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[✗] Necromancy: Rewrite and Magic Guide


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3 hours ago, Geo said:

Darkstalkers are not capable of wearing full suits of plate armour but can manage chainmail.  

Why have you made this change? It does seem to ruin the point of Darkstalkers considering Morghuuls can wear chainmail. Also the lore written indicates they can wear plate.

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Throughout my time on the server I have come to despise this Magic and everything Undead, for everything it represents, the secret underground Tavern RP, and the vast differences and variations that seem to be present within, such as:


Ghouls, Wraiths, Necomancers, Darkstalkers, Liches, Morghuul, Wights, Pale Knights, Ghosts, Gravens, et veteran.


At to some extent I still do.


With that said I appreciate the effort that seems to have gone into this and I like it.


My only concern again is the large number of variations I can see within this, and the idea that the Black Nexus cannot be destroyed.


If it were at least stolen, could it be returned to its prior state with enough Holy influence?

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And @MavrominoIt seems darkstalkers are basically just 10x more durable physically anyhow, they can take a beating etc and are essentially immune to slashing or piercing damage (1d10 bludgeoning?), and there is also abyss forging which can help them get noice swords for fighting

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the no plate armor thingy on darkstalkers is VERY unnecessary and restrictive


delete or face the wrath of khan

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It defeats the purpose of making darkstalkers only able to wear chainmail. Ghouls would be even more resistant than these guys if this lore is passed.

Change it.

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I ******* hate necromancy but this rewrite is actually really nice.


I understand the reasons you removed phylacteries but it seems like it should be a more enforceable MC item thing which allows for liches and darkstalkers to potentially PK'd if it ever comes into possession by a holy mage. But I understand that players will never let that threat happen so I understand why it was removed.


Also, strange question. Would people be able to have the opportunity to mental magic sacraments, (unsure of where it stands currently as a magic so it may not even be relevant). Since you do state it's a permanent memory, accidentally uncovering it would be strange but could happen unless there's obvious mental repercussions associated with it.


Overall though, hoping for this to drag necromancy and revive it out from its darkage.



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2 hours ago, Morganosaurus Rex said:

nd @MavrominoIt seems darkstalkers are basically just 10x more durable physically anyhow, they can take a beating etc and are essentially immune to slashing or piercing damage (1d10 bludgeoning?), and there is also abyss forging which can help them get noice swords for fighting

They were already immune to slashing and piercing. And the change from plate to chain is pointless considering ghouls can already wear chain.

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The redline about Darkstalkers and plates was a typo, they can wear it but they are slowed down by it just like anyone else.  Though a Darkstalker's strength is stamina and not speed.


Also the Black Nexus has never really stood as a point of opposition for holy magic.  We've always given it vague locked away potential telling tall tales and ghost stories about how its extremely powerful and scary, world ending powers and the like, but its more of a painted backstory and doesnt actually hold much power that will ever be utilized in roleplay, because armageddon isn't really fun for anyone.  That said it's also been written as a sort of cornerstone for the magic, we rely on it for the more important spells that let us manage the magic, so having that be able to be destroyed would defeat the purpose of this whole rewrite.  The nexus doesn't actually do much, it's more a spooky plot point, and nothing of mechanical worth.

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Can someone put this into a nutshell for me preferably 1 sentence




This is amazing geo, please keep up the good work ! :) It was a lot to read but honestly I am amazed at the detail you put into this!

Love you geo!


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12 hours ago, Geo said:

Reanimations can be reanimated quickly by touch or slightly slower at range.  


Can you add onto your redlines here how many emotes it should take? Some can perceive this as a one emote thing, others four to five. 




12 hours ago, Geo said:



This section has me a bit wary, geo. I understand this is somewhat a counter to darkstalker’s not being able to wear plate but this feels wholly too powerful for a single dude to wield. It’s more of the healing part I have an issue with-


12 hours ago, Geo said:

basic Aengulic or holy healing is unable to mend an Astral Wound.


What does this refer to? As in, a cleric or an ascended can’t just heal it the way they usually do? What’s the greater force that’s capable? You say greater healing methods can- examples? 


All in all for Abyssforging the ritual isn’t complicated. It’s not hard to run down to the road and find a new player running to the dominion for RP and halt him from your base right next to one of the most used roads. I can see darkstalkers sitting around with this weapon basically making themselves immune, due to if they land a successful hit, their opponent is screwed.


& after reading this fully those are the only two problems I can point out. Nice job.

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I don't like that the slavery of liches is kinda more enforced with this lore. No phylacteries and necromancers can easily just PK them? Personally, I prefer it when liches have total free will and are moreso the epitome of necromancers, ones that have transcended mortality through wicked means. They are meant to be the masters in every other medium and I can't help but feel the concept is cheated here.


Also it looks like the same huge number of constructs are still present here, not answering the LT's issues just because you "feel" like it. Not only that, but you've added more constructs by giving them access to wraithdom. Oy vey.

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2 minutes ago, Gladuos said:

I don't like that the slavery of liches is kinda more enforced with this lore. No phylacteries and necromancers can easily just PK them? Personally, I prefer it when liches have total free will and are moreso the epitome of necromancers, ones that have transcended mortality through wicked means. They are meant to be the masters in every other medium and I can't help but feel the concept is cheated here.


Also it looks like the same huge number of constructs are still present here, not answering the LT's issues.

Better than being range-pk'd at a moments notice with 0 chance tbh

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