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Magic of the Oblivion


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There is the Void, an endless and boundless pit of nothingness that takes as much as it gives. This is the origin place of all voidal magic on Atlas. However, there may be something far more darker and more dangerous than the Void.

It is called Oblivion and it affects the body and the mind in far more deadlier ways than voidal magic.

Casters of the oblivion school are able to counter the effects of the voidal magics by taking the effects of the voidal magics and putting it on themselves, granting the voidal magic user more strength, however once the oblivion mage dies (even once), that strength instantly disappears and cannot ever be recovered, leaving both the oblivion mage and the voidal mage without strength. This leaves the oblivion mage with very little time before the forces of nature begin to recoil onto the mage, creating Oblivion Recoil. There is no way to counter the effects of Oblivion Recoil at all, no matter how advanced you are in the school.

These same casters can mess with the natural world, spreading plagues and fracturing a small area around them. The way that fracturing works is that the caster has to spend some of their own mana to create cracks all around them in a small area and sustain at the same time as an opposite effect happens called Counter-fracture where the natural world is fighting back with a lot of forceful tension to correct the fracture that the mage generates. Fracturing is meant to act as a barrier around the mage, shielding the user from magical attacks alone for a short duration of time or after some damage has been sustained, whichever comes first. Regardless of whichever happens, the Recoil effect is given to the oblivion mage.

However, there are very great dangers to the oblivion mage alone as it means the person is no longer affected mentally by the void, but by the soul-destroying forces within Oblivion itself. By taking the energy from Oblivion to cast the spell that the mage casts, they are slowly affected over time by the energy of Oblivion itself. The energy (or mana) of Oblivion means that it siphons all types of strength that the user has, no matter how powerful or strong-willed they are. It varies from caster to caster on the effects on mental instability due to the Oblivion energy, but it ends the same way with an irreversible death.

Many masters of Oblivion sought out a way to counter all the negative effects of the corrosive energy within them, but as Oblivion is a near-omnipotent unnatural force, it cannot be countered. Many have also sought to gain true immortality from this unnatural force, but no one has found a way to do so before they succumbed to the mental breakdown and full-body disruption of Oblivion magic.


Perhaps with the study and practice of the art, one may gain a resistance or even a tolerance to the power?

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Little detail. To short, Horrible formatting And you're a new player, You'd best want to wait before you post Lore such as this. We have a conversation and you didn't even know what Magic Tiers were, So I'd say that this magic is unfit for the server, The creation of something like this would mean alot of lore would be thrown out..So from NafariSafari, Gonna have to say 


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Let's not.

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I like it! +1

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meh there's enough dark edgy magics as there is, i wouldn't mind more light ones tbhé

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Hey, DragonsRoost, I saw you were new on the server, and I'd just like to say that I really appreciate new players going out to write lore. All that said, you may want until you have a little more experience with the server and its out of character and in character culture before you write lore. 


It seems like you want to write lore that gives mages an ability to control the world around them, and impact the magic of other mages. I'd like to recommend you search for a teacher in Transfiguration, a powerful magic that is close to science in Lord of the Craft.


You'd be able to ward off the magics of other mages, store mana to keep up permanent spells, and use the void to change your surroundings in accordance with your knowledge of the laws of the world! You'd be a lot like Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. 




PM me if you need any help, yeah? Good luck!

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Nice attempt for a lore piece while being so new. I don't feel this is detailed enough and doesn't go as in-depth as it should. Good try though.

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I would add on to this piece of lore to make it more in-depth, but you've got a good thing going.

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On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 2:22 AM, Elrith said:

Nice attempt for a lore piece while being so new. I don't feel this is detailed enough and doesn't go as in-depth as it should. Good try though.

Believe me, the whole idea of Oblivion Magic is that it is like a blank canvas for the lore team themselves to deal with, adding and/or creating the spells and the concept of decent or really good benefits with very drastic and very deadly consequences. Of course if you want, I can try this subject again at a later date.

EDIT: I'm currently revisiting it in a WordPad document. May post it soon.

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