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United Southern Alliance, 1657

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United Southern Alliance




For generations, the men of Norland and Haense have waged war across the realms. In the wake of the aggressions suffered at the hand of the Kingdom of Renatus and her allies, we of the signatory parties recognize our differences, but we chose instead to highlight our similarities and form a new bond to build upon so that we may regain the trust of one another and preserve for our children the greatest gift that we can offer, peace. And let this document serve as a stepping stone on the path to a realm where Haense, Norland and Haelun’or may live in peace, without fear of insurrection, or war.


A cruel winter it had been for the otherwise comfortable people of Markev. The bustling city, once no stranger to the eyes of eager merchants and desperate immigrants from far away lands, had been left in desolate solitude. But high above the empty streets streamers of black and gold still wave vibrantly in the course of the Southern wind, carrying on with their unsung duties as bearers of the colors. Left ungoverned by royalty, unprotected by an army, and abandoned by their faith, the remainder of the people of Markev sought to prepare their stand against those tyrants who would have them governed and protected from palaces in far away lands— a life more fit for cattle than mankind. Rather than accept a fate of servitude, these free and civilized people chose instead to risk their lives— sacrificing the comforts of conformity— to pursue greater liberty.


The silver spires of the Mali’aheral stand anointed over the Sohaerate, only the blue and white flags wavering in the cruel plateau winds. The high elves and their Kharajyr allies rest comfortably in their luxurious taverns, yet an air of darkness settles over the peoples. Death has struck this city more then once, and it’s presence is wholly known. Yet, piercing the veil of black arises a new light; hope. The beginning of yet another legacy is beginning to arise amongst purity and silver, and the true elvendom is willing to take it.


Along the rocky islands of the Norlandic realm, the men of the rock and  swamp continue to make the necessary preparations to defend their homelands against those who would wish to see their countrymen slaughtered, their cities pillaged, and their families enslaved. The knowledge that others join them in combating such an overwhelming menace is a much-needed boost to these men’s spirits. While the world at large may condemn the men of Norland, it is a true blessing that others are willing to rise above the mist of confusion and see clearly what these men stand for...


-The signatory parties will agree to take no hostile actions against one another until the dissolution of the alliance.


-The signatory parties will agree to formally accept all denizens of each others realm with open arms and without pause.


-The signatory parties will agree to come to one another’s aid should threat impose upon any of the three states.


-The signatory parties shall agree to engage in free trade amongst one another until the dissolution of the alliance.


-The signatory parties will agree to mutually ensure that each signatory nation has the full freedom to follow its own laws, culture, traditions, religion, and choose its own leaders.



Ser Adalwulf of House Horen, Lord Protector of the Grey Marsh and the Salt Seas


His Majesty the King Karl II Marius of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Dules, Lahy, Sorbesborg and Slesvik, Grand Duke of Vanderfell, Duke of Akovia, Krajia and Aldersburg, Margrave of Rothswald and Adria, Count of Karikhov, Baranya, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, and Kaunas, Viscount of Alamar, Baron of Vsenk, Valwyk, Rostig, Esenstadt, Krepost and Kralta, Lord of the Westfolk, Lord of Markev, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera


Ah’Sohaer of the Silver Sohaerate of Haelun’or, Cenwall Maeyr’onn of the Maeyr’onn Talonnii, Guided by Larihei’s Grace in his Blessed Rule, Laurir and Malaurir of Mali’thill, Sovereign of the High Elven People, Protector of Silver Law and Overseer of the Kharajyr State.


His Majesty Godden I of the House Ruric King of Norland and Chieftain of the Norlandic People, Jarl of Ruriksgrad, Jarl of Jornburg, Jarl of Ashwood, Jarl of Smol'Krag, Jarl of Foldgrad, Defender of the Red Faith and Bulwark of the Norlandic People.


Medi’ir of the Sohaerate of Haelun’or, Arelion Laurir’ante of the Laurir’ante Talonnii.


Okarir’sil of the Sohaerate of Haelun’or, Edred Maeyr’onn of the Maeyr’onn Talonnii.


His Lordship, Rolan of the House Kovachev; Duke of Carnatia, Count of Kovachgrad, Turov and Kvaz


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Edred Maeyr'onn signs the document, bobbing his head as he does so.

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"An alliance that will last a lifetime" remarks Godden Ruric

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"Our common enemies will be contained. Such is only natural," Arelion mutters as he signs the treaty in elegant penmanship.

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Rolan Kovachev sits back in his seat after finishing the meeting a large smile on his face "The USA will ensure the safety of cultures and people who have earned their right to live in peace." the young Lord Regent would say as he peered out of his window looking to the square of Markev

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A young Ser Rolan Kovachev holds his blade upon the eve of The Alliance


Adalwulf stood among the many other faces, two brothers on his left and right.

"This'll do." he would remark.

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Just a reminder. If you are not one of the people listed on the treaty, you may not post on this thread. Thanks.

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