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Simon Birchenwald


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Simon is tall and wiry, without much muscle and with even less fat. He has a large, thick mane of dark blond hair, which he usually pulls back into a ponytail. Thanks to his father’s genetics, the hair is fast greying. He has really awful facial hair (think Van Hohenheim, but with a horrible, scraggly goatee as well as weird sideburns). Simon is usually seen wearing a frayed dark blue waistcoat over a white shirt, with brown trousers and dark grey boots. He also has disproportionately large hands and long fingers. He looks to be in his late twenties or so.



 Height: 6 feet, 4 inches

Weight: 170 lbs

Hair color: Dark blond, sparse grey streaks

Eye colour: Reddish brown

 Age currently: 37


Simon (pronounced SEE-moan) was born in 1639 in Norland, the illegitimate son of a Heartlander citizen (Ellen Sterling) and an Adunian named Andreas. Shortly after Simon’s birth, Andreas vanished from Norland in such haste that he left his jacket on Ellen’s bedpost. Ellen kept it in a drawer for seventeen years afterwards as a sort of memento until Simon took it as he fled the country. 

Simon was teased by other children and called names for being fatherless. One such name (Birch-forest, for his thick golden hair) stuck, and Simon took it as his surname. He grew to be a reasonably healthy young man, with nimble fingers and skill in brewing and cooking.

     When Simon turned 17, a family tragedy was blamed on him. Having watched what little reputation he had left crumble, Simon became a nomad until his 22nd year, when moved to Haense. He lives in Markev at 2 Red Square and owns a restaurant aptly named “SOUP AND PIE”. It sells soup and pie, among other things.



Physically weak-

Simon is, to put it simply, a wimp. He cannot lift heavy things or fight well. His only strength on the battlefield is archery. If made to fight against any random bandit, Simon would lose very easily. He can, however, run fast.



Simon is rather intelligent for his species, though he sometimes (lots of times) lets his impulses cloud his judgement. He tends to do whatever he thinks sounds fun at the moment, and to throw caution to the wind. It’s not like he doesn’t recognise the risk- it’s that he simply does not care.



Simon has a knack for cooking, which he has taken advantage of with his restaurant. His specialties are stews and pumpkin pie.



Though he doesn’t mind getting together with friends sometimes, Simon will usually be found sitting in his house above SOUP AND PIE, drafting poetry and experimenting with recipes and attempting to play his recorder (when he isn’t working, that is).


Amateur poet-

Simon has written several short poems in his spare time, and translated one song. He is actually a fairly good wordsmith, but is a bit too self-conscious about his work to sell any of it- at least, not under his own name.



Simon tends to speak loudly, especially when drunk.


Random fun facts-

Simon has a faint German accent, which tends to thicken the drunker he gets. 

Simon is extremely protective of his awful facial hair, and thinks that it makes him look stylish. Others do not share his sentiment.

Simon taught himself to read and write. He has awful handwriting and spells things wrong.

Simon is bisexual.


Edited by ashenyx
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