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[✗] Sprites Rewrite


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"Be warned, young one.. do not be fooled by their beauty, for they are mischievous beings."






Acerfolia Flower


Sprites are born from a flower called the Acerfolia flower - An extremely rare flower that grows in untouched landscapes. It is incredibly fragile; any form of tinkering or disturbance will indeed kill it. It also requires perfect conditions to grow - Wind will kill it, heat will kill it. This is why these flowers are only found in untouched, plant-filled areas. When the flower grows to maturity, it grows a bulb, appearing to be akin to when a plant grows a flower. This bulb grows into the size of a grapefruit where a Sprite is developed inside - And blooms into a flower after several weeks - Releasing the Sprite within. This process kills the Acerfolia plant, as all its energy is spent on creating the Sprite.




Sprites are able to produce an Acerfolia seed - When two Sprites come together and combine their toxins, a small sprout will begin to grow on one of the Sprites bodies. Which Sprite it grows on is completely random - And it is quite rare for this to be successful. The chances of a Sprite creating a seed is the same as an Elf becoming pregnant. If the rare occasion is successful - A small bud will begin to grow overtime until maturity. It appears to be a small pea-pod growing on a random part of the Sprites body. The process takes three months until it is mature, and the pod needs to be opened and it reveals a seed. When this seed is planted it grows an Acerfolia flower. This makes creating a Sprite extremely rare - When the chances of creating a seed are mixed with the perfect conditions required for the flower to grow. The parent sprites are known to defend the flower - This being their main concern at all times until the Sprite is born. Sprites protecting the flower are known to be quite fierce -- Even becoming savage to those who threaten it.



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"There are majestic spirits in the forests - Hidden away, dancing around flowers."




At a quick glance, Sprites appear to be some form of insect - However studying further would reveal that they are entirely composed of plant. They have humanoid figures, and have features of Elves such as pointed ears. Their entire body is created from plants and plant matter, akin to Byrophites these plants are random - With the exception of the plants being the color of the Sprite's type. Sprites are completely genderless and have no genitalia - However they take on Masculine or Feminine traits. Sprites are known for their large wings, also composed of plant. These wings are quite droopy and weak, and using them to fly is highly tiring for the Sprite, often able to fly for a few minutes up to five feet before they need to rest on the surface. Sprites have several plants, leaves, and even flowers growing off of their body, allowing them to blend in with forests and plants.


Sprites are quite small - Often disregarded as bugs. Smaller Sprites are known to be as short as 3 inches, but are known to grow up to 6 or 7 inches. Because of this, they are not able to wield weapons or carry much weight. They are connected to the Aspects as beings of Fae and cannot use Voidal, Dark, or any other Deital magic. Attunement to the Aspects is useless and does not work on Sprites as they already are connected to the Aspects. Upon Sprite's death - They quickly dissolve into a black powder, when consumed, a poison would be revealed, causing a painful death.


As Sprite's bodies are randomly generated - The internal structure is different for each one, causing different ways Sprites can survive. They require energy of some forms - Some examples being Photosynthesizing, eating bugs or sugar, etc. Some Sprites are rumoured to even be fueled by Natural Energies.

Image result for fantasy plant fairy sprite

"They are beautiful beings that do not protect the forest.. they worship it."






Sprites have a very childish and mischievous behavior - Known as tricksters and liars. They cannot focus well, causing them to be unable to learn things such as languages. This means that Sprites are not able to learn common. The only way of communicating is through Nature's Communion and a form of Telepathy. Sprites cannot understand Common well - After spending time with Descendants for a while, though, Sprites are said to understand the meaning of a few basic words. These, however, are very limited due to their small attention spans. Sprites are empaths - And can easily understand and sense emotions. Their main way of understanding others is through emotions.


Sprites all have the same main ambition; personal pleasure and fun, just as children. They are very mischievous tricksters and will lie to get their way. They often celebrate Nature and dance, play games, and have fun with each other. Because they are limited in speaking with Descendants - Sprites seem to stay away from large crowds - And they love and celebrate Nature - So enjoy living amongst flora and fauna; this causing them to stay away from large cities.


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"Sprites.. are just like feisty children, llir.."






Nature’s Control and Communion


Sprites have a Natural ability from creation - Similar to the gifts of Druids, however much weaker. Their connection to the Aspects and Nature allows them to commune with Nature, Fae creatures, and Druids. Sprites have no limits to what they can commune - Able to freely have conversations with Flora, Fauna - And others attuned to Nature.


Sprites also have another ability - Stemming from their communion. They are able to request Nature for favours - Almost always being accepted. However their being limits them to small requests - Not able to extend these abilities much further. Examples of what they could do is coax tiny plants such as grass and flowers to grow - Causing flowers to dance, move leaves and grass and small vines. These movements, however, would be quite small and the common use is for Sprites to create homes with these gifts out of Nature itself. Other than that, this ability cannot be used for combat and is mainly for aesthetic purposes.




Sprites have a certain ability to exchange small ideas or emotions to creatures and Descendants. This, however, is quite limited. Sprites require to be touching the said being to transmit ideas, skin-on-skin contact - Those ideas being quite vague and miniscule. They are able to transmit vague emotions - Often felt by the creature being spoken to in the back of their mind, a low-key presence that does not affect them. These emotions can range from fear, sadness, joy, etc. - The person being spoken to does not actually feel these emotions, they simply understand a presence of the emotion. Sprites who have studied Descendants and have practiced their ability are able to send slightly more complicated messages - Small ideas such as “Warning, friend, family.” Anyone the Sprite sends these messages to would feel something that represents said idea - Very easily understanding it. Sprites of old age who have used this ability often are known to be able to transmit small sentences.




Sprites have spores all over their body that allow them to release a gas - Certain toxins being released when a Sprite is anger, threatened, or is in fear. This is their sole defense mechanism and each gas varies between each color of Sprite. These toxins can be collected in an air-tight container - And their properties will last.. making Sprites a useful tool for alchemy and many poisons.


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"The congregating of Sprites cause a beautiful sight.. their colors vibrant.. forming rainbows."




Types of Sprites



Green: The green sprites are curious, smart, and always seek something new to learn. They often have a more developed attention span than the other sprites. They are wise and seem to have a closer bond with Nature - Often befriending Druids and living in places with high vegetation. They often seek to gain information - Lying and tricking others, even, to obtain this information.


Their toxin is Urushiol; After being exposed to a person’s skin, a Green Sprite can cause a certain, inflicted area to gain a large, itchy rash. The patch of skin that had been infected would be rashy, red, and extremely irritable. This can wear off after either proper treatment, or simply by waiting a few days.





Blue: The blue sprites are outgoing, confident, likable and friendly. They seem to be quite loud.. Sometimes obnoxious. They are the most sociable color and live amongst other Sprites. Their confidence causes them to be quite reckless which often causes them harm or trouble.



Their toxin is Formaldehyde; If a blue Sprite were to release this chemical from its skin to harm another, the victim would take on very minor, yet irritable side effects. Anyone subject to exposure would clam up and notice a pain in their throat and nose regions, as well as their eyes swelling up and becoming watery.




Grey: Grey sprites, at a first glance, appear to be sad, gloomy and depressed. However it is an act they cause to lure the kind-hearted in - And making the innocent do their bidding. They are very mischievous.


Their toxin is Propofol; The Sprite has the option to exert a highly anesthetic, drowsy chemical into another person or sentient being. This chemical will become active about fifteen seconds after being applied. It forces the victim to fall into a coma like, drowsy, sleepy state, confused and tired. This will last for around twenty minutes, unless an external effort is made to awake the victim.




Red: The red sprites are hot-headed, angry, and easily provoked. They have a terrible temper and almost anything can tick them off. Many liken them to tiny demons - Often appearing as if they are seriously going to burst into flames from anger. This causes them to lash out and be violent several times.


Their toxin is Hydrofluoric acid; When exposed to skin, it’s initially painless. There’d be nothing to feel to the victim at first, but after about thirty seconds, the skin would start to feel a searing, burning pain in the inflicted area, becoming visibly red and irritated.





Yellow: Yellow sprites are evil and cruel, extremely mischievous beings. Almost everything they do is out of malicious intent. They find humour and it entertains them to see others hurt or to see them suffering, and yellow sprites often put together schemes and pranks to harm others.


Their toxin is Saxitoxin; If a yellow Sprite were to be angered in any way, or provoked, it would release a small amount of temporary saxitoxin. When inflicted onto the victim, their muscles would become slow, weakened, and paralyzed. They wouldn’t be frozen to the extent where they couldn’t talk, but they’d be considerably disabled for around six to eight minutes.





White: White sprites are the purest of their kind. They are likened to angels in the forests - Guiding those to safety that are lost. White sprites are often seen as helpers, assisting those in need and wanting the best for others.


Their toxin is LN2; Should you upset a white Sprite, it has the option to release a light version of liquid nitrogen. This will instantly freeze a small patch of skin on a person, turning into a sickly hue of purple. It’d be amazingly painful to either move or touch, and requires proper treatment before becoming active again. The impacted area could probably be revived in fifteen minutes.





Purple: Purple Sprites are calm and level-headed. They are very patient and slow, balanced beings. They seem to avoid conflict and often seek to end conflict.


Their toxin is Tetrahydrocannabinol; After this chemical touches flesh, over a long period of time, the inflicted person would begin to feel drowsy, dazed, and abnormally tranquil. The person would appear completely normal, none of the normal side effects of THC present, yet they’d still act extremely high.





Pink: Pink Sprites are playful, childlike beings. They are very upbeat and enjoy games, celebrations, and parties. A pink sprite has the mind of a child - Almost everything they do is for ‘fun.’ Pink Sprites pull childish pranks on people for the humor.


Their toxin is Dopamine; Pink Sprites are truly unique with their use of defensive toxins, as they fail to directly harm a person in any way. Considerably large doses of dopamine invade the targeted person, causing a rush of “happiness” to flood into their brain. This should cause them to be happier, easier to handle, and act friendlier for those thirty minutes.





Brown: At a first study brown sprites are calm and quiet - Appearing antisocial and withdrawn from society. They live alone quite often away from others. However when they are disturbed - They become quite enraged and feral, attacking those who disturb them.


Their toxin is Trimethylamine; Should the brown Sprite become irritated, it could easily attack it’s larger aggressor, given it’s violent nature. However, if it should ever need a defence mechanism, the brown Sprite can produce a stench that sticks to any person that comes into contact with, or can affect anyone who sniffs the air around the Sprite. The scent will wear off once you cleanse yourself.



Orange: Orange sprites are self-confident, heroic and often reckless in attempt to prove said heroism. They will usually jump into fights in attempt to stop them without calling for any help, and be upset should they fail to resolve the conflict.



Their toxin is Monosodium glutamate; The orange Sprite has the ability to pump out an extremely irritating, blinding and nauseating substance. The effects should be able to impact a person instantly, quickly blinding them for a solid fifteen seconds, as well as impairing their hearing, which they will slowly regain as they obtain their sight back as well. After those fifteen seconds, the inflicted person should only feel slightly dazed for about another ten minutes. This sprite could easily perform a fly-by, flash a person, and be on their way.




Black: The black sprites are, much like and even more than their yellow counterparts, naturally evil. They go out of their way to terrorize the life of anyone they meet. They are extremely rare and pure evil beings. They often crave murder, violence, and chaos. They fantasize about causing as much pain and suffering as possible to many people - Their only care or need in life is to cause said harm. (ET’s may only play this type of Sprite.)

Ophiocordyceps unilateralis; The black sprite is unique as it does not release a toxin, but rather releases spores. These spores are released in a large group of fifty to sixty, depending on the sprites’ size. The spores released from the Black Sprite make way on the wind, targeting any insects in the area. The bugs are quickly overtaken by the fungus, their wills now putty in the sprites’ tiny hands. The insects will rapidly gather around the black sprite, moving as a hive mind. They listen to the sprites’ orders, though the timeframe that they will follow is limited. The mushrooms will eventually fall off of the insects, leaving them without a leader. Though, if a descendant were to come in contact with these spores, a rash would quickly spread over the area with blisters forming soon after. The rash would cause a terrible itch, and would remain on the descendant for a full elven day. Though this could be numbed using alchemical agents, there would be no cure to the rash.






Sprites cannot learn or understand common, or any other language. They may only communicate with communion or telepathy.


Telepathy is very vague at first and takes a lot of practice. Even at the most experienced stages - Only simple sentences are able to be sent.


Sprites can NOT learn any kind of magic other than the magics they are created with.


Sprites require sunlight. They cannot live in caves, etc.


An accepted CA is required to play a Sprite.


Black Sprites are only playable by LTs.


Sprites cannot use Nature's Control for combat. Sprites may not carry weapons either.




Main Changes (tl;dr):


1- Removed the need of Sprites to eat. They are plant and cannot eat food like normal descendants and now Photosynthesize.


2- Changed the way Sprites get water. They absorb water as roots do in plants.


3- Sprites can no longer learn to speak languages.


4- Removed Light Blue sprites. (Too similar to Gray sprites - And quite useless.)


5- Clarified the way the Acerfolia flower grows.


6- Clarified the regulations of Communion & Control.


7- Highlighted the mischevy in Sprites.


8- For the sake of being able to roleplay actively - Added a new ability for Sprites to be able to vaguely communicate with Descendants.


9- Sprites are now useful to Alchemists.


10- Added a description of how Sprites can conceive a child.







Edited by LaffenOutLoud
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Well written and evidently took quite some time.  Give this an approval, and they're only sprites, it'll be no harm


Edited by TheNanMan2000
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Very well done, I have to say as a fellow Fae player I am impressed by this, it is set up perfectly and explains a lot, I hope this goes though!

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19 minutes ago, Jondead said:

Very well done, I have to say as a fellow Fae player I am impressed by this, it is set up perfectly and explains a lot, I hope this goes though!


49 minutes ago, TheNanMan2000 said:

Well written and evidently took quite some time.  Give this an approval, and they're only sprites, it'll be no harm



Thank you!

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I love the telepathy, so much more 'magical' and mysterious than Sprites learning Common. They read much more like a Fae creature, which makes me look forward to RPing with Sprites.


I'm not familiar with what points were required by the LT, but you seem to have tidied things up well, so props.



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On 7/10/2018 at 4:40 PM, Aethling said:

I love the telepathy, so much more 'magical' and mysterious than Sprites learning Common. They read much more like a Fae creature, which makes me look forward to RPing with Sprites.


I'm not familiar with what points were required by the LT, but you seem to have tidied things up well, so props.




23 hours ago, Licorish said:

This is amazing Skylar, hope it gets passed +1

Thank you so much, both of you. I didn't expect to get this much good feedback and I hope this rewrite gets accepted and people are interested in playing Sprites again.

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ohmygod finally a sprite rewrite! i can't wait to bring back my sprite if this gets passed, being useful to alchemists is an amazing idea and i fully support this!


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The telepathy thing seems to be an interesting solution to the sprite community's desire to stop roleplaying in gibberish but also have the ability to interact with non-druids, so I'll give you props there. It has my seal of approval-- But there are other things that weren't acknowledged. I'd quote myself, but it'd seem like the last rewrite attempt was removed.


( this isn't in order of priority, it's in the order I noticed them in )


- 1. sprites not eating -


On 7/10/2018 at 6:20 PM, LaffenOutLoud said:

Sprites do not eat - They are plants and cannot digest food as Descendants and Animals do. Their energy and nutrients come from the sun - They photosynthesize as plants do.

Plants do not get all of their nutrients from sun and water. Plants that can't get it from the soil DO digest food just like descendants and animals do. Just because some fae are plant-like doesn't mean they ARE plants-- And even if they were, they'd still need more than sun and water to support their active lifestyle. Like I said in the old comments; It'd be a better idea to either give them the ability to eat if they want to RP hunting bugs or whatever, or just say they're supported by natural energies, which would have a similar and more feasible result.




I think the optimal solution to this one would be to keep the whole eating thing up to the one playing the sprite, with no 'official' stance. I know some old sprites liked their sprite sitting in puddles and eating sugar, some went for the whole "sunlight and druidic energy" thing, and I personally liked eating bugs.


- 2. no orange sprites -


I'm also seeing that you removed orange sprites. Is this an oversight or a deliberate change? The sprite I play is orange. Please give orange. :c


- 3. literally the opposite of popular demand still -



Sprites cannot understand Common.


While I said that the telepathy was an alright solution to communication, this again brings us back to it being literally the opposite of what the sprite community wanted. This essentially removes their ability to roleplay with anyone who isn't a druid even if they can telepathically communicate, because they can only communicate with people they are touching, and seemingly can only do so one way.


The inability to understand anyone who isn't part of a specific group will kill sprites. It already did before.


edit: the way them being able to understand common while being unable to speak it was explained before, just for reference, was along the lines of them being able to intrinsically understand what a being means when they speak through some magic communion blessing malarkey


- 4. why aren't they made of acerfolia -



akin to Byrophites these plants are random


If we're going for the "100% definitely specifically plant" instead of the "plant-like / plant-matter" approach, why aren't they made of Acerfolia? That one's not a big one. Like I said, it's not in order of priority.




edit: just to be clear, what I'm trying to say is as a sprite player and someone who was involved in the discussions the sprite community had about what direction they should take, I feel like these points need to be addressed before this is satisfactory


otherwise it's pretty good

Edited by Gallic
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4 hours ago, Gallic said:

I'm also seeing that you removed orange sprites. Is this an oversight or a deliberate change? The sprite I play is orange. Please give orange. :c

So is mine

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7 hours ago, Gallic said:

or just say they're supported by natural energies, which would have a similar and more feasible result.


This is what I did. Thank you for the suggestion. 


2 hours ago, jyecarson said:

So is mine

7 hours ago, Gallic said:

- 2. no orange sprites -


Omg lol, I'm an idiot. It's my fault, I just forgot about it. Added it in!


7 hours ago, Gallic said:

If we're going for the "100% definitely specifically plant" instead of the "plant-like / plant-matter" approach, why aren't they made of Acerfolia? That one's not a big one. Like I said, it's not in order of priority.



7 hours ago, Gallic said:

Just because some fae are plant-like doesn't mean they ARE plants

For this rewrite - I wanted Sprites to be plant. Plant-matter is too vague, and honestly, too over-used in LoTC. As to why they aren't made of Acerfolia.. why aren't Byrophites made out of Veridian Moss? There's no real explanation - They are just plant beings.


For ooc visible reference - Sprites are small Byrophites with wings. 



Thank you for the detailed reply, I appreciate it.

7 hours ago, Gallic said:

- 3. literally the opposite of popular demand still -


Okay, I sort of fixed this. 


I made it so old Sprites can grow to understand a few words. Only a few, because one of the problems (Not in the Sprite community, just what people noticed about Sprites in general) Was that Sprites were straying away from what they're supposed to be. Fantastic mythical creatures that are quite mysterious. Sprites started fluently speaking common in big cities, which is completely against lore.

I added in emotional sensing - Since Sprites can telepathize with Emotions, it should be fair for them to sense emotions strongly aswell. That allows some understanding/Small communication.

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This is what I did. Thank you for the suggestion.

I'd quote you properly but my internet won't allow that right now for some reason.


What do you have against sprites being able to eat if their players want them to?


Also, why aren't you acknowledging that there was a whole group full of sprite players who unanimously agree'd that not being able to communicate with anyone but druids wasn't working?

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3 minutes ago, Gallic said:

What do you have against sprites being able to eat if their players want them to?


Quoted the wrong sentence you put. I made it customizable for each player. Read what I wrote -- Now players can oocly choose how their Sprites are given Energy.


4 minutes ago, Gallic said:

Also, why aren't you acknowledging that there was a whole group full of sprite players who unanimously agree'd that not being able to communicate with anyone but druids wasn't working?

I aknowledge that, and I did fix it. They can vaguely communicate now.

Even though the Sprite community think they should commonly speak - That was one of the main problems with Sprites.

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8 minutes ago, LaffenOutLoud said:

Quoted the wrong sentence you put. I made it customizable for each player. Read what I wrote -- Now players can oocly choose how their Sprites are given Energy.


I aknowledge that, and I did fix it. They can vaguely communicate now.

Even though the Sprite community think they should commonly speak - That was one of the main problems with Sprites.


ooh, sorry my dude-- Didn't mean to jump the gun on you there.


Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my rant-y complaints-- And for the record, I like your idea more than just being able to speak common.


Anyway; Remember to re-read your work a couple times to make sure it's perfect before the LT comes in to lock it. I think your rewrite has a pretty good shot at getting accepted, especially compared to some of the other rewrites we've seen during this whole fiasco.


I'm sorry if I came off as harsh or combative. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, I just get passionate about niche lores I care about.


edit: got rid of that dumb face, please remove that feature of the forums devteam I don't want to make stupid emojis when I deliberately write out smileys

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Just now, Gallic said:

I'm sorry if I came off as harsh or combative. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, I just get passionate about niche lores I care about. ?

You didn't hurt my feelings, it's fine. I understand why you care -- You play a Sprite after all and should have a say.

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