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Theresa De Hartcold Diary’s, Awakenings

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Theresa De Hartcold’s Diary Part one, Awakenings (1644-N/A)


-1649- (5 years old)


What’s a diary? I guess mother told me to write one… Uhm… I guess I should write out what I think? Hi! I’m Theresa Elizabeth de Hartcold… Am I supposed to introduce myself? Oh well… So my father,Thomas de Hartcold, is in Marna at the moment, haven’t seen him in awhile… But I miss my Mother, Auralia de Hartcold, but she’s in Haense and I can’t see her… But I have an idea… Why don’t I ask a stranger to take me to Haense!!!


-1649 pt. 2- (5)


Yes! It worked! He took me to Haense and my mother is in a abbey? Has she done something wrong? So many questions… But the journey with that stranger was so exciting! The rush… Is that called an adventure because I love it! So mother Judith gave me a doll without clothes… I don’t get it… But atleast I’m here with mother.


-1650- (6)


So I just got baptized into cannonism… Don’t know what that means but I’ll get answers soon… I love spending time with auralia! But I miss my father now… but I can’t move since I’m always locked in the abbey…


-1651- (7)


I’m still locked in the abbey. Mother is not spending time with me as much anymore… did something happen? I’m scared… I hear yelling outside, maybe a kingdom meeting with it’s people?


-1651 Pt. 2- (7)


Father came to visit! I’m so happy! He said that I was a princess? Is this true? I also heard my little brother, James, he sounds so adoreable! But my uncle Richard is going to pick me up. Good luck in Haense mother!


-1652- (8)


Uncle Richard dropped me off at the Kingdom of Adylith. I guess I am a princess… he took me to the Druid grove where I learned about druids and I saw really beautiful flowers... I haven’t seen him lately after that though and I’m mostly in the tower gate… I’m getting hungry…


-1652 pt. 2- (8)


I killed a rat! I have food! I read a book about survival so I have a fire going… where is Uncle Richard? Was he supposed to take care of me? Oh well… the location is nice, I can see a swamp in the distance but the kingdom… it’s just a wall and a gate… a big wall and a gate. Still building it probably.


-1653- (9)


I met a nice person today, she was beautiful too. Aphrodite, we talked for a little but it’s alright… atleast I didn’t go insane from the loneliness.


-1653 pt. 2- (9)


I have a sister?! Ariana, she is really nice. Also her friend is also nice. They seem older than me but it’s alright…


-1653 pt. 3- (9)


I really miss mother and fathet, but where is Uncle Richard? I have no idea… but me and Ariana went on an adventure… we’re going to Krugmar? Don’t know what that is… but she suggested it so it’s probably okay.


-1653 pt. 4- (9)


It’s not okay! I saw two dead people hanging on something. Cages on the wall! And there is blood and skulls everywhere… But the worst part is Ariana ditched me there! I don’t like her anymore… But I circled entire place and I almost got caught but I succeeded! Ariana had a sword though I wish I knew how to use one…


-1653 pt. 5- (9)


I’m lost… I can’t find adylith… it’s hopeless but I went to the dominion of malin and I sat there… looking up at the gigantic trees! But I met an orc, he was nice. I decided to call him Gul. But I need to get back to adylith soon before something happens.


-1653 pt. 6- (9)


I climbed the tallest tree there and I fell into the water down bellow! It was amazing! But I realized that I need to get back before any fighting happens, so me and gul climbed up the wall and jumped from it since I finally remembered where adylith was! And I came home with gul.


-1654- (10)


Mother finally came back! But she didn’t seem normal so I gave her a hug, she liked it. I told her about the adventure I had and that I wanted to learn how to sword fight. Even though I was already being trained by Gul. But that really didn’t stop me from asking.


-1654 pt. 2-(10)


Father also came back and I was happy the family was almost together! James looks cute as ever and everything seem well. We got a tent set up. Mother also adopted two more children? Ansel and Belle De Hartcold. They were also nice to me. But either way… mother told father that I wanted to sword train and I also wanted some adventuring gear, Ariana was also there and she wanted male clothing… Ariana and I argued with father until Ariana had the idea to run. We did Ariana was chased by Kuyouch, father’s personal guard while I was chased by Ryther, a new recruit. I ran, he did stop me but I escaped and I lost him. Me and Ariana escaped to The dominion and we went into hiding there.


-1654 pt. 3- (10) (final)


We arrived at the dominion and I feel sad and anxious that we ran away but we formed a team that really didn’t get that far. I got myself a cloak and we were safe. Ariana left for some stuff as Belle and Ansel walk into the dominion while I was cloaked. They asked me questions and I tried to get them off my tail but it got worse. They were there because one time I took them there to jump off the tree. I was chased by guards and I was finally caught. I went back to adylith with a sad expression and I said sorry… But don’t tell anyone but I got a sword, a real one. And I got my adventuring gear!


((Ooc, Hey! I’m sorry if I got the time screwed up and if I missed anything… But a new one will come out soon. -MagicalPie4000 (scientist301) ))


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