel the Heart. Together, the four helped to guide the order and ensured no true harm would come to the clerics.


Soon, Tahariae spoke out to the cleric Heshakomeu and the connection grew between the two. The temple trembled as the cleric became the new Prophet of Tahariae, speaking out words which soon became known as the Utterings of Tahariae. Heshakomeu soon took a new name given to him by Tahariae: Ashanaak. Soon, Ashanaak would fend off a being known as the Undying one from the temple, with aid of a fellow cleric and gained shards of a broken sword.


X - The Dark Congress


Yet soon, peace at the Caliphate became disrupted for the clerics. A group of dark mages, beings, and supporters, going by the name The Conclave, rose up and captured Ramza Mantisuku. They sent a ransom to the remaining Archons, demanding that they left the Caliphate. Yet the clerics refused to leave, they sought to find a better way to regain Ramza without losing their home.. This only lead for the Congress to go a step further by taking Elvira.


Further terms were brought, including the disconnection of Ravondir Torena and a further demand to leave the Caliphate. Most of all, came the demand for the handing over of the legendary sword Urthandl, owned by Rosencrantz, to regain Elvira, while a blessed holy sword to regain Ramza. However, the clerics refused to hand over the legendary sword, knowing that the sword would be dangerous within their hands as the sword was capable of killing the keepers of Xan. Yet they reluctantly, the clerics followed the other few terms and thus lost a fellow cleric and their home.


Soon, both the dark and the light met, within a Dark Congress. The dark wanted peace and a treaty formed to prevent further conflicts between the sides, although this treaty would soon shatter. Yet the actions of Ashanaak, still filled with zealousity and aggression towards the paladins, damaged the relation between the paladins and the clerics. Ashanaak was willing to hand over the sword to the one known as Dralazar, as well as slander the name of Xan directly in front of the Paladins and Keepers there. The Itheral, Ivanus, greatly disagreed and argued against what the Prophet was saying. Eventually, the clerics agreed to form this treaty and Elvira was returned to the clerics. However, the Dark Congress left the clerics scattered and broken, baseless and in great doubt. The clerics struggled for a while before they were offered sanctuary by the Paladins of Xan despite what had occurred regarding Ashanaak.


XI - The Falling Order


After the terrible events that were the Dark Congress, the clerics still struggled. News of what happened to them stretched over the land and many of the Descendants began to lose faith in the clerics. Many clerics were hunted down, while many nations turned their backs on the clerics. Eventually, Ramza stepped down as leader of the Curatrix and passed the role of leader to Elvira, who finally recovered from her captivity.


Soon, the Prophet Ashanaak vanished as well, led away by Tahariae Himself for his actions during the Dark Congress, the Prophet no longer seen or heard of since the day he left. Then Ramza and Andriel (temporarily) vanished as well, leaving Elvira alone with a few clerics. Now leader, Elvira attempted to keep the order going through encouraging the clerics to spread out and do their duty, her confident remaining tall and high. However, this did not happen as the clerics begun to decline in activity, save for a small few clerics. Yet she kept on going.


Eventually, another clerical order came into being; a clerical order known as the Ethallimiran was located within the nation of Haelun’nor. Elvira attempted to persuade this order to reunite with the falling clerical order, in hopes that they could help revive the order and because the clerics needed to stand together. However, her pleas were not heard and were turned down.


Soon, the Curatrix fell, no one declared that the order had fallen. There was no official announcement or declaration - only a silent one that many knew from within their hearts that this was the end of the order.


XII - The Plague and The End


Soon, a great Orcish plague swept across Vailor. Elvira and her remaining clerics were immediately into the action as they healed those infected with the plague and helped assisted the druids in trying to stop the growth of the plague. However, still weakened by the Dark Congress, the cleric struggled to assist greatly in preventing the plague’s spread. Both sides’ attempts were futile as the plague kept growing till it engulfed nearly all of Vailor.


During this time, Elvira was called away by Tahariae and meditated under the Aengul within a cave. There, she gained true inner peace, a clear mind where she realised her true goals within the clerics and what she must do. She had to bring forth a new clerical order, one which is more successful than the Curatrix and one that would truly represent the servants of Tahariae. She swore an oath to Tahariae Himself that she would bring forth a new order in His name and that glory shall come from it.


Soon, the Orcish plague reached to the point where the descendants could no longer live within Vailor. The scattered clerics of the Curatrix left with them, departing forth through a portal and towards the new land of Axios.


The Utterings of Tahariae:


I am the Glory of the Rising Sun. I am the Bringer of Light. I am the Lord of Purity and the Archon of Justice. I am the Vehement Lord. I am Tahariae. Witness Me, Ashanaak, My Chosen Prophet. Witness Me.


I, the Divine Stag, He Who Walks in Pure Light, the Great Purge, have merely watched My Servants for too long. You have Divided, and Divided you shall fall. You failed to Understand the Mission I had given to you, and so you have deteriorated into mere wandering healers who know only my Blessed Name. Your mockery of Faith and Piety offends Me, and so I return once more. Witness Me, Ashanaak, My Chosen Prophet. Witness Me.



The Nine Woes


"And now, my Chosen Prophet, recite My Sacred Words to thy Brothers and Sisters, or My Blessing shall be torn from their hearts for their Sins."


  • Woe to those that turn against Me and My Mission, for they must be cast out of thy ranks.
  • Woe to those who only know Me for My Blessing, and not for My Mission, and do not recognize Me and My Glory in prayer except when My power is needed.
  • Woe to those who refuse to heal the Innocent, to return to Pure form what has been rendered Impure.
  • Woe to those who let the Impure, the Beings of Darkness and Evil, and the Descendants who bring harm to the Innocents, walk free when they cross thy path.
  • Woe to those who do not recognize Me and My Glory, who do not kneel in prayer to glorify Me except when My power is needed.
  • Woe to those who cause harm to the Innocent, for they are those you are meant to protect.
  • Woe to those who are sexually immoral, who give themselves outside of the holy bed of marriage, who dirty themselves and thus dirty the Name they represent.
  • Woe to those who give themselves over to perpetual drunkenness, for they dirty themselves and thus dirty the Name they represent. Such is only acceptable in celebrations and festivities.
  • Woe to those who steal, cheat, and utter vulgarities, who abuse the Innocent with their tongues and hands.



The Eight Commands


"And now, Ashanaak, I give you these Commands, that you may live a Pure life. Recite My Sacred Words to thy Brothers and Sisters, or My Blessing shall be torn from their hearts for their Sins."


  • Go forth, and spread not just my Light among the Descendants, but My Words and the Truth of My Glory.
  • Go forth, and become true Clerics among the Descendants: scholars, protectors, and leaders, to guide the Innocent with words, justice, and wisdom.
  • Go forth, and guard yourself against marriage, for service to Me demands complete and total commitment. If you do marry, do not marry those who serve Darkness and Evil, for in doing so you taint the very nature of holy matrimony.
  • Go forth, and kneel before Me in maniael: private prayer, gratitude, and submission before My Glory when you awake and before you sleep.
  • Go forth, and kneel before Me in manaakh: prayer, worship, and submission in fellowship with your Brothers and Sisters in Me once each Elven year.
  • Go forth, and respect the fallen clerics who I have sent back to you, to listen and follow what they have returned to say. And when their wisdom has been imparted, that you will have the strength and courage to send them back to My Halls.
  • Go forth, and follow My Chosen Prophet, for they shall be My Light in the darkness of the world for you.
  • Go forth, and in My Blessed Name, use any means necessary to bring Purity to the Taint and Darkness that has become the world. The realm must return to how it once was, when the Four once ruled in Peace and Taint had not yet manifested. Through the suffering My Mission shall bring you, remember that it is not out of Moral Good that you must do these things, but out of Necessity.



"Do all that I have commanded for you to do, and do not do all I have commanded you not to do, and you shall not perish. Nay; once suffering consume you and you leave thy mortal coil, I shall welcome you into My Sacred Halls, to forever be with Me in Purity, to forever be witness to My Sacred Light, forever and ever more."


Priest Healing Notes:


Summoning Aengulic Power:


A priest healer summons their power through prayer and meditation on the deity they follow. Once the prayer finishes, the connection between the Aengul and cleric opens, allowing the cleric to channel the Aengul’s energy into their body. This energy is referred to simply as “light.” How it manifests is to the discretion of the cleric; tendrils, dripping liquid, a steady radiance, whatever the player feels will bring unique and enjoyable RP. The only consistency is its incredible warmth and its glow.


When a priest healer is newly connected, they’re connection is quite small, and they cannot summon as much light without it overwhelming them. As a cleric practices summoning their light, their connection widens, and their ability to endure the rush of Aengulic energy coursing through them improves as well. After reaching Tier 5, a cleric’s connection has begun to reach the limit of its capabilities.


The cleric acts as a conduit for the power, but this is no easy task. The energy running through the cleric is warm to an almost burning point. If held longer than the cleric can endure, they shall experience clerical exhaustion. Symptoms of clerical exhaustion include, but are not limited to, sweating, fatigue, hunger, and dehydration. Clerics can add other symptoms if they’d like to provide a more unique post-spell experience.



Using Aengulic Power:


Healing using Aengulic power is quite simple in concept. A cleric focuses their power on a wound, and concentrates on what the site of the injury appeared as and how it functioned before the injury. A cleric must have a clear and detailed understanding of what they are healing in order to do the healing right; failing to properly understand a wound or ailment will result in either scarring or simply not fully healing. Greater wounds require power only attainable with larger connections, as well: muscles will require more energy to heal than a cut, bones even moreso, et cetera. Failure to have the power necessary for a healing will result in extreme exhaustion or a coma for the cleric. Wavering in concentration shall also produce a similar effect.


While the warmth of Aengulic power is intense and exhausting for a cleric to channel, it is soothing when it comes in contact with a wound. Bodily taint is the only exception to this; when healed, taint will cause incredible pain to its host.


Releasing Aengulic Power:


After a cleric has completed a healing, they must cut off the stream of power coursing through them. This is not an easy task; conceptually, it is like damming a rushing river. The cleric must focus solely on thinning and closing their connection. If they are too exhausted by the time they attempt this, it is very likely the cleric shall fail to maintain focus, and thus be overwhelmed by Aengulic energy until they fall unconscious, upon which the connection shall simply cut off.


Ambiguities and Necessary Notes on Priest Healing:

  • A cleric can reattach extremities and limb, but only within an Elven week of not being attached to the body.
  • Healing magic does not cause pain, except when healing taint and curses, which will be extremely painful for the afflicted.
  • Extremely skilled clerical healers may even be capable of repairing what a body cannot do on its own, but this is one of the most difficult things a healer can perform. Extensive knowledge is required on the ailment at hand. If one were to attempt to cure blindness that occurred after birth, for example, years of preparation and study would have to be made, along with very practiced hands doing the ritual. Multiple clerics performing the spell would be strongly advised, if not necessary, for a satisfactory result. The interruption of or a break in concentration during any healing is dangerous, requiring the cleric to divert focus to holding their connection with Tahariae. With an affliction the body cannot restore naturally, failure to complete the healing will result in a coma that will inevitably lead to dehydration, starvation, and death,
  • A cleric can teach themselves spells, with several requirements. First, they must be a two weeks into the tier above the tier of the spell, or, for Tier 5 spells, be a cleric for a month longer than the required time in order to be taught them. They must also have a proper understanding of the wound and what they are healing, as with all cleric magic. OOC clarification with another player of a cleric and reference to this lore is encouraged.
  • All cleric magic causes agony to unholy beings. However, a priest healer’s connection does not allow for them to hold contact upon the unholy creature, and the priest would almost immediately be overwhelmed by their light and rendered unconscious, as they are trying to "heal" infinite taint without sufficient power. The same result would occur if a priest healer attempted to use their magic on the creations and magic of unholy entities.
  • The only tainted beings that can be healed by a clerics are Shades and Fjarrauga, but their wounds are far more difficult for a cleric to heal than a normal mortal’s. The Shade would feel mild discomfort at the presence of the light and a cleric would be half as effective healing them as a Descendant, and a Frost Witch would feel incredible pain while a cleric would be a fourth as effective healing them.
  • Tethers created through soul puppetry can be removed in the same way a curse is as a priest healer. The connection between a soul puppet and the victim forged by a soul puppeteer is a curse, and is broken by operating on the victim (not the puppet). Newly-born shades require a powerful war cleric to exorcise, as does ghost possession. These would be done at great pain to the host.



Priest Healing Spells:


Here are descriptions of each tier, or markers in a cleric’s power, with the length of time a cleric would be considered a specific tier. They are accompanied by a list of spells clerics can learn at each tier, which are described in the form of roleplay scenarios. These scenarios represent the bare minimum of detail a cleric should be providing in their emotes! Write out your prayers, get creative with your RP, and make cleric magic EXCITING. Describe the hum of the energy as it coalesces into your palms; have your light manifest in tendrils that rush down your arm; have wind suck in towards you when you summon energy; throw in tools and candles and chants into your RP; bring in the sounds wounds make as they seal. You're summoning and using the power of a god. Make sure your emotes reflect that! Clerics can emote their magic however they wish, so long as it is not powergaming and purely aesthetic; the scenarios described are only an example of how to describe manifestation of light and healing, as well as basic emote counts(though these can change and bend as any others can based on how fast the rp is flowing).


For newly connected Clerics, connecting is exceptionally difficult; holding it without it overwhelming the cleric is nigh impossible after the first Elven day. By the end of three Elven days (three IC months), the new cleric capable of holding a connection for around twenty seconds.


Tier One Spells:


Heal Light Wounds - Bruising:


A simple healing spell that heals bruises. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the bruise through willpower and conscious thought. While the light fills the bruise, the cleric focuses on returning the site to how it was before the wound was inflicted. The bruise will shrink and disappear. Unpracticed clerics may leave a discolored mark once they are done.


  • Heshakomeu closes his eye and holds a hand over the swollen purple and blue mass on his bicep. “Oh Tahariae, Lord of Purity, grant me Thy light…” whispers the elf. As the last syllables of the prayer roll off his lips, a blue glow bursts into existence around his palm. He lowers it to his arm, and exhales softly as it fills with warmth.
  • Slowly, the bruise begins to fade, leaving only a slightly discolored mark where it once was. After only a few moments, it is as if it never existed. The elf takes in a deep breath, and, as he exhales, the glow around his palm fades out of existence, the warmth withdrawing from the site of the bruise. By the time the last of his breath peters out, the light is gone. The priest hangs his head, focusing only on breathing and remaining conscious, and blinking whenever sweat falls from his forehead into his eye.


Heal Light Wounds - Flesh:


A simple healing spell that heals cuts. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the cut through willpower and conscious thought. While the light fills the cut, the cleric focuses on returning the site to how it was before the wound was inflicted. The cut will knit together and seal. Unpracticed clerics may leave a thin scar once they are done.


  • Benjamin holds his finger up, on which is a very small cut. He closes his eyes, takes in a careful, calming breath, then whispers a small prayer to Tahariae. As he finishes the prayer, silver light grows around him, becoming a steady bright glow. He exhales slowly, focusing on the steady throbbing coming from his finger, and the light concentrates and intensifies around the cut, simultaneously dimming from around the rest of his body. Slowly, the cut seals; after several seconds, the cut is sealed.
  • Benjamin lets out a gasp before regaining a steady breathing tempo, and turns his focus instead to cutting off the energy flowing through him. As he breathes, the light steadily fades from around him, until finally it disappears, leaving nothing but a thin scar. The human falls backwards against his wall, each breath loud and strained, and his forehead covered in sweat. Only a thin gray line of scar tissue if visible on Benjamin's fingertip.


Purge Taint - Flesh:


This is less-so a spell as it is a natural aspect of holy light. Light is naturally drawn to consume darkness, becoming both an incredibly useful and incredibly dangerous aspect of clerical magic. It is useful because it is one of the most effective tool for destroying taint; it is dangerous because the pull of holy magic widens the cleric’s connection automatically to purge what it has come in contact with. The cleric must focus not on purging the taint, but on the connection and being able to close it before the cleric is overwhelmed by the sheer amount of holy energy running through them. Because the taint is rooted so deeply in the body, it causes significant burning pain to the patient when purged, enough to illicit vocal response and involuntary movements.


  • Benjamin kneels in front of the woman's arm, on which small black spots and faint dark lines trace her veins. He raises one hand, fingers twitching slowly as he speaks his prayer aloud.
  • “Tahariae, grant me thine light so that I might purge them of their ills. In striving for thine holy ideal. . .”. The rest of prayer is lost in fervent mumbling; a silvery light begins to flicker in his hand, a wavering light, that quickly thickens and brightens into a warming film across his palm. This is held firmly, the Light watched and tended to until Benjamin seems to decide it ready. He bows his head as he presses the palm against the arm. Almost immediately, the woman's eye widens, and she lets out a loud scream, squirming and writhing under Benjamin's hand. His brow creases as he works, the Light continuing to thicken around his palm whilst working its’ way up her arm, pushing it through her veins. The weight and pain the taint would have had in the veins disappears in the lights burning wake.
  • The cleric continues to kneel in prayer as his hand goes onto the rest of her body, following the dark trails the taint has left within her. He begins to sweat heavily; tremors run through his spine. By the time his radiant hands run up her neck and her head to purge the last of the taint, his hands are shaking profusely.
  • And then, suddenly, it is over. The cleric falls onto his back with a pained, but at least content expression, his Light fading out with the ending of his prayer and his head nodding to an unseen watcher.


Purge Taint - Land:


This is less-so a spell as it is a natural aspect of holy light. Light is naturally drawn to consume darkness, becoming both an incredibly useful and incredibly dangerous aspect of clerical magic. It is useful because it is one of the most effective tool for destroying taint; it is dangerous because the pull of holy magic widens the cleric’s connection automatically to purge what it has come in contact with. The cleric must focus not on purging the taint, but on the connection and being able to close it before the cleric is overwhelmed by the sheer amount of holy energy running through them.


  • Benjamin kneels in front of the small pile of tainted dirt. He raises one hand, fingers twitching slowly as he speaks his prayer aloud.
  • “Tahariae, grant me thine light so that I might purge them of their ills. In striving for thine holy ideal. . .”. The rest of prayer is lost in fervent mumbling; a silvery light begins to flicker in his hand, a wavering light, that quickly thickens and brightens into a warming film across his palm. This is held firmly, the Light watched and tended to until Benjamin seems to decide it ready. He bows his head as he presses the palm against the dirt. His brow creases as he works, the Light continuing to thicken around his palm whilst working its’ way up his arm to surround the purged Taint. The cleric continues to kneel in prayer, his efforts focused on the Taint now encapsulated by his Light; as it burns from his dirt, forced to disintegrate by the sheer quantity and intensity of Light, he begins to sweat heavily. This continues for some minutes before the Taint dwindles to nothing. The cleric falls onto his back with a pained, but at least content expression, his Light fading out with the ending of his prayer, his head nodding to an unseen watcher.


Guiding Light:


A simple spell used to create a small floating light around two inches in radius that provides as much light as a torch. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into a small orb through willpower and conscious thought. They then focus on closing their connection, reducing it to only a small trickle, just enough to fuel the floating orb. Through willpower and conscious thought, the orb is directed anywhere in a five-foot radius around them.


  • Heshakomeu closes his eye, bow his head, and begins to whisper a prayer to Tahariae. While he prays, he slowly raises one palm. As the last syllables roll off his lips, a small blue light slowly grows into existence around his palm.
  • Heshakomeu concentrates on lifting the light into the air; slowly, a tiny sphere of light, barely more than a few inches in diameter, lifts and separates from the glowing palm. Heshakomeu exhales, focusing on cutting off most of the power flowing through him, and the glow around his palm disappears, leaving only the tiny hovering ball of light, which illuminates the dark cave around him in blue light. He nods once before heading off down the tunnel, holding concentration on the sliver of energy running through him and the light. The tiny light follows him.


Tier Two Spells:


Heal Medium Wounds - Muscle:


A slightly more complex spell. This spell requires study and understanding of basic anatomy and structure of muscles. With that knowledge, a cleric can heal torn muscle. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the wound through willpower and conscious thought. They must then focus on all they know about the structure of a proper muscle. As they focus, the wound shall slowly seal. With unpracticed hands, this will likely leave a small scar.


  • Heshakomeu kneels down beside an injured human warrior lying on an operation table. A gash runs lengthwise across his chest. The priest lets out a sigh before closing his eye and holding the head of his staff over the wound. Slowly, carefully, he begins to recite a long and complex prayer. As he does, a faint blue haze begins to grow around Heshakomeu, barely visible in the torchlight.
  • The moment the prayer finishes, a brilliant blue glow erupts around him. The priest takes in a deep inhale before slowly expelling the breath in a very deliberate exhale. The glow begins to fade from around his body and grows around the staff head. He lowers the staff head to touch one corner of the cut, and the human lets out a small gasp at the sudden soothing warmth that fills the wound. Heshakomeu slowly moves the staff down the large serration; its path leaves a line of silver scar tissue.
  • After a few moments, the staff has reached the other end of the wound, which is now nothing more than a thick gray line. The priest raises the staff, the glow around which is already fading. By the time the staff is vertical again, the glow has disappeared. Heshakomeu mutters a small prayer of thanks to Tahariae before collapsing into a nearby stool, wiping off the sweat accumulated on his forehead as he does.


Searching Light:


Like taint healing, this is not so much a spell as it is utilizing Light’s natural tendency to be drawn to wounds. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the patient’s body through willpower and conscious thought. The light is pulled towards sites of injury or other impurities within the body, so the cleric can identify what needs healing.


  • Heshakomeu closes his eye, takes in a deep breath, then slowly exhales. He holds a palm over the chest of the man lying in front of him, face contorted in pain, and slowly begins a careful and well-enunciated prayer. As the last syllables of the prayer roll off his lips, a brilliant blue light bursts into existence around the palm. Heshakomeu sets his hands on the chest, then directs the light within the man.
  • Immediately, Heshakomeu feels his light pull towards a rib bone and the muscle surrounding it. With a long inhale, the light retreats from the body and recondenses around his hands. He wipes off the sweat that has accumulated on his brow, then looks down at the man. “You have a broken rib. We shall get that binded.” The man gives a slow nod, and the priest stands to fetch a roll of bandages.


Tier Three Spells:


Palm of Cleansing - Water:


Like taint cleansing and Searching Light, this is not so much a spell as utilizing light’s natural cleansing capabilities. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into water or air through willpower and conscious thought. Dirt, poisons, and taint will burn away.


  • Benjamin closes his eyes and whispers a small prayer to Tahariae. As soon as the prayer finishes, a silver glow steadily grows around one of his hands. He dips a finger into the glass of river water in front of him, inside which several tiny unidentifiable things can be seen floating, and slowly swirls. As his finger moves through the water, the glow expands, filling the water in silvery light. After several seconds of turning the water, he withdraws his finger, the light recondensing around his hand. He exhales slowly, and the light begins to fade; as the last of his breath leaves his lungs, the light is gone.


Calming Light:


A spell that bestows feelings of peace and sleepiness upon those it is cast on. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the patient’s body through willpower and conscious thought. They must then focus on their memories of the calmness right before sleep, or of herbs that administer a sedating effect. The patient is filled with feelings of numbness, warmth, and sleepiness. After around half a minute of prolonged contact, the patient will fall into a deep slumber.


  • Heshakomeu grips his ironwood staff with both hands, holding the staff towards the struggling bandit on his knees, restrained by three dwarves. “O Tahariae, grant me Thy light of calming, so that I may preserve the peace this day…” he growls, and a bright blue light bursts into existence around his staff. He then gently touches it to the bandit’s chest.
  • Immediately, he wills the light forward to fill the man’s body. At first, nothing happens. Then, the bandit’s struggling begins to slow, each lunge against the arms of his restrainers coming less frequently. Heshakomeu holds contact with the bandit, taking very steady breaths as he maintains contact with the staff on the bandit. It is around thirty seconds before the bandit’s struggling finally ceases, and his eyes slowly closes. Within seconds, the bandit’s head falls forward; he is unconscious. Heshakomeu draws the light out of the bandit and around his staff again before exhaling slowly. As the breath leaves him, the light slowly fades away; as the last of his breath peters out, the light disappears entirely. Heshakomeu lets out a tired sigh and reaches up to wipe the thick amount of sweat from his brow, before continuing down the road, leaving the sleeping bandit by the roadside.


Light of Rejuvenation:


A spell that energizes and rejuvenates those it is cast on. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the patient’s body through willpower and conscious thought. They must then focus on adrenaline rushes, or of herbs that administer an energizing effect. The patient is filled with warmth, energy, and alertness. After around half a minute of prolonged contact, the patient will feel as though they have had a long night’s sleep. This spell can be used on exhausted users of magic to rejuvenate them. This does, however, come with a small price; the cleric becomes quite spent, certainly having to at least sit down and breath for a moment after completion. This becomes easier with progression through tiers, but it shall always leave a noticeable effect on the cleric.


  • Heshakomeu sets his palm on the woman’s forehead. After completing birth, she fell unconscious; Heshakomeu could not let her drift out of life as well. After taking a deep breath, he begins to mutter a quick and fervent prayer to Tahariae; as soon as his prayer ends, a blue glow emanates from his palm.
  • He immediately wills the light into the body of the woman, filling her with its warm presence. As Heshakomeu holds the light within her, he feels the lady’s heart rate quicken again, and her cold forehead begin to warm. After around ten seconds, he eyes blink open, incredibly alert. Heshakomeu lifts his hand, severing his hold on her and withdrawing the light. After several steady breaths, the glow around his hand fades from existence. The elf sits in the chair behind, wipes the sweat from his brow with one hand, and closes his eye to rest.


Cure Poison:


A spell to eradicate disease from someone. Like taint and disease cleansing, and the Searching Light spell, this is less-so a spell as it is utilizing the natural tendency of holy light to burn away things that could be harmful to the body. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the patient’s body through willpower and conscious thought. They must then run their light through the person’s body, starting at wherever the poison was administered, be it a cut or through the stomach. The effects of the poison (more lasting effects, such as internal bleeding, not immediate effects to expel the poison, such as nausea) will remain for a little while unless the cleric focuses on healing those too.


  • Heshakomeu’s prayer is quick as he kneels over the writhing man frothing at the lips. As soon as he finishes, blue light bursts into existence around him before quickly coalescing around the hands lowering to the man’s stomach. As soon as Heshakomeu makes contact, he wills the light forward into the man, surrounding the stomach with the warmth of his light. Immediately, he begins his work, muttering a chant as he focuses the light within the stomach to smother the substance that is causing the frothing.
  • As he holds the concentration and channels the light within the poisoned man, he feels the poison deteriorate, burned away by the intensity of Aengulic light. After a few moments, the man’s frothing stops, and Heshakomeu feels the dark presence of the poison vanish. He lets out a long exhale as he withdraws the light, and begins to close off his connection while murmuring a prayer of thanks to Tahariae. As the prayer ends, the light disappears from the room, leaving only him kneeling beside the unconscious, but cured, man.


Tier Four Spells:


"Mental Healing:"


The cleric is capable of using their light to soothe the minds of the insane and traumatized at this point. This spell has several requirements, however; while light is being channeled through the patient, the cleric and patient must have constant communication on the patient's issues. It is, essentially, a therapy session aided with magic. After each session, the symptoms shall lessen, and after a number of sessions decided by the players of the cleric and patient, the combined therapy and soothing energies will remove the symptoms completely. Because this spell is unique for each case and dependent on what the cleric and the patient players agree to, an emote will not be given for this spell.


This is not a spell so much as a new way to utilize the natural potency of Clerical Light; as well as the Calming Light spell learned in previous tiers.


Cure Disease:


A spell to eradicate disease from someone. Like taint and poison cleansing, and the Searching Light spell, this is less-so a spell as it is utilizing the natural tendency of holy light to burn away disease. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the patient’s body through willpower and conscious thought. They must then run their light through the person’s body, through every vein and organ, eradicating any traces of the disease. The effects of the disease will remain for a little while unless the cleric focuses on healing those too.


  • Benjamin goes to pull up a chair beside the bed of his patient, rolling up his sleeves as he flexes his fingers. He nods once to the tired visage of his bedridden friend, before raising both his palms in a prayer-ready stance; palms pressed tightly together, bowing his head forward.
  • “In pursuit of thine holy image of Purity, gift me the Light to purge this one of his ills. . .” As the prayer finishes, a faint, flickering light begins at his fingertips, running with an almost liquid form down his digits. The light intensifies, its radiance obscuring his hands. He lifts both his palms, now covered in silvery brilliance, to the head of his patient, placing both lightly on his forehead. Whilst one remains there, the other moves to roughly the centre of his chest, Light flowing from both hands across his face and upper body. The light begins to pool, thicker than the comparatively thin film that glistens about the rest of his shoulders; these are chiefly found around his nose and sinuses, and several other silver blotches can be seen above his lungs.
  • Benjamin remains like this for several minutes, opening his eyes every so often to check the state of his patient. Where his breathing was laboured before, it strengthens and slows, coming with easy regularity. It is at this point that the cleric raises his hands, ever so slowly, withdrawing his Light. His patient lets out a whimper, rolling his head away from the cleric. Benjamin clasps his hands back together, a thin sheen of sweat across his brow and he prays quietly in thanks.


Heal Greater Wounds - Organs:


A difficult spell used to mend torn or dysfunctional organs. This spell requires a mastery of anatomy, and careful study of every organ, in order to mend the organ properly. If the cleric projects a wrong image of what the organ should appear like and how it should function, the organ will heal partway or not at all.. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the patient’s body through willpower and conscious thought. The cleric then focuses on all they know about the nature of the organ: how it should function, what to correct in its injured state, how it should appear, et cetera. The organ will then slowly shift to fit this image, the holy power correcting and healing it.


  • Benjamin runs to grab a towel, bringing it back before wrapping it behind the heavily bleeding soldier; he blinks several times before turning to carefully inspect the wound, just above his waist region. His fingers make several measurements before he seems to come to a conclusion on the exact location of the wound, and what it is that has been affected.
  • As he adjusts his robes, he carefully raises both hands over the wound; his breathing slows, brow creasing as he closes his eyes. His prayer comes silently, lips moving incredibly quickly whilst he calls to mind a hundred images and drawings. Silver Light begins to form at his fingertips, writhing as if living; the cleric grimaces at this, trying once more to calm himself and his Light. As more glimmering silver comes to life in his hands, he lowers it towards the wound as several tendril like objects seem to form within the swirling mass of power. These reach inside, pilling themselves carefully into and around the kidney that can be seen being mended.
  • The blood begins to slow, not stopping entirely due to the remaining damage to the skin, but the kidney itself seems to cease expelling discoloured refuse. Several beads of sweat form on the clerics brow, already seeming exhausted despite only reaching the beginning of his work. His fingertips begin to move back and forth with a meticulous care, sometimes touching the skin directly but generally hovering just above it.
  • Time passes as he continues to work, blood continuing to dwindle at the touch of silver. Flesh begins to seal the area shut, silver retreating almost tentatively once it's’ work is done. The soldier groans deeply, coughing heavily. The cleric leans back as the last of his silver retreats, the soldiers kidney reconstructed, and wound closed. He breaths quickly and shallowly, resting both palms behind him as he swallows air with almost ravenous hunger.


Heal Greater Wounds - Bones:


A difficult spell to mend broken bones. This spell requires a mastery of anatomy, and careful study of every bone, in order to mend bones properly. If the cleric projects a wrong image of the bone, the bone will heal partway or not at all. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the patient’s body through willpower and conscious thought. The cleric then focuses on all they know about the nature of the bone: how it functions and fits in with the muscle surrounding it, what to correct in its injured state, how it should appear, et cetera. The bone will then slowly shift to fit this image, the holy power correcting and healing it.


  • Heshakomeu closes his eye, bows his head, and slowly lowers his staff over the wound. Once the head of the staff is hovered over the leg of the elven child on his altar, which is covered in bruises, the priest begins to pray. As he does, a thin blue haze grows around him, barely visible in the torchlight. “May this day be a testament to Thy Glory…” he finishes, and a blue glow bursts into existence around him. He exhales slowly, and the light rushes down his arm to condense around his staff.
  • He lowers his staff until the staff head makes contact with the broken leg. Almost immediately, the child's tense expression relaxes as the pain from the leg is replaced by soothing warmth. Heshakomeu begins chanting again, beginning the second stanza of his prayer. As he does, several audible clicks and creaks and be heard, and the incredible  bruising covering the leg begins to fade. By the time he finishes the stanza, the leg is straight, and the bruising around the site of the break has faded into mere discolored splotches.
  • The priest raises his staff away as he begins a third stanza. As he recites the memorized prayer, the blue glow fades from around his staff and body. After the four lines are finished, the room has returned to its usual level of lighting; there is no trace of the previous blue radiance. “So Glory has been brought this day,” whispers Heshakomeu, and he lowers himself into the seat behind him to rest.


Tier Five Spells:


Heal Major Wounds - Healing of Extremities:


An extremely difficult spell reserved for masters of the art of healing. This takes years of study of the most complex and delicate parts of a body, such as eyes and eardrums, to be able to properly heal it. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the patient’s body through willpower and conscious thought. The cleric then focuses on all they know about the nature of the extremity: how it is supposed to function, what to correct in its injured state, how it should appear, et cetera. The extremity will then slowly shift to fit this image, the holy power correcting and healing it. It should as well be noted only parts of extremities may be healed; if it is gone entirely, than it is gone.

  • Heshakomeu holds the head of his staff over the burnt eye of the whimpering female elf. The acid that had been thrown on it has already been removed; the healing must be done now. He nods to the two clerics on either side of him, holding the shoulder of the priest on their respective sides, before taking in a deep breath, then slowly releases it as he calms his mind and centers his thoughts on Tahariae. He then begins his prayer, a low muttering only heard by those around him; a simple prayer recorded in the Codex he had written for healing wounds of the body. The two clerics on either side of him do as well. As he does, a faint blue haze begins to gather around him, barely visible in the torchlight. “... And May this day be a testament to Thy Glory,” finishes all three clerics, and light erupts into existence around them: blue for Heshakomeu, and silver for the other two. The silver and blue lights mix and swirl together around Heshakomeu, and multicolored display of Aengulic power. Another inhalation and exhalation carries the light down his arm to coalesce around his staff, and down into the empty socket. The elf’s whimpering fades and ceases as the warmth of clerics’ light replaces her pain.
  • As the light enters the elf, the clerics begins the second stanza of his prayer. Heshakomeu begins to mentally go through every memory he has about the nature of eyes: their shape, how the elvish iris appears, how it looks within, and how it is supposed to operate. He holds these thoughts, and slowly, the light grows denser over the destroyed part of the eye. The priests continue chanting as the more intense light slowly turns into white flesh, the burned tissue transforming into new white tissue. By the time they finish the third line of the hymn, the eye is now the correct, round, whole shape, and a small dot in the front has begun spreading to create the iris and pupil; the end of the fourth line reveals a complete eye beneath the blue and silver radiance, identical to the one on the other side of the injured elf’s face. Heshakomeu shudders as the eye completes itself before slowly raising the staff back to its vertical position in front of him.
  • After another nod, he begins the third stanza, used to slowly release the Aengulic power flowing through them; the two clerics recite with him in shaky and weakened voices. The silver light slowly detaches itself from Heshakomeu’s blue as the multicolored display slowly fades in intensity, and returns to surround the other two clerics. As the clerics finish the hymn, the light has disappeared entirely, returning the small room to the luminescence of only torchlight. Heshakomeu shudders again, and collapses over the table the female elf lies on, gripping the side of it to keep him steady as exhaustion consumes him. The other two clerics fall back to support themselves as well on the wooden walls. The female elf slowly reaches up to touch just under her eye, and a small smile returns to her face. “I… I can see,” she whispers.
  • Heshakomeu only manages a small, worn nod.


Heal Major Wounds - Reattachment


An extremely difficult spell reserved for masters of the art of healing. This takes an incredible and clear understanding of anatomy, enough to visualize any part of the body flawlessly and with perfect clarity, to be able to properly heal it. First, the severed limb must be set down and held where the limb was broken at. Then, the cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the patient’s body through willpower and conscious thought. The cleric then focuses on all they know about the joint or location where the limb was severed at: how it is supposed to function, how the cartilage, muscle, and bones fit together, how it should appear, et cetera. Skin, muscle, and bone will slowly stretch across the site of severation and bring the limb into whole form again, the holy power correcting and healing it. Post-healing effects are also unique and vary depending on what the patient’s player wants; the limb may be dead for a set amount of time, may experience odd twitching, may move slower, or may require rehabilitation to return to its former abilities. This may also be done on your own at 6 months into clericalism; if you are not quite there but at tier five, you may instead use three tier five Clerics.

  • Heshakomeu holds the head of his staff over the stump wrist and the severed hand of the half-elf lying in front of him. He nods to the two clerics on either side of him holding his shoulder before taking in a deep breath, then slowly releases it as he calms his mind and centers his thoughts on Tahariae. He then begins his prayer, a low muttering only heard by those around him; a simple prayer recorded in the Codex he had written for healing wounds of the body. The two clerics on either side of him do as well. As he does, a faint blue haze begins to gather around him, barely visible in the torchlight. “... And May this day be a testament to Thy Glory,” finishes all three clerics, and light erupts into existence around them: blue for Heshakomeu, and silver for the other two. The silver and blue lights mix and swirl together around Heshakomeu, and multicolored display of Aengulic power. Another inhalation and exhalation carries the light down his arm to coalesce around his staff, and down into the wrist. The half-elf’s whimpering fades and ceases as the warmth of clerics’ light replaces his pain.
  • As the light enters the elf, the clerics begins the second stanza of his prayer. Heshakomeu begins to mentally go through every memory he has about the joint between the arm and the hand: how it looks within, how it is supposed to operate, and how the bones align. He holds these thoughts, and slowly, the light coats the divided wrist, forming a ring around the bloody mess. The priests continue chanting as flesh, muscle, and tendons stretch across to link with the hand. By the time they finish the third line of the hymn, there is only a giant ring of scar tissue where the cut was; the end of the fourth line reveals nothing but new, pink flesh beneath the blue and silver radiance. Heshakomeu shudders as the wrist seals before slowly raising the staff back to its vertical position in front of him.
  • After another nod, he begins the third stanza, used to slowly release the Aengulic power flowing through them; the two clerics recite with him in shaky and weakened voices. The silver light slowly detaches itself from Heshakomeu’s blue as the multicolored display slowly fades in intensity, and returns to surround the other two clerics. As the clerics finish the hymn, the light has disappeared entirely, returning the small room to the luminance of only torchlight. Heshakomeu shudders again, and collapses over the table the half-elf lies on, gripping the side of it to keep him steady as exhaustion consumes him. The other two clerics fall back to support themselves as well on the wooden walls. The half-elf balls his reattached hand into a fist, then opens it again. “It moves perfectly,” he whispers. “Thank you.”
  • Heshakomeu does not respond, focusing only on maintaining his breath and consciousness.


Banish Curses:


Although not the most complex, it is arguably the most difficult spell in a priest healer’s arsenal. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into the patient’s body through willpower and conscious thought. The light will immediately be pulled to the curse, as it would with taint, but it will not purge without the cleric’s conscious thought. The cleric must then push as much light as they can onto the curse, as they would with taint. Unlike taint, however, the curse is latched onto the patient in far stronger ways. Breaking this bond causes the patient extreme pain that cannot be dulled with anesthetic, (and, if the patient is unconscious, will immediately wake them) and if the cleric pushes too hard, the ordeal will kill the patient. They must force pressure on the curse in gradual spurts, gradually wearing away at the evil within them. This process can take many hours of gradual pressure, relieving said pressure, then pushing it again, until the curse is worn down to nothing. This may also be done on your own at 6 months into clericalism; if you are not quite there but at tier five, you may instead use three tier five Clerics.


  • Heshakomeu raises his hand with a start. The villagers were right; the man lying on the bed in front of him was cursed. His skin was cold, so cold, yet he exhibited no other symptoms that might indicate disease. The priest pulls out a golden medallion fashioned like the head of a stag, as well as a bundle of four white candles. He sets these on the nightstand next to the bed, then removes the twine binding the candles together. He sets these on the four corners of the bed, then grabs one of the villager’s candles, with which he lights each candle. As each one catches flame, he mutters something under his breath, incomprehensible to those gathered in the room. Their thin trails of smoke fill the room with the scent of rose and cinnamon. Once the candles are all lit, Heshakomeu sets the villager’s candle back where he took it from and grabs hold of his staff and medallion. With one hand, he holds the staff rigid and planted on the ground. The other holds the medallion by the chain over the man’s chest. He inhales, exhales, and then begins.


“O Tahariae, Blessed Lord of Purity, I call upon Thy power.

A foul creature of taint and darkness has laid its curse upon this mortal body.

Through Thy power, O Pure One, I pray that You banish this evil

And render this body Pure once more.”


  • As he finishes, a brilliant blue light explodes into existence around him. It surrounds him, a radiant aura, before condensing around both the medallion and the staff, leaving only a thin haze around the rest of his body. He takes in a deep inhale, then slowly exhales as he lowers the medallion onto the man’s chest. Once it makes contact, Heshakomeu directs his aura to fill the man’s body with the warm light. It is only a moment before a small frown tugs at the corner of his lips.
  • The curse of coldness is present in the man’s body like a shadow, which Heshakomeu’s light surrounds within the body. The dramatic difference between the chilling presence and the warmth of Heshakomeu’s light makes the priest cringe, but he slowly lowers the staff to the man’s forehead, again willing the light within. Without hesitation, he begins to very slowly drag the staff down the man’s body towards the medallion, and continues the prayer:


“Purge and burn and destroy, Tahariae.

Allow me to by Thy vessel of justice and purity.

May this day be a testament to Thy Glory;

May I testify this day.”


  • As the staff drags, the light within the body pushes against the cold presence, crushing it in fiery warmth. The cold is resilient; it pushes back against the light. As Heshakomeu chants, beads of sweat appear on his forehead; the unholy power resisting him is great. Once the stanza ends, the elf repeats the last two lines, louder in volume: “May this day be a testament to Thy Glory;may I testify this day.” Through the light extending from his palms, he can feel the dark, cold presence burn away and shrink. He shouts the two lines: “May this day be a testament to Thy Glory; may I testify this day!” The priest’s breaths now come in ragged, raspy inhalations and exhalations, but the presence is small and almost gone. Heshakomeu takes a moment before repeating it one last time, a desperate cry to his Aengul, as the dragging staff makes contact with the medallion: “May this day be a testament to Thy Glory!”
  • Suddenly, the presence collapses and disappears under the force of the light, leaving only the warmth of Aengulic power within the cursed man’s body. Heshakomeu lets out a gasp as it disappears, but he quickly remasters his breathing and steadies his hands. After a controlled and steady inhale and exhale, he lifts the medallion and staff back to his sides. As he does, he recites the last part of the prayer, the glow slowly fading from around him and his tools:


“For it is through Thy light that peace is found.

It is through Thy light that suffering ends.

It is through Thy light that purity is brought.

May this day be a testament to Thy Glory.


May this day be a testament to Thy Glory.”


  • As he barely makes out the last words of the prayer, the glow disappears from existence. Heshakomeu shudders before crumpling into the chair set behind him, allowing his limbs and head to hang limp and unmoving as he breaths.


Red Lines for Priest Healing:

  • Priest healing is not an offensive magic. Although Light in any form causes extreme pain to dark creatures, the priest healer will be quickly exhausted and fall unconscious within seconds of attempting to purge the unholy being.
  • Resurrection is impossible for clerics.
  • Regeneration of complete limbs (i.e., arms and legs) is impossible for clerics.
  • A cleric cannot possess or learn a Dark Art. They must lose their unholy connection prior to receiving the holy one.
  • A cleric cannot possess or learn Arcane magic while connected. If possessed prior to connection, the cleric’s ability to use the Arcane art would diminish to half the original tier upon connection. It would halve again once the cleric reaches Tier 2, and would be unusable by Tier 3.
  • A priest healer’s light can never be blinding. Bright, yes, but nothing that could cause any sort of pain, discomfort, or effects such as blindness.
  • Holy water (water that purifies taint and/or hurts dark things) does not exist and cannot be made.
  • Regeneration of extremities (fingers, eyes, et cetera) is mostly impossible. A cleric needs at least part of the extremity in order to regenerate it. If it is attempted, the regenerated thing shall flake and turn into dead tissue that disappears by the end of the Elven day. Extremities of simple muscle and cartilage, such as the nose, outer ear, and tongues, can be gradually regenerated over a minimum of three healing sessions within a week of the removal. If attempted after a week, the tissue would flake off and be gone by the end of the Elven day.
  • Connection of body parts that were not originally the patient's is impossible, i.e. replacing an eye or transplanting an organ. If it is attempted, the connected thing shall flake and turn into dead tissue that disappears by the end of the Elven day.
  • A cleric cannot draw taint into a gem. Lore for this taint-holding gem would have to be written. Any old gem or a blessed gem cannot hold taint.
  • You can't use cleric magic to expel sizable amounts of non-biological material from the body, such as water from lungs after drowning or large pieces of shrapnel. Tiny amounts of material that cannot be removed mundanely can be destroyed with cleric magic.
  • It is the patient's choice whether or not a healing works. If they do not wish for the healing to work, or want scars, then the cleric's magic shall have no or little effect.
  • Mental healing cannot be done in a single session or without the communication seen in a therapy session. It requires multiple sessions and a proper therapy session.



War Clericalism Spells:


War cleric magic is comprised of the same energy used to heal, but is manipulated by the caster into a much more raw, chaotic, and unstable form, in comparison to healing’s extremely stable state, for use in combat. It is also summoned in the same way as priest healing, with devout prayer and intense concentration. However, unlike priest healing, war cleric magic, being chaotic and unpredictable, can rely on focused emotional states as well, such as rage or frustration, to summon the powers, instead of clear-headed focus on Tahariae and His power.


When war cleric light comes in contact with taint, the taint immediately begins to burn away. The simple Holy Light spell, for example, would begin to burn tainted or unholy flesh to a charred crisp within moments, causing immense pain to the dark thing. This exhausts clerics, as do all war cleric spells. If held for too long, the cleric will fall unconscious. If in doubt of how long you, the cleric, can hold the light against a dark thing or maintain a war cleric spell, undergame. More focused spells, such as the orb of light and manifested weapons, would burn away the taint much faster, as well as delivering blunt, cutting, or piercing damage. Flames of Reckoning is the only spell that becomes easier for the cleric to channel when it comes in contact with taint.


The use of this magic is extremely strict. Entities within the world can be put into three categories: Light, Neutral, and Dark. Light entities are comprised of the divines, such as Tahariae and other Aengudaemons who purge taint. Neutral entities are comprised of the five mortal races that walk the realm. Dark entities are comprised of corrupted, tainted beings, or simply unholy, unnatural beings, such as ghouls, shades, wraiths, liches, Harbingers, Drakaar, Fjarrauga (it is slightly less effective than other unholy beings), Graven (and the other ghostly archetypes), Dread Knights, and Undead. Necromancers, blood mages, and cultists who use tainted magic, but are not beings of taint themselves, will not be harmed with the same effectiveness by war cleric magic as tainted beings are. Their magic, however, will burn away upon contact with the summoned light of a war cleric. Purging of Graven, and ghosts in general, is a matter of moral debate among the clerics: not killing a peaceful one will not get you disconnected, but there are no issues or threats of disconnection if you do.


A war cleric’s magic is not capable of inflicting harm upon a pure entity. It is capable of inflicting substantial harm upon Neutral entities (except for the flames of reckoning), however, and extremely lethal harm upon Dark entities. It is worth noting, however, that this is simply acknowledging the effects of the magic itself, and not the actual views of the Tahariaen orders, when it comes harming Neutral entities.


Tier One Spells:


Holy Light:


A simple spell that summons a thick power to the cleric’s hands. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into their hands through willpower and conscious thought.


  • The war cleric raises his hand, fingers splaying as he concentrates. He whispers a quiet prayer to himself, relaxing his shoulders. After a few moments, a thin, flickering silver light forms, spreading out whilst it coats his palms. Beads of sweat form on his brow, his breathing accelerating; this Light continues for perhaps half a minute before faltering, the war cleric falling to the ground to rest.


Tier Two Spells:


Palm of Light:


A simple spell that creates a bright light that temporarily blinds those in the surrounding area. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into their hands through willpower and conscious thought. The cleric then focuses on drawing as much of Tahariae’s power as possible into their palms. As the energy floods the palm, the light begins to intensify in brightness, overwhelming the eyesight of those unlucky enough to look. The effect on those around the cleric would be similar to that of the visual effects of a flashbang grenade, and would go from lasting only a few moments when first learned to up to five minutes when mastered.


  • The war cleric swings both palms into view, muttering a swift prayer. Light almost immediately begins to spread across his palms, coating them in a shining brilliance that he knows would render those around him blind. He holds the light for several seconds before dropping his hands and letting out a long exhale.


Tier Three Spells:


Orb of Light:


A manifested orb that can be flung and delivers blunt damage. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into their hands through willpower and conscious thought. The cleric then focuses on pushing the light out from their palm, then molding it into a hovering, quivering orb. The larger the orb is, the slower it will fly, but the more force it shall deliver. The smaller it is, the faster it will fly but the less force it shall deliver. An orb about the size of the cleric’s palm would travel as fast as a crossbow bolt and deliver the force of a swinging mace when it makes impact. Once flung in the direction the cleric wishes, change in the direction will only be very small variations; it is not a homing missile. When it hits its target, the orb will explode and demanifest.


  • The war cleric raises his right palm so that it faces the sky, concentrating on the centre as silver light emanates from it. This turns about and about, lacing itself into a roughly ball shaped object that quivers back and forth. The war cleric creases his brow, several beads of sweat forming as he launches it before him; it collides with a nearby tree, the contact creating a loud crack and leaving a crater of splintered wood and bark in the trunk. The orb immediately disappears after hitting the tree, and the war cleric falls to the ground with a small thud.


Tier Four Spells:


Manifest Weapons:


A weapon made out of Aengulic energy that delivers whatever damage the weapon it imitates would deliver. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into their hands through willpower and conscious thought. They then push the light past their hands, and slowly pour more and more energy into the hovering power, making it into a bigger and bigger hovering pool. As the floating light grows, the cleric focuses on the weapon they wish to form, and the light morphs to fit a vague silhouette of said weapon. It would have just as much weight as whatever the cleric wished to wield. Tahariae’s manifested light is very difficult to mold, which makes more intricate weapons, especially sharp ones, more difficult to wield. Although a manifested blade would glide easily through tainted flesh, its form could not be held for more than around a minute before the cleric would be too exhausted to keep its form.


  • The war cleric brings both palms together, a string of quick prayers and requests being made as silver light begins to form between his hands.
  • This spews forth, filling a roughly oblong shaped space as it solidifies; after several moments, it resembles a thin blade. The war cleric breathes heavily, beads of sweat falling from his brow.


Manifest Shields:


A shield made out of Aengulic energy that can protect the cleric. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between themself and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into their hands through willpower and conscious thought. They then push the light past their hands, and slowly pour more and more energy into the hovering power, making it into a bigger and bigger hovering pool. As the floating light grows, the cleric focuses on a thick shield, and the light morphs into a thick radiant shield. The larger it is, the more difficult it is to break, but also the slower it moves and the more it drains the cleric. Thin shields will likely shatter after only one or two blows with weapons, but thicker shields will be able to hold more blows off, albeit draining the cleric rather quickly and likely not being able to last more than twenty seconds before the cleric becomes too exhausted to maintain it.


  • The war cleric holds out his hand, already whispering an obviously-rehearsed prayer. As he prays, a small dot of light begins to grow in front of his palm, spinning and swelling in size.
  • By the time the prayer ends, it is a quivering orb, but it suddenly elongates in four directions, forming a large hovering cross.
  • It reaches a diameter of about four feet before light stretches off from the sides of the bars of light to fill in the gaps. After only a few moments, a full shield has been constructed, following every slight movement his hand makes. The war cleric holds the shield for several seconds before slowly closing his hand; as he does, the shield shrinks again into the small dot, and then out of existence.


Tier Five Spells:


Flames of Reckoning:


The most powerful spell in a war cleric’s arsenal. Reserved only for masters of the art, it consumes taint at incredibly-quick rates. The cleric will recite either an improvised or memorized prayer. Once they finish, the connection between them self and the patron is established and their body is flooded with holy energy, which they direct into their hands through willpower and conscious thought. They then push the light past their hands, and slowly pour more and more energy into the hovering power, making it into a bigger and bigger hovering pool. They must also focus on rage, on the anger that their patron feels towards the darkness they are about to purge. As they do, their light will begin to writhe, warp, and take on the appearance of flames in the color of their light. The cleric can then direct it in a radius of around eight to ten feet around them in a maelstrom of holy fire. Maintaining the flame is very difficult for the cleric, exhausting the cleric completely if manifested for only a few minutes, but if directed onto taint, the effort needed to maintain the flame would decrease. The flames only burn tainted objects and beings; however, they do not ignite, and if the cleric directs the flames away from the taint, the flames will quickly sputter out after only a few moments. Neutral entities who possess no taint themselves will not be harmed, however, as there is nothing for the flames to burn. This includes necromancers and cultists of taint-affiliated forces. It only burns their tainted creations.

  • The war cleric raises his hands, whispering a string of prayers as silver light begins to trickle from his palms. As the cleric chants, the light begins to slowly morph into an orb, which steadily grows and quivers beneath the cleric's fingertips.
  • The cleric's face then begins to contort into an expression of fury; the quivering pool of energy begins to lose its solid form, breaking into tendril flames that hum with power.
  • This continues to burn for around a minute, before he lowers his hand, the flame dying out easily.


Red Lines for War Clericalism:

  • You cannot force someone to be permanently blinded by the Palm of Light spell.
  • All war clerics must follow Tahariae as their patron.
  • Light weapons and shields cannot be used effectively in battle for more than a minute. It can glide through tainted beings easily enough, though against anything else it is as though a blunt weapon; that includes armor, if a tainted being is wearing one.
  • Forming animals or semi-intelligent constructs (in other words, holy conjuration) is not possible.





For Blessing/Warding, the tiers for this are averaged out between your War Clericalism and Priest Healing tiers. However, you must still start at tier one in this; if you are a t5 Cleric in Priest Healing and War Clericalism, you would begin this at T1; though you would likely get it to T5 within a few weeks.




Also known as holy alteration, blessing is ancient art imbues objects with the power of Tahariae. Effects are more limited than Voidal enchanting. serving mostly to compliment clerical spells or further establish Tahariae’s vision of purity.


In concept, it is fairly simple to do. A cleric must pray to Tahariae over the object chosen to be blessed, describing to Tahariae how the object shall be used and how it shall help fight impurity. The cleric shall thus establish a connection, then lower the light onto the object to infuse it with the Aengulic power, all the while concentrating on focusing and storing the light within the object. The cleric will then cut off the connection, and the blessing shall be complete. Blessed artifacts are impervious to taint (at least, while the blessing holds). When they come in contact with taint, the tools have the same effect on the taint as the Holy Light war cleric spell.


Blessed objects and tools do not hold infinite power, only as much power as the cleric imbued it with. The object can only hold the amount of energy equivalent to it's charger's Blessing tier (ie, the amount of energy a Tier 2 priest healer would have could be imbued by a tier 2 alterationist, and no more). After usage, the amount of Aengulic energy within it fades. A sword blessed by a Tier 2 holy alterationist, for example, would likely only last a few moments when in contact with a tainted being, causing it the same amount of pain a Tier 2 war cleric's light would cause, before the blessing would disappear and the sword would have no magical aspect.


Blessed tools can also be relied upon during spells for energy, lessening the strain of healing for priests, and increasing the intensity of a war cleric spell and length of time it could be held. This is done by the cleric summoning their light, channeling it into the object, and melding it with the stored Aengulic energy within. The amount of energy that could be lent to the cleric by the object is dependent on the alterationist’s tier: an object blessed by a Tier 2 alterationist would lend the same amount of energy as a Tier 2 priest healer during a healing, for example. Clerics can only channel light through blessed tools. If the tool is not blessed, light cannot be channeled through it.




Warding is a similar concept, but instead of imbuing power into an object, the power is imbued into a section of land. There is also no variation in the effects a ward can have; it is one spell. When a ward is created, it acts as a holy 'zone' against the undead and tainted beings usually hurt by Clerical magic. They are not hurt, though casting dark magic is 50% more difficult to cast; taking twice as long. Tainted beings, should they have any physical prowess over the average person, are dropped down to said 'average' level. If anyone clearly goes above this level of average, a magic blacklist should ensue.


Warded land exhibits certain traits, such as occasional shimmering glows of the auras of the clerics who created it. This need not be exactly what happens; though there should generally be some giveaway that there is a ward around.


Wards now use "Ward Gems," - Lightstones in which the power used to charge a ward is regulated. They can keep a ward active for one week before they need to be refilled. If a Ward Gem is not present, the ward will fade after one day with nothing to tie it down and stop it from dispersing. Tier one and Tier two wards need only fist sized gems; though above that at least a single MC block worth's representation is required.


Light Stone Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/165470-✓-light-stones/


Warding Tiers:


Tier 1 -
Create a ward the size of a 3 block radius.


Tier 2 -
Create a ward the size of a 5 block radius.


Tier 3 - Requires 2 clerics -
Create a ward the size of a 20 block radius.


Tier 4 - Requires 3 clerics -
Create a ward the size of a 50 block radius.


Tier 5 - Requires 5 clerics -
Create a ward the size of a 100 block radius.


Ward Destruction:

  • SotA and Anti-Magic is capable of neutralizing the effects of the ward in its bubbled space, along with fully draining the gem if they use their magic on it.
  • Concentrated dark magic, such as a pool of amber or patch of taint, when left anywhere within the ward area and kept fueled will begin to drain the holy energy from the ward. One off spells will have no effect. It will take 5 minutes to properly drain a ward that is regulated by the gem, or 1 minute if it's a gemless ward.
  • Smashing the gem, whether it be with magic or mundane means, will result in the ward failing over the course of the day. A new gem may be acquired, but a new ward spell will also need to be weaved into it.


Ward Red Lines:

  • Wards need to be recharged once per week.
  • If a creature or construct has a weakness to holy magic, it falls under the physical weakness aspect of it.
  • Signs detailing who created the ward are needed at the beginning of it, along with detailing the effects of said ward.





Disconnection is a specific spell that can be learned by any powerful cleric. It is a heavily guarded spell; with the power of disconnection, a cleric can remove the ability of any other cleric of or below their level of power to use the power of Tahariae ever again. The easiest way to understand disconnection is cutting rope. If the connection between Tahariae and His cleric is a rope, then the disconnector focuses their light on this bond and burns it away.


If a cleric breaks one of Tahariae's Five Tenets, they would suddenly find their growth as a cleric in power would cease, until their disconnection removed their powers entirely. To make this demand of someone, you need screenshot proof of them breaking a tenant and the MT/LT in charge of Clericalism must be the one to inform them that they are no longer growing in power.


Disconnection can only be performed on a cleric if said cleric has broken one of Tahariae's five tenets. If they have not broken the tenets, and are still disconnected, the disconnecter will be targeted for disconnection for violating the First Tenet: "Shelter and protect thy brothers and sisters in Tahariae." The disconnecter must find out about the transgression ICly.


Abandoning clerical duties (i.e., not healing the injured when encountered, no longer praying to Tahariae, ignoring unholy creatures, et cetera) breaks the Third Tenet, and arguably the Second as well. Clerics who do such will be disconnected by an elder cleric with knowledge of the spell. Player inactivity does not warrant disconnection. This rule only applies to active cleric characters. Inactive clerics are assumed to have been called on some quest into the wilderness and thus have not had the opportunity to ignore wounded or the spread of unholiness, because they simply aren't around.


The severed connection between the cleric and Tahariae is incredibly physically painful, a burning throughout the cleric’s entire body, and has after effects that include, to varying degrees the player of the disconnected cleric decides, severe depression, auditory and visual hallucinations, psychosis, and anxiety. They are also forever cut off from their patron. They may become followers of other patrons, but the disconnection shall never be forgotten by the betrayed patron, and they cannot ever be reconnected through the connection ritual. These effects never disappear, even with holy magic; part of the soul has been ripped and broken. The body does not react to that kindly. The cleric may find their symptoms temporarily relieved by mental healing, but they will return in full-effect after only a few days.


The above only applies if you are indeed a betrayer cleric and have broken a tenet. If there was no PM given to you by an MT/LT of your breaking a tenet, you can be reconnected. You will begin at t1, though very quickly be able to rise in power once more - reaching what you were once again within two weeks of such.




This is not so much a new lore piece or a clerical rework as it is a fix of our current lore. A few things that shouldnt be as they are were editted with Nekkore's help. I am perfectly aware that about 40 ******* different groups are in the process of making clerical rewrites; THIS IS NOT STOPPING THEM. This is to hold us off to not have outdated lore in the 40 years it will likely take anyone to actually get theirs out.


I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR THIS LORE! Almost all of this is outside of my small edits is the work of Ventusyr, Farryn, and all those who helped with the original piece(Ill put a section in regarding that shortly). I quite literally just took his work, spliced it up, and made it easier to read(As well as fixed a few problems and removed bits no longer relevant to our lore). The purpose behind this is to help those who become clerics actually be able to look at our Lore and not be confused on what is accurate and what is not. I know it was a problem specifically for me, trying to learn with multiple teachers and personally being unsure of which parts of this to follow.



-Removed mentioning of druids blight healing people. That was a mistake.

-Clarified that disconnected Clerics could be reconnected if they had not broken a Tenet.

Edited by Fury_Fire
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He should be in school.


Instead he does this.










actually saved me tie though


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3 minutes ago, Nekkore said:

actually saved me tie though



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1 minute ago, Evocress said:

I like the new spells.

The nonexistent ones you mean? :^)

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God have mercy he's making me comment at 4am . . .


JK, good job Fury. As slow as any rewrite appears to be happening, it's nice to see a consolidation of current canon which is (slightly) more concise. Maybe learn from our predecessors and don't use so many spoilers though, they'll be broken easily. +1

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1 minute ago, Gladuos said:

God have mercy he's making me comment at 4am . . .


JK, good job Fury. As slow as any rewrite appears to be happening, it's nice to see a consolidation of current canon which is (slightly) more concise. Maybe learn from our predecessors and not use so many spoilers though, they'll be broken easily. +1

Little did you know I am waiting for it to break, so that I can post another rep farm

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blood magic and clericalism? 


good idea fury!

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5 hours ago, Fury_Fire said:

Fury. You used the wrong link to the Tahariae lore - the one you linked is the old version. Please link the updated version so that things are up to scratch and if this lore is accepted, any clerics or people reading the lore will be able to access the updated version of Tahariae.

The newest version is here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/157049-✓-tahariae-aengul-of-purity-updated/


Secondly. ...No credit for me for writing the Vailor part of the Clerical History? I wrote the Codex Historia II document. Ventusyr wrote the first. XD

Also, I'll give feedback once I have time to read the lore fully.

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thanks, +1 dont need to read further to know you did good kid


I will anyways though

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Finally, it only took 4 maps to make a adjustments kek

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Tah' be praised. This lifts an ever lurking thought off my conscious. +1

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Too many spells, clericalism suffers from lorebloat more then Necromancy does. It needs a serious re-write to simplify things..




For example, don't have ten spoilers with free or more paragraphs of text in each one. That's just way too much for a single magic to have.

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5 minutes ago, drfate786 said:

Too many spells, clericalism suffers from lorebloat more then Necromancy does. It needs a serious re-write to simplify things..

Clerics have healing, purging, and enchanting. They are also locked to that magic whereas dark mages can dabble in many things.

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