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Ghanyah and Nottingham Buddies for Life

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Name of the Treaty: Ghanyah and Nottingham buddies for life


Type of Treaty: [Alliance/ Non-Aggression / Defensive Pact] Alliance


[Nation / Freebuild] [Name: ] Ghanyah [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: ] Nottingham


Date of Signing: 15th of Deep Cold, 1663 ((2018 - 14 - 06))



On the 15th of Deep Cold, 1663, an Alliance between the Chieftaincy of Ghanyah and Kingdom of Nottingham was established under the rule of  Negus Juumane M'Baku of Ghanyah and Ruk' of Nottingham to outline the following agreed upon terms :


Section I :

This duo of Nations,  bound by their promise, has agreed to assist one another in their defensive ventures so long as they do not conflict with the rules, regulations, and honorable creed of both nations; be it through men, resources, or etcetera. This promise shall be upheld until the last drop of blood or the last bit of coins.

Section II :

Border boundaries  are to be respected and upheld by all member nations, a border dispute being solved only peacefully.


Section III :

A open border agreement will be made, allowing citizens of each nation to travel amongst each other so long as they follow that nations accurate rules and regulations.


Section IV :

The Chieftaincy of Ghanyah and the Kingdom of Nottingham will allow land access to each other in their entirety, their troops being able to freely pass and to be provided safe haven should it be a necessity.


Section V :

Trade shall be in abundance between the two nations, their merchants being limitless in their affairs and allowing the  freedom of resource-exchange between the two nations during both peace and war.

Section VI :

This agreement shall be renewed every 8 years(or Orcish cactus-weeks) to ensure that it was upheld respectfully and decide if it remains necessary.

Section VII:

The two nations have formally agreed to assist eachother in offensive ventures that they deem necessary to assist in if called upon, extending this agreement to that of a Military Alliance.


Section VIII:

The two nations have formally agreed to host joint-trainings and missions in accordance with both their Army and Military.


Section IX:

The two nations have formally agreed to exchange strategic resources that would benefit them in their joint-offense and joint-defense, ranging from mercenaries, condotierris, fleets, and etc…


Section X:

The two nations have formally agreed to a research agreement, exchanging necessary knowledge and sharing technological advances amongst eachother.



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"Waghanyah forever!" Hanasun shouted, throwing his fists up in a cross. 

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Signed by Juumane M'Baku, Negus of Ghanya, Protector of all Farfolk, Grand Chief of M'Baku, Challenger of Sands, Tribal Warlord

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Ruk would sign the treaty, "Buddies for life pardner, buddies for life."

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"AVE NOTTINGHAM" Arstan would place the severed head of a recently killed halfling by the name of Larry Hill on his chest with pride!

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