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Habitat:  Most commonly in woodland, jungles and swamps, although it is capable of living in any terrain, except the freezing cold.  

Size:  4 meters tall (13 feet) and 8 meters long (26 feet), 16 including the tail (52 feet).

Diet:  Carnivore -  The Votar'Rex requires a vast amount of meat to maintain it's hyper-active lifestyle, as well as a large portion of it's diet being made up of protein to recover from the many wounds and injuries it sustains during fights and hunts.

Temperament:  Irrationally aggressive and highly respectful of a dominant and superior opponent.  The Votar'Rex doesn't see someone as a superior by just their ability to fight them, but only if they are simply able to decide whether it dies.  Due to this, there has been numerous ways someone has gained the respect of a Votar'Rex throughout history.  In terms of it's attitude to someone it does not respect, it is akin to a Honey Badger, in the sense that it will attack and challenge opponents that look far more physically superior that itself, yet the Votar'Rex is a formidable opponent.


Brief summary of the creature




Behaviour:  The Votar'Rex is most known for it's super aggressive approach to any other living creature.  It is highly reliant on being at the top of it's social hierarchy amongst the others of it's kind, yet it's place on that hierarchy isn't decided by fights between each other.  Infact, there has never been an account of two Votar'Rex fighting each other in the wild.  It is simply because there's no point.  Due to the Votar'Rex's highly acute sense and awareness of it's social status, a female Votar'Rex can tell a male's placement by seeing and smelling them.  A Votar'Rex that loses 3 or 4 fights in the wild within a month become highly lethargic and dispassionate.  In essence, they become depressed and such a Votar'Rex, 9 times out of 10, lay down and fall into a depression, soon leading to their starvation.  Such is the mindset and connection to their social status that the beast is burdened, yet also spurned on by.  Because of their competitive nature, the beast has been refined in terms of their physical prowess and abilities throughout the many years of their existance and anybody would struggle to find a Votar'Rex with a faulty gene or hereditary weakness.   Many before have tried taming a Votar'Rex, but few can dominate one.  The beast is relentless and will not stop fighting until it has completely and utterly exhausted all it's options and energy.  A challenger will not only need to be physically and mentally superior to the beast to tame it, but also retain enough stamina to beat it into submission.  Once a Votar'Rex has, however, given up, usually by laying on the ground unable to move as it's muscles are paralysed with pure exhaustion, or even passing out, then the beast will keenly learn it's master's commands over the next 4 days and, as a feat in itself, learn how to obey simple commands.  This connection with it's master is due to it's hyper awareness of others and their social status, being able to translate that connection into understanding orders and following them without second thought.  This state of submission, though, is temporary.  A Votar'Rex will feel confident again within a month and the master will need to fight it again, although this time the beast is more reserved and will be much less likely to try and kill it's master, particularly not one that has treated it well with patience, caring and taking it on hunts.  Infact, some Votar'Rex never challenge their masters, but it's a rare case and the act of rebelling is always a danger for the master.  Finally, a Votar'Rex tamer will undoubtedly lose it's mount if it is treated as a pet or slave.  Although the beast sees it's master as indeed the master, treating it like dirt will drive it to depression, which itself is highly difficult to avoid and to take the beast out of this state is almost unheard of.  Because of this, a master must be the prime example of a beast tamer, showing physical strength and mental strength in the form of patience, compassion, caring, empathy and most importantly, humility.  Many Votar'Rex masters even believe they are blessed by the Gods/Spirits when they possess one.


Reproduction:  A female Votar'Rex is much less competitive than a male and will gather with other females in a single large area and simply live their life of raising their cubs and hunting when necessary.  These females will stay together in their large groups of around 20 until death, but they have no less a connection with the social hierarchy as the males.  Females are always watching each other, scorning one another when they display any kind of weakness and if a single Votar'Rex displays too much weakness, their cub is slaughtered and the female is forced out off the gathering or so too be killed.  Once every few years the Males will come to a random gathering, their social status and aptitude as a Votar'Rex displayed by their posture, attitude and scent, all of which is completely out of the control of a Votar'Rex, which is as connected to their social hierarchy as their mind and emotions are.  What constitutes for a strong and capable Votar'Rex is their number of kills and what beasts they have killed.  If a Votar'Rex kills many large beasts, it will have large doses of dopamine and in return, feel highly confident and give off chemicals that display their prowess.  The most competent Males mate with the most competent females and then the tier below mate with the same tier as their female counters-parts, then so on and so on.


Gathering Food:  A male Votar'Rex hunts for it's food from any source of meat available, yet will choose to hunt the most powerful beast it has a scent or track of.  There are very few beasts a Votar'Rex cannot hunt and kill, fewer that can actually kill the Votar'Rex without itself suffering long-term fetal wounds.  Usually a Votar'Rex will suffer injuries after a fight, yet it's body has developed the ability to heal itself within a miraculously short time.  Practically any wound it has can be repaired 3 or 4 times quicker than it would for another beast of similar proportions, this is due to it's ability to consume and store vast amounts of protein, then using it to repair incredibly quickly.  A Votar'Rex is constantly and recklessly on the hunt, mostly due to both it's mental and emotional reliance to become 'top-dog', as well as it's body quickly using up it's resources to heal wounds and sustain it's incredibly pro-active body.  For a female, it is far more reserved in the size of prey it's hunts and in turn, it's body's abilities are equally reduced.  They only heal 2 or sometimes less times quicker and are also physically inferior, but this is required due to it's large time spent bringing up it's cubs, usually varying to 2 or 3 at a time.


Physical Attributes:  

Thick, Durable Hide:  On the Votar'Rex's body is thick patches of tough hide, whilst the other areas is made up of a more flexible, but still tough skin.  The large pads would be incredibly hard or impossible to cut through with a sword and axe, although they are slightly easier to pierce, yet still require tremendous force, such as a  thrust from horse-back after a gallop with a spear-tip that's thin and designed for piercing the famous hide of a Votar'Rex.  The more flexible areas close to joints and points of rotation/bending is akin to gambeson, making them the ideal places to strike.  Cuts from swords are in-effective, yet an axe is more capable of chopping threw.   Spears also have an easier time piercing, but still require a spear-point designed for thrusting armour.  

Muscular, Conditioned and Rubbery Musculature:  Beneath it's hide are thick and conditioned muscle, tough and rubbery if felt beneath it's hide.  The muscles are un-naturally resistant and cutting would also be difficult, as though cutting into boiled leather.  These muscles are incredibly powerful and particularly excellent at quick, powerful sudden burst of power to allow the Votar'Rex to leap distances twice it's length with a brief sprawl, or jump it's own body length when evading attacks.  It's arms, legs and neck are also highly conditioned, allowing it's razor sharp claws to pierce and rip open flesh, or haul an opponent similar in weight towards it with relative ease.

Teeth, Claws and Tail Designed for Combating other Beasts:  The Votar'Rex possesses long retractible claws that are very durable and sharp.  They are difficult to blunt and are slightly hooked with the underside sharp and serrated.  This allows them to slide threw tender meat, or hook onto tougher hides and instead pull or grip onto the opponent.  It's teeth, rather than being many, thin and sharp, are relatively few, thick, incredibly durable and reasonably sharp.  They are designed for clenching onto a beast's neck, piercing it's hide shallowly and once holding the opponent in place, squeezing it's clamp-like jaw to snap bone, squish flesh or simply hold the beast in place to better use it's tail.  The tail, although somewhat thin, possesses a large spiked club on the end, used against beasts that prove resistant to the sharp, meat carving claws and large, bone crushing teeth.  The tail is unable to move the club around with agility, although when it manages to swing it through the air, it lands with a devastating impact, fracturing bone, smashing joints, hurling lighter opponents into the air and slamming the spikes deep into thick hides.  

As is now obvious, the Votar'Rex has evolved with combat against other beasts in mind, having a weapon to deal with practically any opponent it faces and the application of them being deeply en-grained into it's mind and nature, applying them skilfully based on the opponent.

Origin:  Taking it's home on Atlas, the Votar'Rex has evolved over time and found it's unique ecological niche.  It has no predators and many different potential types of prey.  It is incredibly hard to tame and impossible to practically domesticate and so as such, the Votar'Rex has a secure place in the world.  


Weaknesses:  It's relentless aggression can often get a Votar'Rex head first in a fight against a beast far out of it's league.  There have been a few accounts of Votar'Rex attacking even an Uzg'ga'Rex, to which it is immediately killed after brief interested and humorous examination from the colossus.


LM Approval Required:

Yes, although not for tamed Votar'Rex.  This being said, anyone not RPing their Votar'Rex properly in anyway would be powergaming as the keeping of such a beast is both a difficult balance of caring and strictness, but also miss caring can easily cause the death of the master or the beast.


Lore Holder:


If playable, what are redlines?

  • The Votar'Rex is not a beast every Tom, **** and Harry will be able to possess.   It's one of the most bestial and aggressive creatures there is and for the vast majority of people, the pursuit of a Votar'Rex is not only suicidal, but also a burden on the rest of their life as the master of the beast.  
  • When someone has a Votar'Rex, they will be expected to take it hunting at least once a week if fighting an event beast.  Nobody can just RP on their own hunting a bear and then say 'That's me for the week'.  They must show that they actually care for the powerful beast in their care and so atleast 1 hunt event with the beast coming along highly, highly encouraged for a healthy beast.
  • When you own a Votar'Rex, you must have a place for it to stay that is represented IG, and actually be able to prove you can provide sustenance for this incredibly hungry beast.  Some soldier living in a city would not be able to afford large swaths of meat, nor the ability and time to hunt countless game.  Owning a Votar'Rex is within itself a profession which could only really be done by someone with a lot of spare time, or a job that fits well with providing for the beast.
Edited by TheNanMan2000
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i'm pretty sure there is a creatures submission, you should check it out and make sure this is the right place to submit this.

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Why are you slapping the name of the hunting spirit and the name of the leadership position together trying to create an animal. These just sound like generic beasts that can be found in every game. There really isn't anything here that makes this creature unique. Plus orcs have enough creatures like this.



A big N O here.



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12 hours ago, L0rdLawyer said:

Why are you slapping the name of the hunting spirit and the name of the leadership position together trying to create an animal. These just sound like generic beasts that can be found in every game. There really isn't anything here that makes this creature unique. Plus orcs have enough creatures like this.



A big N O here.



It has two Orcish names put together because it was an Orc that named it.  It is an animal that is completely dominated with the need to hunt, and can be considered the greatest hunting beast there is.  As such, the two names fit.  Also, I know of no other beasts that have evolved and adapted specifically to combat other beasts, particularly ones greater in size to themselves.  Also, I believe it's mindset and connectivity with it's social status is something no other beast in the lore has.  As well, it contributes to the list of bestial materials in the use of crafting, due to it's hide, teeth and club-like tail, all of which can be put to very good use in the making of items, which further makes it a unique beast.  Finally, no-where does it say only Orcs can tame it.  The beast is as tamable to a Halfling as it is for an Orc, only difference is that the tamer needs to be exceptionally skilled and dedicated to the cause, which is the only thing that makes it exclusive to a certain group of players.  That group being players who specifically want to dedicated a lot of their RP into taming beasts.  Infact, if you believe Orcs have enough animals like this, this is the perfect beast for you.  Not only is it available to you, no-matter your race, but if you met a Raguk with his massive mammoth, you might have something to counter it.  This beast will actually create more balance against Orcs.

Edited by TheNanMan2000
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6 minutes ago, TheNanMan2000 said:


There is nothing unique to this beast. It's just a typical 'beast'. There is nothing unique about it NanMan, it's just the cliche, "oh be scared of it because it's big". And personally, this just feels like a different version of a jabbernack. Just saying.

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2 minutes ago, L0rdLawyer said:


There is nothing unique to this beast. It's just a typical 'beast'. There is nothing unique about it NanMan, it's just the cliche, "oh be scared of it because it's big". And personally, this just feels like a different version of a jabbernack. Just saying.

Unfortunately that's the case for many predatory animals in the animal kingdom.  They're much stronger than humans and should be avoided at all costs.  The difference is, this beast, admittedly similar to the Jabbernak in some ways, is the all-race alternative with some key differences that has more to offer.  Even if it isn't 'unique', it can easily find it's place in the bestiary as a high-tier tamable beast that will create more RP for it's owner and help counter the 7 foot giants riding Warboars, Rhinos, Wolves and Mammoths.  


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Thank you for submitting your piece. Due to the changes we are making to the creature index, which will be unveiled this weekend, this is being put on hold but is one of the first in line to be reviewed once we make the announcement.


Edit: After reviewing this lore, it was unable to get a majority “Yes” vote and thus failed to pass. The issues raised were that this seemed like an overly powerful combat pet that can be tamed. It needs to be balanced before it can be accepted.

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