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Depiction of sleeping lambs before a slaughter, symbolizing the previous skirmish - by Pius. c.1660


Early in the morning, the population of the Norlandic islands would be awoken by the distant, yet audible sunrise ritual of a rooster. A call to awaken, and face their actions on the battlefield. The Northern Atlas Alliance marches closer by the hour, pushing closer to the heathen populated Norlandic capital. 


As four nations, nine banners and thousands of men and women enter deeper into the Norlandic territory, town criers spout rumors of an upcoming battle. A message would propagate among town folk: "The dragon is starving in a land full of lambs - it will feast soon . . . "




Side A:

Northern Atlas Alliance


Side B:

United Southern Alliance


Actual Time & Date:

Saturday 28th April, 3pm EST, 8pm GMT.


Proposed Rules:

TBD in Warchat



 [GMs have it in Dewper's battleplan]



Dewper#3791 / DPM#1488 / Clouds#1218

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Discussion will continue in war discord. PM me if you have questions or concerns.


Update Monday: Time moved up by one hour from four to three.

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